84 Tihe Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Match 3, 1971 Weigh it welI j 8V ELEANOR COULTER EMILY CARR -paez At the end of 1911 Eratiy Carr returned from abroad andtfait, wut lier arafl succeaaiin France, tbetit a te try an exhibition et bier work un Vancouver. Sbe meas alleedt of bier time uitb bier modern art and tbe exhibition turned out tu bie a daeppolanent. Press notices e=* alng patrons tenk thefir chilbren away from bier art 1taaa gcoos etsed tt litre bier aid bier fansily mas se asbamed that bier paotings were nover meatloned. Emity, bowever, did fot regret the lieuwa fies" She bcdl aiwayi despclred berause ans ueo enable te expr«esstoâldnss of the westcouest ioncpa. sirefueoitdtplntIt as piliers bcdl pclstedl ItL mitis every btcoo rs and every trae i dotaSl t.le tbe Pearl, ibe turned bier hart unoto semetblog of vatoe. Duriiig thse siomr et t912 xhe lteo bemendono joiirilys te the aimont-inaccessibio sorm-abreeded Quefsi Charlotte Istands eut distant tndien villages on the Sheese and Haeu Rivera. She stept in Oscoiofortebte ptaceo, carried bier eau fond and eqei'ponait, wblcb often snctodedi e nt, froont ptace te ptace. Sue pelsted many of bier tinont bistoricaetivasse that year. Again is 1913 xhe triai an "nlbit, in Victoria ;u tise, eut combined it seitb an "At Home" fer the opningof etier nom artonent buidiog, un wicb ste had mado ber sbudie. MAog wlth bier more peings obe included some ebe liad duos te France. The people et Victoria were slsocbed and pomloed boateese she ted used tntem poea ter mubjects; the strong cstnrs aid sbpoar trnt tran Bnp lOsey bcdl seen. fise tresbnoss, bilsue ai lieo e er French puctocos wero aimticed. flue newspepero lsted tie ests et the tooctiai bot ignait bier pictres. fihe Ierdebipof ethtie nent tom yecre dido't prevent Esolly train ssisg bier croctive cbility: elle dreu cartonu for the neupper, rai cbdldren's classes aid seithoat mechexicet devicos cresate nd flred asnmanycas 50tpieres of pcttery et ono timo. As if thet meren'l eougb te beepbler busy, ste bred Engtlsb sbopitagsa ter sle. Ste clwcys bced e ngerte croand bier te beep bier canpany: c smatl Jepesese menbey, birds, mitis rate aid chiprnh. Dnrint tbe mer vean (1914 - t9lt) Exity bcdi liad te tan bier omo epertmcot, iertudisg tbe studio, lusteoextracqsrtan whicb ste rented, asinf the cHtic for bernelf. Eves tho abe resld bcrdly mate tinanilt endsoumest. Se wben Marias Barbeau, othniolot et the National Museum, Ottawa, cpprocctedbler te 1928 ashing t ec nier peintisgs, shobfnaily cgreed. He bcd ueeonie ottdman 1916 aid agate in 1920 wtele visitinifsaime ofthte Indien villages aid eshod bier ec times te show bins more, bot Emily mas mary. Alter the reectisas lo ber morb et berexhiibitions sbe bogbthoiewas onlyeshg out ofcriosty. Tlieoutcome wes tbetg60mere chesen toroan exldbit et ment reast art tue h eld te tihe National Gallery te Ottawa. Emtiy told tomn franbiy, duit sbe bcd nover board of sncb e place but eowas peraded ta send aend ber pottery aid beautltold baid-taobed rocs an meSl. A complimentary reitweyticket andaievittion tohoe aspecial guest et the eventreonvtocedbler sisters thot bier art mes morcli reregnition aid tbey urced bier te go. Uostiltis exhibition, art circiesite brest of Canada bo ostitg a oftEmiy Carr and ler painting. Itmwaisshemfn as inthe east she met the Grosp ot Seven; lbey wetcomed bier mitb open arma andi mitertained hoer an Toronto. Their worb mes ajoy te Emily Cerr: tbeyt petoted lasnis et Canda as she bcd elweys mented te, peunt than bot sew teit the laisk mas toit fronut for ber, flair admiration eand encouragement cbdflenged bier te reane bier paiting. Ste deplored tse distance Usai lay hoimeen tersolt aid bier nom.fosnd friendo bet Lauren Harris esssred bier, as ber Esrnpean teseban butd done, Utha aneo needed the isolationtfarterite sdevlopmeteofbler omnstyle.e Durtog Use nt 10 yesrs lier msrb mes shomo et meny mnterestionalart e*sbitsbn thlamcntient ad aod. Ste homame rtcb in trieids i tstnmony. At"stasmfais.Sbeexchsgedier c epertmont bouilding for a eanaSl bungalom mhore stle lied dîne to e conrentrale on bier arteandtler nemveture, mritisg. n As otten as possible she iived te e trier-careven, te close n communion mith the onrtb, sec andnbky. Ste ebsurbed the vibrations of Use eartb, glorsed inetUsebist end iadomeof soertng trees aid dancing a aibgs and painted mith great spaed mietindissmood. H I ssrneta hnrcgiincmilwsfrle itn lowc she bcd neyer taben serioasly; bier first book, Klee Wycb, mon Use Govereor-Generel's Amerd te 1941. It mes ao uipretenioas serien if Of taies and sketcbeo about West Coaot Indiens. c fi 115gb neciety an Victoria bcd igmored Emily's unique art; Usey G mouid bardiy ignore a GoveroorGenerei's Amard set Usrew a migty R Party in baser of bier 70tb birtiidey attesded by ail Use V.t.t'.s of Usee province. du ie Emily Carrusleot years mere bier boin yonrsoas fer os hoer painting vs mon concereed. Her morb showed more sonne of irredou ndu joy in ta bovise Uanhlir early morts. As Lauren Harris pst il, "Sbe b'assformed ci Use ouiermword miet a saga of Use spirit. Eacb painting bas the boprins tie of bier omn biograpby." ce Esely Carr bas ioNt o freat toberitence tor ail Canadians, for cil J0 ensis- not onty bier eorb but bier exemple. She mas nteadfast in CI wbat ase lievai and ioNt somptes of il for every Canadien art ce collection. Ush Pr Sue maniai nomwords aid bier biterary style te compatible mitb that Es of ber ors. Lîbe short, sharp, colortul brss robes, ste sued mords te D Pei a lyricel pice. Fa Ne Searcb outber morb and enjoy tl durtog Ibis aniversary year of e greas artisi, a cross wmsai, a great Canadien. Guests entertain at e Gr Sb Friendshîp Luncheon ct On Tuesday oeotocn Pets. 16 a euctsre aider Use auspices of Use afiornoon Anclîcecn Cborcb Wosson of Si. George's Charch, Lamvilo, mon beld in Use charcb bail. Thore more il tables of carda s: play. Wtooors more Joyce FuSler, Violet Service, Franks Peacoets and Noss Mitchell. The dair prise mes mon by Eisie Watsoo. A Frsondutep Lanchain mas beld Feb. 17 an St. Georgens Ctsuncb Hall mitb gnestn cttending tran Lauvilie end Zummorman Unites] Cburcb groupe. Abter luets s speeil progcav mas proseos:od tsy membrs ufth 1voarsous groaps, Mms D. Swelsm read c reeding miets o olomai by a sing seng auth Mms. Cooel aI Use piano. A si flue Nem Neigli- ber", us dans by Beulab Easy aid Hele Koatnr and a peiaiut matnts mas mtidncted by Mrm. EdIgar Campbell. Kathy Powsell saig e ad. Wofare prjecu On Theraday, Feb. 18 tue Evesisg Anglican Chsrch Wsnsen of S5. ueongo's Clairon met ci the bosse et Joyce Carters. The mreting oponai miUs pncyer ans] Use sceiptue ans] Ussufbt more basai on Use Ton Cansnandisents. The gnosp are bavmng as ibeis teirs projet 'Thse Welfare Cenference". Otbor projeets include tIse Phillipinessand] Use Mission Fond. The World Day of Prayer mes psannosl. Tbroe questions cocerning "The Cborcb Fcmiiy", "The Ton Cosmsandments" and "tatervorsal Merriagai" more diorussos]. Luncb mas sorvai ans] tIse hostesu Ibanhe] by the president. On liunday Pet, 21 a large number of Bromnies, Guides, Rangens, Scouts, Colis ans] Venturers and Useir leaders frnm Campbneilville ettended c service te S. GeorgeS Charcb. Nov. R. P. Jeffarai proarted tue sermon. -MPP Donald Deacon aill latu on "Theotun in Ontaric's bibine", ethai t metn of Msilton aid Disrc nirnty Women>c Club. Racism discussion' thought-provoking rom, vice' cs-ct Pre egbttdr elateatu tefMr.,E. Keaedy ai Feb, 16, atter uhite thse rogtdar na.tu. met tgmc he deotiais, basaiton Paidla lettan Good design 0 in the home The Home Ecoumica Braite et tue Ontario Gepertasat cf Agriclture aidnd tacfmg c mcare fiti "Auries te tuhxon March 9 nd 10i Mica Jean Armocr, home î tsrninblnga spocialiet, sull teatriat the mourse painting ont tue principlea et gond decign eut arrangements 0f eccessorea .e rganizatiom te tue orea are teviisd ta, omd tus EXECUTIVE cf tise John Miltes Chapter IODE are front Nssberry, tenonrw Margaret Spot, standd lieae nresaitties tetue contact lot la right, seconid vseLepresdent Caret Roaney, tiret Barbar Bselndlrs s]Eiaiciee Slin rfsrther dila otc Barbra ussll ad pessand chos cnveer IWanOntrio epatinntcf Fond aut prsdeot Gertrude Peecocs, regont Marjorte Megee aid G omisusoL The group hls tei anxmal meetixg lit Llgny Hall Arcluehm on a *sveners Wmnifred Clipson ans] Glodys Miles. At tecs are Thursdcy ovoning.--<Staff Photo) Mrs. Doreai Balnlister atmtue t effairs serretany Kotbryn Fosten, secrietory Phillis iliton office. osent annual re-port on 1970 activities IODE formed here 60 years a90 Itteamy priviiete 10 preaentt 5M ansuel repart of John Mit =hpe IODE fsr the yo aiigFeb. 2,, 1071. On June c, io71, John its Cliapter mii cetebrate sts 60 birthdcy and cli memhorn ca loobinf formard to a exceptionaSy good, proopero and tidtilbong yeor. Ouir locai cbcpter te amolli, b on reviembngthUe yecr contiriboioons te manbtod, I Usisi acb and everyose ot os feel stil proud, and jussly a, ot i îccomplinbmentn. Vos mes consider tbat Usere are neveua iandred sscb nsail cbeptes fromn mont to monst te Canda, c oeil as sssny largo cbaptero, a cmmpbisbing ssinfyog mist Opan hues Ail mombors bave perticipete s the arrenguog ot the prograni ond nupplying refresteoentn lt hoe tenoral meetings. Tbi anticipation of asl mendiera ha eai very sscceestd and te vected' a meeu cassdemi mong ibeun. Meny of th sembers bave cenerounl panai thoir bomes for Us. ceemincs. On Feb. 26, 1070 me teld oui nssi dtner meetinc ai Ligny [ail and roally cnloyed s elicions bome-coobed mea repere] and servai by Sec locb Womon's tmtitate. ARte se diusoor, Use meeting mas sndocted and Use siate ut et- cors for 1970-71 insiallod ertrude Peacets mas accin sus gcent. Eigbt cenoral and imo secubive meeis more bol] iring Use yoar. Due te Use W1 alib ot our Regent, our tiilt ce-recont Madjone Macre., tan bkos severel meetings and tendai te versous duttes on ball of the Regeni and ban îpebly porformos ocb dues. At the end of Use scbool terni te ne, oar Recens presented Use bapicros scboicrsbip rtificates aid casb amards to e Grade 8 mtnrs, wbs more: ocrons - Karen Biytbo and sc Ocudier; Proficienry aime Gdenbacb ans] William y Student Leadersbip -Nancy meli ans] Bradley Joyce. Canhemward At5 tbo commencement orcises bols] ai Milten Disirict tb Scbooi, Margares Sproat rurnied tbe Cbapier's 'lîficate ansd cash esors] te Use adr il wiooer, limon Peorce. e also presensai Use Terry siaurser Scboiarstep, Tropby s] casb award for fous] .essbp to Nancy Hod. s]ucation Secreiary Eileen ctin bas isiribue] IODE onsarsto al ofte scoois in tesn, as moil as the bibrary and 'n ball. Sbo also presenie] our 'or iropby ai tbe North Haiten sic Festival. iels Attaîrs Sccretery bherine Fuster bas acain bopi mombers iotormai on mori] sirs. Caibersoo's subjectu 'e been Ebodessa, Ruyal scier su Hudson'u Bay rpany 300 yoars 080; Coob's ov'ery of Austrabie; Aofie obs, wbo tsad been eiocied sdeni of Use New Assembiy of Uoste] Nations, îsbe bas] oorly bren tbe Assistant rvias'y ofthie Sisie of ria ; hou Dovinion Day eC 1 mo brios], as weil as rroivs] aricles trom our rierly m afoeEbos v bptg, t prepaea a mntrmstf paer ooiitled oughta on Visita of Rtoyalty." eiu rond an article on Use Ubirthday of the City of k, Englasd, mbicb labos oit 1971. t)istrlhute copies buns Secretery Lîllien 'tend bas bced copies oif aes formarded te Halton cal Mil tes Mu Cal Use ait. Cbs Con dise Ors Pro Use fors Se c qua Fro very ',Tb Ose 1900 Vnr Piao Es Gow Ecb hoe Contennial Manor, Milton te Januery Mrs. Murray, mite on District Hospital and Milton ofthseRev. Jnbn Murray, Uscosgb er Library. Lillian bas aise been sur lier sbdonsbowed us the teautiful press necretary aid bspt Use aide of tedia. sn publie amere of our ectivities. Bsnides lecrosig about Use Us As moîl as Use above, .lian oerioun places,mebhave aisebeen ne bas ate so en oar reprenentative ssusically entertainod. Bred n te Use Ilelten Coanty Museum Brush, miso sa quita youog but us meetings. In June, site orgaind already shows c promuise for belpi for Use Muneans Festival hossg e very gond aceordionint,' ut '70Oand aho organizedbellp tor tue mtertcteed on bits eccordion. 'n Mmsean's Christasas ton, as moUl Miss Flore Watt, aceanpanyteg lu an catherinc up bosse-mcdo horuelt os Use piano, entertained a cooldes for Use tee. wmUhsneyerai nanhors. Catherie [s Services et Home aid Ateoad: Foster and Helen McNeil, imo of t Aftr the resignation of our our own members, bave 1i capable Secrotary, Joan entortaine] on on the piano and ni Ferguson, Mtrs Climpn ai in. s bru. Miles tseb over Ustoservice. Acgain this yecr, I wodld bise to Sl Wonl tes hoon distribstod to enpress my parsemai ibante to s. Us mendiera ubo cai boit Hazel Wilson for sondteg out Use many boitted articles bave brenu notice et the conerai meetings complote] to termerd to eacb montb ans] te Adeline hedqssrtero for distribution. Macboy wbo bas lonbed allier Use r Bridge, esebre gemes correspondance. s Mary Hotcbimon ans] Merjoriet Flegaet cesstapb s Magee bave egcis loobed aller At tbe Romombrance Day n h Use bdaitg and crrenging et services et the cesnotepb, oar e Use attersisen bridge ans] eucbre standtard] hoarer Barbare Oiussei e gamn ans] Eay Thanpain bas mon prenit mite our standard .y ionbed etar Use scbedubing eut and ourfinitVic-Regent Marjorie e errungiog of Use ovening bidge Magre place] c wreath on Use camssa. cenotapb. Maoy of our mendiera r Lasi spring bath the ovenbsg more prmseni. s ans] atterseon players enjoyed c Contrsbutions et Nationai eut coffre ans] demeart pcrty et Ligny Provincial levetebhaveteon made I Sebool eten Use prises tor Use te the Peace Gardons, Spociel I yeor more prosentai to Use Services et Home eut Aisoas], players as meSl as verioon oUsor Comsmonwealtb Relationn, i prises. Korean Proîct Fond, National 00e bave meny teterestteg eut Shippvng Fun], Oversecu Robotf, talente] people te our ares. te Lucy Morrison Momorial Fais] Meuch Mrs. Ricbard Ponley, e ans] Studentn Travol ans] *social morbor for Use Ciddren's Enchange Fund]. We are ao Aids Society, gave an inforsnal conb'sbutinc te the provincial aid ssterostiog resumne of Use tb annsvorsary tend for Use mork of CAS, espocilvy wiUs building ot e conusunsty bail et record te, adoptions, cbild cure, Attamapiskat. foîtor bosses, unssarrios] ta our ossn cooounity me parente, as meSl as cosiwerm g bave contributai to Use Cancer sseoy set variai quustions pot Society, Chddren's Aid Society, torib by Use membars. aainIsiuefrteBid Abdul Connut, a teacher eithUe and on ottenduforise HbPE) Martin Street Senior Public We are peass]t lbe a memtber Scbsoimbwo omigrcted from South Atrica té& Canada, cave os a gtenpne of the besutios o) Soouh dOrmea by beeutifuily coioea picteres. Slldaetuf est bics. H. Powys, e Milton District Hsfb lichail tocer, Usroagb stides, tonS on on on inserosstog trip teongb Our so ment, on mcii osea trip up the coont of Canada 10 Alaska. Mrî. and Mrs. Homard Willson prove] to teea very entertaining couple. Mir. Wiilson is a counsellor et tbe Scbool for Use Oeuf ans] is an exceltent elocutioni. flits mite n mons versatile aid cotertites wsUs be anes guiter, ans] led the et ln-og Provii Use licteol tor the Doat, sooe] excellent ans] coiorfu idbdes of bis irip io Use clitt s]melligs an Mena Verde National Pors te Colora]o. Mn. Argeil bas] also been fortunee enongb te, attens] Use WHEN VOU M. Paossion Play obscb is bois]in aAdoise yoar ors ostrai Germas Vslage every 10 cre nos In a gri Teers. Mm. Argail bas] a boos 2105 Yonge Stre about Use Passion Play ans] be Your Ontario Ho, brougbi it along 10 Use msetig to numboîs, ans] de sow us ans] give us a briet WHEN VOU CF resume ofthUe Play. Follue carefully Enla Brîttain, Cerater ci Use ofîthe OHSC on Halton County Museoummnnhihy informai our meeting in Detobes'mv biSyi about tbe nssny tbings lise WHEN VOU HA average persoo cas do te help the OvIy OHSIP non. Muovuce Auiusicg coaintary Our Regeni bas] saben a trip is Use Grand Bahamas ans] me more entertated miUs stidon of Use scenory, bsildinigs and beesties of Usis ildnd, ao meil as Gertrude's emssuing ONTA consnentary. We more serry Utn me cod nat boldea Decemter meeting due ta theofart tatnr meeting wod have tallai os c sery euay, and iaconsendcnt data. of Use Milton Canmsunity Service Gluis, ubo are mcde up cf delegctes f romn cl the service clubs and nrgcnimtiona in Milten. They npsnsored the Carlten Showe Band et Miilton Acena test Jane for Useir fiast money-mcbing project to croate 'Unity Pars out softhUe vacait tend Iying serAh et the OPP offices. It mugbt tie of intarest te, bom duit sur Rogont, Gertrude Pearoris, suggested the natmc "tloity Pars". We bave aiso dose Use necretariel morb for thalle clubs. Asitatcliln Severa of Our mcmbers have volaitarily belped oscb monUs at Use Child Care Mliiutc. Marion Sn-Ath, conseser of oar flomer committee, reports Uset flomers an] mrdsbhave hoon aent te our varicas tremsblera ubes Usey more ill. Flomers mere aise sent 10 Mr. aid birs. William Seott on Use occasion of Useir MUsh Margaret Sproat, our treanuror, bas done e gecd job agate Usis ycer, aipecially aben ste reports Usai me bave c botek balance on et Jan. 15, 1971, of 904.79, aid c spociel education acceont et $318.4 la clonlnfg, I wui lse lt quinte part cf a pagrapb te tue miteriai of Use Wlster Echoes. "And te e bigbter vote and in anamer ta aiy of our critico abs persiat te thtebteg iait me ane e group of membero abo bave passeil thoir prime tso dbomi thse pict Neuf ou epprosu Use boa calibre IODE." te Use Gelateans. "Carry as = stte sbardons and se lise as lau et Christ . .. If e nus decolvlsZIg blixiseif frte ve though , prvea thet hoe b Use etady bocks uhl m taken byMo. K . P. Marsall and mec ontltlod "Racinin, teCruito Femor hyt" iuain Fnter ypeente idebetuof moe gpreen edi ars Ue rep edng fordféettprs of peopece fa secrae flee iutinmre: Use perchaee ef proparty te a midis ares by e cslored wman; Use merriege ot e white mecteidc ai perole te e colorod girl; Use irteg of e mloaed mi by e mitis industristtot, cil of uluai employans more mitis; and e wbite mininter and blacs milant. Goadusartea fine stady ompbesued thet te ovory esiparlonre te bffe, oidy Use attitade of Use Goad Samaritain, (uho set ooly provicded tor Use iosat needs et the teetai man, int sured Use teneper tie weshi reimius hlm for beur setispon Use men's habiâ on bis return tit pe liscienttedal wben dellguith peopla of attisr races and creeds. Reapoaalbilty for their future melfere Is arcesary te tie true nelgbm Foileming e disceosien an possible usys etof uegn more momon te Us urcht aecane teteraited te mission, the meeting adjourned. -liere te no cbergetor birUs, leetb or merruage ennoce- nins te fihe Champion. cre of Use Negent of e ndîcnd Chepter, abs wiUs a an pamnd tae for*I ra e a D. nely an houneand c halt J. R. CuiîII .D iiy brosghtil st oagude ute are e part of Use OPTOMETRISI Nosperbiffilynutamtted, SIJRLINGTON (Mrs. M. Nonhonryl MALt. Sreay TELEPHONE 632.77«a fise reporter ubo subuilttad letn aeeh'o eccosnt of the Mounlain Union Women's lnstitste bas asbed The Champion ta mabe e correction un ose iten. Thc Marte caetty meeting at igusy Hall te for meinhua oftte WlI., not for tue -Edombton Wreb is Marcb 710o 13 aid ornerai spoctol evente cre planned. A5OERTISEA5SNT lan..... New Meali.g Suistanoe: S>lirelia Pliaes povr t0 0010nk heroarOlds and ree, A resmoseS raearsi, institUte han fani a cnefless aenoswîs mhe cf 1itY te sOcleS heomhids ain m yv il relio tise and Osscoi sn minco vas eedi se s:ealing of theoniue, iecanssd lý e mo er case, uhule gnise rOSiOsing Pain, actel redullIo (sOcl'ikage to05 plce. Malo imfuleni Of eil-i-r sls This mes acc-oplished mimha oea ealing Subsance (il0Om h0iCh mlis:klv hoies hast Inlared celle set nlmslem orowt of n tisse Nom 010 Dyne lu ored le OlelmeSt and scepasîloro loess c:alIsd Pe'eeeeelin H. 05k for il xt ait sIres gst. teises:lon ti cour mnnv O0PF t For a g Milton s ni a Mrs. Judy tegether oave She flhe Nasa nstits one Froans oi mlth as a~ fidlaud byti tue Mary $Li mil mas -m Caidiait bel istenm tta *.discaseed, a Use reaidetine Use previoas si in oato s ranivai et d heteg lacbed moold tie ae regardteg ths Twrasmant Satety Meetini Mrs. D. DeBI and dlstr istructive li methodas reg fia report Weddin Ca Anme Mtay G Térence Crit Gravce Anglice 23. Rev. R. W. I Use 4 p.m. cor Melc mane ad * flebrideitt aid birs. R. 1 Mate St. W., a ite sefitce id Brampton. anploed in Northan Elec and sa Use son c Ceirai of 141 The radiant bl ceivet prtnces caited mUsh e nleeves trion prarla. A txli le aid train scei *tur complote ensmble. She, et white de, marnation. Six eliendeni laide dama Usnt honairmes Miss Bridesmeids MeKee ot Fift i O. Stluart, Mes bMilten and Mb Beleville. Flow C. Crans cf Mili Ail attendent idhke in fin«oi veivet gesens m aid long pidfe more silver âe mapes and mlt caited miUs nos carnations end Tbe bride arrege by bi manuensV. Ccir groom. Ushans Milten, E. Cempbeliville ai R. Colie et M Rtecepa, As evaing r on Martin St. fromo Grevenht Englend, Tores Gulph aid Hg gsests eit the granipaenta M Cam cf Port Cr *Collin et Tostin WiUs Use ai isidosmad, aS prty eltended HihScol fis * 878-288 * edi STRADWICK'S -FREE ESTIMATES ISIT OUR S00WROOM AT' 776 KING ST. E. HAMILTON 527-365