PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE 0F- Ooltville. Leit ho, right are Haltois Et P'ICEBS greeteit guesi speaker James Aulit, James Snose, PC president Bois Rond Minioler of Tourism soit Information, ai tihe Mr. Autd and Davidt Thompson, MOi annoal meeting oi the Progressive presiitent. Conservative Assoctatton fieldt Tuetday on Busy year for lady pipers namne Susan Martin president hast omis toc Milton Girlh' piendlmaire dciaos, a isand set of bongo houd aI lise Logio Pipe Baod held Ilveir asosot pipe chatiers, white blasers for Tis Legion ladi electioo of officiers. They are:t hear sommer wear and nea poiog tise girhs omil Pretidet, Susao Marin- vice soris are coosiog iromn ilrolatd. liseir Chritmas ouppo presideol. Suozanne Ririsetis; They hope 10 romplte thOe drues Tien-Que Chooeso reos oecrelary-lceatorer, Zandra sectiowiha ataihg batu atd Buchoglot. Milice:; asosiant oecrelacy- leno dcom andithey have yeilto treasucer, Marîlyo Martih; press oolfi ihoîr nese Droon Major. E e e e reporter, Janie Bird; oins atd Masyisigi5gso en z soasihe Acleoe Graham; scrap Highlighio were a eesetds i took, Mavily Miilr; quatier ho Petotylvasia, a day ai liseP Ditrict mou. mnasiers Vichy. Janie and Orang parade inTorotoand lise Margavel Bird; drom maIor,' Htamlilato a Caus parade hn Mrs. Lillycro Suanne Rîiseilas; pcing pPe wtic they wonolibaii prias of $Wt major Marilyn Martih; dram foe the host soarrig isaod. By Met. RosMNeL sargeant, Zaodra Miller. These ave lot a tese togihbto of Ehoeeve loIt one of The pipeband had atuccesahl thenyear. Tiey have rereived an and mool vetpecled year due htoite overwhohmihg invitaion havis to Penasylvavia whoo Mvo. Besivice assistance of lise Royal Caesadiso toc test stammer' stesm show hn was called lu hon rea Legiot Aadiiary. Tbey have Mansfield. Eacis Tuesday maoy yeavs of iailhng ht hn ahle ho obtai three white eveniml ho girls elp outai te hashand died 40yars By Mrs. Jios Hamilton lIte North Trafalgar Eochve Club told Roîir weeisly eschre party on ilaurday tigisi, Decemiser 5, ai lise Norts Trafalgar Commumlty Centre. tItone oece soven tables vi ecine in play wîi Oie prizes gohng hOihe iolaowing whnners - Mrt, Clave Wdlson, Mvo. Harold Reed, Mes. Frans Peacocs, Frank Pescocs. Otho Marsisment aod Wisonl Nix. The lacisy droos oece oon hy Mvo. Ralps Feaihovohin and Jark Roberts. Frieods on thts district ave sorryto hear hatLhesie Peacock os a patietin thOe Josephs Byant Memional Hospital on Burlington ois bond onjory tvilooiog a crc accident on Hîghoay 25, on Fviday movvong, white ut hos oay Birlbday gveelitgs ave exteode to he h olooog oho are onlebratiog Ohiu hiriisdayo Mro. Fred Wovlooan on Dec. 9, Mms. Stuoart MeMdllat on Dec. 12, Mcs. Joto Busseil and Keoho Jepsot on Dec. 15 and Axel Peterson oo Dec. 16. Gel oeil aishes are ethtded lv Cii ron.owho sa patietin Mdhto District Hospital toc ob- Mr. and Mcv. Jîmmie Cunninghsam and Eddy Brigden acre lahento thOe Georgetown Doitrîct tospital folowhng as accident othe Seventh ie near Sdlvercronis, Friday tigisl Mr. and Mr. Cunningham are tillinh Oie hospîhl. Eddy Bvigden oas released irons tise hospitl ioilooon gtreamnt for cota and houones Friends n hio district asish Oiem a speedy reovery. Assaut dance Tise ansual danre of lise Hornhy Bail Cois Oas held os Friday, Dec. 4, ai Oie Homnby Tooero Golf Gluis ot a large aitondarn antd everyone etioyed Oie music of the Modemnaires Orchestra. A delîvvous lancs as prepaved by Mcv. Franis Chîshoîns and Mrs. Lew Sasopsot. Deor prises Oece on hy Mrs. Cliii Hosier woo received a large hamper oi Cliristien protiarto obiri, oece donahed isy Dave and Bais MeMîllas; a set vi glannes dnated hy Joimsie ilieed oaswot hy Carol Wilson and Christmvas floalarragemetsooereonttuy Davîid Boosiietd and Bruce McClure. Mr. and Met. Garvy Harniho oece guests ai Oie bosse ut Mrb. and Mît. Bruce Sauth and famiîy of Bramalea on ilahrday nigii. KAISER ALUMINUN SI1111 ..for the corefree beauty of it Enacsayhome, od r ew, ntuccosoood frame or brick, *NEyER NEEDS PAINTING 20 YoEAR GUARAyITEE -CHOICE 0F COLOURS AND FINISFIES LOW FACTORI PRICES ON OTIER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS " Aluminum hars * Gombination Windows "ViAL *car Ports * Aluminum awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA FOOT OF FORSYTI4E ST. OAKVILLE 848-0318 - NO 1111111l -JIIIIIIIIIIII 1DOKING OVER LAST YEAR'S BUSINSSS followlng thse Progressive Association's Conservative annual meeting held Tiuesday in tise Legion Hall, Oakvi][le are secretary Mrs. Mooreen Smits (seated), Minister of Toorlsm and Information tise Hon. James Aulci, andt Halton East MPP Jies Snow.-<Staff Photo) .h $50 for v ai Oie rns lp ils Wlest memhort Uillycvop cd, a00ev ,atOi. Hec ago. Hec paec 0 i serapirit scre anispiraion ho ail oho istro hor. She s oluvvived hy bier daaghher, Ib Moore, ber sot, Ivan, aod a mnoier of grand- childreo, aod one greal- gvaodchdld. hhvement was in Eoienez Cemehry, wîi Rev. R. Finley oiiiciaiihg. Pailhoavers wece A. Bueisoon, t. .qgypton, J. Kiivi,W. Sodor. a gratdo, Gaiy Msad a grandson-io- how, John o 05ev. Mr. & Mrs. K. Moore eojoyed a triphRo rocsville on the wonbevd. Jay Eilrhitg and Sheeso Goegg hi the firol Adveni caodle o ilanday rovotg. Fine Furniture AT FACTORY TO YOU PoîCES. MILTON PLAZA Please support our school project Buy Peppermint Potties When our canvassers corne to yoor house, please welcome them. We are trying to ralse money for bleachers, stereo unit and score board by selling Peppermint Patties. Price Is only 50 cents. Sale begins THURSDAY, DECEMBER lOth Milton District H.S. Student Couneil FREE! FREEI TLA MP OF Td E FROM OUR GI STOCK WITM IlN A SE 0 F 2 IEGE enI IELI SUITE et 25% OFF REOULAI PuICE Hornby Bail club holds annual banquet .PEAI by Neil Us foi fouls At thts copo ha Iod as tiveir vih and pla cropping Past yot ,issocia, vhould hi tcviility, vahieties By nov have labo nutriont ( btter ind clalus, Pr 1 careful icosipao tilled out As bas b earlher pe rtly et ,hould do tmrioit i tisrait of bhvhlt is ii S hor set r Offliciali Sitorlisorn A1100 Patto Miîlton vdvltandioî traros ,t ooülk att Madays. Average iv Creol Fann in 30 do Povds i r lit lora Bc qun n Dg By I orlinvolvoIb 1he Royal oued Dors ilocetd licol MiOsecond csiive char ffie Yearling codand t mec lamb ci Mr. Munie ialvon 4-H S AVA IANFS ti UNE SOi Ri. R.~ 2Ht 8à1 IAN REnA THE TOWN 0F MILTON Sanitary Land Fi Site OPEN FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL TH IS SATU RDAY DEC. 12 MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON1 * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH ENDO0F COMMERCIAL ST. NOTE BRUCE McKERR, *Penn.k dozh tra.r55 WORKt SUPERINTENIotNT, the itefordisosaiare tabe »d. TOWN OF MILTON Please Him Jewellery For Davi Jewellery ne Lady In For is The at Lady In 5 Your Jewellery Life