BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS FOR SALE PELLETTERIO, - Lart7 and BROwN - In lovittg morfttit RACO' serer seventy-seven Jatite Pellette-io Irre Rog- of cr belttrrd on, iMelville eightocarstrra, trk antd 4 lta- ers) of R.R. 6. Milton, are plea- E. iBodl Broltt Wrho passed ,ro. 8784626. 1032-1042 sed to annuoel tebirthofoay soodtly Deerînher 6, their daghter, Cotherinte Lot- 1961. -FOR-MAL, limet Brrrn, likE issa Mo-gort-e, o-eight 7 lbs., 15 We thittE of y00 -today, deor rrot, woo only once, si.r 10, oas. at Joseph Brantt Memtoriol Bod. $15. Colt 878-4045. 1o32-997 Hospital ton Suodoy, Drottaber As wt, haro doro s o fîro 6, 1970. A littîr sister for Grog- And feel once muOre the suiolo CONVERTIBLE boys or ors. bloso. girl's junior hike, good condit- Tltot dos tort sel0 to solfiet. ion. half price. 878-9616. Yeu soishe o one a0 lost fare, 1r3l-1032 ENGAGEMENTS well,ASNI MCH Etpe Nor rrrnsraid "good-bpe, ADriter for CHlES or yrent- ,Mr. ando Mr. Edotard Jontes Yeu hodl glose beforr 00 kttet,, Phote o r s7ale2 H r r tao. of Miltono arr plrooed to an. And on1y Seod Ettows wthy hn 792 arsSain n t-b te engagemoent tof b6 th I nytlers o litîle spaor, et5. Ic-417-tf daughter, Pantela Rar SMary, to To wsote hose atsth .or fils SPIECE whitr hothrooas fix- Michael Williamr Msrphy, son of yoo, torro, ideal for cottage; 2 - 760 hMr..tnd Mr. Earl Mutphyof Bt till tokrite retnoforx15ohitotall srhowtires. 878-* WttIIriIle. Ntova SetIls Weil- hos, 6237. 1o32-992 ding date I0 o oa oo lt To forgo.t the day velt 5001 Cr e nuce at e. CHRISTMAS tros for saIr, Sadly mssedOodndloringlrm- Sotcth Pinerand Sprr. Bert aseobrrdhbyMont andDold. Jones Eletrtto cornerr Bromte MARRIAGES o32-988 and Victoria Sîs l3-10 McMIJRRAY - In flngoe- GIRL'S twhitr ard gata ne- IIENRICKSON-SIM - On Fni- ory of o wotastrfuî orior ordiot, Natioral Drlore, solOS doy, Nov. 27, 1978, at Pine and fother, Jams,otho p ss msic stantd ,and brgiîtoerîs Shores Presbyteriar C3oorch, osooy Drororhrr 7, 165. books. 878-3214 lc31-1037 horîoî, Forio, y las ot.Ibi asrîhroaes ocE 1970 SKI WHIZ, 350 Super Johns llot, Volerie, olooghter With sald regret, Sport rstoohlr, 336 cc., 22 of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Donau Ilhrisgs baokoaday hp.,rnetotel jst bro in. of Soraota, to Vittor, sont of 00e omît roter forget. Roosorobl, Freeltor 659-7049. Mrt. ansd Irl Clharles -Hettdri A golden beart stopprd -healisg, t3- son af Camtphellrille, Ont. Toto workring hords at rt, - o39 __ __ __ __ __ _Godhbruiororlsrts toprovo USED tdrrttgolfcluhs& golf hàgt, short, jaohrts etc., ot DEATHS Hr toti taites the Itett. grotsalitgs. 87-204 10 a. Fisr yerrhavsrpottrd tu 3 Pm.;-oerkods,9to 4. FINN, Olive - At Holton Crs' Sîror thot sod dop, 1o33-947 tonnis] Maor, on Solorday, Wr lrlloor hrrlohsidr hias sEM Pttdtt7pr lloeasber 5, 1970, Olive Crippo, Atnd sadly soolkrd OtOOy. htr MOroro lro tad 7-oo diî y oîtrolofrhe ltFrdrick J. Alttos.lod and sadtyoni. $2 ,Apv Bx54 h finit; deoir osothrr of PRhota od bp otlr Eor and loorîly. 820da A hamion i ton, a tIrs. Chas. PilEeyl of Frrgos, c32-1000 g dt I3-l4 1 Edwtard of Stayner, Jack, Grrta MOSL îtdrs. CoîtrontAnderson)land MSEY Ittloiotgaseorory CHRIST.MAS trors fo 1 ir Olive l.Mrs. H. Smtith) of Mil- of o door hushottd, EtSnr< ScotcS Pire and Sprooe. Froo ton, and Errrst.decrOtd;alo David ho posrd ay No-dolirrsin 1000. Sherttood s torrised by 20 groodohildrott rmor 25. 1099 Hume, l4t Belt St. Milton, 878.- anod 23 grrot groîtdthildrrr. Alic. rrto 32-99,roe 1 r819 r Fooorol service stos hreld att,299 illeMcKrsi FunralHom onSNOW hlowrr attachtorrt 5 hocsa morîr Forrrl Htttr on l_____________ for Toto pooer httl 17", M Stoosdo ororniog. Coaillr COMING EVENTS hall pricr, lik sots; viopl ors Stooororaeteprrd dotoopoot, $0 632-5023, LINDSAY, John J. - At Miltono Bintgot gates every Morday Borliogton. 1o32.1066 Dtiy t Hospitol o at 8oo.2 p.or $500.00 Jackpot. Holy PLAN to boy yoor Christmtas dtSoahr 5, 1970, John J. Rosary Parith Hall, Miltor. Ier lt-los Camphrllvill Bcoorts Lin;dsay, son of thr lote Jamesl lo9 77.11 or Soororhor 1215 ard 1315, al- t, 11 and Margrot Littdsay; der _ hoother ol Elasrr; prrdoraord A puhblic aseeting omît bheld toroO ol- ooo hy Famtine, William ood Ed rn thr Kilhridr Coin nnty . 1327 î,,rd. Hall ont Wrdorsday, Dot 9, at CLOTHING as fril boy0s Fonrrt servtice îos Itrld or 8.30 pot - tu dîscsos the future 12, lodyrs 14-t6 inclodirg mt y lorndor aI the MoKersie Fuof Sth lhl. c32-997 rrnits; bohsv huggy erc.; goss8pO cral Homte. Intrornt Oorgh . ho-r Vory rrosorohîr 637- f1rcthyîrriott cemttn ry. Eoohrr a1 Boynr Coomtorîy 7089 Borliogîson 1c32-1064 Centtre, Fridoy, Goooorhrr îlot _ - --Ï N.4ORRIS, Dorothy - Soddenlp 8.30 por. Admrissior 50C. Ladies F017 WILL LIRE boping your or Moootay, Doorashrr 7, 1970, -Arment Mertintg of the Boyne Crsolord's Coorphellrille.QGobE Sorothy Wilson, hrlttrd selle Coorororîy Centre. c32-193 service. Htgh qualiîy. Phono ut Mon Norrîs; dror asothrr ofl apCliI 5-22 e46t lotI, Ilene lMrs G. Gitoyl of Errryonr oooorepn athlsle88-22,r48t Bratottord antd Mos of Elora; Halsl ai Emanueol Boptitt WASHING machine, grod - ter0 of David Wilson of Tor- ChorS, Soîîday, Soeohrbr 20, conditionî, $40; anrs suit, gold a, olso sorvisod 'hy tâte, .3O0o4.0, to say lrrtlllteordhblackhrringor, s g-trdrhildren, Pator Clo5îor Colrt. Rerlsf appro. 6 fi., 150 hos., soro on- Rrstîsg at tho MoKersot tttrtsttrod. c33-993 Iv toico, S%0678-3473. I soorol Homer, 114 Mois St. Hatr Jro Ftors132.1156 Pritote funorl srvice on Thorl Dancetod Moto Shi droot on NUMBERPO tickets for par- , oî i2 pas. Istertornî Ever- StraDrorashor I2. 21 Mas-tiv drotot, on sts of I te, 1,000, o-ri eorryMiltor. At trFer Rêterch auditorium ron white or yrllorr paper. ooly idît. Norrit' reqoest, Ose cas- or 7th Line, Etquetirg. Iselot $1.50 per book at The Conad- t stitl rrotoia closed. Ashgrotr. Motic ho Lou Rohr. i,îr Chamtpior, 191 Main, Street, _____________________Admiot n:r tinler $1.50; coople Miltor. 1o23-421-if CARDS OF THANKS 1250 b24-500 CANOPY hods for Borhie Will Orgular meertirg of Miltor takr ordrt. Alto bIcost stylet We wtoold lihe 10 thooh oor herior Lîttro-ot' Club, Wodnes- in Bot-hîr ottfits irrtodirg Ira- ftîdtoandorighhors hotsent day rsOoîog, Decetohot 16, 7.30 thotrs. wttl loh, hrooodrs eto, cirdtoand phond whilrî ws ,motiKox Chrh Lmororudget prsrt. Pachoged for in hospitol alai aller 1 calmr Haîll Prograntoi chatge et Mr. Christmaso Il 637-6982, Sur- hltr antdMrt. T.A. Hotohirsoo. So Il ilo Et. 1r32-1065o Vro and Samt Hamoilton. ril oti.Rrorhortso o3J-99 h.- rrsod127S9l FURNITURE hring sold froo c_2-98__________cý ý l p bt0orneoosrd aord sonno 5 1oîtth to s )thrhytIl to A ChristmasoCardtlight Sr oottl;robi.lotly table lops;ose îîtwho sentocards letters, gifts vice o Wuship will bchold in oîigoohîo oos ,liloisitedtme, toDr.Hrlr BoqOooPrrbtharo Chrhou ptlingll o illoand ord otl one a hospitol staff foo Soodoy, Drootohsr 30, at 730 es; ra,tîî; potol-tools; 7 Sy 50 lth,- iodnstu meas doring asy p.ot The muosic is otitllr theh biooolrso,1c ToItpone 827- long rtay io hospitol Sinccrriy direction of Mr. Ken Har-riton. IRAI. leJO 336A P321103 Millir Rohinson. Rerretîotttll br sertrd af- - loroords jr the- Chooî,h Haîll EXCLUSIVE eariy oketches The faority of thr laie Mms. c33-996 oftcîî l o tî[aloh in 4 stoli ltllrlo Litlyrrop witSh fo ex- p"" su,,titable for tootoiog, al Pie, siorre ohootht for syto- YoototOi îîynov avit ttHal-$200or intoti-otes at$.00, - uo Itforal trihotrs aod cards C.ot,r-to Arro, soor Milton, Lortdî,îr Chamopion, 191 Main tot lollorsirgthe Ions of a or tî hct.iîr, îroooChrisbtasOp- Si.,dilton. If ot-drirg bytmail, "car tootbrr. Thottt is aisorenHva,o.Doooo r 6 to 20 in- pleato 222 ic o 0ooser post- tloonded bo nrser and taffof c lus'o 2 ou 5.30 p.m. Rotain, age 11678-tf ~Illor Dstril Hopit triS li l0t1 Is lire doîooroto ANTIQUE dioing ruat table 1 1llllîlIr boys and MoKersic to t an Chlrtotî il an000 ahrboim dif 'tiîreraiHom. 01- 0~0t 10IlidOt,2rhs othandlîttd 0îr Iro Moore, Ivano Lillyorop. Informtron (416) 854-0868 t-ollt ch1s .îtqo oaod4 o32-I641 Sb241735 dosoîîh olmottoto o x tptlOge te; ashOrstand;hrooe I wooîd lihe te, thank oit toMyoîo510 bohtr;to 5 rends and rlatives and eIgh FOR SALE hohy crih: ploypo, varoolo lorsforal] he ovel cadsg2t-den toolt and 100' of plastic !wIl n frit hol sen ootics, 8oo 78-9716. 1o32-1047 g1î ond fra pain on SPERTI tor to.p flor tod- oe o-Sur 1020 poioî oollîrit condittion. 877-6484 c OilIon District Hospital. Opec- e 1,32-lS70* C ristmas Trees F al thanks 10 Dr. McCotcliros F--- --. - ARAYCTO U Ir oIt t te nur-ses andstaff or ANNEX t -t.îoci & coa0 A EAYU ORN CU ho ,ooord floor. I olto 0000 to grille, 1112 ,îondiliot, 878-4664. 15R W hank Mr. ond Mrt. Rtod Lowis loJI 1038, 7131 East Fiamboro 1 or ir vss antd also the --ERimdesr n I o nLn lîoS BiocE Wotortto Institoto AERu rstl od onLn ind tht- lodies ol oston corditon, 175. 877-2449. aotho Wosters t-rd of A Sorh.-- 1o31-1055 No. 10 Sidrrood or Se-ty Rd. W. 111105 Robet-t W. Sredge. S-ýNWMOB1LL. 20 h.p., otro- North Borlirgior c3 - ri sa tto lst sointer. 878- 1t3 ANNIVERSARIES 9540. Io3J-IiSO USES frîitoro of ail Eiods, chlîtt drettors. dirirg sots; FERRITS i oheaobo, tht-rasm îo ooto i too org -Mr. anrd Mrs. Robert J. E- Ostatî lsoo horolo hronortrr O9 of 292 Kirgsleigh Court, 68-2621. îî32 -1061new ard otrd bods. Wr' ao 11110, otit olohoto ho 505 ~GT5"htpepotmothlotor, buSo gîîod osod foroitoro. Johnt- o1iv-sorp oft heir otrddiog excellont -niîlo, $25 845-3981 t Il trîoo od ptoo Sotorday, Seerabrr 19, - o32 1135 Exch.îogC, Officet ard Showt lon2toS5o'corhMrlheore 0E îîîîî, 160 Moin St., photo 078- cfto Kno Prrobytran BRIEdî otiters, 50nd 1781 Oprrterirgs tli 9. Sot-h. Maint St., Milott Be a5.0 lso gitlt skates, sie 13.Lîeooeoosoh 2278 Stt- Oly. c3-88416-077l301. lo32-1104 1Nipioting Rd. Ic539-tI CLASSIFIED RATES Ttttphaz The Camailen 191 81.8. fitl 871-21141 ata.tPion Muttuel Ottarto -NAEEiý -O N., r ChItroîg.. t00 trr, Il 8ttorn "OR ho- eC uor t il, r. h.rie, f Sol 0 Bt s t w-0 t,rr ftr BO 0t1t . 11 frtto -hP - DOIGEADNE IARS O2r O T UAK ISDAY Mee C frdor Cah adtior.l Wrreody Drrbe ,12 FOR SALE 1 FO ALE CHRISTMAS TREES FO0R S AL E SPRUCE AND SCOTCH PINE PROM 5 TG 10 FEET STAN PRICE PHONE 878-6146 Io33 23- VIKING rorsole tit-nois-' o,iingildcondition; 1 poir G 1 FT towotires, 775 x15, osodone ro 794. o217 SUGGESTIONS FROM i PAIR Harît "Holidayp tort-r I skis, 205 oentiasrters, Srial Milton Fabric Centre o.t Li 858, metdiumo flot ssotb prolia t, 2, 3 steî borrsn; Sotîîîg hoaskets ...ront I 1.5 pair Kostîrgor trothor >boobir Ele-îîsirisoo $109* Eî Solo, tiî.or 9-10, and ooors- Etrh;uîîdor & ro-dt-or kit ont-s iroîoding Sort pt-est, po- froas $2.5 oi, sotrty borortt and sIraps. Boloîcoro (reoltcrd in pt-bol 200otpleor. Apply 10 Bot $58 13, The Conodioo Chamion, Cotiog boards S 4.9 Iior. Grt. 1o32 1043 Sc90 )r ..-.. Froot I 2.9 Shîri rnaotrri 11 1.9 TRIM GYM Sv. ahn Idoal as Ch-ristmas Gifîs Sî g ois t-an il9 Wtidr osîe tt op toroe t-a$35.0 itr Lorîî,ooîhr ress Srllong machine cainets o- in0ue Mettat. Iasprosr roas 135.0 oob troubleras wllosrasos.Gitt0o-t etîifites - ront $5.0 ng trichot Fr1 let perom Outgil For ory aile, man or Oman. 1 12 Martin Street PHONE -MILTON Ars. B. FINNIE 878-9305 878-6861 bc-If 1o3 ~ut Your Oron Spruce & 2 PROOUCE FO R SALE Scotch Pino - $1,75 GES lî-otdrsdC 7 miles West of Htoy. 6 or i HadIield 878-9082. 2032-115 Potlinch No, 35. DUCKS and2 grso lot- ChrisI Wrrerods GrIp nîias, otîtt or drrsod H. Camp boîl 878-9390. 2o34-182 PHGNE MoINTOSH, Courîlood, Drui 244-7400 (Toronto) clous and Spo, Poîioy and C& 637-6190 (Burlington) grade. Fosh cîdor and pototor lo32 Srg contoiners. Open 9 10 i - - ,., - - -doiy. Closrd Mordoyt. Roir 1 Boutftold 878-355. 2c30-5% TROPICAL and APPLES SMacorntooh, Red Grelîoious EXOTIC FISH 'Golden Slîoîooî.s Norîrror S"~ pt-O 9 a.m. 9 p,. ioebkdoys and Courtlood. $I0 to 13.0( 1 pas. - h pas. Sordays oer big. MILTON HEIGHTS CEES. rots froîr Hottor Board of CHUDLEIGHS Edoooîîor Boildinrg 3 mi]-o Noth ol Milton a? MILTON HEIGHTS or Hl'^y 25 676-6002 878-2725 .GUARIUMS and SUPPLIES 2h54 lo30 ______________ 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE I V TOW E ,A 6 E OKHR Ris V os SA LE -PLE clîppîcg, emlt îroosirg. Reaooroh rtets. ooîrr loistolid toitS aIl chan- Georgetotwn 877-3778. 3e31-969 ne] heod $62 .50. POGSLE and Schnaooer pop- lttr irtllrd toitS il ohosu piot, roocobîr A saoî depos- orl ht-od 176.50. Il toill hoId tiIl Chritas. 678 t ntlldwt [lca.4517. 3o34-1058 rel Sead 191.50. 2 REGISTERES Abeodeen ýArgot cowso toth calvlt ai side, *plot yearling grade hrifot-, 418- lt-o hrods (lo- teond TV 059-7707. 3c3l-995 -t). lostotîrd $20.0. ______________ d. otooro head. Irstalled 15 VEHICLES FOR SALE 120.00.5 Ceetcolor heod. Installed 1969 G.T.G, 350 Sp. 878-3688. 164.95. 5h32-1069 tontc rotor. Inotnld 1_967 CGUGAR AI1 onditionî. 169.95. Phare 878-4396 ftr 6530 pas. * 5c32-1063 Rrpoirn of olI tppes. 1964 FALCGN 2 doo-, auto., 4 1 Oe irets, Ai1 condition. 854- *2587 Cootphollt l. 5c30-899 1963 PGNTIAC Loot-rtior 4- RICHARDSON'S do,, 283 \'6. ilo condition, Rado & TV $750. Phono 853-2838. 5b23-1733 s1969 FGRD Coisîor, 6 cpi., 201tMainStreet East itîordrd1968PFord Costom, 6 MILTON 1p. a 10. Pt-tord tu oelil Phono ~ ~ c 87-94 tedoely. Moplo Lodne Portos Phone878-649 Ld., 865-8340 (Hattoovdllel. Ic-ol 0 b32-105 FREE - 1971 platos with- fhe purchaso of any SAFE BUY used car, soId from December 9 - 24. 1970 PGRD Customt, drivr, os- ly 2,400 milrs. GOor's otato or rrqorot. Lio. P54657. $2.795 1970 -METEOR. Rideau 500 2- doer Sordtop with lots oflop tions. Lic. 21284. 1970 MUSTANG Maoh I GT, oqoipprd. Sale transpotation hoy. Lie. P7348. 1969 AUSTIN "180V sedan, got tset- toith radial tires. Lie. L458. GrIp $1.699. 1968 ACAIIAN 2-dort- Lie. L61 75. Grlp $1,695. 1967 MUSTANG 2-drcr hatd- top. Lic. L7150. 1966 PGNTIAC Par-isiennr 4- duer Sorottop. Lio. 424434. 1963 FGRD, lots of onos-d asil- es. Lio. 758179. TRUCKS 1960 F250 - thirldog camper? This onit bot nproioi camper package. Lio. 39947B. 1964 GMC 950 Series, 14' plot- lroas bodp. Lte 65169V. GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878-2883 Toronto 925-0887 5b32 7o-tI 8 HELPWANTED KITCHEN hrlp lo- Cot-onr Rrstaurant. Phone for appoint- asent 878-3901. 8c32-994 HGUSEKEEPER drtitod -fo- eldorp coupl, toto homes, ait oooirroos. 878-9373. 8032-1153 GGGS MAN onot- 40 lo- short 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE ESTATE sale, 1965 Muostang 1967 FlIRT, 8 cpi. 4-dor, ra- onverrtihle, red ooieb black top, dit,, tobit-alit, lodyts cr, lot 8 yl,R4onrtheflor, taoaster, asitrge, excellent ondition. Michelin tires, %vitre soleeh. 878-3551. 5c32-989 $1.200 or St-st offer. 632-75 Borirgtor. 5c32-1067 A BELIE 1967 Falcon FrIra, ________higb perfortoance, excellent cordition. For lorîher inlars- For Your Next Car . 'loion, ooil 854-9834 Campbell- ille, 5c32-1024 TRY BUCK HAMILTON 7 WANTED AT B E LL BROS, Wesilpy7%truhyu 878-380 sosgs On yoor rhrohiog oo- 5ct ots, tbr rrotord it 6% wouS an unlîasited asoorî of choqo- es freo.Ron oîportosaigsdol- lars 10 Milton Cotoasotity Cre For YoUr 1971 TOYOTA dit Unioo, rbr orgorizooioo 000 mt antdcentral as a omer. SEE RON HGPKINS 7o3l-776 at WANTED TO BUY HALTON TOYOTA Johnson's Furniture Highoi No. 25 North WiII pop yoo cash or the spot MILTGN, Gnt. for gil od lot-titore aod applionors, storen, refrigraroî-, 878-3121 toringor wothers et. Se-tI PHONE NGW ____ Milton 878-3781 Opeo Eveoingo tili 9 VI il cTIrc il~ 160 MAIN ST. tactoottosrt- WC train. Att- aol S. K. Sîohrrsoo, Pros., The Credit Valley Souorhoretto TxPotroroor Cot-p., ConsrvatiIonESAuthority Pt. WoTh. Uros. 932 Moreorso toonthoo toorîrd to nrohe Milton Crooruitp Assistant Credit Unior thr sîrorgrt oseIlf to- - hrlp orgooiaioo in this area. tote Ma nager Join tht, 000, 1,500 prt-sot, Qualifications Rt-qoired: stroog asotohrshîp - y00 oitl 1 nweg fpann be god yet did. 01-7 i. Ako-og tporr prîcîptos and practioOt soith tho ahîlity to plao ard soe- DICTA - TYPIST douleonse05rvation progratot. J. A Eroo-Irdge of odotonitt- Rrqotred to t-tosorho diotot- rt-,tv0 procedat-t-. oni Radiotogy IYopartasonb 3. A Etoîsodge of rqoiptoort Apl . opcrt-tiog and aintoenne pro MRS. K. DGWNIE 4. Ahîiîîp tu plan and direct Milton District HGspital ho ot- ofI sohordiooto. 9032 5. Gradooteof anI or oredited ________ _ j 011100t- or oollege in lorest- IMPORTANT rood corelollp t-v .,t t-0500t-00 maagemeort or Hund-ods of e asto nd tomen-I 'qîttoot.,tt experieror. iootroslethrir irometoroosidr Pleoo tabobooloy rantge ex ohîty hbot-orad doring Holidap pectei and ,tddrîs applica- sao.Thev call on b î-tods iont Io- roighhoi o-to. with oor ic large anîd acooîitol, of cosasoî Tho Manarot, ne.Bîg proits. Wrt-ît Rot CRFGIr VALLEY CGN- lirgh, Srpî. E-2, 4005 Richlieuo SERVATION AUTHORITY, St., Mont-roI 207, iP.Q. otoodo-it-lo 8o32-1108 Applicaîtions o-IIl ho itopted ortil Ft-tdo-, Goomrt- 18, 1970. 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 02 LEYLAND Diesel TRACTORS Buy as 0ow as $75 per h.p. WI131 THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: * Powrter trg * Indrprttdent P.T.0. tith Jot and hord cenorl * Cotmplote hydtoolics. Boy NIol - Pay May 1, 1971 No Irterest Char-ge SWANSTON Farm Equipment R.R. 3, ROCKWOOD - 856-9512 "Selltrg Britisht loo lo 12 Tert" 5t,24-tf STOCK REDUCTION SALE Wholesale to the Public 1 COME IN AND MAKE AN OFFER EXAMPLE: 1968 PLYMOUTH Sport Satllter 2 dor hordtop, 8 oyl., auto., radio, coole. hoobrt scot. Real rtoorp. Lit,. L9737. $2,195. SALE PRICE $1,795. MILTON MOTOR SALES 388 Main St. - 878-2355 53 FOR YOUR NEXT NEW or USED CAR TRY Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited Openo tilt 9 P..- Mo.tday throagh Fti Brtot-day 5 p.m. 6791 Hlgtrray 25, Miltont South 878-2393 - 878-3812 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED PAINT and toroîth sîrippel I-oto aIl types of fooroitoro. Chait-t orecord L. Philtips 878-2243. 9c2"-55 Il LOSTORSTRAYED STRAYEG, 450 fi Ertot-e, red .OdtwhiteO,lfront5th Line and 015h Sîdroad R Pirhoey 678. 6139. 11t32-1068 12 FOUND MANS Buoot, sriot wtnalh ftottd Doomrat 7 or Mois St. Quittr ilsopickoIl saie at Milton Poîlice Gffice opo id- ooitîooîîcir. 12c32-1072 13 FOR RENT FURNISHED tro for wot- king genîtlema. Phonte 878-625 13o3l-1025 PARKING Sp toe mrolO or sorrE, cenIre of Milton. 854-9988, 678-3711. 13cl4-1323ot0 RLECTRIC HGT W A TE R HEATERS wt troc seroire Phone Milton Hpdro, 878-2345. 1901728-il RGÏOM and2 board for gentl- moan rr lady in Aotton Brea, sooth ci Aco. Phonr 853-2033. 13c32-2608 BACHELGR oportaseot andl r o rasn onbplyor woeekly hais Phone htorSn 2 andl 5 pas. 878-6701 13032-1057 -JE~ 8 HELP WANTED SALES PEOPLE, mrale and We male reqoîred for or expald ing Milton tofficr. Erpernor aseo iltrain qualified Peuple. Contact Mr. Neal, 18B Martin St., 878-9511, N. J. Lungel Real Estate, "Mrten ofth0e Onhoille Real Eti Board". 90-874-tf SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Eoperiettt, helpl hbtt .tot orssryfurloal and over the rood hatchait. Ytuoti e u.p to $10,000 to $15,000 pet year afler short traittittg. For application lard itrvtiew, oJll 416-3624W02, or sorite Safety Sept., Transport Training Sys- tents of Canaoda ltd 207 Queens Oooy West, Toronto 117, Ontrio, Cottada. 8o33 GQOD MAN OVER 40 ..for short trips sorrottndirg Milton, Manw toant is soorts t.t Io $12,00 in yror, plus reg olor cash hbttus. Air mand Pros idCrt, Drpt. DB P.O. Box 70, Station R, Torontto 352, Ontario. 8c32 PART - TIME $60 to $80 a Week If you st-lt showt a filtwiroe ttightls Oto; 21, mttrt-trd, crt. Cai 878-2080 brttaoro5.30 p.. and730 p.o. 8c33