Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1970, p. 1

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VO.11- o3 V ýMILTON, ONTAglo, WfD tsAy DECttane t16, 1970 taoovii5Cl- MalJ Rsoacaî,a, N-vbe, 0093 Tweasy-Ehaut Pages Fifte Cents 5, ~ ~ No ced e, , i.c l et u od o oughPubish Tuesd ays Close Kibride Hall nI,;e.. t ~. £ A CHRISTM.AS BUS SERVICE was morung were Mis. Margaret Bisi of 349 inaugurd of Cmmetce Friday by Milton Martin St. and iser cisildren iletit and Bily. Chaberof ommrceand hourty rostes TheY are sisown bieng welcomed by Tyler arourid town are rasasisg daity (except Transport bos driver Stu Westail and Ron Sundrl un111 Dec. 24 ta itetp isring shoppers Harris, seho ws chairman of tise bas 10 tise d(Intli and plaza tores. Arnong tise comns.sîee for tise sponsoring Mitton Cisamber lirsi to use titis free bas service Friday Of Commerce. -<-Staff Photo) Expect strong opposition if village school closes Thse future ni Campitettitile le ammwer ta itis qusin pae lrdy n Puic Orioot, wite nt Director of ention lo sap vle atready omnediaiely i ieopardy, is not a Singlto dct on m a mpslvd eshn taîgitone. Tise tttree romi junior iseen considerel toc some time Mfter tise meeting Mr. scissel la one oi ttse fenannal! He ageeed Ohe tidy nay to isandle aoreesoa At anits teft on iatn Cauoty. lacs Oie peobtem noatd lie to close Na S.agtweya on tise oa amatI Onits are espensive ta. Camptelîville P.S. and opeead li cs adcocatng Rh operate anddo not it inouitO tise student popu lion ia the bat wnodeed if th philosophties ai tite coooty boards village isetieen Kilitride and moîrsteataon isad conmide of edacalian. Speyaide scistats tinsibllities ai closing thse Tcustee Tam Watson isrougist Hanever thse uto-ector 001fd Banever, he paoted a tiseniatter toligistat a meeting ai -Camptelville schot isas seeii tisee roin ocismîs nero Oie Hlatton Comnty Board ai Oierefora longtlue and t'm sure date aod som day sc Edacalian Tisiay in Oaheile Rhece naald te oteoag opposition Is ave taise doe. wienie asked if tere were aoy agoata aay mace ta close tl" no eaam ta expao1 insideraion gîcea ta ctosîog oe it CapelleScol-h Camptellcille Scitint dn and 'Me ne tigt anislcleScsa s espandiog Speyside scisint ta liet prc opioted out a handle tisose childre ow thitoess ai inaney isicis inade Tise Cisainier oi Coo attending classes ai the prospectaif creatiaf maie freesisoppes'ibs asase Campisellville. emont ai Speyside or Kilbitrde isymasyen hea isa thii iiipeaciicat nOmn tisere s Tradiiona osrsmonyd W ho..... ....... b e.. ..h....... to..... ring... year 1971? .. so- aditinal rigc IOioan lre ouaOe y ragh o170 Tise nes ihsadrn ets tell ta geOie arIerSst oas ta oSydey lasmtan lise ha appeaacsing nit lioat a candidate foe tise corset and isasa druin, tise crand isad grn banor u a granp large enaugis ta titI Oie Cisarles- tt ai atartet nisea Oie 1967 Cestemnial Main intersection for Auld Lasg Syae mnd yearwas rung innise spuraofthe moment thecrand gaiered early an utisutuein te isy Publisher Jba Dilln, alane in tise to-lt labisy ai tise ln isall ready ta race ont mnd taner. greet theaew year as Oie belî pealet ig nisace. Reene, Mayor volunlceers risolhern Tanet mrReeve A. LedaîRh As thearsas approacises Tise Cbampion, tegan gaOiering an Rhe sreet, isaddling in Omiing for a suitahîr and wullsng Oie estd tor a round ai Anlut Lng Syne. HO cidat 1 o0 isy0 r Oie enut of Rat pes Mayor Orian BesI us a nddt o hsya' elrni ready ta ring in 1969 mnd aiRh t tise tyoau'vrgotane.letusknaa Ifyauttank ýi annesatian ai isuodeds ai nen acres ta tise Ris aisale pîrce ot n onsensr asaauld te tans boandaries. us on Rhat lin. By Babisat lacs Of intereat. A amati eronu o fter plaYing anintegral rnle in se more Rhan 25 people atteaded m cmmnnity lite in Oie village for Oie meetig an estimated 75 Yeass KOlrde Ater dieuing the proiseon Hall nilI cesse ta funcion as a Oie hall board memisers aind Publie hallttomorawThurrutil oRhees ai the meeting see uten Oie dines are sisal lac lte mnase ta instbish an alternalive bast toue.tacaa hl.I Once a iseehisieeofitivity, h thcîmn tgs hal ol nsspu 100l iin't useil enangs nom ta iterestanisgg warrant its exsntence. Tise inta Oie hapl pel bci groupa usiog Oie hall st enouh Wlcos ta pa c aretaser, let alose pay Te isall il lie eloaed ta far theenxtenniee repaies reqoire inorenu mnd Pnt up for sale Jan. 10 ut ie ailint gm shpe. 1. Ifno bayers are inteseted isy ta Pt th hal int goo shaeOte spring, lise hall mli liely te A uPaic meeting tare dawn. Apblic meeting iseld ai Oie Tise tino groupe asmng tise hatl ina wedaesutay ta discann Oie till non meacmnna ti tatae aesetel eeleced i Kliseide Scisool, providing Five esccape unhurt fire guts home on N. OcskvIIIe faim Pîve men escaped untnjared as lireerippegRtroagisa bouse and numerain builings awsed by Lee-Cisnng Parms mnd Wang Bean Sprouts onDerry Rnear Horsisy early Feiday ining.. Miltn Fiee Departinent annueredRte alarm at 1.30 a.m. anmd tino Qaiseille trucs and Oive- mare men anre despatcsed to ansiat. Tise isuildings nere aistaze nisen tîrelîgisters arried anda ruhiste soas still smoatdering whien cena tnft fer isnses latn-. Cauae aiRte lire ia uninama. A qaantîty ni macinery and vegetaisîrs nere Inat in tise O Fire Cisiel A. E. Clement i sa1 îneestîgauog tise cause ai Oie islaze. Altisaugs Rere mere no official estimates avaîlable, bosa ra epete ta ala 11 e $100,000. A cisimney tire wasais -il" catinguishe ai Oie home fi Gardon Hîlan in Miltan Beigis on Frîday. Little damage bas iseen repurtet. A amoking fulse panel wao Oie camse ai aoter to-e alarin aI Ontario Scisool for the Deai as Saturdoy. Tise tire wau quicly AETERSIATH 0f a tire that des eatinguîished anut cause is Wn'BeuSrt oDry andetermneut Wans Bea $1 proî s aOn. De ChriStmaIS 29 accidents in six cent repiece Ca fisloi Croteeplece for Milloos Chtristmas ligitig deeoi-allnns Winters is ere -and dan't agais titis year In lte fiant bat w caImnsilY Christmsas lree ano il. Wth snow alartiag an eeeed iseside lte muti pond usaay and conlinuingtreougs Cenlemiat Pars an Martia St' Oie aeesead, personnel at Milton Detacisment ai tise Ontari Handeds ai ciseery tigis Provincial Police weee hept ro eadlate tram lise breanches ni Oie Oie rue îocestîgaîmng oneéo 35tfootisigh everfreenmad setlthe cîdeot allr anoRher. tiseme foe isndeedu mare rolorfit Milton OF P report a nerîrs ai 29 a main sl reetslIeaimerasd saane dy endingnMnay iisiledaintis ton, cans o olonarhertreeas ceuîîy and procincial worhmeo d ptaeed althseparsand dearatd werenoriîg oeertimetaseep hy tise Milton Parin Board ai Oie roada apen, police utll haut i Management. mare tisso tisci coili handle ini tise Wnatson, n and rd, said ead- ed Oie scsool. ut Rhat out ai net"în Cherrag d tise noted. lcomed 443 riders on free bus three days Tise Milton Cisainier af Commerce bas service for saoppers isas bren pretty popular in ia tirst inn days ai aperatian. Il carriet 443 passengers in the lirot tteee daya-lin on Friday 231 an Satnrday anut 110 o Monday. Sisappees can catch a fee ride ta 110 stores (anut haine again) tetween 9am andu5 p. eeery day tram non ta Dec. 24, except Sunday. accidents. Tno trucks 'Ina tracka, one a tractar- traiter carrying Christmas taes and drusen isy Chartes Doneraif Cisatbainand aascoandturivenhby Joisn Belcisel af Gaît nere unvolced un an nccident on Bîgs- nay 40 1 Wedsesulay. Traiiic a lied up for is as aa real t ai Oie crass Tise seconut truck was a Canaduan Pacifie Expreas and nas damagei ta tise lune af $43 00m plus contents. Contes ise ursrd wnis lise prnpane tankina tise isating unit espladed aller Oie rash. Doner as tresîrd ai isospital and relesd Oie saine day. (Doser aill soale tr at port ai thedO 40îghway. Junt a year age 70 c@mplaints over Ise seek co-peration Police urge mufflers for snowmobiles RiOwobio ing enitiasiasta la Accaeding ta Oie cisiefthOe aocosile indastey sisoald taite in peetectlY legal toc :iceiiaed onaltt ie e a the Miltn district may be ruinin casiplamîts raogedi aoyuisere ateps a 1hiave maillera inalalled consena ta dehe userl Oie spe csegd a good Rhing tir Rhesselves i iroin teleeiaiova ilipping ta on al] nen inacisines. Owners ai linats on pubie higisways. red a'sath iaaimr perans being awatteord train preaet macines asaould taise I an nts neaa i rape aOe sleeping publie. Rheir aleep daeiog tise nigist and i aailae step, ise salid. Tise uOninobite act daea local manîcîpalîîy ta enact Acineding ta Milton Police as laIe as 3 a.m. "TheY'lI te daisg Oiemaelves a stipilate, isowevee, Oiat peesans legislatiao cantealling tise Cel Ray Andrens tise buig Lt tacCu aor,' tise chiei naird. He oatialng Oie macsines mast ononsoniiles. Tise moter sil be snofl l ovee tise neehend Letra csil indicateil sme manicipalities haee an opeeatoe's or cbauiieue's iseaugisi isetae Milton Council for tilollgit tise nnasasobilees ont In a letter Oie cisiet seat ta bave isy-lans inveening Oie ase ai licence ta eus Rhein an public Ohia cansideralioo. and bis departineni mas one oi mouocîl ise oudilntd tise peablein Oie anowmobilea, and some lian I lao If a Persan does heanrs oe h the to-st ta itear atout tl. At îeast aind noird ise dîd sot adeacate the Rein eampletely. aperate one inithoat a licence on Cîiuoes aelts 10 Persons camplained atout Oie abolition ai Oie somobiles onpuislie enadn baRh 10 and Oie Prbe needed a co-operalive 'mlsy machines. ton atreet but feit tise tlnder Oie presant legislatian tl auner ai tise velficte giving ta be reacse. arrangemnents cmn be made. Tise Gnsd Neigihaor Kucise Cluis andl the CuisaandliScoutsare the otiy Patronn ai tise ali isall. "I bisae ta see the aId ball go. lits isen lisere fer sa long nom, Hall board seceetary Johno tnglis cenmentel. Ctasging cammmity Me nnted cammmnuity hIe nas chnging and Oie people in Oie cnminunily don't rety on neigli- barstfor enertairnent any mare. "Now even Young people bave cars mnd can go to auelingtan or Milton or niserever Oiey nant ta go,' ise said. Be recallrd a Lime nisen Oie haillwas used for ssaers dances and meeting ni. eiido mnotter. '¶Een Oie tors geoup Rhat nas in Oie cnmmnity for years sa gone nain' ise cainiented. -'Mie nli people will ise aorry ta ace tl gn, Mr. loglis saîd isut Rhere are a lnt ai new pea'ple in Oie commuintY mnd tisey bave movr gat inealed nis it,' ie saudt iContinued ce Page 10) for holidays Ta ensure delivery 0f The Champion ta subacribers in time for Oie bolidays, the publication dates and al] deadlines for the sent tino iasues have iteen aliered. Next weeh's paper avil 1w issueil one day early, on Tuesday, Dec. 22 mnd lte folloming isaue avili agais bw an the streets a day rarlier Rham asoal, Tuesday, Dec. 29. Deadinses for tse Dec. 22 issue seill 1w: Display ad- vertising, 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 10; seins itemsa, 10 a.m. Monday, Dec. 21; classified display adis, noon Satarday, Dec. 19; clausified word ada, noon Monday, Dec. 21. As titis issue avili contais a speciat "Crsta gl-ectisgs' section, adeertisers whn viish 10 select a greeting memsage from tise illastration book musl contact Tise Champion no laier titan noon ibis Friday, Dec. 10. Dec. 29 issue deadlines avili 1w: Display adas, 11000 Tharsday, Dec. 24; neses items and clamifled diaplay adas, 10 ainm. Monday, Dec. 28; clamsifird word adas, seon Mooday, Dec. 28. The Cisampion office wiil 1w cloued ail day Friday and aturday, Dec. 25 and 26, and again an Friay and Satnrday, Jan. t and 2, for Oie itolidaya. Yaar co-aperation in mneeting tisese deadlies wil ensore publication 0f Oie sesespaper on schedal e troyed L-e Citoog Farinaand Oie blaze setori gutted tise buildiogs and homse eary Friday id., Hornity, and reaalted in a inarnoaf. Casse ai the blaze la stil] unowae.-.-<5taff phto) tnese faim mortiers escapel is, tîe-ups, fîre in snow lie aas invaled in a aimîlar accident lessOhansamileîfrm Oie sceneaoftas crsh.) Mus seiie incured an esinired $451) damage. Crsisrr isût talter tise sane day four cars urre inca bcd un an accidetrn on lgsucy 4Ol neat ai Migisnsy 25. mratansird $1,500 damage a oeta a polirce croiser. aonatabi AI lardon isad parked secruisero atse sslderio te îgiway ta inceatigate n as- udeat and a car slut ouI af contrat su inIa tise parisrd cruisr. ln tise ame pilr-ap cars utriven lýamnunna. Tise tisa trucs iso Franks Falikskia y ai lacse an Migisaay 01 east ai Kitcisener asnd Eddie Williams ai Milton asd remanad in Oie Stestiard rrceiîed damages aI sîedîsstfor msofîte day 800 ndl$1,500respctiely and Ciiiy BRarbioaoa Marsutaletoiciso Oiacarsareereinvlvet nSa pile- O55aaîsaca ivlved accidentisnd sl irdaoanyoMuHlgwaye4Ot o Truckstalc Toconto, O. J. Campeau ai Kinston, J. O. Dupais ai Maltan, Police repart $1,000 damage ta a J. làslaten aI London anut Eric damp trcoaned andapratd Oludutori aI l.asdoa receinird isy Fîluppos tuiaos ai Toronto anut ironi 0200 ta 1000 damage in Oie onlv mior damg taa trck erusf rrar endaccidents. oaR ansedisO Muscilla Trasport Of Dspiiis anîd Reindorteeceivej Mimîco aperatt isy Micle trratment for minar accidents. ONE SMN WAS iured and camsiderable damage done witen Imo truckis iere invalved in a crash and fiee on ttigitway dot Weohsesday. Join Belcitel ni Guelpht sas taken ta itoupital for treatment. Me oprrated a Canadiao Pacific Transport trock, Bis cargo cangitt tire atter tise crash Tise driver 0f the second truckt, a propane gas tankser, m'as Chartes Dorner of MI f c a %0 1we

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