14 WANTED TO RENT 117 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 RlEAL ESTATE 17 RIEAL ESTATE TheŽ Canaidien Champion¶, Wvednéday. Merc, 3. 1971C I 8004 and oaerd for elietile NO 1 5' erDeyCA.mcsN 070-402 ROefrene 30. 14e.4 m ataeam TeemaV, Drd 1171e411:a116abi Road and 4110 Lineo, tacre FOR ALI VOUR REAL. ESTATE NEEDS 2 or3 RR7ROOMe hm., 8 78-3748. 17c44-1927 PhnImm........ snb en InMinS o OPEN FOR OFFERS GUY and BARBARA BUSSELI At the raffoler meeting ci______________ etiarîsim. 14c40-3240 Member ofthOe Oakville TOWN OF MILTON 878-3551 Hutten Cbeaaip Coniclilia e ee id 3 bedroom brck bugdwmembers Iearnd coluaCI OFecimrn ST. PAULIC4U1CN a ___________ Ral Rate Board aaith allached garage, pae =erentatlvea of Ceanty No. 5 Silderaerd and 4aa LÀneOfmn 1 SEVCSdrive, lar-ge staca barbaceoat- MAURICE BEATY aan d Halton Coanty TrflaTH I CUI crti 16 ERVCES 31 cre n illge ide, braadlatm inliving nd N-reaAssocitiofwee In, lnd OSD -3AceinVlae dining moims and hall, <inistad 878-6418 tleir fient nelloilallai meetinga or CAAD wellter cINEMME, faat pSpiaratian. Prime - Property basament locludea aec. roomo- *e.1 an Fe. 18. SUMY MARCK setan N91 ain St. ai jeenu St. a Cail Keeali A. Burgess of As- Cedar Sprngsres Dsrpionfae, 2nd ahroam and utilaty -Lerne Baligon tlan.-O eobu* Ren C A .mt.Macyrexlras. Os-ne- tran- Rersnig oace n.R ot m e 10ea.Nrli C.alha O A.jo ane or idar ar.ch 2217,eoTageCownnlii aI2 of7 tItis and otite ln-omc-rties nai-tred Must seîl.,. Cllingrs9 h ond rand ew 110 Geepel. orhp ometadC MW act Si1.Gcuite o07. ;ielo plas 88-80 CANADA TRUST REALTOR paopertyaowners E. Elientaind 8.00 pan.--Praddng or the Neni Hamwl Mages ftanlia a liai rein, lae Fa-86R oligle rsntr opl ______________ coait M-. -Kay Beil] M8 l7c44 HALTON and PEEL DIVISION petillan t08the Ruide________ renalg i po hattan SO Y MAR0CKi 74h-, 197 169IAC 311 ri-in. 6704792. rqeiigtesedButo Bric HoeIRVAESAENCE_____ 17e4t Guelp Lise betwen couing 84100WAY OSMM CHIIECO 'lmO a-Wmdp Senvce. BrckHme PRVTESAERod n Lw b.e i redaced A locl aaaenabiy, of "The M"mlu ce the a-, MORTGAGE FUNDS, lIs and 255f OINTY OM O. J. Coi-betl anotd tbel the of Caada 01115(5 SC500L faodey aviabe reldnia cefn Trn.ot Dthe Loefel Rd nd«.2 9Me ana-Ouaduy ~l- mai-ciel aie m Mîae ~ IStoneyaartadig Attractive brick 3 - bedi-oan01 caaed. Cati Glenn Danaey, i-nom, 6 mains in alt. datac - i-oh style hame, trIa than a Tome's Police and Pablic Warka matoan hdtiimia 9 ye'u & oser. Oakawa Reaiiy Inventmnenti, cd dotble gai-ea fi-ait les year aid. Ilai cIcr heîiog & *il Deliartiiint bad milure Wt Tastor . M.-24- dia-gense niigeue ne Oakvitie 827-5713 anytoe and at-pa vine, la biaad la marry extra featores. Troat th 50i 'nrut.Tl.8&Mfne UMMenee Mutac aeee lo be nmnitteciat- er cootaiaiog anar 1,000 lirees. -AOp-oved he blrleg ni taie TiHS LOR DAY ad. Cati) Mr. Ross Caîcaa Anking pitc S36,10.~îIîtadtoelm e b od SI3NDAY, MARCH 7tk, 1971140e-Cndgatoui N E7'87-9511, 070-27155 nm8. lermna N5Loato 878-4890 after 6 P.M. 57YERSCNTNUUS HOhîIî tmOeperenioseelt opairvtn .4 a.i --nay Wardlp. M o Hibhagal2aaLocatit 17rd44 7YASCNIUU SERVICE -eadabla6.00 pt.m.-tamiI Pi-ayr. A ee LOW RATES FAe'<w15 buglo wt f-ase aibalalacri 7.00 pgm--vedag Evengel. garage fun, igh baementMetmber aI the Tar-.o, n. taio aed Qaheilia Tr-afalgar a gi-ml of $0001 tote Canadian si ev.MON B M-HU Itad2d -argae. liiglt b caaamoaî Real Estate Boarda Red Ci-oaa for bomemeiter CaleSeeie.rcWiNUL BASet MIeo lot nd 2d -aalivin a ha berctwat- s3%____________ ervices inthe norttie-i partion Toendoy - Bible Stsdy, 7.30 o76-940 67111IM2 toTG E iret a 3rdn aemoo b'a Of HaleS County. p.m.GenSei- SevceWah-iîlaiPanelad. Chackt o- OPEN TO OFFERS Deut. t: lt 'lie Cause Dor. Loveiloy, Fra. e Cautemi Serin 501 eloiny e-riea ntcatO -i 3 bedroatac and den,.laageaecheerfu iittaten caith coare ariedoaca 20 AUICTION SALES tirt Os ton bard fora yo, Bapaalt Soeneay hoewt r el 75i lts af capbaardn aiîh rangea-hoad and eahamit Ian. ilag hat i. The Loe ncDy 9'4%1c4ai-en plus large liing mctm, itasameai ouliy fininhad, -large For Complote SIDY00-R7017 - Comnbine 1et and 2ad. lot.___________________________ ycai-cdown paymeet. Ail otlers cocaiderad. SNAMRK7t,.9 ANI- DEALERSr ilis Auction Service GRACE ANGLICAN CHfURCH 9.43 a.m.-Slee BSanot. - Coayn aIlm oTIQr bEALE. Milton, Onitario. 11.00 a.m.-UoImin Worda*. Recrtm 8ev. R W. Facter 650 pan. -Sng Serylus, - Aea iaras. Bs ely&Isrn Lmtd atca hintary, ident location lo- sales, adjacent 10 coittaga AU00TIONEERnk 2nd ai-gaga Ocm 1H50310 MAIN STREET aea, picareqoenaommer- tout-la0 ad itrspo-t. SNDAY, MARCK 78 f 1971 Loumr maith lne CL:Excellent nle-lot lot- dinpinry and arrangement. Must ho Sales et ail types. Seata Same e, aiOeLodala ienei CALL:I Surfen ist Lent anurd kËnie 30E REYNOLDS MILTON said. Any aller canaidered. Saes condunted anaywbeee. 800 a.m.-noly commneaion. pas. INCOME MORTGAGE LOTS and ACREAGES Tel. 878-2576 9.30 amrn hrh coi SER VICES "ITS YOURS" - Fot- oiy $9.910 toit price, cnîi-cly arasai le 2 acres, pariiy tcooded, aîr.. ou pcope-ty. $8500. R.R. 3, Milon, Ont. 0.30 arin .-Satitm, Malins & KNOXe 639-1043 (Evenings) or Milton,. ideai haliy aririd rovioe late 66a 73 witi a crnm- 1 acre ia pictoi-aaqnr natting. $9,200. 20C.« 0.4 .n-S.Cuc col P M iterIA 527-4557 Hamilton tottbir 3 roomn bunigalow, 3 pc. hoth-oan etc. Cali Mite 10 acres. corer lot, close ou 101. $13,1000. 14 r--S boshSl Ladasith foi- larahar deraita. i0 aci-ea, corne- lot, nath af Geot-getown. $14,1000. Ward Brownridg-e 1l-00 ae.-.oOW Rudiaic & Rerv John N. Muiory Milon. (9 a.m. - 5p.m.) "MADE TO ORUER' - Strant cuto bit bungaow- Mî i 1 re at atio 1Ider homa, large haro. srena snme anodtSrmn Ogic Mn L. Vlaslen lO-a arhad gar-age, ciosa ta Hesiop Rd. ln Miltou, apaciona liv- si e-ar.- Limensed Anetieneer THOURSOAY, 90RH 4t1ih ________________10.00 ..-laiy Commienon. SUNDAY, MARCK 74h. 0971 Date ing ront, avait placard kiidheo, 3 hedecoma. 4 p. bath- 20 acres, ne-c Ear.ail elecîric, olce firieplace, sial barc foi-hit- Perrn - Livesîncit 00 p.m.-Leaien Oevotioms 9.45 a.rn.-Seier BMbe Staaly 17 RA ETT omot plus 2 pc. wahema. ccmpleted ri-actioo 35 oct-es. Oaner iraia caonry. Frtaad 10 self. Foraitma Salei and Adalrens. Clnose. m 17___REAL__________ il'a 28'. Maay entras. 61ý pot- cent mat-igaga. $t107 manda- 3acepriate avaoded lahe frontage naat Kihi-ide. Aaldn $1.50itPll 0501oa .3aa-rOna u ]y F. 1. & T. Fo- Iuttr detnils. cati Stan Thnrnpson. per acre. Phione 878-6730 WrDAM1A Praye 9105 cs.-JÉr ac Semai. Excange se-deMAcei . 1.1000 DOWN - Open ta aller ces- 3 hedt-oom bungalow-.ERIE NDSRA STSa Groce Cleca 11,00 arn --Osorning Woraddp la Misnimnuga, crise to0G !-&roll omîed it Milton. sacoos L-ahaped living nd dia- -___Ties_2.0_____4.5___________srmos,_I t-aio & ahopping, 4 bdrooms înoi-nom, large Iitcttao ceramjc tiled battrom, fl basaF triam rut $7,300 pot-oacre and op. 17 acre, Il acre 1 acre paavals. 7. 30 p.=n. Opleanini- oi Jeans (2) 2 bat t-cnms, san desit, patio. ment, lot 60» a 160'. Vendo- s-litlaite baah Ist morîgaga. 100 acrea, zonard induatrie, Irontage on Danidan H -. atîd CZ. N. HLTIS YuAre AIs-ayn Welcomae At Outpuit and lastke.- DetatIn piaase toBx51 Cal At-t Fea oct larri-ther deraila. Raiiay main lice. $3,500 pe- acre. H STI Yu Gi-ana Ciasrct 1'.00 arn ..csuruony (taltWs Canndtan Chaintpon, MtI-n. COUNTRY FROFERTIES - 1. d o hegc aFor promnt, coet-teos attenion, MILK QUOTA -_ 7.30 p.m.Yn 1 encarpmient. marvalloua vie, tt-005 etc., paime location, Caîl DENZIL LAWRENCE GUERNSEYS 30 GntroSPE HAL Sseot nnaseyed, aaparated ready lo- building. $19.900. 750, stOaCwoot HOLSTMI Chiinitaen gathared ha dm BOSTON AND OMAGH ~&~~rhour Mstb-h sod - sar oaded -ltcre o 17 Sideroud and 878954 >!-ouIp~<~rSl sm II'Pt eti PRESBYTEIAN CfHURCHES Ist Lina., Eaqoeaing. 350 a 681, si-veyed ccd aeparated. Georgeown Sleu Areni Chist. triibya 1,0 ihrms iitk mfrGogtwOt idtr cash1 laite Oor Gaee.i W.0.Lwi, A 18 TENDERS 6 mîtes not-M of lifsy. 401 aI 6764M3 r.W R ads A Campbeîîviîîe North M.L.S. LISTING - Immacointe modera itome s-lith doublie garage r Interichange 40IDY ouTMagt 03 cARCK 7th, 1971 7-E 10~~~4 aces amatiga 10.3d.180L0ai ama.-Beakig of Si-ccd. SUNDAy, 5500-08 7t0, 19%1 40 crsmal ni-c frn. on lte ouitakirta of Milton, cnaîam bilt in 1967, spaciona Pfr a sY MAC 5 91 21 pgliudyScod modemo 4 ttedl.ro nasgs itving acd aiing maoti, large ittatrofiatitced ta mahg Te Croalton of IL L FIA, uco, 81 121 o-Sos Stn nbunaegiaclrmMetowd nty. 4 itedroumcs pluc decl, comrplaird recreation itg Th Corne.n.0im.Gse S-ie 1.0am-osi Srie a1cpr s-k terýa ic bar and hti-fi systam, 2 hatitroama, era-s incia>ude The Town of Milton idu B0entt iagop0 caaly ..-Pom-1,5ar Gie Sdina reatltd~~~~~~~~~ pod-e ayvn viWbabuaadet ai dcoi-a Baolt 12 re, Noms. 7.1 red-am8parf ga-aer 1010 arn -Worthldp o -fpriay ccd ciiit aaitu tal ralosndc ptoor.Beuilfe and aprisglag young and Bible renditg. AetBhSiy dingfu pon rom, piea tvind landcap1ed li 132' a 259'. fii pet- cent la gat-gge. DOas- Tender ror coma, alan seterted brel and -Ai are selcome te abimeBso pri-ly sraaod iteaoharo t- tait urd 1500 aiBbCrstmr uthrd evcs popety eond reqaed $13.10 Ccii Boitm Crc c a-ia-d-Bs n odESt 2 bedranan bungalowlarge liv- Open5 hefiers. bai-ara Ccli owfor -maire, ti.Bs in odE n mm khi an d 4o e A Oece tuit uaeigread or-msl drîîta ec dco.AsiagNOWRETIN -MayairAptamnts 25 G-laa t. acbath, flt bnsomant s-nb au- as are saliig Ihat wili ha i a s lié mteneta, abat M31:0 nr-Oori Service 549910.d in-pvrmccatai g. dig"NWRNIa paMeaicair tarmesots $145. Ona Si. m ou SANITARY SUBTRUNK brc'dnm ntaj o~~ al diinn att ;cthey rigt bitos- 'lne, the 15 arn -Caied Odnl, ,cdýand esus Adula Bible Stidy. R49,900 ai earcntd osrict NOiSTRIA MAsesson 1 Ailicoca BlW. bns Ave.. 2 oî erm Sendtoesslth aareiv Ineo Cntaalr 15 fiTh Sabe ation0.m Jobe 17: 3.rd oelnde tru ai $165.~~SWE cd rer. roo, aime lo doses- MILC QUOTA . GROUP I Charist, seham Tlsou lias sent A cordial ensataUim Campbeîîviîîe Village SEE Auin% .300UiesO for$1 abIT. eriteHai 1.M30B ptîva1 2,10 ci H.evaiaite e $20 acoîiiy.lot aprnhtacd adTUNMEIDALE GUEROISET hoame staepad la caactai- O 200 par fi.t alle a $25d0n dockh, pul k io ee.e y:DSESLT 16pe en ofceara ladn dck arin.3 - bedroom aplit - eI home, DSESI 1ls pltus. Wby ce laite av- -Mi-. J. MoGcachie, cita-ted, on que renceit, 9, 24 H-EAD e-adroc--ssnttATowno Clark, shaped liigad dining ll approsr. 1.30 pan.CLA NESLEo etandlaa hnome rhd t-am con FOR ACOMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE li0n Seai CLEARANC SALEiés 5oG craiý titis anît-lo Cal ESeaI87-41 Thte Corporotion af the nrri, îaiiy sized itcitan 2 aa aoeaias ant iew f iis bautful all"BES" a 878411 Tow ofMi-Iton, rec. rom ni aneta ro adn homd due la Ma-hrait l SFS LOVE SEAS&C IR iaodcaprd proporty. -Asti00 poved driveancd nineiy ned Ti i h VApèrt. SOFMd $3l0. a l]: " orou Art Peacock 878-6447 1Stan Thorepson 878-2455 25,1 Noin Seea -Rasa, sae. xeln tecdTIts l r a e Vlodbnater.A &C AR Miki L78oc121, 878487 Bob979 Crs 7-49c h arrniged. Aating $27,110 Sth henrion Caav e prdc rlu o Milton,~m Onredo Sctd ain.Cde fronati 20% DISCOUNT Toocn oflyit M78-ton3 Bob Ccu ross 878949 hil 3:00 pan. on 100 aba liar hava rnds. i a Town of ilton Bb McCuag 878-2941 WE7 ESD4y, AROH 24. 1971 MILTON REFRESENTATIVE 5,0 eIits, l-a 080e huadn lo ape Investirnt proprrty, -Beate 17c ESOY 4 alewoo- ROal-s' ria- Floot Sampslf oanwsut o Rd.. 142' fronînge, 315deptit. foi-lthe construction ae the Base STEL LA PARTON ieMatrs Radione Biiad- Tetyorefto1Sssut Line Rod [EastSaniâtay Submi0g 2 yi-. od a.ofs.rn fotocmmri-l am.tai CHRCISTIE & WOODS ti-ooi St-Ir aintTon Bah Milton 878-6705 me ngte na a ac SAt aus For Ront REAL ESTATE LIMITED Mil-ton. Brookaili Fnrnes Sic Gataitad. Many goodvaus REAL EoTATE BrokTe aic4 thRsot: ______________ Fo teR 19ManSht Tite construction svAi cotisa MNTER RNATIONAL moet s Fun ur t-gt oitonaa easom- 19MiStetMilton, Ontario 681 fI. - 27" dia. ccoc. pipa 19 LEGAL Boa. Geaiegtaicea Ont.10 ilsugOn.Pon 6 ale reot. Cati: 0Doc Gos-- o_______________ pen trench (112-20 gi. dnpth). _______________Nii6 Cltanud t $000..tacicota 755 fI. - 30"da 1onc. pipae03 gBt.PooSSU TOWN ~~~~c>peo t;renrit 114-22 t.dalathi. Noiet rdos Brick m cadccratit s 30yla 0 attraive i-stac avilt, atiome fîrhpaceecni attcdjna- f ol haut. ~ ~ ~ hi itîi neaii a g 167I. - 21 dia. coac. pipa ANID OTIOR 'e olg Brckan sor rnc syl aeliin mm it son frelae.searte opn AechuC T2 i.deIh. NUC AI N LEL itacas saith c 2 car et- ecoar kitcitrv. 3 hadi-ota: hath, recreaciao nri s-li ce roi 1-2 l eoi> taritad garage. designtd for fireaei atecîd onaa large lot. J25 fi. In the dia.t crc pipay BAAB«. ae fd grcv:csand ccsal living, da oc ieBR RW eso h O fi-ca the elefeot livangimot o T pen trench (20 f. deptit). choirUulaic>.~ CCLUPHL la ltae panciied farity t-tan AONT Yop Tow lit canroc dan ~ fH on, Mln-te C.m AC-aEaa t2,Con. UPSRaieTr. Ii a ie 7etron naît ita cotai-ad sIcra flac $23.500. coay 2 itedroc r ick banc aviith garage, liaving i-ant ar itaoîatc ofici thecotacs d- tYOn, alo Maeaud. Wmi t Noth fam ot 29g Cloc1,ino No. the No. 25 itare, 2 nera place. lccated en 14 acres siana lirepiace, itilciteai, 4 pc. bath, irotretias trcotan ad vpecilîcatiava foirtae as-r, anay Crt-a an - ter hv m ia Sur aIOnes ie-FtgsR do aviith c cmaa bai-e CatI: Las nlaogvaRrcaheaaTra cc loshii-aed. haoal aes em obcarne b aitaiaad I-cm ltae Cannait- aoscdOhr ism AC dan~enS~ hi in maitai- s suto a dapsitaf clamsaans te ab-aIse fron IlWe an tirie egu cddeesATURDdedo teAYln concr oul Vcrgdnd prular Yar OId $5,.000. cprlsaaaboAhgodcnionwtn30ay rbidn<ulenht-cl7aOrs CATTLE - 90 head of heet lateri- .J. 0. 2-rose barneanu- muica an Mna vnidarngt Bricit side - ptit riith altavitad S49,000, a -etfli vn sistr fu v in h klrtyp a vofo ederic aviia3 day reqolnciradr ulo tagns 2m poiloar un- C M ondas'M H.fPîaeis.eacce foraoe-S a ym -sgnda fins0 lita.;l4 baanchlin tladn nas 20ilo.n CaThecovir ltde. dan ieladcaecîîsiidtrapî,Ect bcdr acas t ccr- Mat-ch,1f971, a-ter5wsea date tram 45 ta1001,. busoa 4'ad fiea. welboe birwai istcum mad. lnanday lii-cca oad cama -acaii cîe.hîctî ai î sOO pae tendea ceiniftird chaque lthe asýet of<8he asIate s-lt ha jOOG -l Smp. bvlg and 13 Ti aot o-iIla. eîoibRaORdoa rno. cmd, payable ta lthe Coi-poae. distribuîed, hnviag regard onîy sss iarYti i adoeF-D-2 t Icr taemsae f1,Oad.lt m an of ra Aakîîg aoom, aino altai- btuildings. ion of the Ttown cf Mdilton in ta elaianto aih t Me Adanla- acd aver 100 ollspi-ing. Saine la a 0 o0f co sitoage direcler ef t Ibeebird' Catil Les Bunker. 1.9 acres ascai-pacant propor- aviith a cii-a t Niagara Falls on a lthe acont of $10,000.10. i.îra'tor -ciait than -have bcd sos-c dma soon. n-4d; 0Ion laes'nnd aonitiale ha-oeo ai mime il cieci- day. Titis lot as aaparated, itaa weil and a adi forate. grin set qurt -ia c; 1.~3 tn- s:o~~ m i lcetinacproui. 27.lte i-k ai-in R. inr v. r liat day Mo, Oantaio aia diesel, 00 -boni-c; J. D. 510 dia- rbsancd Baiaka-; tas' anad Chor'naub oemance. 2 brnsanda 0 rom am 8 cre wode pýert. Akig S0,00,A îcîîîî, Torontoc 12, Ove: HOLDEN, FORD ANSD cambine; M F Na s . o- ai r; fig.; arer lglia lirsIthallOofthe neri-t-, ugd i - d SA ,nain,ac-cc land Aklat 0120. T -0 .i nS Cai esBncr rcyl:cgdr 16Mi idul inn otsieadoh o lthe seodan oir oe 2 J. di abi--Slaat Si -dy; l If yaîî liaI yor home aiti me, yo are aarîared ai promrpt, coute- d. Moilto, <ort Me Maii-F irade;NKe7curtida el Ont aS Il antius eerit lt c BEH RRELY otan attention avilit caverai yeat-s rtperiaace cailiag residý 1- d Nber a fteetr1 -rtr .sraes c wihSlfrte lam tertaIiandteme nc BEHU ELY eotiai mni comme-vinaul pai-ties. R. V. Andersoin Amociales ________1a4 'Ibis ia lb. finsn aifOaaang aof stcand hoplaments ever beld chielniti SERVICES (1961) Lianited, la dlii am.chiranhï hoin Mendfay Ri~ LIMITRO Phone GLADYS RICHARDSON - 878-2777 114Wilson Avenu, Peole bay The Clipn te Rvaaîtisg exaeintinnly wl aefo.Milton area for ibeir sent RahrCA.,Toronto 12, Ontari. mmdi, and ra Champio los- Pieuse onte esals' os it us i large ~OSfn. eggmn nBatod if Mi ton 7-42 87 A29 - 87L 6 B. gant, May'or, silledi ie bus'. 1e passesmles Luc avouable CASS MM-î Dbl filf o, du Milto 878-121 78-205 - 8"057 J. Mnoeaobia, ieils, message on Iis page? Phone MAX_ moiEY utine, n emblyo Tuada 1704 7c4 $8L tlace i leail ad. 249436 R-A. 4, RacSAwuW. M F o cid