Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 1971, p. 17

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BW . J.Stniley ufthOe Ontariu Egg esd Fowl lise hlgbllglt ci the snnail Producers Marketing Roard. metn ttht Malton-Peel Egg Thiuimarketing plan la proposing PeAtsseu nocaties, btld on quotasonsthetnunbtr oftdoeraio Thrdn, eb. 20, lu -the eggo inartad by esch prouoer 1g uluaoftice, Milles, wsa and seill "ls atteinpt to fin discussion on tht proponed luice un aies eggs walUn tht mnarketing plan for eggs ta quotta. Onitario. tow priees To explain sois ut tht This imarketing plan bus beau loopoualin the new e a sererecipitalad by the very tan M.Bailly, csarman, aud ian pnices curresily buing rectivtd Ellsweorth, secrttay-innagtr, by egg producers. Theot Book helps Identify varlety of plants *GERALD CARTON of Nata Saron Safety wlth E. Gited andI Unr. A. Zettie of New Colilt wsen ie of tht delesa to the ai-at 1tisssug and G. Temple of Seilkicla. Alfred cor0freitce ci tht Ontario Faem SaitY Ferd and Sain Finale were assong the Stalles Cess ndlt ToreSto tan week. Ne ta plctured olalegates.-<ýDepI. of Agriculture Photo) second ircsn rIglt, dlsisont a inodel tarin THOKONTARIO PLOWME'S ASSOCIATION aud first vice-president Jack Taylor, htld ita asuel convtntion ta Torosto, Feb. 22 Burliugtts. Standing, led t ta right, are Ntwti and 23. Seabud ort, lait la rigst~ Roy Bennett, Ashston untt Eltord Lang, booU ni StrotforL - CKNX, Winghaon; Muas Mary Dolsos, (Ont Dtpt. Agricoltore Photo) Brampto, tant yeaca Queess cf Oie Forrose; JIack Taylor heads O.P.A. executive Jack Taylor of Borlinglon, ,crttary.trtasorer of t Hallan losen Association, seas tailed as Presdoent ofthOe erio Ploens Ausociation heiroanimal convention lId at King Edward lOottI In uota on Tuesday, Fes. 23. Tht ni artivity of Oie Ontario aisesn Association la Oie lernational PlosuqMtha held Oct. 12.11 ic tuHndnss auty. A large delegaties troin Oie ,lottes Pluenns Association itttnded tht convtntion and Council, tri discuss rai Cuinoideratienshubild lae gives lu the redortion of compolaion ta attend schesl, a prugrain counici on teacher pupil ratio tld Oie Haltun Couty Huard ut Education et their regnlar oneeting iu Oubvitit Tbocsday. That ties ont ut 15 roconunendations maude by Oie cesiuittet. Tht coinoittet suggtsted oevtral ut the recommndations needed laclher ntudy. itarlty report Aoninurity reportseno incladed in the. min report. Tht thtee exception t0 the ctcoiuonndatioo that set pcunucy clans sizeulaseer Oies those in older gradts. Roi, Goodish prcscnted t esesority report ond nottd is group sud 001 couneor seith Oie roosndation that lnod bueronedia clanoon lalasd la have jonoe ino 30 pens. The onlnorlty srged Ibat leachero be in Oie clanucons ns aiUm1 par cent of thesir âmUe. Goudinh aise sald if tIse naonlittiecontinues as tadies It should lae i tu panela, aise for i eleontary and ont for secandacuy. Oianhed alq O.P.A. lac acceptisg Halton County toc tht 1974 Internatiosal Pluseing Match. Speaking es bubaff the Hallan delegation wsea Sill Kelly, chairunan ut tht publiclty mininmales, and James sew M.P.P. foc Hallan East, aloog selOi Jacks Taylor. Others in tht delegation, badesthse officiers andl dicectorsi ufthOe ltnlton Ploen see: Tom Hit, rtpcesentisg Hallan County Counicil; Miss Mary Delsan, Ontario Foreuse Qoon froon Pel Coily and Mcs.G. H. ustees ios The main report orgeil a ratio uf oeto 25 bue adopted for grades indergarte,uoneeand te; use lu 30 for grades Oireet lit; ont to 32 for grades six la tight.' Tht report urgtd that loniosrelta the poseer lu ahlsz s n Oey sentfit. In seme scituolu thece ort mort thon 40 sudentsuin aclans sucb as typing. Tht clans ws etstahhd ot Oic teacher's risquest in une instance andOihe topecioent i pcuving lu tae truittot. Challengeeslaolty report Trustes Bill Prietîner representatives un ont point conceroing cloue uies. Goodish larnluhed reporta shoseing sa nunoîl classeu sere more heucticiol thon lorger ones. Priestla euidthir reportu tu Oie centrory that shuseed large classes sere more pruductive ta The cnsonlttee, rtcaininenid ty la let intact and connlder neyerai pointe ater. -Use Chaioln ilnaultlaid, they bclng nocceon la nnsny sebo uet dmeo ta boy ur usei. lroouidts ut Georgetown, Secretary ofthe Stointu Setion of Oie Ootario association ot Agricultoral Socitties. Final selection Tht O.P.A. wil vieil Haltes in Jese ta snobe the final setection of the sitetforthe 1974 Match. Th'u seil bue t tirnt tinte Oit this match bus lisent field in Hulton, dsttthe fart that ploatag inthshave heto held buere sirce 1866. GuesI speaker uithOe nesu banquet wsea Evecett Siggs, Dtputy htinister ot the Ontario deportuent ut Agriculture uni Fond. Me. Riggo diorusstd Oice inany services available ta tarin people 10 Ontario and tht tnpooding colt of tht tlepartiutnt. By .MeNttig Groseers oftbuse planta willh pleased to lears Oint th qpublication "Your Guide fo 'Grssin Hoose Plantn an ava"be fret ut charge. Tht bulletin gives ver cinp eneeral informsation s th acu ouse planta and naa excellent bnndbunh for th onperlesced groseer an seti a theinovice. la addition toaile, th bouk incîtoles ctultural practien Ski night, pancakes foi Jr. Farmners A mneeting at tht haine o Nancy and Barry Mabon hi Cuesphelîville totloseed as evesn ut «hlg at GIen Eden Mdi Actas, for nontberu of the PuiosJunior Fueiners on Febt Aller obling tht gronp rtornai! la the Mahous' hanse fora poncahe luncheun and ta discunis upcsning evtestaof th ý A Ose meeting mniera tht conférence aitie tan on tht ParIs la Toronto, sebere Jaet Hester and Barry Matas seill reprtesat tht group. Top bselers A broombalti ansaintt aIll lae beldi on Mairdi 13 and tht group disussed renultsofu tht Fe.21 buowling tournainent ahere both tht soenns and mn'nteannstro Haltes Cont sere=ncoros. As the reesltt of Palerono Junior Faresers inigthe Draina Festival, ttyaillin ove on tu the Zone Draina Festival 10ta lebai at Mayfield Otcondary Schasl on Marcb 5. Kares Casmpbell thanheil Mci. Mabes for upeolog bier homne ta tht club. Ketp wndewclean Lotk est for the other driver! You cen't do ii proporly, tht Ontario Saftty Langue points ou, if your windshield sud-or windows are obsured by dirt, ie, sose or coodensation. Let yoor hesdligblo and taitght looks out too. Cean thons seen you siethe wlndsbitld. ARIHUR A. IJOHNSONI g m fl c o OPTOMETRYI jM11,T1M MD ACTOIN DleSele tlieessieal Ne le r il y a a e r tac over 80 varitties ut planta andl blbet thut are grosen or forctd indoors. ltelpn lestify Many lovers ofbouepltas uro Otenunabît lt identity tise planta they are groseing. However, ibis poblication bus iuany eucellent Phiotos of planta seith the correct unimeu seich should belp gardesiers tu identity Oie planta thty -r growsng. If you seoold lie informaution ou sucb subjectas usooil, lWopagoties tertilizaties, insect oises cuntrol, etc. at your tingertipo, gel o cunio ut os publication n0w. Copies ure availabî t uthOe Agicultorul office ta Milles Calendar 15' avoulable By E. Estabrooks Tht 1971 tdities ofthOe Fruit Spray Culendar for Homse Gurdons la now availuble. This publication contoino rtcononeodatioiu a no, spruy noaterias and timing for mnont ut Oie tret fruita including applun, peora, pluons, cherrieu and penches. Ah.o ineluded is uuggestiono on Ptst cestrol for curran tu, gooseberrieu, staserrbu and rauptarrmes. Tis publicution la available finayoor Ontario Deportient of Agriculture and Fond office, Milton. depensd prices aea rsîto Ilitbd. Il ntil heing suggeola Oitttquotas la set u Production in a 12 onth perlod duriog aise pont couple of ytars. Thssnl tend ta rote out thune wsent 10 rush out and boild puultry buildings ai Oie preneot time. Stable ladnntry Jamnes thios, M.P.P. for Hallon East, seas a guest spesker. Ht pontedoot thut Oie mnl; ioduitry is 00w O very otable port ut agriculture ns a result of 11s maorketing plan. He teit, lawever, thut o quota on Oie umubér ut hirds seuuld ta mr desicuble toe un the nunoher of dozens of eggs inarbeted. Comiitecinen cuosen to repmesentOshis ares wero: lOrs. E. J. Maxwvell, Actes; Ken Elle, Horohy; Ctifford Wrigglesworth, Hornhy; Donold Lindsay, Georgtuwn; John Huamilton, Mlouiouaugo; and Art Miedinu. htoltou. Mrs. E. J. Muaxwell wsea reluroed os presidunt, seith Ken ail as vice-presidest and Mrs. Elleoa secretary-treasorer of the Hoton-Peel egg prodocero for 1971. ELECTRICIT Ip Ou Buessainess5 35 ETERIN - ELCRI g 7-37 MPIP Jim Snow speaks to local egg producers WRIKI<tN ÇIIAI<LTUN Maple Lent SWEET PIOkLEI U COllACE ROLLS Reg. 79C lb. 59lb. Lean Menty SIE SP R nus Reg. 79C lb.59 (Unliminted Sopplyl 9 h Lucas & Arthars SUDE BACON Reg. 79c lb. 5 9b. Lot Us Personnally Fi11 Tour Freezer! SPEGIAL Sides of Beef 68c lb. No. 1 Col & HUsd Qunrters 79c lb. Red Brand Wrappedi Front Quarters 57c Ilb. Beef WEST EN MEATI MAKE The Canadin Champion, Wednsday, Match 3, 1971 17 Junior Farmer drama festival ByHu Cuo hednGupho Sacd, Tht Zone 1 Junir Frmer M-e 27 Draine Festival will be held on Everyone la seelcom lu attend Satorday, MarchtaSpo on a Oe festiva.Hlu Cu7' Mnyfleld SecondarySio R1 i.R H1 r' MailOrder "Y u t, Mono Rond. ' on lqi tht Palecoso Clubselb fliere vaeui e five couomineo the secon play on Ose prograon. coonleting for thse bient play in Zonetiree. Thie winodng play wil PELICANS AND POLLITION hie selected frooi one of the The broseo pelicoil ban followiog counties - Peel, dlsappeared fron iany places in Hottes, Wellington, Ontario aod North ,'suerica becaune D.D.T. Victoria. ibs play seil go un tu poiooniog causesosoft-lielled compete in Oie Provincial Junior eggs wblcb bresk under tbe Farmner Draina Festival to lbe welab of the nesolsa birda. THIS FAMILY IS GOING DOWNTOWN . a ELSLEY DRUGS 22i n St. 11711-U92 RICHARDSON'S TV n01 Man i 87s-94a MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE AIL SEASONS HAIR STYLISTS 1l Mairti 87es2021 MILTON DELICATESSEN 248Min Si. V8i.2081 SELRITE STORE MILTON FABRIC PEGGY'S 0F MILTON 2S cosesoil SI. 876.3%1 CLEMENT'S PAINT il WALLPAPER 197 Main Si. 87inus3 CREST HARDWARE MILTON DOMINION HARDWARE HARRIS STATIONERY BUS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202Main SI. 878M72t ALFONSO'S FRUIT MKT. MILTON DEPT. STORE oiaes. SYERS siia LEDWITH'S SUPERSAVE McKtM HARDWARE 260 si.iî Si ti 9222 stitis.BOB BARTLETT'S SHOES WEST END MEATS to0Mait 55. tti01 MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC WHERE THE VALUES ARE .. 16 ns..o36 'TORO ~ 30" SUPER POW-.t-OY RIDING MOWERS wnii, tii. beauiy on he job m00,05 is a pIOiiiiOO - ot cibit SHOP EARLY FOR UIST MODIL THE ULTIMATS IN SILECTION POWtER MOWERS BYEGARAGE & MOWER SERVICE R.R. Nu. 1, M1111ton1 878-3912

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