86 The Canadien Champion, Wsdnesday, Match 3, 1971 Lowviio Unduct officers ut United Church Bp U. A. R. Cailner nie eveulng Uuit of Lawvlle United Cbarch woeime id uthdi bame of Mus. BrucedMller for dis M =wuc metiug. Mm. George Mco IL prusnsei aumduer chapler su due uludy of the Latin Auserica and Mcu, Normsantbum cnnducted ai nieuv old service. =esFokCols n Mus. Kmn Sithi aouloed due banlai in oecving luchi doclefg due socil u auflerard. niere ores 0001 a fev eispty cbairs lu due liviug rsum aI due husm Mf Mus. Richard Soverelgu for due coffste break discussion peciodsou "Ad 1h10 andChristian Too,' ut 10:30 euch Tuenday morning. nie adull study booh this yeur durown sut a challenge for every prucliolug Christian lu 1h10 oge Mf chauge, techial aivonre and uelf-unapuiu. Anysue n.ilte b mode velcomne. visit codtage Mc. sud Mcs. T. E. Rlunvtbaw mnd fuusitp und Mc. and Mus. Richard Sovereigo sud family spent due week-end uithdeir cottage near Pary Sound. Mr. sud Mes. Norusan Gnon sud faunily visilsi with Mus. Geo'* laduer, Ray Caldwell, ut Oses Soumd over due week-end. Owing toi the-snsore in duot arsodueiïr vilit ill bu extlmdsd a fev dupe. Mu., Jho CoidauI and Peter Gales reluned lu dUnir ranimc- tive bounsi hors fodlowlug a . eIod iu Miltoi District W tal Gel wsdl wisha oue entesdu le diera. Mu,. Wilim J, Rtobertson of Milton viuilud vidu Mc. aid Mus. Bruce Midlar su Somlay. Nsw eiders Rev. Wayne lcwlu luducted dus follovlug rieur eiders aI dus regulr Snday mocudug service lu Unnvtt îited Churcb su FuS. 21. nisy oue Mus. Edgar Camspbell, Mus. Boy Coulter, David Hatey, Herhert Hidi and Normoan Langton. On Sunduy, Feh. 28, the folloino stewards were maftied: Mci. (bleu Campbel, Bui Cotting, Roui Colling, Clarence HOamiton and Douglas S5orden. iece wesa godullendsnce ut due Fellovuhijo Rour laid isunda>' nlghl lu due Ysudu Cuidre ut Lowvilse United Church when dis files niul Ad Ma>' bu Ose" waa sievol followsd Sp a dlucisls. duis tories of mseetings are held for due purpose of galulug tul~i 8610 han.t lu sue colaticsup sud sociely more perso"u. nie U. C. W. servedlutaih. Omagh Ha Nowak heads Hornby 4-H club Bp Mes. Cecil Puiserson nie first oneeting of Eoes57 Boudu 4-E club van Ssii on Satariay Feb. 28, att1 p.m. in Ousagh Preshytecion Suniay Bcool moinss. nie leadero Mus. C. Pattereson and Mms. Elessu vetroussi the 14 gicla vho registerei for the projecî, 0010>' Face. Esi NovaS vau relaue as pcsident and Aune Opitesn licol vice, Fern Lawrence, vice- tresident, Riba Vanivadu vau elecîsi îscrstacy, Nancp Lavrence us t5e trejuurer and Janice Wilson 10 mecretocy. Telephsus conunites iluises Karen Bidagmuan, Date Stark aid Joanne fiiubs Cdese Nlbbièrs nie club nasne van clusen and vili bu Eoeshy Boudu Chiese Nihbtes. nie cotoc of the rcoon bolks viii bu goli ami due gicls are askei tu, oiuit o front page rover for mins. dus buit la bu chouen ut nent meting Marrh 6. Meetingsvit bu heti front 1 -3.15 pus. ecr ilme. nie useubees ani leades are makiug plans 10 visit a faces and ses culs mOiked sud 101er 10 tour a iairp proresosng plant. nie leaders oullinsi the requicementa of due usemburs for 1510 cloS. Mcs. Patrson shosnsi sud iesrribui the usany foreo ol milk aidinilh producta on due grorer's ohelf, aep ponteuri.ci, ^,mogeizu,akiuo, long lire, lavore si i lS, bulleesMl, pogurt, evaporalei, - condensit, and inl powdero. HEuh Novuk and Mus. Riesna deusonulculsid e alang of but Mena, aid qiuirk rese p=a. iese vere servait for luch, aui ejopsi 57 att. Greetlaga ficthday greecni1 rn Devil, John Se u od Law.rence, Thnenp Gren, Dole Devlin, Jies J. Jones, Nelson Lavrenre, Wayne Ettia, anS Nancy Taylor. Jackpot Congridiulios le Mci. Edidu Sherpa, 429 PearltS., Milton, n.ho vas due turky vinner Mf due IM jackipotaet due Enlp Ronacy Menis Club bingo 1000 vesk. A regudor player, Mcu. Sharpe von due big puize for a full ci iuucig ths Osalucut gante of the veek. ..POLLOCK ... AND CAMPBELL Ms,ighGrtfi -isun --62 Wit, Si. North NEW OFFICERS 0F CAMPBELL LODGE were, minsled TeS Jenuingu Senor eaon fies George Pellslero, Jisuor Ti5usduy, Jauary 5, ai1the Maomic hall, Coinpkellvlde. Front Steward; fies. fiesck Harris, liuer Gurd; Bro. lem rov, lefI la right, firo. Aiex Msntre, treusurer; Wor. fies. Jack Anidrews, Junior econ; fies. Charles Bryant, Cliaplalu; fies. Couller, Iustalling Mouler; Wnc. fies. Don MeMillan, PanI Duve Leuver, Senior Steward; Bro. George Hesigluln, Tyler; Mester; Wor. Bes. Dos Simusn, Worukuninl Mouter; ies, fies. Allait Paesons, Assistant scretur>'; Wor. fies. Mouleýé John Reudiieai, Senior Warden; firo. Ken McNukb, Junior Reodheud, Orgunint; Wor. fiio. Bill Wlngrove, Dicector of Wucden; Wor. fies. Roos Carbert, Secretar>'. fluck row, fies. Ceceusorieo.--Jius Jennings Photo) Hornby Couple surprised 25th anniversary By Mu. JbosHamilton nie North Trafalgar Recrealisu Centre wai a happy place su Satarioy, Feb. 20, for Mc. sud Mco. Loufe Ruttedge, 4w were given o surprise M3 n.idding anovecary pacly 57 dueir fausily, vhich lucluion dueir dughtelr Gwen sud sous Robert, Larry, RicSy and Kem". Friends sud relatives atm attenisi ront Clinton, filylh, Brampton uni Norval. A deliclous buffetloppe wan onjopsi vhich inluur. large anniversary cake and punch. On Msuday evenlufg, Feb. 22. friendo sud nelghburn gaduecut aI due house of fleesie Smnith who vas celehrating Siec hiclhday. A very enioyuhle evonlug wuu ipent ployiog curdo sud a delicios lunch wuu enjayed hy att allendiog. Visîl bore Mc. aod Mci. Boy Soudu of Bramnpton visilsi on Ssuiuy vidu Mc. sud Mci. Garry Eamiton sud toinily. Annivecoacy greelingn are enlendsdlou Mc. aid Mci. Kecry - Jepon, who selS celebrale dueir wedding sunnversary on Friiay, MarcS S. Eddy Perry, n.hoa s iulured Sp u somoboile in Jsuuacy badi la huve o shin grufi su 5its lMltleg i the Milton Distict Emspilai laot wesh. aid is now hbockbause agalu. nie North Trafalgar Euclore CloSbut hed eir n.eshty enclire pucly su Selurduy nighl, Feh, 27, aI the North Trafalgar Recreidion Centre. niere were eigh tables of etéccelin play wt due pwioen goluf lu due followiug ladies, Mci. Mldd Henry, Mus. Clure Wilson, Mci. Wilasec Mason; gents, toduner Maosu Boy Wilson sud Wilburt Nlu. nie luchy iravu were von hy Mca. Margoea L.etty and Harold 30usd. nie oeil; eurhre w.i bu held su Satorday nighl. Match 6. Mc. sud Mci. Joe Shea of Milton vioilei su Suniuy evenlng wt Mc . sud 8s. Jba Hlamilton of due Rluth Une. Hauppy blcdidays Sîrthioy greellugu are estendeil liath follig who oue relelwollug dueïr hirtddyi, Mcu. Mei Pewtreoo aid Eenry Peacurh an Marcs 9, Leunie fiidn on Morch 10 und GrueMcCurdy on MarcS 1l. Friendo yul bu oory boher duat Semsie Smsith lu buac lu Milton District Hospital. L~!Îouî Drumquin World day prayer planned for Friday Bp Mu. Cecil Pulteraso nie annuel World Day of Praper vii bu hetd at SI. Slephen's Angican church, Eornby on Fciday, MortA Soti 2 p..Rev. Lyone Adamot wiii bue due guenl speaker. Mus. Sly Harris Mf Btelul ithde hep lady for due prograus. Ail ladies are cordiudpy luviled ta attend ami onjoy due fefiovibi>. A ocil baSf hnur wit follov. nie North Trafalgar Slusellus regutar meeting wascsdsdlei su Monday, Feh. 22 hecauue of hurlement weather. Bonorstiree About 300 olaff usamburs of the Oahviite Hspital held a gala evening aI Holiday Inn on Wediesday Feit. 2410o honor Miss Joues u buer retifing. A cocktail heur, Aunner sud presutalisu of a mlorei T.V. sud a Icip tu, Engloind vers gifla front Siec friendo, dus nurses ond doclori for bier puars Mf oervice as Directur of Nursing ai the Hospitat, Mus. Judy Finale, Mco, M.BSproat and Mu. Ko>' Lauen vers ausong dus gueulet, Ise vers poil staff w5e badt aervedl suder Miss Jones. fiitiiday grestings a 10Mci. Lydia Bopre,. Donald' Wilson, Marilyn Baliba, Michael Sailia, Tamn Aldermun, Eric floolunst, David McKay, John Kccmig, Dosusan Ckow and Donna Prestidge. Get well Get wlob lset Ernest Prie o po in Burtington Hospitat. Mc.su Mu. Walter C. Evai usovsd recsly le dusir nese home in the snior citinenu apartinenta on Ostario Street, dmpy bad mandaitfor âme tims su due dürd lUns. Frieudovlosh thsus guid kealdu sud bapphuss. Mc. esd Mus. loi Pccock alo movoti front dueir homeon MarinuStreet 10 the new senior itzesn aparinents. she's dreaming h ow to get started on spring cleaning .no need to dream .SeIIi,. extra items through a Champion classif iedo % DIAL 878-2341 and start your spring oloaning with extra oash USE SANADIAN CHAMPISN OLASSIFIEIS FOR ALL TOUR1 SELLIMO NEEDS Klibride School children enjoy hot dog day DyMrs.Wilils mo mu. eime Bolla hlouas At du Goe Nelabr l ter blsin a poait ut Milta. hee ý weefu tbe l MdM . moe Cuing and pogresive suerto s! dau e Unid& vlatdW withs Mr. Prises weut lt a . Gs aid Mus. Iuudy Wethereit luad 0aruumus~WdtauPlchdt~ Wedaeaday eveudug. CeuluaDurelu eursud Mca. Peter Watson, Mca. Mefrd Mola.Bot o i to M Bditt aud Mu. Willim eu were Mu lbr od Watsoni vlale wli Mu. Baud>' aid Mu. ichett. Haphucu laid Frlday aflocuosu. HMddog day + + + Chjtdreu and touchera ut A mlscellauesous abower wau Kilbide Public scbuol ayed blldinuboaor of Miss Uuda Bwau, hot doge for lunch la i bide elecl laidt Buduyftteton ueday. Thdctylla-ee dusei were id lia lasse uf Mca. Johni prepuced and aecvedl b>' daytlme N ,auk onmcNtvu coud. convenur Mca. Mel Duvies Mise Bwau isili beussue tus aaalated b y ca George bride of Dive Yeinm ou Robertson, LM Hou Parent, Buturda>', MarcS 6 i ut B. Mcas. Milles Bcliuidl aud Mu. G=ooc Auglicas Cburcb, Wlllai Watson. Luyie Approvo EngIish Course for immigrant ohildren Haton Couuty Bourd of celosm Educulion bau approved stlug nie progrsuwolci at lts ch Immigrnt a peurfr tCerloffer six ideE ba. Emuecuoli 35-U minute classai dali>'. Pupille Lavender, Assistant 10 the would bu gropd arcordtag te Director Mf Educutisu tld dis abdhly ta Eu=lal aid lu age Bourd there wece 8l such groopo with ou cblid helug more cluidiren n te syulemn diol were dian dure yeaco older dam la..in or hoviof difflculty lnunaolher is h saime chlu. ochooil dirough a dsficleucy in Mc. Lavendor uids volutur their language. rcruits mouid bu wueful as a e noted lithe ialr wer tioenor for a chtld reudng and escncdd udrO ubvu for mocilng maer"ul. elcussidory uciooilo but potuted est hers weco 25 sco usilli rive or fswer suodenla who could oies hesofil fromt o progcam. G. -Miloni But off ligSlly ushen E. Purdue 111gb BScot migbl bu h0gb wiflds and owlrliag ouo conoideced umdcc dus progcamn Se clomd ueverul blglnnuya fucuber aid. mclii ou Ssuday. Notice OF ANNUAL MEETING MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPORtATION TAKE NOTICE thîl the anfluaI meeting aI the Milton District Hospitl Corporation ai bue held ia the Clisical Classrusm af the MiltonsDistrict Hospital au WEDNESDAY, MARCH llth, 1971 al 8:00 p.. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL Daled ut Milto, Onlario luis 3rddyMo MatcS, 1971, by scier Mf due Soard of Directocu. R. W. GARDHOUSE, Chairmati. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL OPERATING STATEMENT - 1970 REVENUE: 1969 197t In-Patient Services Il M3,637. $ 915,265. Out Patient Services 130,425. 176,755. Ambuulance Service 1,722. 2,133. Cafeteria uod Mise. lt1.8m. 14,757. Deflcit foc Vear 39,720. 33,317. $1,023,35. $1,142,227. EXPENDITURES: Sataries and ages il 677,079, $ 759,831. Meica Staff Fees .Spe32,786. 36,171. Micat uni Surgice 2opte231. 3,910. Drags 25,801. 33,31. Supplies & Other Expeones Narsigervices 1,52 2,6377 Special Services 28,485. 36,0x6 (buccal Adiniistration 92,192. 88,463. Dietary 34,970. 44,M3. Plant Oerationi & Maintenance 35,752. 40,701. Depreciation moto0. 64,451. Otbur Suppliesuand Expenses 10,20. 1i,04u. $1,3,35. $1l,142,227. In my opinion, the attached Finunciot Siaiemnesis present fairly the fisanria position of the Hospital as ai Derember 31, 1970, the resils of its operations and sources and applicaion of ita louis for the year thkm ended, in arcordanre viti geeraty arcepted ucootiog ricipes apptied ou a bias consistent with Ébat.., precediug peur. Murch 1, 1971. EARL G. BLACK, Milton, Ontario. Qioctersi Accontuot. PLEASE MOITE: A unies delalle Fliaerjl Report la available ai reqst frosa dis Hospital. M ~ beld and: CKN Brocl Jaci tell 00r ýin hel A L illtoi ulleni Cou tu the6 attend su les Haltoi Educu meetilu nial study. AmI meuste School encepli thal set Ron gros>'1 interna tu bave âmdue. l elsussu aseconds ai TUESDAY ONLY Ktatutck!, Fried Ckicm. $NAI( PAI( REG. JUSTCJ? 2 Pieces Mouth-watering Kentucky Fried Chicken Golden Brown / French Files SOURS COLONEL SANDERi Mo.Thurn 11-30 an. - en. -feeoe.a lice.-' 0000" r su as i de a.m idng Sondue-173 toua s.8P . K:îtcy Frid A "ckn CHICKEN VILLA Main and Commercial MILTON as.. n 87-1-