Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Feb 1971, p. 18

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*Tise Caneldisu Chsampien, or sdy, Pebuay 10, 1971 ~Etrnmiou iîtrlt Page Omnagh Travellers trapped during snow storm nyNrs. Cecl Pttersae cuny Ms Williamn Deulin of this district boutS eronnh and isis son Rennets of *Dairy Fare' Willosedale, returned rerently moire iterenth tromn a tare. seeki vacation isy -MilisyWay", a iouler to many rentres in lee giues euen il le U.S.A. lisey uisited selle Mu. already taisen th Doevs sioters sud famnilles, at Girls 12 yeous nl Bnuffao seit Mr. and Mus. are eligiisle and Nta ad(ine ihMs th jc iJi eaty (Hatie) a) Daytoassa cres), a 4-H sil Florids seitis Mr. and Mus. rortificate fore Harvey Forestur (Vinlet) ai GoleM Freepaut, Grand Biaisama Island. Mi. sud Mis: Leauit leeU.S.sud trauelling esjoyiog a mso isy dir to .Freupart lee josroey troueliog isy r louis 25 minutes, nn their retors Tenessue and os isy bsoat lisey enjnyed a flue hour croise. Iisey aiseouisitedtr Mr. sud Min. M. Pebu i Bale, K lrd Pennsyluane sud o sepises Mu. and Mrs. Frans Waud in Columbsia, Solsh Carolico.Ch Retua Iot blizzard h Tise Deulio's bil a fine vacation and tiseir isiggest proislem nos te ariue hacs i Canada dsrsng tise recent l islinzard, and taey sere storm- stayed a) London, sutil seonlier sud made permaittedl thein to By Mes. W trace) home. The annual Tise Boyne Recreation meeting of the Committue iseld a eocisre pouty ai Rilisuide ws tise centre on Friday evenffo evesit Feis. 3 Feis. 5, nîtisten tasles of players. scisont roon 1'riou semners igis scores sure attendance.R Mrs. Gordon Tisocpson and wsea in charge Harvey Dun. Mrs. Leslie Loulsy illiers secretary i Luck drws erewon y screaryRosi Lucbdrasnuusoisy tis mustesio Florence Tunyuise, Alfred Ford, meein John'ence, and Gerald Reviese Tenyuiu. IThe osoat social half Printed repas our suer a dulicsous lsuc an actiusties of th coffue ws en n8yed by ait. distrtisuted an siirtisday greutsoos te Douflan some length. I Wilson, Pat Ford, Marin Jouuss, tise buginming of Cheryl Aon Puaceris, Mrs. F. 106 memburs an Riorsarîts, Ertisk Keller, Mis. meinburs. Tse Grant DevlIn and Cyothia Clais. seere cenfirmed Tise 4-H Homemakig clus 108 inemburs aI trojcctlfor taissprigi 'a Dairy ya.There Faru. " Tramnig suisonl seas bld yuousm and in Grace Anglicn Csucs Halln T sesday and Wedoesday Feis 2 condscted isy ta and 3, froco 10 A.M. to, 4 P.M. The fsoseina coch dsy. Inibt5is fond project, Wlîsher ase issîs in ls sssuy toron, cheese Hclisherstn and otbur dsiry prndscs are u sd M. thintoer nus seys. Seven steseal Discssions seilI couer tais year sere r inuitionai valus, ceins. selec. Rrie McArtaous bions andl care Mf dsiry fonds ofca organ Sorne of tise recmpes to lse Wiaise as the dernonstuateil aod prepoued aiseitaywh meetings are, Cottage peoto Hepborn andMr salad, chocisen a la king, cheese social hall isoor drop biscuits, cherse cake, GooM Nul) crapuils, costards and 555db Tise Good Nei sisaises. tast Mondsyeu Lecolcladera Pulic eshol Local laders Mus. Ccil tbuee tables Patterson ond Mus. Marie escisu. ieingi Kelonsu aileodeil classes sud oloneus seereR hipe te, strs le e rojeut in Mus. Collng, Mr aotN veb.Meetings weil Donald Doug lie field on Sahsrdey aflerosa Cosi ai Ed fron 1 t02 P.M.(sppuoxboaely< HOMel for le for sevus or mno', meetings. James Wetise Thies selS be là clubst. ling Arnold CollIng. peui, btros ais &det hi tise C5ildren sa )oenBannister t mea ch sarge. sa a revised and i cousn of the it redit n ib e mecoburs have se 'Miisy Way." f age isy Mar, t. il tisey cocoptete, trereiue a 4-H ver speon and a 'very tseo clubss. asutille Grant Doubo sue s neis boliday, ar te Nasbuille, sfor a uisit aile the latter's sister anil tamily at Fort Lauderdale FIonsi. Froco there by air te Forester's at Freepart, Grand BOahamas., Friendn siss tbum a pleasant 4-H flol in parade Horîîiy South 4-H Glus are preparimg a float sud eilî taeis part in tbe linon Festival parade os Milton on liatorday , Feis. 13, aI 10 A.., fron Milton Pîaaa. Miss isue Pull of Palerioo Qseen for Halton County, seil joc tac touai girls i promontmg 4-H nons. Drumquin UCW members discuss Ont - Quebec relations ny irs. ceaca Patisesse Tise Fesrsery meeting ot Bethl U.C.W. sees beldi ai tbe berne of Mus. W. Raris su Wednesdey e=eissgFi. 3. MIse memboro an ils tore asssered tise roll cati and Prayer. Puseldcent lira. L. Tlste opened tbe meeting wtt. a peon. Pupe vas whlss de yes ms. Thsedevotlonalsi gunyMs R. Fe.tiserslo, iudneppe ..Are you satiBed wth yosu fle?". Mus. Harsgv h conclusion ot Reconcillatios ofs Broksen World. A paper was presented on tise Provinces Mf Ontario and Queber sisiwing île aises. Qseiser hi lorgeuslssuGOntario seite Ontario isas tise hirgoat posiltos =opae tise isdsstrte: aid joet.It wes intat tiat 90 percent Mf Qsebec hi eslnhaied, greal bonsh counli'y excellent ber tise pulp sud paper lsdsly aies miing. Wlsst hi tbe pusisleco butneen tse two provinces?,l fi tise langouge or religions filet ha reatiog tbu pushleco? A general discssion onlithec ttoilowed and mode an in Ietng isogueso. Carl of Tisanka A crud of tisanhs ses readturom lise A.R.C. Industries ai Rounisy fou tise cash donation at Chisimcas and eotesded an iuitatisn ta the ladies t atend tise openulg of tise addition hi tise ossin hildig. A letter trom Mus. George Bailey and famlly tor couds, floral trihutes ond kisidness on liseir rerent hereaveinent, tse loso of a bsshand ssd latier. Mu. Lawrence sent thanso 1r fis loue) y Chritamas flower sud Mus. C. Ford sffered thanlis for floneus sent toier hsandvisile in hospital. Appreecintim A lutter of oaoeiio s ,.od froco FredVirMhio Tsrsnto for tbu wihite gitla aid cartons of rlothig sent at Chruistmnas. Tisisosion sisoues wits United and Anglican rhrcbus in dswntown Toronto, coot Of Vonge i., tiiei donations Mf rlotshing. Tise oued la greal sud anyit of buddig rlothlog ou fonh gratetslly uecuived. lb. Victor Mission sisulters 125 cous t nitle, tisey pusuide s residuen for 70 old age peosioneus and do reisaiitation wors wlth wseoe patients f rom tise Ontario Hlospital. ielisel U.C.5V. suSl rater ta a bsanquet at Moss Custr onFes 8 for tise Gabille Federatlio Lady Tearburi sud bu a weddlsg on Fes. 27. New Müalnler Mons Lynne Adamos of Beiuille sud Toronto will bue issdscted as the newssssniter for Hillerest sud lietsel rongregations on Tsesdsy Fuis. 9 n a ervisce at Hilrest, memiseus are isvited to attend tis seiipal ceuemony. foilowig tihe buonedirtion bonus was seuuedi isy thse isosless, Mis. L. Liter and irch group elects te of officiais iSlam Wason congregational United Cisurcs of seld Wednesday in the Ssuday nits a good eu. R. Harnsod of the meeting. WIiner arting lie aissence of Harbuttle read f the previoos Activtes te coveringth e cisurcser il discssud at t sboseed taat in 1970 there neru d10 noo-ucsident oyoong people mabisg a total of the end of the were aiso eigbt one marriage e Minister. -persons wr ders, - Mrs. L. drs. Rînur Wilisam Piciset) da dse te retire untalled. Mus. csappninted as ist and Mms. congregational isditers Chsarles s. McArtaor. A foltswed. lisiss Clsub gbbor club mut nog in Rilisuide suditoriumn nile sf progresnive slayed. Prise irs. B. Coullon, s. Wilburt Ford, Ian, Bsrnesn gar Ellingion. sig sere Mus. anl sd Mms. Itescisera ai Rdlbusdu shon) esioyed bot dogs for luncb Iast Wednesday sen 35 dozen wcre prepared sud served by social conveners, Mrs. Met Dasies, Mrs. Donald Coulson. assssted by Mrs. George Roburtson, Mrs. Milton licisett sud ters. William Watson. Holiday Fuldav Cisildren norts of No. 5 Higis. way enjoyed an unespecîed holiday aest Frîday, seben scisools ocre closeil due to tise icy conditions. lise Grades 6, 7 and 8 students of Fairsiew scbssl went by bus to Central Aruna, Blibgten, sebere they enjoyed sisabil, as part of the Pisysical Edecotion prograco last Thounday Fois. 4. A rnseilaneous dioseer vas buld in bonor of Mbos Bonnie McDoagall, isride bu bue laat Tsiesdiay euesing Feis. 2 athle <urne of ber inter. Min. Mon Ryder, assistecd iy anoleer sboter Mus. Neweton. Miss McDougalt seill homeen tise bride of Laury Watson, Satudsy Morch 6 at Grace Anglican Chouch, Milton. liail 4-y to faleer: "Hon corne sods pop seill spoil my dsnner and inartinis guve y05 su appetite?" Nus. Jean Clisses eeatis of deliloues chinse food and lTse us meeting Io ut tis berne Mf Mis E. Bail, seds World's DaY of Psyer la su isarcs à utim St. Steq"sua Anglican cisrc wltbe tebo" sowmahlles eo greaisas =ihrd week when alare made St a ljmet Impassable. Sted otoulis eerte deliuered satlyhose wsn lesir cors lecarne belpie in tise driftsa. l'o volsuteors bravedl tise atorid = à=er roes su P'uiday 10ro u chsdes and talles trees froco a telepisnne lise Htornby sudl tises rutrii erve, ia avaiewllaid bysuenbt. loW'el met Diane Dhsian sd Jas Csu. lThe Pu"ey Nvy Blsse sud Schoo Annoati er a aceesgln -regular Hme sud Scissul arce weInloo rsm tl be ase Myflis.Jneest lb. Rouris Tratalgar Eucisre Gais beld tiseïr ws.isly Escsue Party at tise Moitis Triaalga Comssisssty Centre on Setra sot Fes. 8. lbere, sere eigist tlescambe itplewts tihe prines going to tie feleloWg iusera: Birai prtse, Mis. Jecl lborse, second prise Mua. Hauvey Duan, t"prise Mua. Clou Wison. Fer tih. guns tise wlnnern were flusi Ralps Feotheunton, second iiE Martin sud tisird BIS lbomas lTse luky drasn ver. se s Mis. Margaret Leily sdBc Barton. Biulisday gu.etingn are ustesdsdto tbe tntswing wis eo celehrating thelu isirlisdeys: Andersonayun Fes. 7, Leonard Bacisler su Fes. t, Janet Calhu su Fes. 1f, Valerle Plsut on Fes. 15. Feesale mW@tter Reu Lynne Adeins wsea sel omedsshr tvose chargea on Ssnday, Fébrury 7, wissu sble sweacised ber Brai service in tise mernig et tbe Retihel United Churris and froin tiser. to Hillcresi ai Il ans. Mies Adams hi froes Torontand decld.d lei bu a mnvile seu aise wus 17 snd gradualed 10 yesi laler wlts a BadseloreofDvinity degus. trous Emmranuel Coilege in Toronto. Get weil wish aresetendedtic Misa Bessie Seils wiso hi a patient in tise Milton Ditrict Friendàs of Mus. Clarenco Peacocs, wlil bu ptesaed te ber tisai ase hi recowerlng at ber home toiowlg err in tise Million Dilc tosdtl. Nllkprndueus mad lise annuel meeting of tise Btonis Qsuty Mil Prodarors vas iseld on Wendy Fes. 3, at tise Mo"tsratalgar Comsunlty Centre selle M0 mussbes standing. The ladiesMo LowvlII, United elects o By Mir. A.m oliger, mus. Edgar wusisf s bealsa for lhe = Losassit of t.owvline United fIlmsh Wamnsu su Fes. i. Mis. G. Feste mendscledl tise Inshiuse wbsu deegtsNs. B. Gunhy,StusL IL MA en sd elteusele Nus. Xt IAnglesseore appoitai toiulisit tse mnuai meeting Mf Baltes pfebee UCW su Feb. 28 ei MUlti C.lsres. Plenseeremade laesitme tis Alignai htrledey party et Htallon Cenienniel Mener suder le mcoliltes of Min. B. Basedes, Mus. B. Gesisy, Nus. Gariesd sling, Nia. R. Bosyn end Nus. R. Casiter. Th. frlendohlp tesdseen ta bu hell at St. George's Anglican Chauds su Hiilcuusft United isorris servedt a deliclouls bot heMf sandwich et Fsuch Reeneir mm Mf tise Mii btring Board. Mu. su=u.Rohbeut Browen of Pterino, Mes. liattie MeDuffe, Mis. Midred Gloonu sud Mis. Franks Pearocsfbeld a srrs hitMoayesprouibomro=ie Mahl M nbriits day on Fdy, Fes 1. Appoint members ot vestry meeting On lNesay, Feb2aescsre s beld ai St. George's Cisurc halS gt taevie spessored isy tise Aflemssn ACW Mf Si. George's Chorcs. lbeie seere elgst tables in play. lb. selsr seere Guy - Bairel, Acn Tisamo, Lois Roeeulen Gn ordon Thosn. On Mondaevenng, Jan. 25 le Ansuel Vestuy meeting of St. George's Cliorcs ws beld hilte Cisouc Hsll seits a gond ittendance. Tise meetigose seile prayer and tbe mIue f tissusfy ting seer road H e er.aytarold Mid- Insssbose pponied for tse year 1971. Meveppeinteenta Tise nese eppoitasena fou 1971 seere susday Scisonl suprintendeni Wes MilIeu, ssistanta Assita MiSler snd Ruts LePage, tuesouer Allas Guild, diairinen Mu. Rssnmey and ssiatsamu Mus. Doîbel, Mus. LePage, Mu. L. Stokes, Mu. Reg Twbos. Mu. Kostur wsea appolnted cisairinan of le sideasen. Tiser. are 30 snensers ote uestry. le two diarube S. George's sud St. Jobns ou. self sspporting (on a trial luisis) for 1971. The moe.t rlosed eilt e e iedlilton lsunch seas serued. Aseitehiaa persan seho sticks isy ber honisesd lerosgh ai le trnables bue would haue auoldsd if h.e bod r.ined single. church ff icers Fuis. 17 seu assucsd." Gell mi fwomsesdtr IM e c Gsdgsu ed Nu. a. allumer. lte wousbtp parfait sud sesacasieai =,ê rei=a portisu fuma -iohn sueb: pesn.. Mia. nationalt-Re t esd gav geffl of Itn Alis Mus. Velmas Norris unftb courteilles ofthedey foilwedlby rh - r Mm 0 MCoulso su Mra ' ~ole assied te buteo i setg lunch. Congratslations are estssd0d te, Mr. sud Mms. Bort Campbel, Efliel Lake, on tishle rtal of thiser sort. A Utile=heisrfor Karen sud sese grsdild for Verison MeAutisar. lb. nsptsyý of tise eg- eurleo Miet. d buin da Maëtmo, Adae sud Estise, in tehes mo a loued wtt. sMd usathe, telus, seIn peasd aseay su Feb. 4 alter s lesgtisy Misens. Actve ithe affair of tise commssnity, devoied te thse conscerne of ber csards and a loyal fr1usd le aIl wbs isese ber, elhe leas su upILiis Intlasem tint weil bue fait for masy years. Tlie annsual meeting et thse L.osuille United Cisurcs congregatisu sees bldi su Feb. 2 eed byrcotte sud dessert sed bs ts UCW menuisera. Ree. Wayne irsets preaided snd atter a short meditatiesi csndscted lise businss. David Leauer servaid as rerording steward. Reporta shoseed tise ensai actiuity in ail phases of ctssrch fle. Nev Offieers lie olols aethosleW hi cile li tu etng: dlof session Jacks Barbon; rlsarcs scsool ssperstesdust Mrs. A. lisrbidge; ougenst Mrs. J. R. Dauey; secretary, Mrs. R. Willey; treosuer Mrs. Resue Caulter; M. & S. lesurer airs. A. R. CouIssu; recordng steward Dove Leaver; Bible Society rep. Norman Laugos U.C.W!' presîdent Mr.George Mc. Corsak;chaiis cammlittee M twrsJr vaey; yeslis chsoir leader Bases Davey; jIodo chsoir leaders Mis. D. Swalloe; Musr. T. Fster; Mus. P. Gates: csstodisu George Colllsg; Aue. rep. Musl. Doue Htaley; Croile roll Mrs. Elta Rochefort; couples' clubs Relus & Rliard Soueruign sud yesth grosp Bill Trenwits Jr. o-_ SHNOW FESTIVAL BARGAI NS SPECIAL GROUPS Women's Dress Shoes Reg. 0 12.95 - $20O00 5.OO A PAIR Ail Women's Snow Boots 1/2 PRICE SPECUAL GROUP 0F MENS SHOES 1/2 PRICE McHALE - HARTT - .IARMAN BOB BARTLETT'S FINE FOOTWEAR 250 MAIN St E. 878-3501 I 1~ Fifty members attend milk producers annual gst ail tsa fao J slOd cs.eera6m nf Ontario min ont. u 01 R5%,,,~, c Il %sc..s Nsvs .... I drs ~ .... MILTON AGRII eleteot Saturdal arm Hsrnry Pr Reedead, prei Re-el Alfred Ford w Seeuday for fls a eetdeit Of Hall meeting hed Sl second vice-resl McKay sud Gra George Readissu NF: Jobn Morillon Dr. F. G. Daks Jamen, Mu. an Crawtord; A. t.. Ct Gge Krr MPP MP;D.C. M. E l'o nev direeters Bos Marshall Laserence were directoin, lehlsg ts Bonsfleld sud G. B Russaislng on ils Gekille are, E. Dlos and C. Marshall Townsip of Roqa McCay, G. Cartss MuPluti; Irons Ras L Oslsbois, J. Lloyd Stokses; Bsrlisgto, reps A. MuKisco, A. C. Jr. Fao By H. ce Th. assonai me Halton Junior Fs. Board seas held os Pcb. i. Jsdging secrelary's uepor Doreen Haurop, treasurer's repor Biarry Maion, tse J uery active sud suc Sortme Mf tise actai Sout in lant year's pus a hockey touene Dramei night in e fouinai dance, orien the Bruce Tuai, pa liacs and tield e delegalus toos part AFariner Leadeuship ALCOêIOI AMONYI4 MEETS EV j TUESOAYI HA VING A PR DROPI. CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? One of aur representatives wiII b. at HOLIDAY INN Oakisastî <Tel: 845-7561) on Wmdnesday, Fsbruary 17, 191 If yoo ruquore a tom b lan for a new or eldâting bsnsyou are invited to discuoo yoor oueds o,:th hou. Ao appoustsoent cao bu arraoged by lulepsoorng the hotu) atter 9 arn. on Februaay l7ts or oi advance by contarting UE INOUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK T055 FINONCIN8Ot AIAN00 BUImESES Huogsuon Suleet sat milton (Tel; 528-0471)

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