C2The Canadian Champion. Wednesday, December 9, 197C THE MERCHANTS 0F MILTON INVITE YOU TO RIDE FREE TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING RIGHT HERE IN MILTON BUS WILL RUN DAILY (.xc.&Pt FROM Sunday> 9A.M. to 5 P.M. STARTING THIS FRIDA Y DEC. il7 THROUGH TO THURSDA Y DEC. 24 THIS IS OUR WAY 0F SAYING "THANK YOU" FOR YOUR REGULAR PATRONAGE ... AND HELPING YOU DO ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN MILTON STORES CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS' BONANZA FREE DRAW Ail partlcllJating stores are giving shoppers free tickets on the Christmsas Bonanza Dra v , one free witit each purchase you makc, $1 nminimum). ickets may be deposited ai any store. FIST DR-7' was held Monday Dec. 7 and 15 shuppers mon merchandise vouchers with a total value of $100. SECOND DRAW: Mon. Dec. 14 10 Voucitees ut Illieuci THIRlti DRAW. Mon. Dec. 21 5 Vouchters ut $10 eacb, and 2 vonchters at $25 eacb Sponsored By Your Plaza and Downtown Merchants IN CO-OPERATION WITE MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Allait Clements and Son Aifonso's Market Aven, Finance Co. Anderson Barber Sbop n Ail Seasons Beaoty Salon Brownie's Sport Shop Bartlett's Fine Shoes - -. Besi Realty & Innorance r Bankt of Nota Scotia r Bankt of Montreal î; ý ESBrancier Pewellers Canadian Tire Ltd. Cy Hilson Enterprises Clemenla & Noble Innorance Canadien Chtampion __________Copeland Lomber Canadien Imperial Banki 0f Commerce Chtristie & Woods Real Estate Chbarles Hotel Cottage Delicatessen Crest Hardware Clemnenta Paint & Wallpaper Anna and Arcitie Cairns Tom Dear Sboes Davis fewellers fi Elsley Pbarmocy Eoropa Coach Works Fredrick's the Man's Sbop Fasin Beauty Loueige Fiera Sitoppe Harris Stalioeery & Office Supplies Halton & Peel Trost & Savings BOY Johnson Furnibare Exchange Joe's Grocery Knight's Men's Wear Keights Dry Cleaners Lido Restaorant Ledwith's Laîcky Dollar P'red Mille Clotbing Marges Restaarant Moegraw Barber Sbop McCuaig Insurance McKim Hardware Mcahr' soService MitnDeicatesseo M itonPotographie MitnDePart::nt Store Mlo avlService Müo arcCentre MloDoiinHardware MitnSboe Bepair Milton Marine and Sports Milton Commonity Credit Union Milton Motor Sales Liel. Nortb End B.P. Peggy's 0f Milton Pare Fond Bakery Bichtardson Radio & TV Rose' Billards Bichtardson Citet-Olds 4 Syer's Family Fasitions St. Lawrence Grocery Salon Capri Selrite Stores Trafalgar Motors United Co-Operatites 0f Ontario Vogue Beauty Salon West End Meat Markt Yellow Ballon AND ALL THE HERCHANTS AT MILTON PLAZA: FINAL DRAW: Thurs. Dec. 24 10 vonchers ai $10, and 1 grand prize voucher worths$100 $2N0. 43 Wlnn.rs In ail - $500. This Christmas SHOP MILTON STORES FIRSTII Caravan Restaurant Drugsavers Pbarmacy FabianFurniture Gallloger Motors Houle Of tair June Draperies Karen's Flower Sbop Launder Ease aundromat Loblaw's Plaza Barber Sbop Pollock's Sbnes Saveway Smoke & Gift Sop Slopp's Dry Cleaners I. 7 HUS t Lisiar M.I.ot 1R 's Th5e repet eidei Barlin entireli deputy botard a a speel evenin spansa Burling vice-pi Cleesen Each [ive in campai Duiiele Tuesday memnbe Council: -Re4 ratepayt lacit of Monday MacArt remisaeà tailked a] whan th paosed. held in f -Agre D.* Pinke castigat gove n fceeze di potential until afin Pînkney disertimi Gibson would be prime la. Jeipeet p possible 1 -Appt lte pros indaca program suct mi sougt frt Halton a ounties. --Sent e Ontaris . havng ti Thrg A cent Nassagawe mbuontti, ltfe home appt Nassagaw solicitors Sîderoad, ,ose te the Atfairs a hccessary ttvessary, hdve lthe týoItcltoes 1 af the tusn tiev felt, teihbor J tuttiIllega Couneîl 1 but decidei tvaw a lega ai chat pain Aitan Adi thmg couic Gf council hart mont