Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Feb 1971, p. 7

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SoIid core active ls Stu John brigade Tp anuy cîlluess of tha iauuustySt. Jaisk Ambuui.e= oulturma, carl basdulda ulurevar tey go ald ara la Uic aniable piion of belag aitauad bitabocey gucscs a umt aubil ec it ullst paybsg. Wle Uic job duai bave lis couards, tbe or of the brigade la mach greaer UianiIl mib unea ashUe surface l. t. n contributios la lb. aiiuaity la a very coul ne. lic laocal Sl. Jao mai Dlagde suifera froc a vague pbieIae. Brigde leadar DuIe t f abd by a cammas mîscooceptn motersa lb. brIgade's purabiez Sru aid poil. "(litai Wui ou are ou unulguaicit uli itoutpeopeuitl assume Duat Il la the boipitai amubulance and a oldl by lhe fait tbat ut tuait aie ufth Si t. Jotas uembera r m ,eif lb. buspîtulas lb. Miltou Brigade bas a nimbauidp sf 20 maubeca aid ai are qalilcd Birai aid ad- miitatrr. lb. calai brigade siankeri play are maoy and vurled la Uic cosuoity. Frldsy ugt bocbcy gunes flad ut luist one or tua bogde membari ittioued ut ufruege palis la Uic area.T. iduc and uhite iforin accu aoulcocue slgbt la, aninljarel bocbe pyar. Bt. Jao suai aflai adalaltar flrst aid n Uic spot but lac lajariea nedisg more tratiiest poains arc ublabcd off la bespîtli. Legion Notes The montly membersblp The mied progresive aucbre ssalaguwaa scbeduted to a eed taarsamest hetd ia the clubroam onuMoudsy, Feb . 8 bttas these tant Frlday eesla us tqste iotas uere wrlttes prlar la "bI sucsft a t Wrae inlt date 1 cas gin. yau o be betd every Friday slght outil laformsation about It at the tbe eid af ttie seasos. sussent. Mesibers are remlsed Milton Legl ai tbree teais that dues for 1971 are saw la tic Zone B7 Esebre payable Ples doa't pst il off Toursamnest bat t'ai afruld tbey inith ic ta moiment. did sot do cery ual. At Teuât slCK CALL. ubes they returned ta the Mdmbars la lb. boupitut utai eutanoo they uere ail cary presait time ara Eurt Masgruu, quiet Roy Meboueti asd Eboar 'lb. Zou. B7 Durt Tourarumat Btuck. We ail ulab acb of uil be beld la Bramlpon Legli ther a spe.dy reeovery. ou ilaturday. Fcb. 13. Meuibers SPORTS ubo ulub la ptay are asb.d ta la Uic tusdusra Dut L.eagu contact sparts attirer Bob Titus stundlags as of Jan. 25 uer. asiioon sa pssilbe. Blairs 83, Jobusons 77 and FN'IERTAINMENT Nleluuis 61. lb. blgb scorar ta Tberc uus thc usuaI good * Lai Apelos wli 180usnd Bernle rroud ln lb. ctubraom au Si ills thd ibgb flaiob wli S Saturday tuai lar thc weebty - score of 123. social eveoing ami ail preseot *reatly oeemed la eojoy Zisouermuos stiD laid] thc way Os Friduy seul, Feb. 12, la witb 132 poins fattoued by monjuactioo ui thc Milton Smou Sthb 127 ' Klide 121, Balla Festival, tbore ul bo a dance la and Nuie 120, Steuarts 110, the Bouquet Hall. Au music la Mobauwks 113, Bcouou 111 amidtulaag provldcd by tbe Kevla thiaulsg 109. Mailoy Shbow Baud Il la expecled lb. Legiou abuffleboird lac there wit boa Mai boase. Tbere ds't do vary ul la ic h Uiltedl are a few ticbets (84.00 par Biaffleboard teague matlcb tait coopte) avuitubte fram tbe ibursay ugast ou Obvlille steward and as admitance la lac la Ou Ut.l. lbey uer d diuu.u~ u vasdla boutai i-O. l ~youls LoIt Too costly to measure blastlng ut quarries Th lbcoutaf slsograpi cbecbo of Minci docuolt eves do avec a 12 suoulb period ta couilomil monilaring", be uoed.C suasore thc iotanity of biasig i1 uisb someoue would coabc froui towship qurla would bo h alb bo nsd quit paslag il t p'aldbiice, il was iuggcutcd ut aromnd", Deputy Reeve Dun E Nussooaeya Coudeil Mouday. MeMilan oplacd ai discusson i lbe proposai bud brai made wore ou about blsllg. H. solad c uhen F. Benaoai oubsuitteal oie Miaitar reporta the province 6 cao daie b Iue boof las tegiulution panig. c solb ialterof Mines star Il couiptlalat about the sovecily of tblasliog ut Campbllvlilce Gravel. Tiie Mlalotar ouggcsted the lauship lavestlguath Ibosti of selsicogrupb Ieula avec the 12. moelb pariod. To cesty lb. clark reportedt Uiare uas oly one major ii st ap for thc '~requîrcd scliumograpb reuadig 2 O aid laturprcttiou. "The coul of cuitiouui mouilarlag uauld bo SUBSTATIONS and Mc prohibitive for Nasasgawcya", REPAIRS bo ~ ~ ~ S ullgcsud Tb Dprtuit AERIAL FLOODLIGHI U UNDE RGROUND Wl Il -Use Cbampiou ciassifiedu. OPOLE LUNE CONSTRU -bare's Iots of lb. main lagccdlint lnow) ou baud for thswe' nwFestival. Dolg17Crgde suaiibaru sol f.rtgted ut iat 12965 lri MItiar iotas Uie estlinaîe ai 129 ta lau aud ouiy rprecotu freabueuts rcoardait. "01te oie of uc membaru uli Potch up a isir uaoud ar auiqiiy bondages forsmiser cia itbout murblag Il deus," b. nottd. Hocbey gas, specl hbes or campa, uulbitbos, scboul field dssf uarebgbsbo umoual ilteu-Era are places you miglit flad yaumself la nemi of a friaidly Bt. Jahn mou. ipumai sembers tua Wumn la Due brigade ual up tait and aoud and boby aillag services ut fail fuira ami Bleus Eru. Dul enableu mam, and dual la, mcc Due tIgu miey uout ta, me uliont a tireal yougslar ta lag araoud. Dariogîthe summer masmis Uic staff of Milton Casumunily immulaîPool bas.uue of Uic portable firai aid mit. Trcutiog inuaries and uilmndaig Uic boit of ncious miey do atteod la the moura. aillae year la ouiy a Suail Part of Si. John's cale la Uic Accil t eveition and f Irai ald trulalg are ou latugral port of Uic Si. Jo pram. BaUi Mtiltou Poic am OPP tube udeoutuge af f Irs aid couras offcrcd, as do froopo sucb ai Girl G(uids and Boy Slcouts. Tbosc ebo conduit Due classes roccive an bourarium. Ibila thUi only uay or restuaraion lidviduata 'eceive. Revnue lhe bigade depeuds largely ou draies, raffiesanod donaions frm Uiose graupa they serve ta b. communlty. Onace or luire a yar Uic brigade uit stage siosolalail lausteri ai on. sort or aooUer. b.e icco. laites place aI Miltlau >tirict EmpilaI and barda of ap= udy lajarel pacsons from s buor trala urecb are loaie are and Uic freabuenl Uhal vould mormaily la given tas emonstrated. Neweuiassi Pete Steger, one of tbe 7gude'u neucai membori ta c ypical of lb. entbuuiasm cuneroteal la Uic brigade. "I mily aijoy beipiu pope Ad ce la sS mare peuple lavoncal i bis sort ni uorb," Mc. S0cger b 'Wbat yo lavre to leara ta ecosue a Si. John man la îmetblngaevcryonc snud îou," mays illager. Reuizieg WI Uic entuimiasm is cenired round u douen sobid uorberu, be M ge ai m cbanesm. "We'il fry Fi mabe our meetings more ereuling by ibouiag movies of d porlapn prnnldlag smc sort Or colerlainmct," be olad. diu Aflac fine yearn la oporaion Ni e brigade uitcmotre Uhir Uih forts oa cecroilluf gond laitial mcmbcru. Tbe sobid As eof mcmborsiaepected 10 fIa au wmU Uic comisamity ami ccî ailae la provide a service la geî commouity. soi Snowbemnd 35 houas Road crews may have stranded cars removed Muicipal coud cccwsl bave thc plohaut logns op the Tentil Lise becume couds warc blocbcd. ciglil la bave air abusdaied bosiedlateiy ufte toc o lc, but Differenilvrsion durîsg iuoatorms remavcd uui uable la praceed fiauthr Reeve Tom Hill maid be bu froua thc aoitd, Eiquailsg couceil bocuse of ou abosdaied car be almisglaauoe ofthe twosu lafocued rauduasperlataidait C, blacblag Uic coud. Mc. Snou tld and beurd a différent versiono E. 'Bud" Bai, Mouduy slL coucel thc opeauor af thc piau lb nien.-etodm Coucjiloc e Cm = tld hü tbo ar w loced a l tg incideit. "H. lid me b.r coileuguaibobodrecolceduàcSil bo coald du mohlai ubout IL 2due'tgctaok,botstuafHi] frosu cala. ifhe TaiUi Isne, Coffuaeutly the pia. motiaueidlars eaiu, Bev i la thc nortboait portli af lbhe u laclear cos lothar parts of r1er. va ill aiso cemiadea taonshp, ta, suy tiel' wcce the lawshiip. ie oni eiet a fo 5btlcbedlanby olupggcd rsadu Dptrue. Bmaeil abandcus c ars resieul cao mv la I1 os darlaig thc recuit sdald iatsofthe arabd~ ubasamadeimi cafru raiu te fOs atorm. hün thecar was otlockud andbe lbe ceeve soid b. bod duos' Iisa Abaudouedecar aiireascd grave cosceco tua after =cevaacaIl froso Eigbhb Mc. Buau sakd a townsip oa sen bod toit a day of uorb Lia.rle o. John Kitchen chairs Nass. Planning Board FiÇIITDIrI Jobs Kitclîes, a veleran member ai Nasuuguueyu PlnIgBoard uas electel ils ai uthei graupia tirai meeting la 197 1 ou Weduesdsy aviag and Dan Stht uus nmmi vlce-cbafrsuan. (lIber sembers ufthe board are Canclisr JIs Watson, Obituary J. L. Gilbey Focscrly ai Milton, Jabn mle Gilbey dical la Moufral ou Jan. 22 fallauisg a icsgUiy iilnem. Neu is l 71sft year. Bora la Engiund ou Marcb 19, 1000 la livd uIi bia fumnily la bltoln ami attaidcd Bruce iL Pubbi c rban. H. lter marre lic larmar Mildrud Neville and svad la Moufresi ubare be uuî nsapioYcd ultb Uic Bank ai Commerce. Ne reaiued Ibere mnil bia ceicnt. Priviteservca A privaI. fualy funerai service uas belal la Monfrea où Jou. 25 uilb bis broUiar Bec. ilanley Gilbey condociof Uic ilurviviog are uIf. btildcud, rolbcra Rec. Gilbey ai Toronto ad Geoffrey ai Milon, Ststeru 'anStance Gilbey ai Toconto, iladys (Mci. Jobn Taylor> crolto, anal ulece Ansi (Mru. F. Bye) of Narvai. NIa sitar tîllîccut Giibey pre-deceuad Heairt blitz Fcbruary lu "Heurt Funal ontU" and the anc-day blit la tola uitla be hld ou Suday .b. 14. Tic Calbnlic Womeo'n Leugue Holy Bosary Cburcb la goulatag the drive mndcc Uic ctinofa Mru. D. O'Conur. ldaitsof ailtou uli canvuso auon Smnday. Tie Cuoadiau Heurt Fuod scialion flag ta fiyiog an Uie gpole aI lb. Tao Hall, miudiug everyone ta gîce serooîly. Gin. a itlîe anal ami eca lite. IFEBRUARy ESTIVAL SALE LADIES' WINTER COATS Broken Siz.s FINAL CLEAROUT Regutar To 1165 6 AT 3099 GIVE AWAY 29" Childron's (Boys' and Girls') *UNTING BAGS AND JACKETS Qaîtteal 4-6 & 7-10 Ragular To 019.96 / 999 TO 9 228 Main St. Milten Phone 878267 Conrad Buait ami Bon Coikaiey. Formcr bard m.subcru preumnt fac Uic meeing uer. Beeva A. MacArtbur, Pal ~R:ave,Allan Acan anal Becretary realgas Durnu lb. meetIng lie resignullas ai Camupbell lbsmpson as îeccetury- frcaurar uas uceepled uben b. pointad out groulsg respaoaibiitles us cierb- freauarer =ita bIs ram rendsrieg aff net icrlc the Board. S.W avage uas aspoinaitd us closel dur discussion by cscsbccs, Puyiucno uas sel ut 13» a mueig. Mumberuuagread la inviteroi. SbuIy fracs Uic University ut Gueip la mmi.n ta a fulare mtit, the resulla ai Cbaifarm, buacouduclad la lb. Blue ~Srbigs Crccb. Esciar reporta ou Uic lesta bud ladicacal a vayg levelai ofCboifoccs late re ulacb Ui.y fait mauld bacc co- mncldsd uilb Uic dumplaf ai meptic taub alualge le tihe ares. Caiscilioru ucre ats la la uiled la baur Dr. Wbatey wee be cao appar. Set salarfes lb. par diecs puyioent for ieiabcni af lb. Boaud uai sel ut $25. a meetlag uli $30 for Uic Cialinman. Tbe declelan an the uayaiat uus rccondcd aitar a rivala discusson by meaibaru. Mecsbers recsmmended 10 Council Uic uppolalmaint la Uie Ballon Planning Association ot Chirmus John KiIcbcu and 'ecrctury S. W. Savage. Meetings uare set fsr Uic ecami anal fourtb Tusday ai Uic aonlb ut 8 p. COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERSVICE INOUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTISACTING *ELECTRIC HEATING WATER HEATER RENTALS 878-204 FREE ES'rIMaATES d f a a e Feb. l4th Volentine's Day ~ will soon be here. .> Make it a speciol occasion i k with a glamorous hairdo f rom Fash ion Beauty Lounge V ross lirancer j220 Main St. E.' Miton 8786341 SlOW FESTIVAL SAVINGS DIAMONDS FOR SALE "ACCUTRON" 6 ONLY UNMOUNTED WIN~TER CA RNI VAL 47 POINT DIAMOND Sssw CurniaiuSper value SPECIALS Appraîssl Valu. $400.00 £%l 0 exu Gents Accutron 47 PONT DIMOND Snew Cursivul Super Value Stainlesq Case Alligator Strap 47 PONT DIMONDReg. Pric, 15oo tAlmost Hall A Carat> $40400 SALE $ 00 25 PINTDIAMND oos Carava Supr Vlue Gents Accutron 25 PINTDIAOND nowCarivalSupr VlueStainless Case Alligator Strap (14 Carat>)2 2 Reg. Price. 13.5.00 25 OIN DAMOD nowCarivi Spe Vaue SALE $97.00 (1/4 arat)Gents Accutron Appaisd Vlue$23.00$13 .2 Ycllom Go(d Fillel Casa - Alligator Slrap 92 PINTDIAOND n-wCarivalSupr Vlue Reg. Prica 190.0o (lmost Full Carat) SALE '139.00 APrase ale 1,5.0 $368 Gents Accutron Combination Ye(lom Gold tîllel And litainless Case 92 POINT DIAMOND Snsw Carnival Super Valu, Matching Bracelet Appaied ale 2,30.0,500. SALE $147.00 THIS GREAT VALUE OFFER IS FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY - WED., FEB. 10 TO SAT., FEB. 13 Thea Canîdian Champion. Wedncsdîy, Febroicy 10, 1971 7 Eurly biling on twp. taxes Th. finst tua laulailmeuta of bodge iî set bitull Wb laudjuuted Nasaguueyu e tuiull or du tlcei fiat tua lastailmaila. It onuthelbhrd Fday iMachb=u w uOo0ld the30 milluld bo the finit Friday la May a thc leau t'han bail thc latal lus bi. launsbip laitiatli iaer taarasu Bills are eopectcd ta go ait la billiag prograi.poet wesaotteedo An ýla coentiag by-lau uaa ti ot ueiaou. iad0 uppcanedby thebowship moudci moudyina effort la redore the tounabip's borrouiug f hbre' so muchbaie in te ceqauremeola ta ccce edumatiou uocid,bhoudo you accouit for the and coonly poymeolo ou popiulaio explosion? comiog due aly la lhe yar. Lais lbas bail The moulb la Uic grocor's Tbe mîerico bill ual bo boicd fraend, tihe deitiatis Incluse, the au 30 mala. Wbeo Uic townslap oralar'o prde and the foui's tcap. Sheridan College of AppIied Arts ondTechnology BRAMPTON CAMPUS Incites applications nom from MATURE ADULTS Iotcrested In th. expandlng fileld of SOCIAL SERVICE This is a (.0 year (Sept. -Mayt dîploma course, (part-tîme in attendance, full.time in content). Applicants uith University Credits In psychology, sociology or related fields may bo granted advunce standing. APPLICATION FORMS are available noua fromn thse Rogistrar's Office, 98 Cborch Street Efast, Brampton. Tolophom. 459-7533; 826-4360; 314-1491 John P. Page, Chairmas, Applical and General Arts Veru Nadas, Cs.ardinator, Social Service Prugrusu

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