Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 2

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Offer skiing program ta Milton residents A ski pgrm trMiltos residet cil. be Îlteed biy lte Milton Recreation Comeitte, inoihers agrerd ait their moeahly meeting. If nuticient inteet is evident, inotructioo aod skiiog progranos cill be provided on a tee basis uit Glen Eden. The ski progPam top juniors will inctude eight bours of istruction oner elgit cossecotice Satorilsys as weil as softhe toco for Ohe balance of the attenooo. The cost ofthOe progi'am cill be $17.50 with applications availabte Ioraly. A groop of 20 is reqoired ta isitiate tise prograss, the ramssittee iras totd. A siolar program srliedsted for soid-ceek days, is beiog ot- tered for the bousewines. Okay Park 'Me joint Parks andRecreation Board stodies aod approreil park ureas proposed ini the north east development ares ofthe tovsin. "VOLIJNTEENS" ai Hallon Cenleonial Manoir bega active Miltirei MrKinnos, and kirs. Rokena Garret At tront ta Jo- duly on Monday. Tbe groop iras orgattizeit by Mirs. Audrey Ann McKionnn. The tbree sisters bail worked ai te manar MrKee of Court Si. andt is sponsoreit by tbe Halbis Centannial during tise somnmer betore lte prngram cas arganizeit,- Manor Aoxiliary. Her tbe girls betp residents prepare tor (Staff Phtoto) dinner. Leto toi rigit are Mrs. Jean Blarklock, Jane MeKtanor4 L ike Condystripers Th7e parks are geserally ad- jimoîg sehoot sites. A grant of $75 cas approved to the Milton Minor Basebait Association tei osercome a deticit oscorredon Oseir 1970 operaioos Fioanciat staiemesis ofthIe club's opetaions kiadt ees submiitted. Glass tree Ereetios of thse conasusity Chriasas Tree ait Cestesasial Park kad bees rampteteil, member Howe Hopklii reparteil, soiti kgks ta be usilertakes medlatety The work bas sire keen dose. In pretimisary budget discassios mestiers rsnsidered Ose passibility oi esgaglog a foit base rerreatin direetar sire Ose work toad an roasmitcee asembers in denelapisg asd orgaomsig progrants wan beyand sebat routd be rastlsssd. 1The moatter was ta ta nestigated furtter. Esquesing council okoys payment accounts AuOsorizaakos ot payasent ot accouontotookup a good portion ot Ose business ai Monday's tinat 1070 meeting ot Csquesisg Councit. Accounts approcet tor payasent ioctoded: --41,58 tegat tees ta tbe tiras ot Heto, Baises andt Langdon, townshbip solicitors. -$110 tai reeve George Currie tor atteodcng meetings ufthOe Hat1ton Coasty Industriat Committee, daeîsg 1070. -el)teack 10 depoty-reeve Toas Hi aad counicittor Kes Marsball and $to faormser rlerk K.' C. Liodsay tor service os Actas tire aracoiniittee. -$20 eacb to counicilors Wiltrid Leslie and Rusnsell Miller for service on Georgetaown tire ora comasittee. --$428 tai George Herringon tor tag catrbtag serviras durtag lte asonOss nf Ortober undt November. -$95.04 ta rterb-treasurer Delasar Frencb tor asileage durmng 1970. -Tbe tocnsbip's municipal tevy iromn Ose Halbis County oard ofEducaion inthe amoast ot $133,206. -2,340.75 ta Georgetaown Fire Area tor tire protectin. -4,81.70 ta Miltas Pire Ara toc lire protection. -Reeve George Curriels 107o salury in Ose amount oft$,70. Couicit sal autOrlned Me. Frencb ta pay road arramta as sobmitted by roads supermntendent C. E. "Bad" Sos on December 31, 1970. Inciuaissss atSm 192 MAIN ST. IN MILTON 878-3282 SHOW TIME FR .N T. 7GI PMU. 9P 1h.17 ,,îllaS.19 Wtaeh 20PIPtelt. .21 Co 22 w.a12 eý 'le a Il- -d'I 10h i aye file s0aR i Volunteens aid staff, Manorites Pink andt chite pinaooes arr also mailing a samearta Oseasseles ai Ballas Crotromial MAnor and ander Ose casdy- stripe garb arr the Hallon Centeraial Manor Valunleens. The group, sîmîlor 10 th e Candysteipers ai Milton District Hospital, valustrer Oseir lace ta the statîers and aid residensuand nuseciOsOthe erryday chores, Mrs. Audrey McCrr of Court St., foraser seceetary ai the Manortfor11yers, is rerpaible tor gettcng Ose group starîrd Mes. McKrr 1mbk anctv interest in Ose colualeer prograîo aid approachrd the HaiSon Cestronial Manrc Cocicoilter about gettiog thse proj cet mndray. Aaniliary bnlp 'Mse Auiliary ofHalton Minrr raslally bebisd Mrs McKrroand agreed 10 supply osîlorms and any olher ncessory reqaîremeots lo start the progruat cn Miltonr Thîe terst group ot girls begari arasve daty on Moday hclpiog nsessciOslreding ofresidect, ~araistermng snacks, readiog staries and reading as wer0 as esrihing letters. "As Osey asorh mntatbetjob more, nures oîlllîsnd mach more top Osenn to do, and Ory 'Il atmsc be Oserr just ta brlp mOsh tbe lonely," raid Mes. McKrr. "Someose ta tais ta i alcays abrlpt eeryone." UDiois arc sopplird by Ose Auxiliory and atr a girl bau compîrîrd hec test 50 bours ot oer Icrshr is acrded acap tago a'îOs tse outf it Upon compîrion of 75 hoursceach girlisill rrcrice a pis, ard bars tolloir cneuieyas more hoars Ooîld op. Girls olîesate boars os a shift laisis, and 6:3tto 8Opai dariogOsheceeh.A special Surdos. shift bas also bers sirgoriard rorsîso front 1:15 10 i10 "This shitt cas speiial1% orgaoiord so tbe girls couId help rrsidensagrtto capel or to rtrtaismest sn the aoditoriom,"- added Mrs. McKrr. Onde 10 girls arr presrntly srsig os Volanteens aI Ose Moo and more arc greatly oredeol. "Wr could almost double this comber.- rie said. -Marty girls oere scaed aoay wbri lliry fouladiit thrl had tohasera sîedîcol rsiamîootîos betore Oeirg occ eptrd. Tbrse are Ose is pe that couldn't base bars tas irlercesld sn the oork or a lîttîr extco lîke a meial ssouldn't hae bttbrd them. Man> ofthOe sseng girls are shy thosîgh," shte leeghrd. Mut br l5 Application fortins for anc mterested girls may bepicked op ai Miltan District Higb Srboot or Hall00 Manor. girta must Or ut least 15 years ut age li quulify tor Ose Position and eack mont ta intercîewed by Mms. MctCee beltre bemng arrepird. -I gel a lot ot idrus and belli 'h'm Ose people sabo organiord the hospîtal Candystrîpers," rsplaiscd Mrs. McKee. 're teied to setupOibsprogram along the sanie lores mOsh only a tru mînor chasges. Any girls iotrrrted in theprogeam canbri sure itisaaresurdmg experince. 1 hope Ose esperiesce muy eses lrad tosonne tking on positions eiOser brr or in a bospital," site concladed. Slsiers ta program lorre sîsters wbo are esrolled Os te progeami arr ander lb yers of age. The girls irere boued cîth n010 joast sommer s Osry solmnteerrd hibr e brp and isorhrd aI the Maor toc no puy and somnetimes tai tilI in Oseir tier Spohesman toc the Iree, Jo-Ann McKnnonsaid "itproed ta Oe a challenge toc us, corking Mrs. McKee is looking torsoard la more applications once Ose hauidays are oser and the oec year is mnderay. îDAVIDSON & COMPANY1 Msesrsers Toronto Stock Ecange 51STCKS le BONDS MUTUAL FUNOS 1 Ieia .rns weraaimmnne în FRANK L. GLOVER DIAL 639-5916 1 ROYAL oAAuIANu LEUISI BRANO 138, MILTON GALA NEW TEARS EVE PART DANCING TO TUE BEBONNAIRES 9 p.m. to i a.m. PIlES AND NOVELTIES GONTIMMOUS BUFFET IESEIVE 10W 115.00 818-900 PER COUPLE Booms OPEN AT 8 P.M. ------ -- i., . I oa ecer tbsai yac reight nerdsold Georgersodscc i1 Il bc trer-Osere* Il0 sen bill, reîsess Esqarsngrrree, ergre Curic bold bis collcogues os Misrda%'r closcng meeting et Paquesise Coucil. The OO-y arsld resve is steppiog dosso after a sarer o cii OsaI dates baik o as92-, "Everylthig mus cie , erd,"Oserreetldessail. lIs bers a pleasuee ta a srk ait 10 hv couneiland staf ad 1 %ih he sec comncil andrreeesuccrss Psy tribair Cousicillors paîd tribals e tosrh amazing Me. Corne for splrradd leadership hre bas gicrnesouricil andtotformerrclrrk K C. Lisd- say, cta is atme rebeceng Retiringroueillar Ken Marshjall, cbo cas detratad hy mlleugur Russell Miller cn thr ruce top deputy-reerr in Obs yeue'u elertian. saîd one consolation tor tamn cas the tact be'd alcuys ta able ta soy hr retiredtfrom couici nthe sace yeac as George Carrne Motian lliankn rerîr Cansicil pasord a Motion thankin lthe reece tor lthe a 1ota araner in wbîct be kas =rsdi avr meetings during thc pustecar. lierv 'cure and Mrs. Carrie uccc hests fer a cea heur laekey (humer ut NorthO Hoîtti Golf and Ceerse Club. 0 HRISTMAS GREETINGS that are to appear in the Becomber 22nd issue of the CHAMPION should ho placed with our Advertising Depart- ment by December lSth THE CANADIANOCHAMPION 878-2341 - w- -i aiii vtR5RiIR mui'i55 uia.y rur nour iniay menus NEW CROP CHRISTMAS FLORIDA SWEET JUICY GOLDEN RIPE MIXED NUIS TANGERINES BANANAS 590L. 3z-1,00- 8L. SUNIST NA CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ASSORTE MORANGES BEL & JEL ETH DLS pi rR1 .00, BRELL SJELy 39c CENLTRES9 GINGER AL_,s- 0 RNHCREAMS.45c ALLNUTS AT CRISTMAS LOW PRCES PECAN WALNUTS FILRERTS-ALMONOS-BRAZIL »DAI<M mai . - 9 CRGOOLATL $1 IÉ af 1971 -Re Depari NtOei tbe lursdic operali, be bai Dufterb C amp letter a tas be asumeg atmo apt HRec tawnaki Hitrbie, anpaus Ose Fo sderoad Itatames $10.010 1 Horîbyt1 cille Pi piavillon Dabville aerr ait Ointario 1 Agrirultu hepartas regalata Sideroad lirventb I hiar. Res had requit meeting. C.CE. "Bai aout am sigons o br procar -A soti of adjasti Milton as brartag t December Cammitie for a rigst aceoss Ose occapiei 1 tracking, r oard ot 1 charge. CXXiRiRE I. No charge for advice - Currie Have you a homeless DANCE BAND? Tris could be oust the place for you. It's large, if's modern; it's central. We cani ctter yoo these large dance hall taclsties on a permanent or semni-permanient basis. Close to Milton, Acton, Georgetown, Oakville, Streetsville and Brampton. 878-3421 CHARLES HOTEL IMLL W 0an EMaS PKG à CHAREE RUEE F.A..N. IM...r-- 0 PRESSION RAND Pins ALL SIZES BATOI .0 PANTI HOSE 790 . wiIl be closed ail dayPRESAE_______________ l MI1 0LIR RN sTaFFIEs JELIT DESSERT Christmas Day toallos ïï % Il 59. .ELO 4PRS. our staff 10 Cflj0y 0F1ElS TEN1DIER LU MA PIE LEAP MA PLE LEAF SICED RINDLESS Chrstms a hoe.39I'- Suds Bac o n AD69" 'AP- -EEA ar L5 dq - fIELA MAPLE LEAF a ChrisimasIS aI om. T1IVE@ We will open as usual uWIEERS PIC 5COooked îm~ 01 on Saturday, Dec. 26 .5 POK OHCOPS 59L. PGRK GHGPS 690L. T SEASON'S GREETINGS [... 3EZIEX:3E]E FRANK'S 'w IZZ ýRANK' PIZZERIA à âm

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