Sj The anaChampion, Wedesdoy, Deemlior 9, 1970 BYEENRCOULTER j T'hechcccll little chcrub stood on tptoe the cheekout dcok in thehlbrary and pushed Iliree big story bookls lenard me. "My murmmy meails t rie,"sie said proudly and 1replied, "Acen't yensaluchylide girl?" Later, a lady nlm mad overheard us came ta thie dmsk and said, "l tlnsglt yur remark te the little girl was sore. Ilnender ifthie onthersif Oue distsrsed youog people ever rend to them olien lliey more small. 1lielieve it la the way t0 give a cild his licol censcios feeling of security - to hear lits mollier's voire tise very lest llsing lielore hie drifts off to sleep. Tlsm in later ymars lie conmes la realine tIsat lits mellier cared enougli ta lake limte ta rend and explain thse stories.'" Tis rould lie part ofthIle answer, and iftso, il lielievesussall te end la ose children and graodchdldren. Accordiog te one Canadla leoliseler, lise protesamonal pmuple i la th gh inrome liracliet and lise immigrants la lise Ion lacomne districts urge Iheir children la read moreliian tmseminthiemiddle icmeeange. I wosdernliy tis smsdd lie? I was enoeaged la rend and spent my licol earned money on good books Iial se slili on mv shlseies. me il la liard for me te mnderstand nhy some people liel books, papers and magazines (ast malie a bosse selidy. Ia chdld mol' lauglt good readiag habits bielore la slarts t0 seliml, liel lave a lised lime settlieg down la las testlimks. More and more tlie chidren la sehml se eing lauglit 10 "look iltp foc yoserselt" and lisey are lest if they don't kmon where te liegso. t siecerely lape Iliose nho neyer attend a lilirary have Ilis on coliection ol laola as lame. If net,t Iteel morcy toc thli cliildren. It La gralilysog lae sa yosng motlier brlag lier =ali cild t0 tlie lilirary andsetlelhtinma chair atthieailensliha aliookflitsonwlitesie bronsesand mlites lier coice.ilie la making litsavlait te teliry pleasant se it l dlie somneing la nil want te do agaisi. An item in my scrap laook gives ose mellier's vie tliat ne'd do neli la pontier on: - 1 lesoi se weli tlie value of seat rmunis, 09155e csrtas and lise inarmîli of pelislied basm, Wsedew ndilanwitliplants incolred ros, lierenity tlatcomtesminsigglass. Bat Iliese, dear Lord, see net important ligs Nor ndl liey have lhiies mach i days te lae. My chsîdren wilI torget my ordeced rmomsi Inaalleryeacs, liutmlien theyomikof me Maylisey rememlie 1lauglied mucli,and thili Upot the nay I sliared tlir gaiety Aned lion rcend them sries from old laooks Oflbrave fair days and sonnetimesmade themsee Anwider world. Ohimalie tent udersand Thal nysl1 have deemed it more my tali To lea s snderstanding s 1coul 'liss lieep dlean colis spen a dsld flime." la race instances, children nil lid their en nay la laooks, and liiey are lortunate if tlace ia a lbary availalile. Ose ef my mont fceqsenl visllaesl liste lihrary las anee girl nlie comme every lime, tailiilally lsggmng laci lier tlaee books and climslag Iliree more. lile elten stsys toc an hoor or twe and liecomes se alisorlied ltas site mli start siging the nords site ta readeili. lile tells me abe is movli away and li mise lier nhen she gees. liecassenelhave ssci easy acctas la ose libraries, ne may lae lampadmnltotlisy laokisas gifts for clilidren. But lisere la nolig Lit meamsas mschlteareader aseonig litsonlaokandeven Ilieugli liemrayliale terend ia sciml,ie'llisaniyoutfor a cpy ofone of thsechlidren's classics or modernescenoe licton. Iflyos canl decide on a lite, consider s year's saliscriplion la ose efthlie nsny excellet magazines toc yeseg peuple. Foc the veey stralit tere is Wee Wlsdans, $3.00 lrom Unity lichl et Clirisliamty, Unîty Viliage, Me. 64063. Slighly hilaer ste lirosps wmli enjoy Jackhand Jl, a lap-notch pulilicaion wilis aricles as nel s sories and peems; cst s 5$0.45 ta Canada, front 1255 Porland Place, Boslder, Colorado. 803M. Casadias Audalan Socety memlarshiptfor one yec is $3.00 mnd ladledes six lssues et a lieaslifll magazinenwitliceler plates ohiil; seedlt 6 i. Clair Ave., Est, Toronto 7. A Royal Casadlan <Iesgraphleal Soisety memlaîsap is $5.00 per yese and mncludms a ssliscripliee te ilair excellent joernaI; 488 Wliced Street, Ottana 2. It you leel yes can't aBford the seli- seciplien price ofl$8.65for National Gengraphle Magasine (the price la lstied and il nosld moite a gift tors nliele tamilyî there are Sehool Bulllisosed eaclineek of theschool year(20) a jst 2.50a ya; Washington, D.C., 2M03. Teenagers love lise pocliellimla s tliey areeasy ts carry in poches or pusee Den't lie afraid la perse lise bomks on the paperlaci rack for their gitts; yos cas tum your lacli on thse tramb ThevYoung people ne - sisey'ii limte lame copies et "Anse Frankl- Disry et a Young Girl" and Grittun's "BlacLi 5e Me" alimd et "Peytoe Place" mny lie. Tlsey bitie laoks tat relatettlrue lite esperieeces. This nan proves hy a professer et Engliel at tise University et Michigan when lie lali'educed a reading pregran o11 a tial hasla at oe et Amecîca's relormn inslitstions. Beys nlie lad neyer thomo lalareet in ooks ai school nere left te clioe any tne lisey wned la heep. Theyewere advised toreadnîtia dictinary atliandmad telieep a neltlan report et tire pages e neeli on nlat llay timegli t o te lioola se la cepy favorite passages. Timne reports nere only clieclied tse qsiantity mnd msehed toe perfectin. Wesld yos blieve ltaI 35 peets A WINE AND CANDLELIGHT DINER iras Enjoying Oie featntred attse animal Christman meeting of president aid thse University Woesen's Club of Mâtllan d their isind Distrirt laat oseel aI Oie home cf Mr. and Mca, Marshoall cf M Edward M. Glover, go Chsarles St Milton. Maason of e Pop test cllnic big success plani to repeait It ebvery year Thc chiriaI rlassroom a t îmecaere foretsiftreveredand a Phyllîs iraîher, Mes. Lucy Milton District Hospital may hre heusecat .Milton Cancer Siety Vrece le at a rlsd, the ce o f anei avval paytest cocved roprvesof ethvise M.votaro' rMarinacoBut chie, atleasttllat'sthelfeelingtof (d net have health isseanre, Cathy Mrldlan and Mcs. N. nueoesdoctrsandenurses at "I5 was a vecy nerthwhile Nîchie. thebmopital and memlerseofthe elfoct," seîd vîsîlang physoiis -Il iras atremeee asse Milton Branch ofth1e Canadis De. lisan Koer of Dabville. "I foc a pilol riic," sed De. Cancer Soaciety. lape more commmnilies wili do MarKay. lSatsrday'a lirot clinir mas Oie same," Oie added. "ieethe tinst e mnity termed "an evecnhelming El even velanteers efthOe CCS that ne kimio et ds senteurn secese", liy CCS services to iremee's Asxiliary hlped lîhe thie," noed M.* titrain. patients nlairmas Mrs. Helen patients nith dirertins, nrote "Mayla ne'l lae se inspiratin tam. "The derlars and nurses don OHliIP informalion, oervedl foe etlrs." leretfeel the seme as I do, that se talle, snd slieied tire filenta anuiclinir loo meet enliled "Time and Tno iromes" 110 replies peemisint," site added. mnd "Brest Sielf Esomînalin" Approsîmatcly lIt replies ta Two sessions lte gesto. the cinirnwere miled tea las Seventy-anc nemen (nith Velseseer nurses tetaher la this papec. Over hall sarnamen A-L) ataended Oie licot Presideet Bruce MrNali, Mm. et the replies alcended the licol session of Oie che tiaturday ti mnd Dr. Hon MacKay day. mornmg latneeO.30 and 11 s.m. laaded Oie preject. Or. Manhay Ollers nîth sarnames M-Z are ires assitted liy Dr. Koer, De. This Stialsday declaro on liand experted tsattend this Saasday Ivan Hanter and De. W. a the clorni i lie Dr. Keber, at Oie sorte tane Ladies nece Kosleolsi. Aise velsnteering Dr. MarKay, Dr. D. Aienliead ashed ut Orict OHiIP teic tome nee enrses Ms and Dr. S. Letate Ncissagaweya W.M.S. Christmas true meczni The Clisoinas meelt efth1e Nassagoncys aed Ladies' Aid tmh Othe terre et a pot lsrlunch at thelhome ofMrs. D. Heederoi on maurs. Dec. 3. The lause iras tsstetstiy decreld for theseccasion ondea somptseas irst as enjoyed liy eilit membersmadtfive gests. Foloioneg Oie luseon, the president et Oic W.M.S., Mcs. Nerris, opened Oie meeting mi apeem and a Citias ymn. Bey. mnd Mcs. Nîicholson and son weepresent and Mr. Nicholaon installed ail the offiîrs. Tlece sa se chanege in the preseol olate et oflirers. lievecal matter s of buasiness nere dealt mi and Mrs. Fred Edirards offered lier lame for the Jmsuary meeting. Thecrollcl allsanecdhby a sCrstman thoaglit. ChrlitasBStory laco. McLaren as cevener opened lier pcogcot mi a hymn mnd the ceadieg efth1e Cliras slary as gîven in the tospel ot li. Liahe. Mc. Nichoelson, the gsest spealier, spolie alaut the truc meaig ofChiristmas. He salitil taetften lastinthe mailrshlof prepacaliens and entra activities but another aspectlnasnshommi a poem "Den't Knerli Clistmas" nlirl liad heen pohlished in a rlisedh magazine. Thta poem tll irala riglit aboust it. Tliere lias been nenderfal tassic ssr h as Oie Mesosali cemposed n the mli' leet, aise leasttul paintiags done on île bhio etlss, net te mention Oie lappy resales et friendo mnd famillen. Even thc cesse lire on Oie liatle field shosthe oigniticmce of tle lime oftyeac. At Oie conclusionnotbla address Mr. Nicholson rend thc verses efth1e carol-I beard the hel ofe Chistmas" whicli expresses tcue Chiristian sentiment. Meeting tolloned, The Ladies' Aid meeting wicrl teloned nas condsolad hy Oie presideol, Mr. O. Henderson, oend senne liise matters nece drait sîtli. emcrged trem Ésat licopol juvenle delanqeents, and general rcadieg habits advanced frot, Pmnsts cartmon la necthnhle non-ficioe and icen the classîcs. Yen cmn rend sbout 15e esPerimeot veseseli la the papeclaci, -Heelied on Bookis: Program mnd Prmtf", the readinli pregramt that nohe ep leaclers. Il includes a tsliy detaled descriplion liy the asther, Daniel N. Fader, Ph.D., et lion le use lila pregramn et a e stsdy guide fer teaclers mnd a tsliy dornmenladl researchi archtio ly lia ceticagne, Eltmn B. McNeil, Ph.D. I lourd tlia lak nl ethOe lilaralare tabile a1 a United Charci Woemen's meeting la the tat. Il maltes enlremely interenting readisgtfur laot parentsasnd acliers. It you can't tlad il on the radis, il cmn lie ordered tromn Dlisbton Siervices, 209 Qseen litreet West, Toronto, 133. They'lI moke phone ring Looing toe se easy nay te sell classîtîed advertisers are nanted items' Tcy Chiampion leamang. classitieds. 'lIscyl malie yose A mas advertised a juieler phoene cmng, more and more planer in last neehos Champion "fer sale" crelsn, basl neyeraI caIls aed sold it the neet day; someoee e[se liadt 12 la 15 caIlis os a pair et sen lices; another advertiaer lad tise catis on a nnnonmolileltraiter; and semeoee nsth a pair et ston lires gel a docen calta and sold the ilemos easîly. Yea rat mee lan sscccui the" lîttie ado cm lae, cail] 878 2341 and an especienced ad'tsher nul help yos necd yose ad. Stores open in evenings For yesc shopping convenience, stores in Millt nîli remaneopen util9p.m.lfont tata Monday, Dec. 14 theough te Wednesday, Dec. 23, mi the exceptioneofliatscdays. Aistores plan la lie clesed Boîng Day Dec. 26, bust mdl reenate open thc day aller New Ymar's. This neeli strcs are open selil 9 p.m. onThursday and Friday evenint.tilep early and avoid the lamtule rsh. J. R.' OPTOMETRISTI feotive occasion seere the SUIRLINGTONI voce-preoset et the club and I MALL E sM. and Mrs Kensseti I Iton and Mr and Bcs. Peter 1 TLHONE ffl7 1 rgelawl-<Sttf Pinta) dis cus ses PAP TEST CLIC held at MiltonDitrIitOCIO nverwlselming uuccean", hY Mimas Brandi of "Dad, l'm la love niis a girl,, the Canadias cancer sgciety service la lSon, e ol hvemae" fl Patienta chairmanMrs. Helen Stran. Lonusing bte hie1 g overtOe resulla of tht clinie are nurse Mrs, PIons mere made la de mmne Cathsy MeMillan, patient Mrs, Annse Chuc- PROTECTIWE DAD more qsîlhing eacly in the New mach, Dr. BlissMacKay and Mrs. tielen Strain A tather bld lits teesage tîeslized cegarding suppîying (hock), Patients withîlst rintmesA-L attended dauglilar le a ned lier home hy dandy and gîfts lac mhe Smday the choaie on Sohllrday, noters M-Z am r e 10 l "B. IOe,"secmpao Aheel concert on Dec. 17. tested this Saturday. This la the first lime in I ne longer a chld" The meetint oas closed with Dhrofracii ftn yp al io, seehrtte the lime, hank the lierald angels Otrofracitco hstp ob Inw"nwrdeftr smng, telioned hy île leniedicion. mtrncticet --<staff Photo) Tht a niy I wnt yen home hy lo X- FASHIONS s - 228 MAIN $Y. - MILTON -878-2067 DISTINCTIVE 25%oFFSETS LADIES -' e jcmeleey..asdo -a DRESSES -s es ics TO Ilave voue liudget Choose cow leoir SIZ E S 7 - 2 /2 a a gito d aeay S REG. TO $39.95 Convenient £EINGS~ S Layaway 'I-i k Foou Fr@@ to Usne Sur Oustomer Entrance From thé Parking Lot et the flar of Store G GI F T Suggestions FOR .. . LADIES LADIES" Pont Dresses BB OL & MATCNG1 Pont ANDwr Co-Ordinates Slespcont 8 B Sets FLANNELETTE r*0 BRUSHED ORLON NYLON STOCINGTURQOISE, GOLO, 3»00 $4.98 I. L Li S Pl mai 09E RE VIl