MAlTO PME PREVENTiO EVEEAU mu"ne lIais ncutive et lb. Inaugura meetig lns M'tlam Sisou aeeed les the frit aesw an lflghla WlDlem Caesnlghe,% Geergelou, treaunmtrr; Misftit Depet3rila mmn âeiee, Durllngla, chaireen; lm>p Petoer Cauphila *&kvlle, suertmar; aloi SA£ QumnnIrlnger, ll", vîmlc-caln . ntee secoed cou are coenml cbairenae-CMeef A. E. Ctaent, Miltao, public relatios; Gelef J. C. Geeeesleghaesi, Georgetowns, huspectios; n'refigleter Jin Coulwe, Miltun, poster contact; Cept. Htarold Couen, Milton, urliates subetyl ansd Chief J. D. Wlson, Oekvltt, titerahtr.--(Staff Phto) juBT LIE THE ON4E ded drivs Kevis Hilton. Kevin la a grade uevan stedent ai Blacktack apient Ilwonilia; woeing ons e Martin st. Scheol. Theis prlc a exact te eoise truck tise s'pure et lise ose lat faIller, every inonner toi lihe real thiesg.-<(Staft I.avarne, drives fuir P. L Itabertie M&4 ci Photo> Liberal candidate wants Department of Environment A Liberal gavereseseet les Ontario wlU estahlleh a Departienl of1th Environeut te pravide a "feeai formte figiet allaitiplluton, P.R. (Beb) Mr. Blake, an Oekvllle reldleektheprovincial listota for 1Hlte. fSuc a dapreut teMd monld tee neru ne st e 8 gaveresesent in is sfruggle ta preserve the qsallty of the unviranet. Stresss ae uu "Il wilb te ropaeslhilty of dito Departan u tenue. tuta teneeforth golveromnt dectaluis wlll ho haeed an ecalagicel criterla, rather than parelp eoonc consald.rations. Thim lelrlt wleztendsanlyou to te opfieie8 onies huttte atsu oecccf gaverunent as mail. This paltcy ie bud mou h belli that onr lang-geru ereenanlemell-tehas leadepondnt anmte mia. use nf sac teter, air, seit. and athar caterai resesarnea." Mr. Blak. aodad! that the new dpcess'sa intiieacwuld ais eoelihau Ennirnientel Csasscl"tuaaeehonohetve wap, the ýprngrucuo! Osc gaesuat antipoltn ami unirsiua rgan. Aasapofletia "is objectines milI hie tulgnn l thal et the EcmueslcComedl ef Cmada les ensasu affeice. Il miil ta no wey aurve ai a defunder of 16 pass rmusic exam Mms foBaming ie e Bet of 18 saccesafsl candidates ta use e- ho a tld reetiy tIl OuByail Conretsr of Mai of Tornto in Miltion. Thse nouilses are arraesged in order nf merit. Grade VIR Piano - hones Ssan Peacce; Suan Vasickle. Pase, An. McClure; Anne Arbir. Grade VIl Plan. - hunoe, Barbera .Bac. Pes, Barbare & =.Marieus Baries; dia- st Pal W. StOmer rali V ine - honore. Brandit J. Feuler; Jaee Dra=r Haccy A. aurd Marjoano Deihol; Suer L. CAoUaK gaverrinent plcy bat miS beaa todependent ageescy fac the cenlem et gavernoenl paBcey. Ssach a Cosacil meutd agaes pollution of att types polluion abatesent progreaon and cier Ibreate te th. nvirmuneut an a cantanisg hasia, and repart regulacly to the thhconUe scse « a in Oue abaoent prsgcae." Mc. Blakse ban houn a ceuldunt of Oalsvilte for tise tant il years and hon taeu on anld hatecaut ha a nunher of cusmuditp affair, mnclsdeg lise Children'n Aid Societyton Haltes Coonty. H8e mas narceesd ac camepaige manger for amoeral federal elertions, toctding tise of Dr. Harry Harlap ami latterly Rud Whtthg, Haltanos camant M.P. Hr. Blake foonded dia Battent Est Yasg Literai Asaociation tote Mon f.e 191 te 1966 mon presdast ofe Ouiorn Uherl ssociatin. He mon cloalmeon of the Ontario Uhocrat annuet meeting in 1188 amdin hae 1985 etaction co'erdlnatad dia Uhberal camnpaiga les 13 cidtoge ilaruglanut anuilser Ontario. Mc. Blake to cucruntiy vice. presidant, macufacturing, Canada Brick C npy. Hae culidan at 279 Wutmoe Driva mllh bla grile Marlon ami titres chilires. Christian aGi~on (Ouria Frank Of BER. 2 Rockwlad, dlsd auddsly ai Milton Disirct Hositluon Jan. 12. H. ea hol hi& ut ymar. Mr. Frank wau hues te Ju. ad EdiFrankuS Apil 21,1816 le~~~ Nuaeee a~ He asut l e t S.S. a o. 7m Saahetdsewan in 1sa. Hueh wdieron aend Mon arnd farinain lits ire otilhrlmet uagw. In 181. c A't ,19 41 i O emloyai t bE. 2h lockshmt Cemparky a Geato Un mmu Assessors' headquarters Atthaagh tiret ehjeetesg ta pa'anlg suneaof dia building free 0' ulag, EaqeeogReee TIe fraies the regiecal aaeuaest office ha Bramptonitu use office aimaeit i tonship hbuilding as haadqssarters whtie they are North Hat, Cterk.treearar Damear Frence teld rassascit a ceglacal usseauet represeetatme hadl r ofale off1 ice apace fer 1mefrat uameth perMd Whee tse clerhlid Reeve 81 thu townshdp wuld net receme rut the reeve replled, "Thon let diue go look for sameptece Get idong Mfr. French fui hoe thaught mncil ahmdld tr tei work alaisg wlts the regien aosesuet office. "I dont tew whethor we ebould or net," Reeve Hill1 qesthosied. "Mayho they'1 Ile us8a donation in lieu ef rut." After semae diecseeon Reeve HUIageetoi ailam eeears une of the halda frais of chorge. Th.y flnd thlngs too Champions claoelflads dan'tàrsu ueit thinga for advm'llaers, mey fid thhsges ton. tant wees a ehndanet test a flat gireun package cultahdng echont ntes and twa boc hocko atong a rod haNi asvle mnd on ed ha thse 'Iltot"lonial hotped hoer flnd liUes. Anoselor nutarot pictsed lieue up ond f1 mast tang hefre lise v8tsahte entes ond hante werm ceturesed. senilgs Chaempion ctanoifleda tant weeh utld hemn sldeeg a horue cutter, an limitation frpae eea cors. a bo ail rfed choir. 'tlay alan lacated homes for puppiea ansd a cleasiesg maman fer on area haine. Ona advartlaer sold an item wlthto hatf on haur atter the peper hit theestreet, and one hald 26celtton a "for sale" ad. Lneg for action? , Let o Chamopion ctanifled holp, pou. Diat 878-2341 to place yoor ad- vertiseenent. - I Fran k yeur hy Dille Eqspnnt Co. whorehewerkeduontil titieef làn deats taiay t80 Z ,7 heeevdfae s bru taFfee. Sdesd Bamarlet, frlead Mfr. Frank hadl hule fil for a 1888 tie and ta adty miseil hy to.n eeghhorn uha foueoid his qssite a houmnorand goad frieni. Hemwasactive in sports ail htalife and fond of antique instar shows. Surving are hie virle Mary, hrothere Williain nf Naisgamepa, Bah mnd Tny of Actan, Jses 1Georgetowns, Kart of Part Credi1 and Jaes uf Gtun Witlias; siater, Minnie (Mca. Bud Jaines) of ereae, Lattra <Mca. GaroaSilcachI:ýk ef Barmeel ami Wllffrad, dru Punerot service mas hald et idrEersie Fonecal Haine ta Hilton on Jan. 15 mits Rom. . Nicholson afflcattog. lesterment mas les Neenagamepa Prenhyterian Cemetery. Patîhearers mare nçlghhora George Dredge, Ted tenestage, Moe Thihodean and Chartes Bapeston; nephow Wayne Hawdun of Hilton and friand Homard 'tteesno f Hamilton. Four Instalments Esqu.slngl taxes Eaqeaha¶lamchlp aony Mdl1 per rut au the liraI day af te pld la =ec b ae i * dia ch aihidiey are col peld. yeaw. Due daie for payes are A penaalty est la escned i par : 2 tcy Uh, Sepleuhe 2h eul per mnth is ho beppllad te JNansee il,. lant erreur,. TexeeetE pe l be h8sed tec s Papu af tues la four M hcouht teual81 bleae ielagle hitradacad percaite is flritdayo1de0alt la dia tomwnship fer tho BraI tie. Tniea more, prevtaey pald la I. oebullne wlh e O.pen iiouse dicsesdeaUaoedfar taeeaiseld An opun houge mi te hald at tefore Saistembar 1. Credil Valley Scbant of Narslsg Part Credit on Feb. 27 n28 Facutty mers ami etadunte ull ho amailable tei touir guulat lisreugthe Ouilsding and acsumer = quatne Ymu amiah earamlan te aottemi. O.0pn. ami bot tar 1 i.3 onu O.0pm n bos ho ar .30 ta Satasrdap, Feh. 27 and 1.30 ta 4.30 pn onSurdai Feh. '128. Herehientla iIlte erved. Several toa ommn attend tha arbani. __ COULONIT PAUi .tcdgat "Spaadil ah? Bau martrnytes have yen heu before on?" Speader: "Naner, yner Honor. t'vn tied la, pana yeu on Oue mmid on or tulce, batby ntd hon ulil only do 5V." KAISER ALUMINUN SIDIMO ..for the carefree beauty of it Enhances any hom, eoId or ,ew,, wood frmeor brick. *NEVER NEEDS PAINTING 20 OYEAR GUARANTEE CHOICE 0F COLOURS AND FINISHES LOW FACTGIY PRIGES ON GIflER ALUMINUN PIOIUCTS BUGT * Aluminu. boors TERMS * Combination Windows AVAILABLE * Car Ports -- * Aiuinuhm Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA FOOT 0F FORSYTHE ST. OAKVILLE 845-0318 A man hegmes cssttlg hie wisdomn teeth the first Ilion ho bites off more thon he con chew. POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL High ,lo en.s I4,ln.M E-moe.l Mî.nponoeean 621-7580 ____i GALT _M! m 62 WaeSi. North WetE ea Mret BEEF SALE RED RANDBEEFROUND STEAK ROUND STEAK MINCED LB. OOC ROUND STEAK ROASTS__________ BONELESS RUMP ROASTS SIRLOIN TIP ROASTS Reg.UU E $1.33 Lb. 1. 9 LB. ALSO STEAK MPELA LEAN TENDER 9 BOLOGNA Reg. 11.65 LB. LB.* 29 B.I LET US PERSONALLY FILL YOUR FREEOZER WITH BIDES AND QUARTERS 0F BEEF CUT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS YOU MAY USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN FRE DELIVERY WetE ea Make The Canadien Chamipion. Wedeesdeay, Felonoory 10, 1971 83 Inmonyocases an oid. otdated antenne oa gve dîsoppoioflno resuits for oor T m. Ton a surn u reon t on la spiffngocearfnstell h -ng.... Iif RECEPTRON Thea ew antonnes haveoundarnon. two yeaof constant refinenntaend tsongand reproeot a eaitehnioal breakthr00gh by Delhi eooineru.You actuaIip get3 ontennos in on@ecompat sioe for thsfioest possible reoeptiono f : V H IF/UHF/FM. Selctfont 13 Colot Reoeptron modela designed for speoifi ooorobm reospîton coditions ail acroa Canada. Delhi aiso nanufacturosa wlde range nf TV towersaend enoassorlos. So ... make yours en Al Deii installation end yui gan the boni recetion possible. For promt. expect adolon and Installation, yoncre clearip shead eshon pou oeil pooî aothoied DeihI TV Reoepcioa Speoiais. Wscessmea .,l 1,inol eih eTV Iduci tais aséslV Buy con on aeo budget terns or ust pou, 000,550 ou o st on ne s fri service an RICIIARDSON'S 87 201 MAIN 886949 0 THE TOWN 0F MILTON Sanitary Land Fi Site FOOPEN FORGARBAGE DISPOSAL TH IS SATURDAY FER. 16 MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLV * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMERCIAL ST. NT~E.0I 1 BRUCE MCKERR, Ploonelopwth leeat"r ' WORCS SUPERINTENDENT, du se fr dpml t« a l U" TOWN OF MILTON _____ I