Christmnas lnthe easienî tne of vi t ihave alrein or home, - - îîriog tur 'orton Fie ChiefM. Hlineo. 1970 chairorrn of Hallon County Fire Peention Bureau. It's jstunfortunae ta oaleil a happy tine ofyear can be qoocbly mareed hy a lire lragedy," saysOolief Holnes. But th. happy noundsofn jingle belle, cldldren'n laughîer and seanonal .hyn îare easily drnsnned out hy t he wadlof a fre sren. Wn.k yeae rond "Oue Chrintmnas lire safely campaigen ispcobahly the .00.1 nnportant batlle one seage in the orse ofa year's work,- ays KNOW YOUR HOSPITAL BE'fMR.-Te bsiness nffice Bhrchau Ouranl ear-woud staff ai Mflton District Hopital doen nil] the boA..pig Boapn or yeri rund modern bonpl de,.iando, inclnding patient accouaIs and Cires, Hallowees ha.ardn, fore paYroll. The local bopitni bas an annual payrnll of $7959- prevenhion oneek and a hondred Working altheIn NCR boobkeeping machine are Mrs. Katny and one olher things relaîrd 10 fe, Chrita 1 as t anka Eggar and Miss Jean Blinco. This ns one nf a series nf photosnune nom ir l gria n about Milton District Hospital. -<Staff Photo) at o he erytalChrita No action on 15 Sideroad lomf* tri no-w mai rrmmitn TI.nre won't be any action or petitios weecirclated both i decisions ths year onthe future laoi'r and againrt repairsto he ofi15SSderoad. Amember of road. Th conooooîeehlu avored HaIton ountyCou n ds fxingthe rod and making ila comnnittee, Gordon Agn notatird rue 00faosnaet. h9 i 0 OthoegoodieciSvriim 253* Ltaie 216. irnai,,r 211oS1r 0 fir nid"pes Nf i fni 7hi. ., fnenre30, AnoeoCira38 Laies' nnd inge, Mîke nind iple Cs. iI,.p, fln. fan Ôt .neaol sB. ril Pedoil m 2Padohue . n 2ia cieaeneeZ ,nnc Heeapsi ,inripleîf s, hriieer 720 f. id ... 720 i, e, Martn nidehe.al62 gon ..n.n ik BPeio.nd0 ou. B.Ieien hnci39. Mrre Pihe Vaneipevel non n o 9 ue Innn ifosrei 4n , Bil Mawel5 Ifor i7. O.ndenBS O Inn 42 Ladies sndin eose ShannCon ici loue ehoss.pOe.Rechan)ne 2il4, .000en Silet s 256, M.1. L.oerrasiae 0e5 0fr Onher Bil triles SoeiRn 60 Bacon ' O9 one1t 8 Liahioe. oteriio e4oi g oer LAUE'MPERA 3;liOs ig tpleo e Arnol Ok a psne Mle Th...ik 241 AIN &»d trp 702721 ig &5 MILTOP S7S4 6" M.r. [ille,î high tripen arn Ciseg F rg, ingle Fureturoi FABFACNT YOD PRICES. MILTON PLAZA Oloonser tisoo con short and il becam. impossihle hi bold a public meehing on the matter. 'Mematterodilbe dealt itbby the now committea in 1971. Fnar il the lise memdieraof nIhe conittas, moîl not ta bacb on coroocol and there is ns assurance the flth member oI b.e bacb on thorconmillas. Petitionersent at easthbe suof na lresh look at thn prohlemt. Defeated Alla, Day, Gordon Agnen and Bll Hanter mer. ail deleated at thn polls last wasb leasing Dr. F. G. Dabes, Rasse of Acton th. only sas lrom the cnomnottee, to fane tire os a lragedy me 1001 irnoo loire," 'Che Bueas aia Ciristnmas campaign es launched early eaeh Deeemhermhen fore departments aroud Hallon distrohule free Christmas brle tags to Iree dealers and service club tails in the rnuny. Tarse tagn are stapledl.oa braneb of lb. tireseandecarry asi-pnt message nI saîety nil. prate- hecally esery homne it Halton: Doas and don'1. "Dontpu the trac, p outil a masb before Christmsas; DonnI Ontario msufacturng Ontarin gained 159 new manafactarng plants la 1969, represenîing an esîlmated $111,00,000 la rapital nsllay for buildings aad eqaopmenl, stales lbe anal report of tbe Ontario Oepartment of Trade and =eeament. TIse aew planta oRldmare than 5,0aolnew jobs and added 3,700,000 square fee1 of new manafactarng and i. dustril spaoe. retsrn toi cosnty counicil. Esquensmg Itenve George Curl resigned. Tan cnunty ban planned 10 scoden and repair the rnd bat a doa fnr 9-e orb bas nnt boen set, lTe rnd hila Nassagaweya and Esqseslag Townships. NEW ABEA To hippines darh glass.. and long haor ocre strolling doon an acense when on. oI tbem l.ppesed On, loob op. 9-haI's 9-at?" h. asbed Ion complanin -"Tac sun or the mmon?" -Dn'taitbme,man," said the other. "I don't bsne in this neigh- borhocd. a hanard if crombinaid nith orarelens smobero, frayaid ail- oooo wrig r a pile of discrooded gift wioppings. SafeIy nnîob Tlio Burean alo distrhones a large, colorf ni Christmas ponter tn chrcrhe, offices anod publie huildingn each Christma. Il lealuren a large hoSly wreall. and then message, "Wisldng yon a FIIIE-SAFE Christmas." Memsohr fore departmeots in Actos, Georgetoms, Milon, Oak- ville and Bulingtonalo hcbfthe Boreao Christmas lire oalely campaigs mith local prngramts designed la esre a fire-free ysle meass.. 'Meir prngramns inclsde adecholaf on radio and in neospapers and nI 9-n finals nr lire pampers bearlng safely messages i.n lcal Santa Claus parades. 'A roedy we cannot face' Fîre Bureau urges safe yule place il rieur any exit or heatisg apphiancr, Don't place th. Iras mn adrcy containe;Don' s other than approrred decoratos, Donrt leace trer lights on mhen reliringor going ot; Do't use other 9-se 15 amp. fanes in lightmng circuits." Wby stress lire safety mo9- Christmas trees' Chiel HnImes ssys esergeen -aes are dangernas il mmr dont thli. precasliecîa hi basp thees dry, as a dry 9-nie can be reduced hi Bahes in 18 seronds. The nemer metal or plastic synthntic trems can ahin h. a hasard if 9-ny are flot prnperly moeed for lightmn. And any tras oa llyd and Edie arrise. ol.b aSl 9-el. Iriends a Merry Christmsas and a Hlappy New Year. In lies of Christmas Cards a doatin la being made tn Mancular Oystrnphy. 1 NO MATCH fap ther can whip ymar father. "Bîg dleul. n an tnp modoer." OPTOMETRISTI IBORLINGTONI IMALLI LIT US FILL YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION DRUGSAVERS PHARMACY EVERY DAY LOW PRICES MILTON PLAZA 878-4521 A SINCERE THANK YOU To the Voters of Esquesing who elected me ta counicil and ta my workers for their support and enthusiosm. Seoson's Greeting5 to ail. Lon Caxe M ATABI the an. Florney SC1tCM Mark V HorBby. helped j A tip for Mrs. Santa Mako those odd jobs sasior for the Handyman Chone frnm snr nid. seleclînn of tnnîn, ail designed ti mabe those hnme lin-lt jobs cahier andi mnre tun. He'Il appreciate ynnr thoghtfulnnnh. SKIL POWER TOOLS- 7110 Silsaw 35.95 Orbital tander 41.95 2 specd Oelnoc Jig tan 37.71 CLEARANCE OF ROCKWELL POWER TOOLS daOrills, tandems, Jig 20 tans, 71/2" Pnwer tans 2 0 OFF -NARD TOOLS Handyman teren Drivers Im .66 teel Pliern tm 1.89 Luîkîn Tape Measoresmnom 1.59 Plush Mitre saills, nones, Rernz Cutters, mitre boxes, Oisstnn hand saws. bond drills, clamps, planes, files. haeseerh and a hnst ut items tn lit asy budiget. T5 TACKER KIT Koet $1595 Sapl gu aln e37 2172 MAIN ST. E. MILTON EIiING6 )jjCN FEE BELIVEIT 310-231 STILL TIME TO CHOOSE AT HARRIS STATUONERY AND SAVE MONEY 100 ON THESE THREE FEATURE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FOR A LIMITEO lIME ONLV S10% CASH DISCOUNT S ON COMMODORE &SMITH CORONA r PORTABLE TYPE WRITERS ~" F.-C.D $59 95 to $249.95 AND ADDING MACHINES '1109.95 fa $299.50 <i AND t FILING CABINETS - S$36.50 und up FINE SELECTION WALLETS AND STOCKING STUFFERS KEYTAINER M" SLIOE-A-PUZZLE .....................98C *SIMFLEX SURFRISE FUZZLES ............65c 9*CHILDREN'SCARO GAMES ..............39c *KLEAN-KLAV MOOELLINII SETS ........79c: FOR HIM ~ ~ BIG, BIG COLOURING BOOKS ............99. AND~ CLOTH BOOKS -39c KIDOIES SCISSORS FOR H ER 29c FUSH BUTTONFPUFFETS................. 39. E KALEIDOSCOFES witb INTERCHANGEABLE iiJ HEADS.................................... 9& ARTIST gît .. .. ............. gt.. IN YOUR FAMILY ILà O SLTNR W-ALTER FOSTER ART BOOKtS . $1.5......Ch.......$1.25 S OtL PASTEL SETS..........F ROM 40c tu.6 BoiES Chita ad SHOWCARO TEMFRA COLOR SETS .......2.49 S SKETCHING & OIL PAINTING PAOS from 90c~9989u.<oqgg P ALETTES_...200 AND UF Y OU'LL FINO THE OLD FAVORITES 99999<9 < ««« AND DELIGHTFUL NEW TITLES IN MORE SUGGESTrIONS DU'î,SLETON0 SCRAPBOOKSCHILDREN'S BOOKS D IARIES PHOTO ALBUMS W<999<98<9<< S AUTOGRAPH BOOKS SCENIC CANADIAN CALENOAR - $1.25 OPEN EVENINGS S SHEAFFER'S FEN AND FENCI L OR DESK SETS "IDEALSn IN AHOST OF PERFECT T§TLES UNTIL 9 P.M. CASES 99.50. IS0.0 TO DECEMBER 23.4 WSTATIONERY ~MRRIIL OFFICE SUPPLY W 182 MAIN ST. 879e6962 01ý ha-1 - ,rdl of hrýp- f Ir hl or Shop or ý1I-I or a^ d 1-IlItY Dad Ch hl Il amoýecate and ,se for -, Drop n rit br- ,or., n5 Ca,.0 t<cxx9&k4 14 M."