Four mair deys of fun -Sno Fest achobduleo Here's the liaentaceduleoo aersur donaI"Sooe naih, viloter carial, Feli. 7ta 14, apoased by Mltoan Canumuty Service clus. ?BURDAY, Pib. il Kidi' MattSo Ras panored by Mâtin Otimber nf Commeerce, ai OSe aminol porbetleaoppoite Mâtas Toan Hall. Ziilnprises for kidi 12 and under and dogt ofaloagea (hiet, mauillait, roena, ugliail, etc). Main St. mail colebrates dicos Festival, 6 ta 9 pet. Millo Gpietiissareasponsoring log saslg dosai eaing, maisUbl ibrovbcg, usese acclgpucbaliootlng o.alaildriving contet, sls a street dZce sny ride. ail irae; plusaocarsetashbt licasoer it. i pet. ta i o.m. - Dance et Lopion Hall sponsared by Outils- Conodian Club, admission H2 per couÉie, ail veletete. FRIDAY, Feli. 12- (AU evaiss a. sur groiadai. 6 toO9pet. - MiloninscClubi refresict bootliaen 7:55p.t. -Siit peeches bytayr nd Festivl afclubo. 7: 10 pet. - Tarcliliglit parade, ai leout M0 smea led by Festival Qaees and King, town cBgnltaries, Festival officiais, air. Anye ssth o uasnombuie ssutngiaparticipate contact Bob TantelUi, cia-son 7:30 pet. Chrmistmas treo lcrning. 7.45 p.m. - Soensbile rides fir geseral pubic selth etaisis an icildeen 8i:f00p.m. - Sing song led byFetvlafficias. 8:30 p.m. - Fireearbo displuyuspanaarad bp ltoSn Parka Board. 8: 00p.m. -Dance aLegionpeccaord by Mlton Leglon, open to genomai public. 9:15 pet. - londike Niglit spaetared bp Miltas Rotary Club, ai Agricaiturai HoUl, Hilton Fuir Greundu. SATIJRDAY, Feb. il Sasse sclpbcring content, art alose, bond concer and ater anaisar ovontsa utMilton District Higli Icisea durlng te day, spaetored by Stodesi Cooncil and grade 12 stodonto. 9:30 a.m. -Faretlng upaof Grand Parade. Io:50.m. -Grand Parade comamence, tolloseiog tise exact coite of toe Stoetn Eru parade, fret Hilton Humz ta fuir grounsvi desentosen. 11:30 - 12:30 pet. - Dog slede an dispiay ai fuir grounds seili aunera preseni. 1:00 p.- Stant of dog sied racine ai Miltan Higli SaluaI. (Stadet Coancil ccii Itrovide rofresltetsti bgl scbonl fruet 1:00 pet. unti te finishbofthe dogsied rocing). Evosing Activifiet: - Snase Festival Dance ai the Cosadian Legion spansarod by Optietiat Club and a Grand Festival Dansce apatsorod by te StudenfCoulaadthe HghSccal. BUNDAY, Feb. 14 -(Eveats ntMtiltnlg S9eliol) 1:00 p.m. Final ba f dog sled raciog. 4ý0 pet. - Officiai ciasing cereonces. (Stodenl Courdc self pravido rofroeteta tram 1:00 - 4:30 pet.) NOTE: Same of te dog teans; pamticlpating i tise Feli. 13 ond 14 rcet ccci lie an dispiay ai te opesiog coremnies ut Kelsa, ai te desentosen mail on Tbarsday and ut te taon burning reremany on fiYiday. 1t i HILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD lirnperfy cbairreun William Dsslgnon, caonrcil merebers for 1971 are front ras eft ta right reprenentutive Reeve Ron Harris and publicity convener Mru. Rut h Stinsan, secretary-taeanarer Ste Locrde. Sflisag uhen cboirmun Mrs. Isabel fthompaul libroniun te plaota van taken s vlce-eburman Mre. Jo Jolinston. Bock rose lait ta right ara Robert Mocbuy.--<Staff Photo) Review council procedure rules ITae macbonica of opeation for Miltan Caunci coma onder close serstlnp Tueaday ut lait vonb on etembera reviavad classe by clause te priedua bp-lay settlng ouf te AonI rideu ut operatian. fThey covered 13 items ot an 86 itiem bp-lay beiveen 8 pet. and 11.15 and setonnabective ta finisb if in a sabsequeni meeting. The bp-lau sels meetingu tir 7 pet. and places o 10.30 cttrfese onleas Pro tbirda of the membaru ogres ta continue teyond Stuit loir. Gtlor clauses dei wit te vatine pracedure, te bondiog of senendiets ta, mations, te agnd tor meetingu, tbe diufionsnof conflict ni ittreat and ater detait. May oit tetalb A clause restaicflng embere toispeubig oilponce an a subjeci wsea deleted and tnao tie vite, iroen by tae mapor, etembers decided tey auldeft olusys bave ta stand toa ddrems cooncel* Tuera vans o desire ta bove mt resolufionu senties but cooneillors vantad te freedoetn ta misait verbal motions on coutine mailare and ibis wsea lait tate ierk taprase properly fer inclusion ta the bp-lau. Two bonds. 27, floats plus ... List Festival parade entries A grand parade througb M.iton alsflg wîth tus banda, Banduop frant Miltan MinorSa Saturday morsirng promises to ba majorettes, severai cars Leading sff tice Satsrday tisai, and te I one of the bigclig)clu of Ibis carrying dignitaries and a parade cciii be Milton Girls' Pipe Club's borse-ir weeb's Sasse Festival samber of allier etsellasess Band, tolloseed by six cars Compietingithe celeluatios, and etight be one of eniries. I forets up ai 9.30 at carrying tae dignifaries: Mayor Hilton Fire Dp the largesi and mi colorful Miltson Piano and beads out sil10 Brion Boit, MPP Jiet Sos, trucks, tie Dutc parades ever seen in Hilton. o'clock ta wind is way doses Reeve lion Harris, Dopat Reeve Oscai sith music, Main St. tlirogb te daseniasn Perey Barr, Coascillors Syd Commeorce floatf Jnbn Perrotof Miltas Optimint ares. Tbe parade turas ai Brases Cliilds, Gordon Kranin, Art St sauea sea Club wbo et in chiarge of Si. and toUsses Hugli and King Helomon and UdiWad s t Job Aabuanc urrangmng flac parade, reporied s Sms. ta Hilton Fair Gimanda Snow King and Qaeeo Paul Tltmnagliatil totai of 21 finals are eapected wbere il conrindet. Permit; and Jeni Fergusos, and ccli lie riding ho Ben Crisci, suner of an aponilsont building on Mardis S0., bas cbanged bis mimd andi me- applied to Miltan Cosancil dbis ccebk for a permait 10 chiange part of bus building acta aiglit baclolor apartiat suites. Lest ccebk Mm. Cranc lias asbed cooincil to issue a partait for eigbt tabalamaloa uie, altiogli tuey did sel aSl conforet to tae minimumn fOer sien ami ronet divider aperdficatiosa of te nonina bp- lau. When coonicil rafaaed ha iaaed ot si tue coonicil and toid teta he usn't intarautad i goccg ahead wUt tue project leauc thea oacatsary changes ccould ta Loo costly. Hsccevam lie bas since recomuidered, bie anplained i a latter moud ai Mondapas meeting. He hao agcaed us abîde by tue provisions of te bDI7 au bi maiiing aSl arcucayt a minimum of six faci six incaes cciie se top coseot la ecosd 15 make icco BUMPERT BUMPIER body Builders Our taiued,e coan uais. pour sor lobk lcbo emîv Ssenotbieg sas dais, cuoise psiel- ieg our speciohpy. BILL'S AUTO BOOY MAIN ST. 8-2721 separata moins. He stiS sanglit relief frset dheaciniuqu5are footage raing, thuagli. Wiuilo sama of te sis bave an macli as lis square font, ras are i1 fent short of te minimum ai 3890square teet. lin te average dhe suiles uiU sorli sut fo 435 square feet. Mayor Brion Bosi said if ccoold lu "ridiculoon' ta force tue auner to move tus *rail's dwicb bava plumbing installad) o distance ot nL'ue taches ta malie ap the Il font uiflerence. Coseicilloms agroed fato isus o permit if Mm. Crisci viii oaina minor variance tîrougli o Conatti of Adjuteent boaring. te inos Prinre andl Priniceso Hicb Bridgman and Jeannie Bladtiocli. Neni como iltn Cbu, Sacota, Ventarers and Hovema, tben Hilton Broccoies, Guides ami Hangers, the Tous of Hdltan Cooncil float, Bush of Nova Saotia Float. Hilton Scbonl of Dancing flout, Higli Scbooi Stadent Cooncdl floaf, Halion Centoonial Hannm flsaf, Bout Healiy flont, Omagb 4-H clab Usnai, Rotary Club floal and Tromoino Rd. Yoatb Grganizution floot. Foat and biand Tue Lions Club of Hiltan is providing o tisai, bond and majorettes neuf in te parade, tan Hilton Snoubirda Sasuetobile Club fisaf, McCooig taseronco font. lipirieit Club Bsai, Can-Am Sleddars Claub Sant, Christie and Woods Roui Eulote float ccitb musirions, ver Asseoiain talian-Cunodian un showe crm. paradewili lea riment flsaI and i-Camdian Club tise Cbumber of esturing "MUt" t ai nd tue If. patrade flore irnes frst te Plisinen Saddle Club. Millce Saosebirds Club bapest favue o groop of eers'marines join tae parada aftem il louves Hais St. ami proceda ta te fair froundls. Alliance builds Kitchener plant Allince Building Corpoaion bas cometencod construction ofu 10,000 square foot induatriai building in the Kitchiener tadontrui Parb, Presidenf David Satai anaounced tis uaab. Alliance is onse of Dntarlo'a largesi industri bouidera. This entay inotheb Kitchiener market i part of te progmuet of construction in varisas Ontario centres beuides Toronto. Oter indufrial developetents are uatong place m'Miltan, GObvilia, Brantford and Oshawea. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Oas only: 269 COLOR TV The "Purkdale"- Acother quaity Eieclrahome prodact Cantempnrary styiing, transistsrizel automnafic fine taaing, auoatic tint contrai, (lares UHF pre-sats, lava confrol, hand seiraci chassis. NOW ONY 1 0 wthtrd TOWN COUNTRY TV I 318-J1833 ths-Tube a drive aound tises tiieekab nd su the snou sulpturesaentered in Tbe =laiin asiuptoriag mantait. dde oa f te sinneri are incladad ta tbe front page utory. AVAILABLE AT IAN'S 6ARA6E t, LINE aSOTH OF aERR eD. R. R.?2 HORN8Y, ONT. 826-3M6 IAN BREiAK, PSOPRtETOR Hilon Aglctural Society islluamaaeig Batarday ieatdicoa for lise coettag He-elecfed preideut Alfredt ntat te 4-it Uvoe Dollar ta dis fair. Mus"ra poiles vers onoiber naew attracion, tae prealdieit naiad. Maibers a the beorneeraces etild bava bea aveu nacre aiscanil liadit ovpro tainaft t teeveiadtourj alunt. Mr. Fard iaîd te pony ras lai isterfered slth the «j te' niarconsder artlsg te tubo&] baH n is. eirly seul yaar ta prevesi flua. A reportfIrons thegrad conmtfea complaise.rabut pour hbeep ponus andl vtas oteit fruet fia pragrit aifie.en grounds vere belerfer the maille titi year Stan lui. lalaims JitMKyrecommanev onsaLdoatfoelocig fle suvisse comtttion for Ste nuit fair ai =mlytavr esirtus aers recetuait dairy cae Éboaau really goti lait thce afit avanst vuaptor. Ha coetplataed about 4-Her'a gutia -ube aromnd," nl requsited coasetdeation be givais tu llovbog 4-M caipetra ta hae tnerng y casid aie fer teday. HeaiMldu a4-H showvvu o poor me, partiy because ci the lacd of provision. Thlu rd made pluns tor the annueil escisre party ta April. Atiendea.oerezee, Jie c<n ,Afe Fard, flerild Cro ni fcoSie airea ppsinted ta attend the onwtarl provincil esateraisa ta Ibreito. mfna aicli report &hosaa aupandîlerea darlsg 1979 af $29,529.40 aid revenue if $X.9lilfor a balaceof 1.89. Prisa etonay pl n a17 totafled $A1slthet caille sh aiis btodrde et liat board. =pi us2,72me on kwevemela ta aniouds Md M.George Readisad Medeed ber colgatis lait i the mni meetingi but salievauld carrtyonsutil Site ta replasaed. mse lau itU-Yrps on btaitld the board Mie àU ralaaMi cm e tomd 2 PRICE SALE CONTENUES Throughout Snow Festival MUST CLIAR SPACU FOR SPRUNG STOCK WNICH iS ARRIVING DAILY t e A Il Sales Final 25 Commercial 1 8-3961 sitw UEL CÀAR v ~sr USEDARGÀAINS Ask &bout Our Family Protootold Flua.. MILWIN Fuai 1110211 T R A UEFEDL A A RFA L A R ' iu«uv saDiSLm -À @ FI&@ 40 am e.lm Th. Canadien Champion. Wedsesdoy. Fhran, 10, 1971 Do you like: - super ice cream cones? - a great supply of gifts? - a good supply of grocery items? - cheerful, pleasant service? Thon visit us and have a look areund CURT'S CORNER STORE CAMPBELLVILLE, ONTARIO mnuicl, UMSuOUMC0401 Changes mind Wants apartment permit 1~ une umg Festival in Mb Slaat'a isns, S analkiag Bur th a halthy dose, 909v Festival Sumduy's ci vinsveil attend thse veei af In vare alun ai suellent entai Moy aculpm iturea laumbin us andua gon til Hal Rar3 This Fol culmbonatai laib vognaloly 1 described t, mtsnicipaties presarvaflan il antd voter cam Hie Ccoek. It aeconaadry psrp IfOsever Bt Kelue lions been etto tise recre or-iginal pssrpo msoa o bava ccv bave suupec itwun etl jt Glud ta see E Educatical bas a taxpayeru seUl t vil tlaey ai1 lx uhile tihe dectait haller selen tise Wlsetlser unycai give tise Bourd and uundry ta i Some nther aI grouipoa Mouit press into, budg Disusuing utosesobiaig Mo day, lie pninted fice cl the mac biglient finu mnvmanbiling. '. etedicol hull foi the coit of pi rapaim billta ns Wl th ideq ofice basn givi assarei mail Perhapu taot'i b if mare. Out bap in stui small arn mail delivery is Iuct aven aone seema ta lie gett J inouv tban fer upprectate tht Suturday mmmnl Hilton banni year presentot Sorply tiserean1 derving af the Have yau lia wordu in snme District Hosistal r bovlsng troubile findt naew raamn tlop'r lospitl, ulisme via unde the influene blaincoreatad ont s standard trcoima Same board mnl "datontian coMI abat ut ta. Otisere fu be a icer samae. ta, give teet a fev. Jua for fin, seb lteElapsant lim9 ta se piol eleplant btaybe tUap mil TIE ARE,4 0F OVgR 28 ESL USE0o CARS THAT, MUSTBESL J1 ED O GO CONDITION %oIr board annuel Revlew faIr's successos