Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 20

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Be The Canadian Champion, Wadnesitsy, Devensisr 16s, 1970 Clorks, troasurors pr gift to Miss Margaret Cia-k Doii troivo of Oakvitle a business meeting andtliicheoi wseleeteit president of Halion ai tie Chantes'Hoiel in Miton, Cosssty Cterhs andt Treasurers' Weoloesday. Mes Audtrey Bruss Association when tise group helit of Milton mas eleeteit vice- Yul. carol shoots free at Champion Chreistmsas is jsst moe itays amuy and dsriog tise festive isoiioay season neigihbors enjoy a casual get-togetiser aoooos the fiseptue at tome . This year joos in tise holiday spiri anin lvite friens in for an evevss ig sig sosg of Chsistmias caeots. To jom in tise Christmas "happening" The Champion offees free Chrstmas caeolsosg sieets to eveeyone inMilton. Sheetstfeatre favorites like -Axay in a Mangee, "Tise First Noci', Gooit King Wenceslas,*Joy tothe Worldandtmay oters andtO ayse picted nitaithe office anyitayleront toi5ipns Regutar osat sheetsltoo Also avatiahe are "Let's Ail tmg" sosi sheets featsrosg many oit favoeites tIse "Lai Me CoUl Yos Sseethet ttoamn' In tise Glueont', , PoUly-Woily-Dooie" assi maoy oisons. toisintisetfunandtpick ciyoureopies oftse free song sheetsaet IThe Cisaspion office. Mahe ibsis Chrisstmas anothen loyoos soit happy Indian yule customs explained ta women S Bt locks Womes's Singleton, Dieecter ut Educaio testîtule beli t hise Devemiser for Hatesn Couoty hait heen meeting uithOe home of Mes. Joho cisosen isy tise Canadien Hopkins, Couet St. wius if goveeimest us a itelegate tu Oie memters pneses. The pesiiesl U.N. 25th asversaey ani tat Mes. Chester Service oas in Oie hiîs year was to be hom as cisais. eitucatioo year. Mrs. Service reait a Cheistmsas Mes. J. Elliot mtruitucedthOe poem. Minutes, reports, andi speaker of Oie afteenson, Mes. buivnessofolîsmeit. ine roll eaUl John Murray,who telitof many doA oIt fastioseit Cheistmnas esperiences in titdia mheee site csstom t m oult bate to itiscarit" anitffev. JohnsMurray spent over was wellnrespositedts. 30 years as missionaries. Shealso Mes. Doug Robertson, toit of Oie culture assit embans covener of home econonues anit especiaily their Christemas itispiayeit Chrismas itecoraions itecoeatioms anit festivities. aoit toit Isow Oiey were maite. Mrs. William Laosov for Tht Insttute geace mas ssog cslîzesshîp unit eitucatîon andoillenjoytita social tianemiO isformeit memisers tisai J. teaanitChristmasgoities. Suggest revision dumping by-Iaw A hy-lam regulatsng tise dumipivg oi sluitgt on open uanit may ha neviseit hy Esquosing Counctl,sexsnyear. Raison Cvunly HeulOi Unit's vosue of a dumping permît to BIse Sera g Ltt. R. R. S, Milton povkei iscussion umonti coaesillons uit Monitoyo negiur meetivg. The pervit ailoms the i.vmpaoy te tsmp sludge on the fianofv K. Mîchie, Ltl 4 Concession 4. Quenliovet ty teputy-reeve Tom Hill atout negulations conitamdin tise iy-lum, clenis- recasoner Delmar Frenchs sforme cosicilthehy-lam may tesa-ihalthe location sludgt muay ha dumpet, tht toues mithan mtociust may hoe tumpot, t type of vetocleit maybtrnsported in unit tht route sucis a vetocle osay taise. Lavutio must ha 1200 la-t away f nom toth Oie neurest itmellig andtlhe earestwell Dputuy-revt HiUl sait ha Oi it siutge snoviti ha esthan cultivattt or isset uniten Oie earth in somne vuy. mithna spo e etenth of tune BSsouit promsssateelals Covocilion Wifrid Leslîî ioniser suggeotet iiterantation of matersalo being tosopeit. Ha poite out thre ssa grat if- ference i odon htetn maste malersal thal is isen processet soit that mtoch igues sotrestet. Councîllor Russell MilIter sntscatet concenn absout the detrimental eftect sluitge steping inlo t grosoit coutl have on Oie towsship's mater supply. Open house at museum Hait on county museum, ieessr De. H. J. Newman reports there have teen excellent crvicit on Oie meeheni t athOe soosos Christmvas Open Rosse. Alshough Oie museuov is open every day thereeare not tocmany Oiere on meakdays. The Open Hous contnues tiil Deceator 20. Tht mseus evpccially itecorateit. oent Maxted pres itentsoit Eit Baitge of tueinglon mi serve as secretary-tressurter A presentatian feses tht association mas miade lu retirng cessiy tesurer Miss Margaret Maxteit of Mitton. Tise Bask of Nova Ueotia alss maite a presentation lt Miss Masteit Rait proisîtas Seversi ccuniy couneicilors wr in attentance for tht sonchesn. Speahers fram tht Niagara Penisoa outi sonne of the proiteans anit pialls of Regional Governees That ares mss ont ai tise first ite ruled on the regionai hanis in Ontario. Tht itformation sa pomtient for tht italton clerfs ami treasurtes as ibey espec the sasse fores of goversiment te ht hrought in losally inte nearfuture. -Bite the i.fasihtr's fre A FOULK FESTIVAL i Miltont District lOgis graited Deishie Waldtss seattit. stopper bsus te ito your Christmsas Bristol Friitay sigisi feotiseit eteriausers Denlaurter, Karen Suasse soit Bettyt shoping in Mitton stores. stteodssg tise scisoss asdsitnne misa have -~tr nongt ilse an stage.-<(Staff Pi i Wintry walk for hikers Milton Council briefsl more jaunts are planni I Mihtera enjoyeti asesotry math Jan. 3thoy plan tmoshort h Durmng thir regolur meeting last meef, memhtrs of Milton Couneil: -Approved a sale of peppermintpattieshby the stuiteot counceit of Milton District Itigis Scisool. -Petitioneit tise Ontario Departmtnt of Highwuys te ailox stuitieit tires lv he ostit theoufisout the entit province. -Ashei thOe puris hoard 10 lofk into a proposaI fromt Wiiliums Ave. reoitents for a shutîng rn in tisai neigh- torhaod. Resiitents have oftrait te buitt anit operate the riski thOe toon supplies muterivin. -Sent u ltuer of appeeciafion te Halten MP Roit Wisiting for sopporfing tise toen's protent over the proposeit elimeioutlon ai CPR passenger service oa Oie Toeonto te Winitsor laie. -Noteit the sex Muaicipul Bourit heing on the Criffci apuetiveot builiting reaoning,' Muctin Si., moult ha heard Dec. 2in Milton. -Asis ti Chuingate tevestinents 10 mti a complat stermi sexer syntem norOi of Reslop Rit. hefore essnicil cas g ive consiteration to their tomnisoose itevelopotant. -Leurneit throogh Mayor Brîuo Best Oiat saverat favorable touments huait heesi receiveit on CHOICE 0F TREE In Nex Englanit anit tise Nortust, tulsues fie asti white spruce sre the most popular Christmas trees, mhite Penosylvunians of tes pretie Scotch pire, spesce un-I reit vine. lte Siouth, a-t redue soi thOe urarce bsut istuotiul isolly tree are oliest sei, as meil as pine. tn tise ment, ceitars unit Arizona cypres ae favorites, soit on the West Coast a alit vsriety of tees, Dougls fie, bloc spesce, Englemuan spesce ami oOier luraily grosea tees are ail poplir. OPEN TO SERVE YOU -Tise Miltoen brasses minow, art staffiog thse trsust company office of Hifllan anit Peel Trust assi Savings o e n- on Sabosrdays weit manager Dons Smith. Askait issi Satisriay moesis theesigi Dtctsssher abouet morldog thse extra tinte, balt ladies sailit as a service ha Iflihan assi district Thsa trsa iisy merensi morritit - tise msanager has campaoy remaiteit opta Saharitay Dec. S assi prosssistit lites tinte off te tise ntw year ha 12 soit mii ramnain opta agate lis Satssrday, compessate fur tise tisee extra ataratlns. Mr. Dec. 19, tram 9 arn. ha 12 naso. Emsplaytts Ssmith sai4 if mas a pleasura ha iffer the Mrs. Joass Nortons andi Mes. Asie Larsest Satssriay sersvice asnd if is Seing weli racelveit shome hart selti tise large in haeis frontt tsy tise comsmunlty. the tosens proposal te change the same aifSos Lie Rt. ta Otenits Ave. -Receiveita letter front Milton Aea Sourit toplussnit lie mas tittie itanger of a roof millapse due tu hesvy saose as it iaasteel rooflamdisshovelletoff it ntcessary. Tht gavernott recnntiy sggesteit sil municipalities have their areou roofs testeit foe shahîlitY, iollowing collupses at Ixo Ontariouarenas. -Notei crosswsells sfaehivgs hait toto painteit on Ontario Si. star fise apartesent buildings, anit a sluity on legalizing crossmalks i tomo mas tei te soitenay earty inthe neemyea. -Appeuveit nex siga tinte- tong visitons to Miltan District Hospital, te ha enecteit ai Main and Martin Bts., Martia St ald Base ine Rd., uoit Base Lie Rit. soit Broste St. Tht signes vent requesteit hy the houpihal bourit. -Learait the canine canteol officers haithosd six toge fram Miltun aiivigated imo complaînts in eight patroîn itseig Novemter. -Gave final passif tesa five- star progrumt of connecsivg fihi rouait mors tutuiliag f 1,M,000. Major peojeel is a ssismuy Ion Ontario S. stter the CPR tracs mincis the tosen fete miSl ha necessary i1975.-7,a a cost of $1,00,000. - tncrtastt Oie capital levy fees byfiNion meium andtisig temity alMrtivent prvjects. Thte nae rates are $W5 per suite lue higt rie, $450 por suite for meiumn teesiiy. Tht extra 110 s tohbtassigset touaspciul Park fevy fsond. - Engagat Kleenway Construction te istail a semer ta Alliance Building Corporation at a cst of$8.50 pen loct, andt Edtgar Romiten and Sons tu ivotuil a 12 ivch mater Soetu tie suive fires ut $1.O5 per lui Rttlesnuhe Point Conservation Ares xesi of Milton tSoitay, us Oie Toronto Bruce Trait Clsub contînueit us regular minier hiking proîrant. 71bey covereit eight miles of terrain in their tSoday treks xith George Robertu, Kmn Young ami John Mctuughlin us leaders. teveral mnterestiog billes are plunnet foe Toronto clubs memhors on future tSuituys. On btefan lavis 4ol id ies an ureas; Jan.1lsnixsmileille lrom Rattiesake Paint 10 Ccawloeit Luise; Jan. 24 s smmwstoe hihe tive mites i length near TerrasCotta; FeisT7a Oirte 10 fîve mile hihe in the Caleiton HiOls; Feis. 21 a cross country bille on skis near Speyside; Marchl s4acireular but strensous hihe three toeaigisi msiles long ai Cafuruet; ami Mrch 2aneigist coler aiCredit Forte. Christmas is the perfect time ta feel cazy and comfortable ... Give slippers this year ... you will find styles ta please every * member of the family. Shop now ai Bob Bartlett's Fane Footwear SStmnsi. E. Milton 8"r3u 't 4~si 25% / tax rebate is flot so rosy Tex rebellsof 25per cent tofarmsers areot as rsyas tsey mil appear te hie, accoriig te George Petleteso, a north Burlisg farmeranit o teusteevon tise HaItensCosoty Boaeit ofEitucation. tjseakog osa motion front, the Lassiton Bssrd of Etscat sese tojacelte the emncessio, Petetteto salit il dita ras limitat te 25 per cent, Lose sheltr ts ".il tltey givt farnerats 2se par enti fas rehate meIlail the ptrent baslslereellse,s ste mWl hant a 13 par centlralsats. tsa we sal lise lasd te if yars me have te psy hacks the amosut o rebhale with aighf por ceai iernti So fi sentt as rasy as Il ifi seess," Pelletterlo salid CHRISTMAS TREES SOOTON FINE - IORWAY SPEICE BALSIMN FIl lily Early For lest Solootion SENTINE GULF Ontario Street and Baselin. Road - - ---------- aammaa saea~s GLEN EDEN is ready and walting FOR YOUI We wifl esake snow like crazy mush aur awn snam-making equipesent misen nature doosnni provide enough for yaur sking énjalyeent. Our ski season opens December 19 so came on out! FIA TURING - Ski Chalet - it Rapt Toms la - tZtrtified Ski Scisoaf tfectric) - Ski Paf rai - Ski Reniai - Skating imeather - Snawmsaile Trai -permiting) Snack Bar -Tahaggaoing - Snoivisakiflg 2it hrs. -T-Bar day six itays a meE - 251 Vertical -Special Group Raf NEW FIA TURES - Six Day Skiing - Nasa Chalet Facilsfsas - Extendeit Ssesamaking - Espandeit Ski Schoal - IMPROVED LIGHTING FOR NIGHT SKIING Exit 38 A 31 South trou Iwy 401 and tolfas ose signs fa ICelso Park SCHEDULE WEEKENDS ANO HOLIDAYS 10.001 ar..- 5.05 p.. Ouring tise Christmas Halidaysthetomsmwill aperate tram 10:t0 arn. ta 5.55 p.m. Open Christmas Day 12.00 fa 5.00 TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY THU RSDAY - F RIDAY 1.00- 5.00 AFTERNOON - 6.30 .00.5EVENING CLOSED MONDAY vhe Halto, esie coseation Aussuorte mtoisis asoosasa popse os mhe Nsoue asitnd a te tsks stosntage ofthalle, CONSERVATION AIJIIOUITT + 225 Mains St. Milton 3181-4131 854-807 t A ASl i localesl japort T'rai pronnist tne ar3 tonas tise sitea it's lise SUi t site bas Thse sometl annose Use es assurai Word th Mas jttpnrt decisia imsporta Haltess taverne impîtar steveltpu airpurtij Ed Hate jsust nev Chlristini ha connie Dec, 22 lusi-roins Preni sirnglei ut tisa Conserve Gavemna sitoeto h McKenug Stansley P Party lem kid of il) Usait Ju sisositi ha teadershi Usai Hat Bsrlsste candidate Wa ho Miloin m cousseti se tii mita Ail enuie ternels of wits tise titEtions tegiossal g by nom an- toit any Oegiossal g least 1M97 cnd ste I'm fore 'Ringmwom fthay'e a ey're mu ,Miss., Perhapn it espît's ri tenI rni sy siatit uç urUs fant tsa masi ?hile tise i tisasr " ris lich te min Adt il al, tg boiter mi tahs. Usat anseS sp ti t a 1ud vois Sil 1 mas Osttlsg. t ans. unit essily quici ligiet ami dt What liv une mics tosght oui nntessmaa utalip sait le tpivas e h Ma Iproîso tep simple. Aster ail, haether saar *5s~ 1~ 3ý

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