Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1970, p. 25

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Word One heurs candidaesThCadinhn. Regionul government, commIittee system We bac Lta I tas rop tn oyat vat sIn raer test among An %ehalta cr enI 1 rsere Oe r 0Os G at rtpyere eane sueddbrio Perey Merry Scbaet aetiatad el etd taesion, drill asd msbe t eassldate ta publie affine sheuld tae tere geing ta the pelis se theny as ttday. te fine y ,rea candidates fer stayer, Carrent r mdidae fe vw ct A.drs ratbg11srtern car generne ncr asd asfer four testar goeneee PubtIr Utilîties Comstion Dshnitte ai cabare of qstins ai, cpti lgtafat baur sesaion. narricd th dm Ut. Il t11e questios refianai g telt becs anscered and rseyb ainers rat addreasce starI Mbater rth1e end et te cnanisg. Daaay Mt Dinest larsses tettteg up ýeglenat t genernenet, aid Oaki assent, e mmlttec nery bttle lte verna taen mtanager 15y sent of goernment and ta Day rcni ua et an industriel reariti a saie"nar energed as main orasent. Ha tres in th1e etarties. Tha ranxnittae Ingc sposed by tae ai a full unie rd O711ne Ratapayers Mtayor abat odaflas. wit ratas> urumbant Mayor Mean seysee aise lerse tatd tae red thcy "Itdee't kea tdrstg refa'cestntatise te bat te anr o ut th1e hergairrng te mare tan se .Wad main issues in Oakville election bee srele in reglocat ceaida' tk isasny mur tranUt tame. Ha tald ofet case chan hae Senily iret avnuîasy led ta a tex lire ycaru o unet serred augt Mill difformnes beat ete5fair e e HaUt," hae sid. hut le inîradare a mn bree asking tae CA.S ha made au aratge adale and hae duantame sud rurat Oakne reginai gnresl Th!rd msyaaty candidate raprenantiuf a sec tires ta mare aetemibl the e- h est important issae and Lari M.nttmtaid if be cerce rnil as Ma. x. tarate. luohaaIa inupd e mpost hra rldu a dte m ieulu anar Uta roa e seperated tram tae bea truc htue petiticisne a uid Detasd Commssion About regieust generrenl, rien. Ha atsu revieaed batd lau meetings sud tait te Whl a edAdre ilbies sfestad ilmutrame or The yaneat efth11e four -Reglasrsesty car record ounrasent. farmeru if etarted ha il met e ana U an Anedser sud eur municipal genermcale wil nnudates, Richard Day tatd Ha nid reglenal genes'sse.t recnc sudecardm e ts'evida heheUtl isid hifferaUt rev atnd Dasired ; pod thas tait ai a inatr h rammission, Masel naId il erodeand evnalyrallapsc. Ha estepayers tey mra sbidn sautid ha feugbt agast. "ts sle stand unrgatt neid prstendllte ruesterle hat ad ha dune amsy wt. Ha tted ptsuuu n un e ac U seeru aed sudecaîku fer fartter scay tramn tae people te stan ?n eginal oul iprvid rooter tha sad ut resta $Mt,000 a year te bslmud Hea hdidun s regiecal dameteme Oskvtiia. Ha naid tae foenag bd n h ar tant. "R agienat wouidn' ru hatara moen- - - hai e tt ai msue an tasse lu adsner bas bees," hie sletsg the raaety liait e ball in prcpartag fer lnersieet. He natid the fine meetings witIt etManicipal Mffirs cKcaugh as met as th1e TECO repart. H1e mie rasuet had dene in thas ligitt. cars on Cosel eced lte 15 yeara an nd fine as c5unty spolie in faner Of th1e systtuanedin faner te aMayor. H1e satd th1e Id hae hand tar meet ayers, denetepers er needlng is terines, wmif yoalatuw il ar nol nat tnayer je getting $10,000 a year. t tey ceatd seep in mernengs Finest tacu He isdiratadl tee aba meald ha ta rentara Oakvnute ta lis nsteu s se et te finst ranuunities te Caada. Ha aud tje mas brue seat 115 yearn afe wben tce autboriîy Wae finen te 111e expcrta- "l'Il mark te baing rantret hark ito the bande et tae people," hae promsed. Qnrationed by se indiniduel in tae nrewd, haUt Andersen and Day agrerd regienai generuimeet vas inevitable sud il wextd de bite gsed ta praîrat il. Th1e naluc et an industriel raommissuon and ramutistianer crme uder attark faute randidate Manelt. Mayor Anderson tatd af rates wbere te nermittsioe ma dirertly respeesible fer brieujea firme te AN ENTHIJSASTIC CROWD OF Ward Oua tahaul in Nort Oakntile Thsa avent was Oakville Ratapayars turttad out ta exeeso upensered by Ward Oua Ratepayare and hear preomisas ef candidates fer Oakvilla Asseriaties..--<Bîaft Photo) Cousmcl Wadnasday sigat et Peray tfary Killbride Party for "Charlie Brown"t Ut theb day' ert shm ate Th Bas Dan Saly Kcnh is themne for school play ByMUs. Wlliams Watestn nauuruumu, ral tte sabseil aI 878- The astedeelu ut asea t1t6 seder 6tO9i. rasera direction et teir tesaber Tbeae mtl hae nu fanerai and Mu Filimat put un a play meerting te January. deatho t ed "Charlbe Brume's Riatb. Childacu and tearberu aI Thet .Charlie Brume iset bavne Kithaide sabset enjuycd but duf s are sait ry happy hireluday. Nu une tua lsech test Wed. Nuv. 25. tiu yea atareaemberbishirhdsy - Tmenty dueu mare pacpered uf Dun as busy methar, taittet def andi uerved hy Mms. Miltun ruad, e. st friands. Aftr a brud day aI bcasaî, Mes. ordun Harris, et,( Charbie Bruwn trtdfeu bleu. Dane Nipper, Mas. T. vemry dejerled) te find a Oean and sucat ranaenr rme party. Cbarhie Brume i Mas. Met Danies. terse, speeldens mit jey. e cent ierluded Chartie Mas. Arnuld Cutling ut Cadaa m- Brise Jay, Lucy - Denise Springs aal is a patient aI St. es, Linus - Date Tamse, Jutephes Hospital, Hamultun. Pan Vinisu, Pig Keau Breda, tnmopy - Raudy ukwinr Tacte, Charbae Brume'e mutcr - Catleen titey, tearber Cindy Parent, Peppermiet Patty, Christine Zaenn, Violet - Sasan Smth, Little Rad Headcd Girl - Adrienne SithU, narratar - Juta BarbaIt. Raet dcia - "entras" sud sreery teakere. Pluta dog day 'lie en ien merahars ut tOîbride Heme sud trhuut Associatise mas hald Wedneday reSlag Non. 25 bath sevn Mmners prenant. Hut deg day fer tte ment mit hae Wedneday Dc. 1H, Chrjetmsas coert vit ha pat an 'by ycar 4, à sud f stridents se Mseday, Dan. 21 at 7.30fp.te. sud se Tkesday Osa. 22 sdtatt li ha dîsmed about 2.30 pe..' ,abaut mit resume again se Mseday Jan. 4, 1971. tfyeaba' moeetypemlrterin Yeur hem 3gaterinf dust, t<tteide , Ài stuerta raald Pt il ta ney good se in te The Oed Neigfba club met Menday crantef Nuv. 30 ai tce centre culh leur tables. Priee amuners marc Mas. Jae Pester, Nue- Parahera, Mas. Ema Buitard, Harry King, tek Wen sund Donald Douiglas. Heetu tua the eent eetmre Mas. Wiihart Perd sud Mas. Ruth Percheur. POLLOCK ANdD C.AMPBELL uerh Ores. M.-.1.s sympsîhy ufth11e .nity isextended t.Mr s. Alfred Thateps un th1e fhea uister in Nuna Soutis. Kithaide Cus sud Scrus ief Christmas tras sgaue r. Trees are 1 tce home Couinen, Cedar Springs hune 8784766e. ieduslay lest test year tban rame te. "IftIener fet lite a foolilws te night t met hMr. X," Manedt ridiuued. Ha aaid lorat nemepapeas revased tae natea sed al the abate teun knem tehe Ma. X mas hafure rset. -Tis je st tha bind af nensense tal fues oe wath year industriel neneraueiuncr," 11e rbastized. An indiniuel tram te red nballenged Maeeet's judgment. Ha saud OakniIIecoreeted enerytig Mbasisaaga bas and sonme in Mbisusauga feit te saine ayl10years age btthey tare been pruvn aruef. Depuly reenercandidates Harry esaraîtt and Genfl Drem-Brask upube haiafly. barreSt natted fer lte nusenitîce systete te rorrert lte situatton eum euieting ahare nounrul bas li111e er ne comunicaion mit Daparnasent hadu. Ha said hae liadt ned agaurat t11e airpuel in Omagit tee timessand eared ilwuid ha haoughî tank a fourlu tirae. Dresn-Rroek railed fer a rounnil that masnet et ene suether's titruata. Ha tait 11e banked te farraere' pbigbt te teau ligt for maire equitabte taxes and nutad Oaknile te lourrata uni faeluef lune and exaraple te refuesel guneantert. Battle C.A. Candidate for ReenatBil Gillite aevieved his terra un rasety noutrdi aed upeke ot tae narleas btIles wiit tae Cilidren't Aid aeeidantiat tand in one rassuty mealuhit ha abutting tretiat tend je aetea. Ha uggeuted tje bappaued te Uta Oakville-Miltae hasedary. "-We duel banc tae haut murking agacement mitb Milteu," hae Feses raglan GifUtra' uppuneut Allae Masson said hae faared aagiunat funanmsentwatuuneutap amay. Ha natdf il mas neresay that tae peuple banc semean us teir daoretP tey raald taUt ta. Th1e formeer Mayor renailcd bje happy rased et mme fine yearu agu ten ttay fut alung and enjoycd muabjef fer tae taen. Oites said, "il mat happy, atrutht. 'Il mat dumnright biearios.' Th1e race fur twu seais un craunn batled dean ta a batile halceen innehaibnt Don ordun, temycr in traiin Richard Day, asoe Dan Hardbae and Keu Odles Whu ea nearing returemeul s upenintendenî ut transpurtation mith tae Haltan COusT1y Buard ut Edunation. Highetasr Gilet reniemedbjemuwrkuon boardu sed rurarallars sanie- tiuned b hUe towanddanpresei uppusition lu refiuuai guneamment notingil wuldranl mure and ratepayeru muuld ha saddled mith higiter taxes yet. Dun ordon puintedti l aunessmenl and aegiunal guneratentasethbifjobhta hae cared fua je e-e fture. He siti My sincerest thankse.. f0 ail those who worked on my behaif and supporfed me. RICHARD DAY GIVE HER A DISHWASHER THIS CHRISTMAS Compare Z Westinghouse 5 CYCLES tSELF-OLEANING FILTEI t-SINITIZEI tJET SWIRL MULTI- LEVEL WASH Westinghouse WiII Pay Yom 125,00 To IsIp Buid in This BUSH WASHER Offor Cood Unfil Isoomber 3Sth 1 298 HERE'S SIDEAL eGIFT FOR... *0 ParOents and Friends as a e- Newslettar from You « 0That Son orDaughtnr Away from Home 0A D'ear Friend or Lovadi Who Has Moved Away Home or Hospital GIVE THE 52 WEEK THAT'S WELCOM FRIENDS Li ~THE MILTOI 4 qArne a Subscription Now b eDroppinq in to the Office ut 11Main St, - Milt,, --sd-y Denarabar 9, 1970 ti testeur il taeais ta be. Thse sefaa'se mii mast yen seaaey", ha sstd. He urged a white paper apprsach lu regiona governenient se st least it could ba criticized. Hansaiduno ne haew exactty what ta eapect. Hardx, 1.n, pakrt address th1e cred a Up ta time in iew af tai atain. Others cho spotte were cas= aes@tarl ilte Ward One Seaat ataiBard seat Jstan Ganlgan and Antan Kars and candidates fer PUC. Rtsstiag fer PIJC were Tasy Grea, Ptatlp Btasdy, Rasn Wells asd Hitteer Lotqulst, att incrsases, agast secsnersi Raie 1110 and Jaick Orr. -I One NttIlt.~afIlhh GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS ED BY FAMILY AND VING AWAY. YJ CHAMPION y' WE SEND A LOVELY GIFT CARD WITH YOUR COMPLIMENTS .. ...... - -----

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