i Student sus pended Begin budget discussions rita Cevnduv Chueip~ce, Wadvasdsy, Fabrceey 3, 1971 fl T CaainCatioenesay wobrk3,17 TýÎ2O plan f0 protes f AgeniItl Dita ail etbl stue aurina n Ini u esc laa A eip iabtSsdna . affl fer relm tusith cantinuet nermail>' la the owde. te aflr a alane vithe achiel. baeu d an. edvri> Stadenîn cnmpieleed abaut vice-rnia Rai Ziegel nidd - ead lseIcs tae a ii onis reates:! rma lan .O nid teaM ' l~ in tternai discipline prablais uaid ~ ili Oelt the s t ad ba a dvlued ta eiiild ta aludent apalhy. c in.nn e neene ald rebun when hie raIw nie supsudeant aald ta S CHURCH 0F CHRIST f.NO. S Sidercad and 4fib Lice t Trafalgar SIJNDAY, FPBMRUARY 7, 1971 10.09 e.i.-Bihir Seibaul. j . Clases ric al aes. îî.o0 a.ra-Mrin Wacsbap. f8.00 p.ia.-Pinabing of tisa Gospel. ST. PAUL'S CHUICH ai OF CANADA Ma St. art Jaes SI. Miaulter' Ber. C. A. Heiiser, BA., BiD. Orgeoici and Choir L.eader: Hs.oHald Macar AUSODAY, PeHBRUABY 7, 1971 ii119 a.iv-Worlip Service. r Seo titlc 'la Hic Service"l CFIUBON SCHOOL 9.30 ara.-Suda>' ShOGio fac chidmeo, 9 yrars & Or chunge cf regivlered carie and Nursery Depariaai 11.00 eoi.-Kiodergc"leo and Pvinnary Depariraeoi,cr 4 - 8. Ail Welrorae GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milice, Danti. Bedor: Bre. B. W. Poiler OJNIDAY, PEaBUARY 7, 1971 sapioageiisl Suda>' 0.00 a.se-Hy Communaion. 9,0 atrn-r Chiovit Oucl 9.30 a-Ma1,ie and 0cr- 10,45 am-Ar. Chicrh SohOol 11,00 oa.m-Hol E-ciriat. and Serece. 2,09 pm.--Churchl Boys ,Lcvati !for boys, 1'1 and Tharîdus, Pobrarji 4, 10 em Stti Coivoeoiio. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontaiou Si. N. 078-2022 Cbrivliooi gcîborod le the nameor theii Lord Jesac Lord's Do>' SIMDO.Y. FPOAUABY 7, 1971 10 ll30o rm-Breokica of Siead. 12.15 p.ci -Souna Sohool. 7.00 p.m.-Cviipoi Serice. Wcdn.idav. O ps. - PraYer jand Biblo ciuding. jAil amrielOui o t~ese il jesoîiaid,ie 1a tho good Shoihre; flc goua AhePbciii giueih hv lite for ilve vheep. Jolio 10: Il. KHOX PRESETTERIAN CHURCH Mftuter' Beiv. Jao M. Mari' Mil--u orgIacist: Mrs. L. VicobUoia. OUNDAY, PEBBUABY 7, 197-1 9.45 an--Sautar Bible estudy> 9AS ea.-Sr. Oborali ScOisol. 10.0 e.m.-Jc. Charali Sebual. 11.00 au.-Seriean iile, "fh li seprenable Cerraiel>'." 11.00) ua- Nursery tracililiai. 7.31> pai.-Yosir Peipliels HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHUECH A locaI essel> cf The reeosia Assasd1>iea af Camada Wakeield Bd. and Nu>'. 25 Milton pasltor: 0ev. M. Chrisîcusai Tel. 078206 TH0E LORDS DAY SUNDAY, PBUABY 7, 1971 9A45 a.-Buidcy Scbacl. 11I0 a.iu.-Moeriig Wereliip. 6.00 p.n.-uaui Prayar. 7.00 p.s.-Eiecice Eveegal- istri Service. Taesda>' -- Bible Slnd>', 7.0 Dec'. 1: 17 - Tbe Gause uhel iv Ici board for yaa, bi.icil oeand I will her il. MMAHIEL BAPTIST CHURÇH. Comercioal Streei, Miltoii 8M9606 878-3592 Gcesi Speaker: Datai Scott Porsooer posior of ".l1uilb Bu>'- tisi Giulii' Wbieiby The Lordis Day SUNDAY. PEBBUABY 7, 1971 9.45 oa-Hýible Scool. 11.00 a.e.-Moreiog WorsbiP. 6.0 psm.-Sng Service. 7.00 p.r.-Eîeig Worshipi "Let cs caler lnotie Hocre ai 1the Lord %vieli eheeborivicg ami eIno Hos Courts Attis pise.' BOSTON «AND OMAGH PRESETTERIAN CHURCHES Miidier: Mr. W. B. Levis, H.A. 878-4428 SUNDAY. PEBRUABY 7, 1971 Osorli 10,00 ar..Worship Senvior 11.15 ara.-Choir0 Auboal. Adlt Bible Slody. Boiu 11.30 e.ra.-Wcrihiti Service. 0:15 c ,c.-Chorch Suhlva Ada!' Bible SiadY. A cordial invitaion iv extended tu aiL. #dne quSz 12 dr.ss? I îfndedi,sealnsieis h.ie eu oie c iOn -Il- Oait3 Oeil si, s da0-plesie.ekI. nYce'lba proe dcofccciiseiflArctc'w *NO CONTORACTSCaONL>'$7 TO JOIN TWOCONVENIENTLOCATIONS St Cttarta Osidaeltas Hall, Anglicanbnrerh, iS Quacu t. W., Rhh Uine ut Ouitbll Dr., Oabvflie Bramptou. TIIESDAYS,7.30P.u. TUESDAYS,7.30p.ln. Forîicilhei miiuiieioeand Otheiclassesioci 90. s WEIGEFByATJÇIRS' HEAD OFFICE, 491 LAWRENCE AVEIW.,- t TORONT020 Wigt Iu e s aRgT board reviews'7 opnn +É *niurl i"nnlflvsrl demanstrallan becusa "tac mua>'ly nan git hr". An bnans grade12 tadnt ha naid tian net tali suapausica aidarwa>' ut the HIlai Gant>' Bard 0' Edacatian Thurada>'. Tise baurd ta ta itirdy pairs a raaitp-eida unit. Dilglnfirst cer tae board dran the ire vithe Unable f0 sway .. ap jataagsam a the caus hae duers taeedf the ceria se bruitent up itl tr-Irac alfas, Mr. Oien tld tin ceuriil. He rcrmmaided erraes ut leait alal eet udde sate' ceaidaint ta mrclaeed. Same are lait four ami a hall lost de. Denier risri tld caaidll mun>' of the partitions are lradp hauled and semae carry bydra and plambing liatuces. Ha petrfad It eauid raIsi $10,101 la monta tamr lai give the tea nulllestauitethe neresscpy Bueo uae. Soe ai th latts have 5N square leet. Aller lengthp discaussion rauril decidedi artac lie bp-tan and farce tae aner lai cempi>' withth4Msaisre font msinimumi rultag. nie>' setuledaon Mxfont six inch arches au a minbouma aine, and rid tae arches shauld ta rudad an the Ina upper carners ta precait installation cf Toe maynhut nieir dectaian vistblpupiet Msr. Cruel. I ttinh I i»il darlne, I dent. nnt ti permtIut uS,", ha ni."aa oarilu pas tec mai>'r lues." Ha ehurged cous0il wt PaUtag9 ai eaier tawnit uaeed a humae taine built a fie leet framt a cceeh - bat nover tdieutilied the location. =ahud The building wnit rast tae fatin ai>' masse>' usai nai teur exqtra ur chail uc- commoatians becauseoca- rupuar>' e limifad la in peuple. "flic wii ta rirdem a revense ta the fan." ilurhinaies Ctric nid ha ceiiued la moya $10,000 eacth ai plumbbag herausa ane a ulles nlue tachai tou cloaa ta sonaller. When ranrllrspaald aut Il eau i tuit andt teh utet the salie nece ta the rng panifiai, ta replledp " rai w tue u sevai lieai planipoYednt lieai> ai th.. ThectLase Ia i maya tuat plamhtag hart." nieras a eni ldreferance la discrimination: "Muphe pau dent ite tae calar cfa pe Ian inuuaid. s he redupbtic drunlwgu, raiied tam p ai depucted sit e carl "Iluai pau."I Wind beats furnace at Bruce St. school Wtnds arpig raId air trugh nidues ti Bruce SI. SemaI cuauId te, arcl lc tab alsedifor tin seraSd tboa ta lour iabaal dua Manda>'. Jbm orrvboa, rbairsuaa vithe North Eduruliin Centra mxplataed the urbanl tins rlcied Wediieidup afier a vicin stacca Tueai>' Ha sui the furnuce ut the nahail ueu ta ftaa eachicg edaer ami pradUrtaglihait au lest as- silebatutnuas gig se ta,ýn .a s asut us it crme ta. A janitar ut the urin akii ala budhe placed urauad te tadonu au the autadebut neunt au affective au baped. eran s lcu tIa40pTh e fac actg ta 104eacdtgl ta cl oud sfvapi Inairuai. KA S R ALUMINUM SI0119 ..for the corefree beoufy of if Eohaniuriaro home, oiduiori.w suouo,owoodtratre orick. *NIVEO NEEDS PAuITING *20 YIAO GUAOANTEI *CHOICE 0F COLOGOS ANID FINISHES LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMIIUM PIODUITS *Aluminum Boors OUGT *Combination Windows f AViLAOC *Car Ports il * Aluminum Auningi fi FEDERAL INDUSTRIES- DP CANADA [FOOT 0 FOOSYTHI T DVILLI 4 ui "the workhorse p.rformerel MCDIE f1011 PICK-UP IMeel arintar bcaalifal hep frcn Muede -Ibhe 1800apirip, ucra aie Weutaîda Motors.( I Hereas a dachla-dol>' vebîrle Ibalus qcelilp-ieill ta sari bardj j pa loch goad. Pal il on tbe peprail aad lt'Il pari a baS>' 1800 pointidl cf paplaad, da>' ailler ecrhtag day. Toaf b, cehiabla, Ierosamniral. Val il bas aIl tae stle and imoat-ridicg ramfcrt pce naed 1cr e lamdpl ramper Irunt ar aîae a second cur... ailu for jul $2395.00! IBN ruc. oîecbaad ram eegine tIf H.P.,0 M.P'.j jguI. of gos. Tsdrive the Mad 1,7ý piria' io oocl osia Cana East on No. 5 toth Ltur /1e' Tant RlgblaonSipeacs [ f Onthe SpotBaak Plnanrtng tleotuido 103PER RAOAVLL. mNAIO-lanl-4-9 budetais toaltlltee Asi iparui tite eaa llse bard sar' eglltig- talom baudS b>' trustes Ersie Buards of Ederattan acres the province nsl llad budget Lime especiall>' traubisme dtc peur ifttap are ta melettae miaiser of aducatianis guldelines. The HuIlai Board bus a favoable teudiar-studeat ruila and aspect te>' senl heauble la mosat the gaielies the mister bus set i aut i> druetir calae. LIMA n..met B5 en ou IVOR! LIQUIO n 850 MOcI nI YELLGWNCLINou EG. ansaca TIN Peach Hailves 3-990 Fruit Cocktail 4N990 eau launced Manda>' b>' nssbers ai Milieu Counil. A lnar eerhuan ith tiee caival u enic eIS du te: nurai i aiempapd mua soin ta ired tai help bin. le>'V ara taI uiert cutting deud irees andhlmbeaInsilde tep Stateen Mile Graant ata Mua St.and hea>' eurhlng dawn the cceeh anit the SMt ullulmil ta gaile. Cauricillur Charles Jabnuon said tae tine neaded ratttag uSd figuras. Since taen trutees and utal hava made avec>' effort lu ee tae public unure of budget discussions. The i970 budget nus revieeed ut a meeting af te boaud fliaradu a in firi of a serti ai: meettagu. is Meatalll tasi= a lca tae budget un Fait. il, Feb. 25, Murcb 4 and Marcb 18. Instrurtioal servirai, ana cithe bards major aupendituren, wWi ta deuil vit ai Murch 4 and the New speaker 0f NDP noms uteptan Leeiselli ta sable ta attendthe namiaattag conveniona ai the Ilultan West New Dasoccritia Part>' an Pridu>', Fab. S. Put Luelar, MPP 1cr Luaiebare, ell laite Mr. Lewis' plc igetser ut the Centre Hall, 1325 Plains Bad E., Buratagta Body Builders Our toried ore coe ne. Seeeehlee nul denets, nualens repaint- leg Our aPntiosltY. *ILL'S AUTO BODY 269 MAIN ST. 878-2721 MaPLe LEaF SLICEI MPLE LEApLB.PIC 51dm Bacon P'c.59C WIENERS JO MaPLe LEAF MueLE LeaF - nv pan PEe oeil waaEn cPTLE PoIish OcBoIogna3lf91 Sausage LB. 59 MAPLe LeaF pese LEAN pese A pREve BAGK PEAMEAL NICKElS 35ILS.BACONE-c6U RUMP or SIRLOIN TIP ROASTO!-9 Feule ceADE AuL ROUND Medium Suze Eggs 3-a; 91 UL ON E/OSTEWUNG BEEF L-6%1 ,vw.uLoan SPARE RIBS Le. 3% CANAaDa FANCY peen uaa~a mi eia ne ImoNTSI- OUTLAI TM WETS SPINACH CARROTS APPLES BA 5c 2 mru350 2 acaES25 ce. i uNTAeRIO LAncE RS pense Nie 1c Ui.SA CANA FaNCî Cooklng Onlons LETTUCE MacINTOSH APPLES 10u59 2ea3' KTa' 49ç [cLuec BANANAS LnuJ Odval.ised ipeaa vn bau ca t ac la iteecie e veacviaeci Qcae heu PROCLAMATION RU: MILTON SNOW FESTIVAL WINTER CARNI VAL tebereai.: The Miltn Comuiy> Service Clubs have jataed fagter la pian a Winlrr Carnival for the Town of Milieu daclng tle weeh af Sanda>'. Pebruar>' 7 la Sanda>'. Fabruar>' 14, and Wlsereaa: This wnater rarnivral lu denlgned ta maclade avanie cf iterait ta risns af aIl agen, and ereai: llach a eidter carottaI cauld briag the tawn goad publicit>' and ninengtan the banda of frlenduhp asang isa reatidenta; Nue threfure: Bp virine vithe aullairit>' giranted auta meeting ai tae Caiaicilaof the Carparation ut a meeting on Januar>' 4, 1971, I HEBEBY DECLARE the neait af Sunday1 Fsbruary 7 le Sunday, February 14 SHOW FESTIVAL WEEK in the Town of Milton nd urge ail rilinea ta participate mn the variai>' cf pragramo pianaed durlng tae neit. At the ane Lace tae Cauntcil expreisu appraciallan lttae graupa tavalved for teir narli in ~ ~ ~ a aiaizn Milîca.nt nBIA74 BEST, Mayor, à, nelieaf a ur ilu ugodl tudp the psiilt>' af nsvig sem entoier nrba priet Ileu ta the wnter matin la Umeu«eukra unlcemplaesi lie tawn 2 PRICE SALE CONTINUES e MUST CLEAR SPACI FOR SPRING STOCK WHICH Uis ARRIVING DAILY e Ail Sales Final 25 Cammercal 878-39611