2 Tihe Canadien Champion, Wednaîday, Februery 3,. 1971 Dorc y would give counicils Moi Govrnesat; On tairn taid ua prantano n0t people-conacioua enag a cosnnty o Conserv atOne leadership they'là bave Ou candidate Darcy MeKeougs tald or tour depa a ra tHalta East detegates tvnce - ai SaOurday.n feesil. McKeoagb said mare responsibillty and aatbority Local <haaid he prised dom lte taudder Tise tacal go ta municipal guvernmnents. He hottar than tise said local goveotnnt ta capable needed On ut duatg touer lbree tisoos wbat McKeough est it isaisaand can do itmore e- usould ho aie ficiently tisan lte province. tar tOuaisbande He Sufi graais ihauld hoe made deciuon left availabte ta commurnities aid mit guverniment Ou Davis Education ke to prosperity A nuperior educatiun systasa Os tave tise prupe tise key ta prosarity, William atauttaz:reforn Davis taldHaltan detefatas Ou tise cunaderationt Cunserv ative leadership govermanent on coteronco. Daviu mode tise Provieepa niatement ai a party i hOs hour Under queai uunday aitie home ut Jlm Snuw, tOhe provnce sel Haillon Eaat MP. cent ut lte cc nie minioter ut oducation tatd oventually and delegates educatiai wan a pro- allevita th requinite ta altractig industry property osene aid ut groater importance tisai a possible heoore tl c untry rics in naturel resuarcen. ut oducation, hte Education is tho tay tuaun af- During thse mc fluent Society and fgus hand i careful net t hand seits attracting ta'tustry. promises. He cIa Nasehers nottefirt no asly solution He said theoiocreaae in costutf He nole if you Oducation eas due to tho increase Pollution yuu ha in numhorn, not trOlls. Ho said offert on <hoer (litarios oducatiun spomdig ws major probless favorable ta tiatin <ho to negis- nre itarseover. taring provinces aid fine staten. Delends "tI have feuler questions ataut Davis hachot edocation spendig ta tise north, governet and mait and wseet porta uft<ho taseards equaO province thai<the su<b," hoe saOd, provinces. "Wei'o expia'tninf that those Iu carry out <his gus underdeveluped areans ere wei cesie ta enam coocerneil about attracting Davis apponred induatries and providinf jota. ahiit tu van Tan retori s a concorn ut all olertiai bal saidi candidates but nai an hse. otiser candidates Foderal tatp is needed hoforo <his no malter seis t, cai covo about, hoe nutad. Ho "sweoil emerge uj pomlted ont the provncos don't elertion., re power ta asis. "Ift a taa nese lbrnry go <hrougb tisree rOments a< the id <his simdldn't bo lsait tvernimest imosa pveroltah hocmsa= y, tl. Ho faid thore onditional frunts dl over aid <ho tor <ho local maire. y rbase ta brin nand ontdnd rom <ho terderai <ho malter. ys 60perenst Ding Davis said [assame Ou per aifu educauion <hua 0011 help hurden on <ho r. Tist wsnît h o unty tenrds tld dolegates. oetttg Davis Oas 10 maire any imed iller. seere ua ho b reacsed. see tu tachle ce <o cherk is onumy aid <he ut governimen< Itoborte t<ho Roberts t<heir effortn zation asaung n se nu longer 1confodieration t,,, hoe uid. confident in bis the provincial there ocre tour in <ho race aid arts <ho party <00 and sein <ho or bth oays,Mcouhnd ruch a move oould freeomembers uf porliament frein <ho "nOt<y gritty" and alose <hum ta deat sei<h province-seide probtemas aid beave local probtemai tar Ila fuverrmenta to deal oO<h. Municipalitien shautd looks at luse rentaI homes on smalter ltt aid <hoe cundosartain and ton taune approacs McKeough saOd. He aaid tror regtanat guverennent hoeseutd seant <ho local fovornimoai ta have <ho poseer ta approve subdivisions williout goi ta <ho province. Ho praîe Kt~ocher toc et- torts ta providing homes un 40 tout lots. Ho said 0< wsnît necennary tor ail humnes to heof <ho cheaper vnioty, tat aaid Bach satbvision shotdd tave ai nrea ailotted tor homes un 40 !b"' Iota or fiame uft<ho condomOnus or ton bouse nature. mnu "'There Os a reat sfllhig jobs noded ta convioco communts uft<his," hoe unid. Dpry Sweeten Canadian nationaia ta R oorgtoein the Draonty today,, Cesr ate candidate for thse fpOhe pary and ofOtroDarcy McKeough toid lialton East deIue amd alternas at a Or= n bis hanur Saturday. McKogh sald ts feeling wasn't coflcentrated jut In Sauthern Ontario bot in the for torthern rReachs of thse prosince as oeil. McKeoogs, Miniater ot Muxicipal Affaire, cliRIIOd credit for being thse tirai canididate to menti nataanand tavor i0. Ho taak le oprudyt bonis tise tedarat aenee mnove ta tares tise Canadiaen Devetupent Corporation. 'Vie tan't need saure controla. nie CMC ta unt anotier hoaurocratic Dstnster, net an aswer,"hle said. Casadaahivelmient He ctaisoed nationalis ut idastryt ise eaciatiat answer te eeyhf.He dv.cted piro- Catd ao ssuarer; and said tise tan systemri sboild hoe uaed Ou atirmulate Canadtan iveillment. Snow takos o. strango shapos for soeow soulpt.ri.g oontost Moutains tus of it hoL proporton, detail, impact and tatan unirmg hpo h a inaton. sees0000sitpur av i Anyune cai ester tho cuntet - <hei faoOacsrctro cs amies, groupa, individuets. nire seO<h an oye on M0 ilver dollare in littuemait hoe visible tram nie Champoan's enase Oe areeo aid anysehçro in ocslptoring cuntaai. Hilto. FOret prise Os 15 1971 EnOries rereOved at The silver dollars aid tare aro 13 Chamion office sn tur tadlca<es mare prises tue. tho oculpting wi00 ho impressOve. nie estry toras appoarsi t Os Jadges h ave beau nhlataed and seeiss Champon aid details ut they'l0 ho eying <ho Bauo figures <he cuntest are apolled out ta ai with an oye on such <hings as advertiasmen. It's your move now says Darcy McKeough Rogioual governmont seilI mare <han a yenr ego ohes the hru corne to Halton aid Peel "owhm munîcipotities ivlved tailed to rate, the tine folh ut Hallon aid Pool uffer a conceasuas ot optiin. ibe are ready ta maire lait <hir Rang watt iheai wsa mOna, Drc Meeagi tld Plais tar regiunal guvormaunt Bri Halln Ea< dlegaes O are nul un tho sholves. Il would reania canddat metin hiDabate appear <ho municipaities ar bass Satirdy. aiting tor Meogh ta mako olts Plais for regional governanent isis decisions and McKeough regloe in Haltmn and Peel oere aharted appnoxtly ta seaihag tor ord Sve havet Ai candidates at meeting " AUl tive prUoicil consrvative leadership candidates have spuken su and ansseered questions trein Haltun East otinf delegatas and alternaten Os rocent seobs. Ruort Welch and Bert Lawerence seere among <ho tirai tu mahe appearaices On Hatn East. Allain Laserence mol doefeaten ai a Tueaday saurning bireakftast and Wiliam Davis and What's in a Rme? Metntion room -W problem Whuatos in a naîneT Tuet muny connotations and i ig headache fer <ho pobii relations cunssit<oe, mesahors o <hat cusasitteo tulil Miltoi District Hospital ffoard'! January meeting un Wednesdaj nigisl. nie huspilal is planning il es<abish a rossa On tho houpîta visere persuns under tbf influence ut drugs or alcohol car hoe accusmuoda<ed awaiting trasfer Ou a regittar word. Severat ideas Muaitpopnlar idoa tor a namoe Os -Dotentun rossa bt <ho P.R. consmilloo eundors if 'quiet rosa" oigisl preamot a hoUter image. nioy don't oanl <heir apeciairmain to ho thanght Ut as a jaîl. Hoseover lise huspitl alroady isas a 'quiet ruum" sehîchis i a waitinf ruom. -Restraining rossa" van amusher Suggestion. -11iashaodhoedealt ith very coretolly isy tho press," said P.R. comeniloce chairman Dînar K. Vanickle. nio cononittee seas asked ta sarvey area hunpitais aid se0 what thoy called <heir detanltion .. . or quiet . . . e special rossas, and cuve up wils Calling ail kids Mutt showv Calig ail Oids, and callisg ail motta. Yur day ut glury Oas cove. ta conjosictiun vils Milton Snuvw Festival inotarcarnival, Milton Chambehof u Cunmmerce is holding a Kîds' Hautt Shuv with ail fonds ut zany prîzen tur <ho yuungaiors and liseir dugs. It w11 ho held aI the simili nov pariset<o opposite thelussn hall un Mais St. aI 4.3f p.v. niursitay, Fois. Il as part ut tise Ch amier's conntrihutiun Ou Sow Festival Severaî prues Chamhor officiais were still airtng ut last-miue delsils at press Uie hut it Os huown thore viii ho prizos tur children entabiting tho largest, onalleat, cosI, o g ient, hairioal, loudeai andvweirdest maittin heshow. '1'here might evenhboher ps'ioeu, deynndmng on tise eotrins Ilhere's nu admisuion charg e and the geseral public os vlolme to comne and seatcs <ho mails and youngaices compote for the prises. Entries sea unly ho acceptad trusa cisidren aged 12 aid under bot <hey du ntt ___ ncualyhave tu oon-tSe dng ~uqy nl as mie duýl o Thare wo05< ho aiy prises tar <he tep pedlgreed dings eterod- a munickier tor lise place heturo i t os openoil. taInu<her buiness, tho Hourd: -Se<Wdaesday, March 17 as the date tur itainuel meeting, lu ho field aI 8 p.m. ta tise clinical clasrmn. nie Bourd seat maire copies ut litn annuel report availahte lu lise pnbie. un request. -Enpressed appreciatiun lu tho Royal Canadien Legion for a W5 donation. -.earned lise OHSC bas appruod a reeuoed budget nuhmîtled in tise flU, sehi iselps tho Hoard's fmnancial pictaro tur 197u. -Noled the pnblic reltiuns conmîtîce is approvod a new designs for ntationery. Thank paper -Thashod Tise Champion four its cu-uporalion on tho "isnuv yoar isospilsl hoUter" sories of pohicîty pictaron. -Learned a part tOmne pharmacil isas isoon engagel tu vorh <hree days a venis. -Aohed tise poblic relatiuns comosilîce ta continue is review apen ta ail thevwhoe ideais tuput a isuncisuf urdisary ids aid a huncs ut urdinary dugn un dinpluy for haIt an haur ut fun aid prizes. -SsrdnCollego isholding a winter carnivat Fo. 8tu13 and a upocialteatrevwilhoban eveing aI Glen Eden Sksi Club,. Kelso. un Wednesday, Fois. 10. Tise nigist icludes races, gaves aid a tarchligisl parade. ufth ho spitlis longtisy hy-lases. Inclusion ot rulen govornisg legal ahartouns and other changes are proposed. -Learnel ayantl ut Red Cr.is homumaisers vas hoing tormed in <ho Norths Haltoan e -Approved appuiolvent ut several ton and aires doclors Ou <hoe dental, courteny ami active staff. Accreditatios -Noteil tise hospitat's ac- creditation cortificate lis duo tor roeval in tho earty par< t otis yoar. -rtoaril a report humi Dr. W. S. Legato <hal tho medical ntaff On al<ovpling ta f00 a nov general pracliionor lu estaslinsh a practîco in Mdltan. nirce havo iseen approachel, hoe mid. -Learnod<the dietary staff vas ultruducing a prograsa ta teatare a fouod hum a ditteresl country one day ut eacs sonlh. nire idea startod lest vooh vî<h tho servi ut haggis un Hoishie Dants Day. -Re-appoistad John W. Dsller ta Oie board ut Credi< Valley Schout ut Nursing and ashed tho chiauan Retord Gardisuse to select a secundl appoostoo trosa a isl ut tive naines sîîiied at tho meeting. Or. C. A. Martin ut Miltun o-ho han heen a local deicgale lu tho CVSN board. is rotîruif Darcy Mctteough attendod meetigs uver <ho oeebend. Itamliftasmeeting Ml Oive appoarod at an aIl- candidates meeoting in Hamilton Ibosday night. nihe Oive w111 cuntinue ai saany puhlie meetings aid privat pates au <hoir uchodalo =011 alseatil Fes. Il sen a leader w11 ho chosen ta lead <ho govornimen< On <ho mait oleclion. Shuffle county comimittees A sinail shutfle i chairs wsea carried out by Haltan Coai<y CouncilI daring the regnlar Janunry meeting lasO oeeb. tuiltan's Depoty Heene Perey ffarr hadt been Daeuid chairmant of <ho Child Violturo conunittee bat tho groop meeta on Thursday èeniasgs aid ho On aiable to atoend <he maetigs. Su hoe asbed tor a change. PrenanteMeKenzle A airiing cosasaîtae revioewed <ho appointinonta aid seitchoil hien trosa Child Vieltaro to Inddstriel Deveopnn, ee hoe seil servo ai chairmas. Dopaiy Reevo Gareet Mceumie ut Acton ws e lena<od Ou the post ut Cisild Vieltare Chairmai, and Burlog<ai Dopoty Reove David Couns oas addod <o the committao ta replace Mr. Barr. Mr. ffarr's sauve ta Industriel Doveloprirmt haimpe Georgeown Reevo ROch Morrose ontut olis saI un Ibal consnittee. But it wsea understaud 0fr. Murrose oas heing appuîn<ed lu <bat committer hy is ton council. -Juta M. Postatr presidentofu Sheridan Collego, han taon e- elecled vico-chairman uft<ho Comnulleeofu Prenidenta ufthOe Ontario Colleges ut Apptiod Arts The Royal Casadian Legian Branch 136, Milton presents THE KEVIN MALLOY SHOW BAND Fridoy, Fobrucry T2th commencing ai 8:00 pe. in thse Royal Canadian Leglon Hall Admission $4.00 per coupli? hetoro -T Milta ceenta -MI afain taspiî tho sauuicipali<Oes. At <hat it migh< neyer ho achievod. major has ut contention and Bill is theo tuture ut glue, Halimn oisheî O in itact bat <ho sahihcer aid ffurlugtun abutird go Hasiltn-Weaiworth ta a al netup. sral Onietn aid proposais seon turseardod conceroinf Iller and muniipal leaders enpectod rogional aent to ho a reali<y long eîl your frionds aisout Sisus Festival and invite ae porticipia ix tho seekba ton District Haipital wi11 ho celoiscating national al day mn May. If Canadiensarne ta onitrolt irei ooto e7nony by = ev c5 a M ta icrease thiier inveasaet greatly, lie told the delegates. McKeong s Mid hie oldn' support iooves to discooragi toreigo inveaimeai bai rate moves ta encoarage CaRadia iVRDODIent. McKeough îapported Oh Ifabarts goverrDmerO'a actions à funnelling Ontario tando ti Qoebec and thse Maritimes. Hi pointed ot Ohat uader Roberts Onstario has kicked i 43 per cen ut Caitada'o oioney in tise ttgis agaiost regioRal eCODoiO disparity. He said ie seol continue <his. Robarts' greatest move Bath ie and Wàttasa Davia, a rival for tise prerderstdp, told Htalonî delegateî Roberts' greateai contribation seould be tuseards national anity. Mcl<noufi doctared bisaselt a citizen Ut Ontario bat a citiuen ut Caoada tirat. In answer Ou a question McKeough said i l et reatiaile tu exetashift away tram eductin pendig prioriuies in the nest 20years. He pointed ot rte Province seouldltabe a grenier nsare ut Obhe npendiog and in <hu seay tselp taise tise bordes ott reat property. Durnhits twu aiid a bauf bon session witb the delegates McKeough enproae opinios adaswere queaionUonssuest aod proistems deatistg seitt everythiog trues regionat governmt tel tise problemu invotvig Ontario's court syatent ta loggiog at Quetico Pnbk ta Norbhero Ontario. Big blonder Quetico was the subject ut a major colilroversy receDtiy. 0f tho 1,700 square mites ipproxisaatey une per cent Os opened for logging. Tbe decision atus to ogfing brougsl protasta from naturaiate. MeKeougs uid it seas en1 enorsU blander ta eutabtiahi the wbole parcel ai wildernes in bhe first place. He said the une per cent bel'g Ilge pruvides ,000 jota aid hoe didot tuios ehero. thse jobs seould bie eptaced. He noted] tise Baesis irge enougs tu accSaumodiate iaturaista, recreation areas and ogging intereala taop. THELON LAONSED OF ar Clb f Lito the 970 R1 setai o aidda PR 1OGM loc TUOliSi.nv 9.,5 Geao 8 .. SONOE .0 Roar Cu ofMilton HEAD LETTUCE 25C C POTATOES 25 La. 8AGS 794AC SPY APPLES BST 89Ç FACIAL TISSUE BOE 29EC RICE PDG. SAVE i0 ceRn 39<e CASHMERE BRAND TOILET TISSUE aROLLs 791e CHEER INIZ DETERGENT BOX 89C SAUSAGE 55<PK,, MAPLE LE AF WAX WRAPPEO BOLOGNA 3 LB. PIECE$ 1 .00 THRIFT BRAND RINDLESS SIDE BACON 3 LS.FRS *ACK BACON Si.CED79çLe t DANC r LIGION HALL Go Saturday,. 0 F.b. 13 p110sssM by the O1plhubat Club of Milieu Peaturing "Jack ReeMRs & The Reeves Boys" ,Starts 8.30 - Dancing 9 0,11 1 TICKETS LIMITED-CaII Bill McGinnis At 878-2790 FOTOOKMOTE 2440QOueensway Dr. Burlington 637-5601 t Off DesO1 uni, SnoIRf Of un . E. Versati le Music of The Caste foaturlng BOB VARGA Entertalnment a Dancing Thurs. Fri, Sat. 9 P.M. toi1 A.M. In the Cartwright Rail Nlghtly Entertolnment SONNY & GORD Sax, Guifar and Vocalist 9 P.M. toi1 A.M. In The Stable Join us for fine dining - fine entertainesent THE NEWS 55 OUT.. We are Famoos for Super Ice Cream Canies But NOW Thse Word ls Out WR have an Unique China Section (Ideal For Gifts) Anj ao laete Grocery Section Aiso BRIN YOUR FRIENDS TO CURT'S CORNER STORE CAMPBELLVILLE, ONTARIO OR Guelph LaIUsot Of 401 SlOW IME SURI, à UT IBOy : + il. 5 sfMatIl.u6 MAD CO FR 904 RIUN'~ br leD MRROt 1ID CREE v MRS WGID GM TUR' 1 LP. UI*PEN. ýC 6 Sas. 7 Mon.8 Ta@. 9 W.d. Y0 Th. l Fn. 12 so. 13 Satrdoy Matinet 13 --PATTONV pot for Canadians HEAI Manl f sti b camp. t.Si T Tisere conteste BesOdes cmnsitta spamra I hi entrytaoin Munday, taise pta Fes iot0 a sculpture tanner se: ChUainpioe muai ho a demenaaha huom <he slver dut John! m the IfMo, DUTCH - CANADIAN COUNTRY CLUB "SNOW FESTIVAL" \pCA ENTERTAINMENT NDANCE For CiIIZenS of Milton And Visitors LEGION HALL - THURS. FEB. Il At 8 o'clock --IMSCby-TheiGaOtenMelodie5-tm--s2cuupo-- Refresisments - Door prîzos - Drave