Qrk<tilal l!ait 5ev..g lh. f.y0, 11OVes,- (IuLi o lassMaf RegsttonNutbe, 913Eightee Pages - feen Cents Minister wlithout Portfolio Snow named to Cabinet Wits the appaîntment of Halton East MPP Jas Snow of Hornhy to theCabinet of the Bill Davis governiment on Monday, Haton stands tu ha oeilrepresested at tise higist levei of governinent in Ontario. eoge Kerr of Rurlissgtos (Hatton Wes riig as named Minister Of Energy and Naturel Resaurces isyforme pemier John Robarts, .id retaias tise portfoio in tise Davis admnitstration. See vacant'pit as "ideal site" for incinerator i Snow mao appointedthNo tha cabhnet an; a nsistera sithsoout prirfoio. If osrsoed a m g hte adersph ,ampaiog . Hat Sm mgsi a rumored o he in ânse for the publie woriss prifoiso Ssow hives ai his Hornhby f armn home and osens a costruction husiness with headqsars in Oakvite. He Oas flirat elected ta tise legistature in 1967. "ýExperenre 1toast " -Dvis Hemlaone of three appointed oithaot portfolio hy Davis. In maiig tise assouncement Prem.ier Davis said, "James Ssoo toisgs Nu tise cahmnet his recoaisedenerges and estisuslasm asd a oide esperience in husiness and farsosg. A member of Ontario's dysamie senstruetion isdmtry, hoe was succestu as a hachisencser in hrisgtg to- tse ainion of tse goversmest tise sced for a bsuilding code in Ontario, resutt,in tb0e decisin Nu issptement usiform biltdinge standards in ttis prvice. Sisse Decemisor 1969 Mr. So isas been a director of tise Ontario Hossing Corparation mnd tise Ontario Student Hosisg Corporatio, issootege mnd experience oichIs toast ha tise mainet. " THREE GIRLS RECEIVED Golti Corde ut s epeciat Caremony Rnndsy. Debra Miller, Kstitean M"ih asti Uesje Wlcelmotier oara isceorati at the ceromony. Tise prasentation _________________ oasPart of tise Girl Gude celebrotiuns for Girl Guide and Boy scout oeek <staff Photo) County rood take-over probable benefit to town Coasty haise-ovor of saventl couscitiors soare opset anti msuat oetain anoastrictei sentrol seunoon te çostrol art usaliSada 'nul tiulie bomsalarles aressigeti a meeting ltis lise mver sevtesng amdi mprove- Ceancilors agreeti Unît 0ist n myst te sucl a ted cSentyseaseils rondesemmihat mans to the rails ta hae taises yeamstheïr csantyail biaMmZ s0 Ua aet this Tisorsdy NtacsIt over. mainly geng ta tie agreed on Manday. Relais central "Asamoch as oirlcant to tonsisand it moa le sehy odsni ity Novr attrtaf an Itour's give up sentool, it appears tua t on ouil cosse is fort racosuesi Hoalts asame oevraf se Ho fR antlt.om assme discussion fotiooisg their regatar break for the taspoyers 0f the the avadlase asi. crol ta Mais t.;M St. fro nte meeting Monday, councilloos Nown," summeti sp Cosseitiar BId.tuMan t; ai S. ron cameoupoith a list of questiansoto Choiles Johnon. As an exaemple, Rontet nario; ami Martin St. be ansoarmd i ntoie Inortay t previos years most seanty- Harois explainei ts framMisslasLise d. When meeting, plus the stion 0tise-ky sestoRetirsats oece in tae ra1 ooultiprasontiy psy hs titay first leanet 0f the proposati over might te teseficial 10 the townsis bst receot amestia- ofa$lf,OtOprojectmna Saisa-over 100 omlas ago, tow osn They stoessed the ton mentN tu0te bigtceay art permit oiffi Deportient of. icing sp the oSier bu systeco DHO oalt still Worst winter in 1 yars reaner-bt il rn eaiste r a btiMres sisare of te coonty's 50 keeàps staff busy, COSts up v rmn d Wî00 the exception of the homes due No oaNr rosoff <rom seaterorunsing int drainage Soutih of Rase Lise Rd. tiiebard onoomohilers andtih0e roado tere bas teeus mme in systemas, but ha oteti ttere il ta carry tructe from, eitires oti isterestet inh snoo loo lyisg properties. McKerr oaso't murh the ton seulti tison otacs are presestiy sis scltrs asti sbing, noted his staffowill doalthey cas privata poopeoty if fbsatiing N. in taon. Coteii Catias look formant te tise No snîrsl flndhag mnd beep tise tecame a problem. mibanset oits tisat plan end of obat mmny refer ta as the ostowintec (oeatter-oise) inat least 20 yearo. Toon of Milton oorbs daportatent off tie amang those taatang foroarti to the ami. For Umtae respansihle for teephag ronds cear, il off meas the ami ofa oister of early moroins ami entraortiiary oveotime. teorst i 1 lsyears Town oorisssuperiotestiaot Broce McKerr referont ts tae ointer as tte oort in the 18ya te's teau wt the ton staff. Na saiki SuCo cemoval coïs oui tie np over otiser yars, but sot by a gran deal. Ne sati tise amsont oas eut consltiecahly oben tise ton staff mati aIl tiseir oon mas ami eqmipmont duchaf the ointeo ami never renteti eqipasent or men. Oftentiseing the oioter men oae callaS upas to clear tise business section 0f toon startisg at 5 a.m. la finishs it hefore businsts startei. Tbey also oobat seventl oeesenda. Canin np [ast yaar the toon tastgeteti for 16,000 on 15100 removal. NaIf ti 10 paiti by the province. "Vie oere oeilasndar tiattlast yar bsut tis year oe'Il rue close," McKerr mid. 'if oebhada quics 00ao ami tieacy rai, seed te in for trouble ' tise ouperuntendent mted. Milserflostiing Ne esplaintn nonor Ramoinif 015 te ntevitabfe bafore tisa asos gees noay. "Wisera tisera are tanaqat Stormn sewecs y05 bave te depenti os colverts. Vie SRND A ST10RY aitie animal meeting of Qtiaker Data ha Peterborousgh, la presif try tu ieep the cluvecte at entais ssto Chamber of Commerce Wednesday are tae Ontario Cisnmber of Commere basins open but ttey thin 10e tisare ar-itngplysec deytiuse ami freene agaus at gseat sposater Maris KelOo, laIt nao Milton detivesiaisditts. o ysec nighlt"se espisinedL bans CliSmier president Reg DiCola, tisa Ontario annuel meeting of tise Millon gseup O hivisîle tisera bas be nuCisambar manager Cace Sssoar. Mr. tKattoo attendeti thse disse, meeting sad de raparteti flsatiing of private a psuie relatios sand personnel mas olth (Staff Phsoo) an ruade. tee ma19 stavy was deit lise ppears tise a Sisara sf eva Ros If tise cst ton roadi Nlgisoays tIf. If tise acoanty pay hall ays tise in oould per cent per cent. o00sing 10 (the Das- n Lise) to esaisia qoarries g Rronta A vacant dlay pit ai Miltas rincis Co. os Bame Lise Rd. oest ofi Miton sealti ha tise ideal site for a central incinerahar No serve tise soae of Balton Comnty, saemhars of Miltas Cooscil saggentad tits omis. Tiecepny ias sffered Nu let mim aqeng mnd Nassaga. wey Toonsips ose as ahssled pit adjacent te titeir plan for a cestral sanllary tandili site. As ispectar frin te Battas Coasty Neati Unit, tise elers mdorss sae tenat- ont mnd to mon framtie aSte management iseancis Dearment ai Energy and Resoaur ca s Management inspectad tise site lte in Jassao and deeided toge isacs and Issis et it in the sttrlng oison tse ono tes leit tio gromnd. Forteaonltinee Thse omte managemsent mon ssggested tise toon and taonships fnrssa joint consnjttee ta reveoasedl1tsa eeds.10 0tishae p les aid revino tise Miton Brics site, and nllered thiiet assistance. Depnty Reeve Percy Barr mlid at tise racent gaod road, convention ie learned tise proovince in oitling te amist munielpalîties olts ow-cant flnmcsg an sites saris as titis, if titey servesa regimn ratitor thas a single mtinicipality. Ne mentloned the possiisility of tpie.s a central iscisterator thee "Thtis could hae the rigist location" for an iscicerator to serve att 0f Haltan, ise sald. Clers J. MeGeacitie said the onste management teancs has invitaid coseSi to tsar Nao areas ohace sacs prsgirasns are in affect. Ne oas autitorised to contact tise toonships mnd gelthe eomsssttae estaisiied. SPRING? God setea: Stalag la la ltse Off lag. Mes. Rata Brillais, eneatar et Balten Museaum, reportaS alglslag tua railla ai ber biSd feeder Maatj toenisg. iat's theb= of lmag tudatela wild itr TO THE WINNER GOES tise spoias and Caroll Baker tells DUNles hae has hec support. rvcastly etactesi NDP candidate Bill DuNfes Caroll oppeacei hefore andi dss'ig tae sueenjoyas i s victory over Albsert Tschal prsgnm osth "The Candymen". (Staff mnd Ken Getos Tuesday. Racordmng srtist Photo) Gillies cardes NDP banner into '71 provincial election Si Gises defateti Ken Delos for the NDP nomination for of OakotUe ami Albert Toctel of Nalton East ridig tst Tueoday. Gleorgetoon in a tboae oay race Gillies represent the party in Reg DiCola president Cham ber revîews busy year in '70 test o) e and at tise iar 100 egDiCota, manager of the Mi=a hraech of the Bans of Nova Scotia, oas elecled ç.rasident of Miltas Chamisar of Caomarce St the grosp's annuel m thfWedaesday evenhag. Ha sucea1970 president Mos. Mary Clarke sitar servisg for one year as vice-president. The Chambeo reviaont a isy year of 0e-organisation and taonchedplans f or mother aven isiir year ie 1971 aithe aneool meethaf , o tNois 0e farts of a dino st das ath 00e gios Hall Wadnesday. Ovar 100 athandei Nertte roat iseef tisser servei hy the Laf ion Asoiliary, a isief poogram', s ta00 isy Ontario Cisamiser pomsident Mars D. S. Kelloo, installation of officars and adance tuthe music of the Coanssen Orchestra. Mos. Yvonne Christie of Chrisie and Wood Real Estate oa named vise-presidenRi MsCuaifg of McCaig tIaac Jils Smnpla of Rani of Mnra 10 baeS agais as treasarer. Mots. MayClarte 10 pastoprsdent, m Isise Cisarîtan Bfans of Conmmerce 10 astitar. Casosittea cttalrsen nmed are teastificaton, Mos. Shal Parton of Ititimer Real Estata; retati, co-cisairmen Rtill Gaager 0f Gallinger Mercury asti Nics Choctanacs of Charles Notai; Richsardson of Richardson TV social, Mos. Barbsara Zanattao0f mýd Friae osHado Tator Building Suppies; way Pist r Mmsfactng.o e do mnd means, Dos Smth of Cmnada Non Htarris hrougist in the front; memtership, Nos Harris, mminating coossitteens report Hlarris Statioseoy; mnd pshicity and itoas accepted as prementnt. md promotion, Roy Doons of Retirmng president Mos. Clarkse mbe Champion. was in hospitol mnd osaste to Directorsa et lage are Kmn Syer attend the annuel mmting, on iser of Syer's Family Pasis ami reviese of 1970 activihies oas reai Uhîrîcs Nooas of Caravan hy hacosisg prmident DiCola. Restaurant seho seill asoist Os Highights oeoe: lise retail committee), Bill Burroughs of Crest Hardoare, Memharship was doohfed to Mos. Carole Stewart of Yetiow 103; esecotice meetings oeoe isalloon, Roy Noblte of Clamants tetd evary moo00; bullietis oare mnd Noble tssomce; Aohrey (centlned se Page 9) No big rush Licence sales orderly Milton and acco cesidenlo I ce scon sme yearn mises N uht lhiser icence pistes early me ve had as mmy as four typisto ibis yeor mnd most avoîded the oorsag os jsst iscence plates, last minutetarmsh,reports a isiyerhol gt early Sureau. "Lsee-s ceca employas. modeata empaeti SRaerai poplse oare st years."te - a' or toickling inta the isureau eorly ears. Moday tissy piston, btmany A toal of 5,8W passego ami = ýtisa ..ha fargot aisout the 369 dm1l porpoie sets of icence Milton Police cisargati ane plates oare mold dsohag the tisree renfilent for ast isavlng t971 mnth pattaS isaging Dec. 1, plates on tas nuo oite drtvtng 1970 and endisg on Ratsirday. trougs ton an RSntiay. the ridmng in the hast provncial electios, and eariar csntantedl NolIsa riding againtt George Gi00me has seront os a sucoar 0f hoards ami comhmissisons for Oahviie ami Natton as oeil an serving ans Oakvilla cosedlor for 100 yaars and dapsty reava for the on for tisree years. Gillies altacsed tise Tory foveosment for omit he catint stupidity ami callas govarohaf. " wr is amoud of usecot ha Ontaro ifdseecapture itoecou sein the elaction," ho said. Ho spose sf had deals farmers are gettiof in tond asseosmant mnd the oree for isdmtry No pay the shot for pollution conîrot istead of the taspayers. Ne called for faon discriminate lahor loses, assasomaent reformn and action os regionat goveesmeot. ln hs arvepteece Diluies motad there 0058a sent for revenue throagh otter sources tham taxes. Ha islastad the Waf 11e elemant of the NDP, nothag 00ey Oece a bunschof radicals. "Wehave a razy issaci calladl tsa Waflt frouP. We don't sead ther and oe don't osot tham, " ha deciared. Gmest speaker for the eveshag, depsty leader of the Ontario NDP, Walter Pttmas said the NDP foceromeol seoold provide a whole ew woyof living. He was critical of tise governmenî's loch of action os Pollution. Ho hlasted tise edorationa sYstern ami sai YOmintrs Oece isapt in saimai antil 00ey are 20 or 21 ta beep 00em off the oellara rotin. Ne predicted a "sac etectian."1 'The conarvativen oilf loy to maire it bo i e sochauias agaitut from enterpt'ise. "We oon't ptay their game. We'l drive theru ta the ismuen ani oeli doive thitn tisera eeery day" hae promised. VOL. 111 - No. 44 -I ý - 1