Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Nov 1970, p. 1

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MILTON, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýeý 0N- 0 ENSAY OEu , 90SivCo M.lOno,1 o N,,ha, rau3 Twety-Eight Pages - Fifteen Cants VOL. f1t -No. Assessment review Chrysier parts depot Dars 64 appeals for Strsetsville croc Soninent valatiana an six assasenosatire hae recciveil ertes.mere, nltly radsced was uatltegat and hinding Assthar large astusautive plant la tuing establishcd in tis ares. n Hat a Assassinent becausa il bacc a typesaittuit Citrynler Canada Ltd. aiaaaaced Manday il avili bud a higly eacourt met ha iiton signature, sut a resi1 signature. autumutadS$1,0,000.tatomoivc partsodapuitat Erin Mills Naew Toas, slp ha heur 64 appeals Eight liatun saut hava basa nar Streesville. inst 1970 ansenanuenta. naed ha te reviasa court, in- affai Sfte appeaha mare ctsding sema former mesahars of Tise 805,0Ittsquare foset building sali ha te centrat parts depa0 fer tenta for nsiar changea - te liton Court of Reviian. nantional aperations. Warh bas alresdy startad at si tuf and uc- snpallad sarongly, incorrect Asuesaaog is naw haing handtcd capancy la slatud fer eurty ha 1972. Tihe plant sait stocks t175,l0 auto ,ase orag boapa tns, an a reginnat hanta salt a nasa parla and sail aise serve as headqaarters for Chrysier's vetacte ais, ogn aia anestp or raieiofcei rmtn leasing aid training aperatians, raptacing lte present Rendala plant. nue ha change acitel nais- aning Haltun ans s-et Il saill evenbaly esaplop 5Ml peuple. taxs. Ose mai claitned te cearies. rveypationt, doctors Nurses, staffers af hospifal wanf f0 wear ponts (suifs) Wauld pas ha ha ganse uf te .useandfasaale staf saemiars aI Milton District Hospital sarmg pasl muita insteuai Sfte tradilianal standard asSforas? A large nussier ai te nurses aid lady staffera saait ta sacar te pasl nuit autIn and tay prasaated a raquant for per mission la Hospital Ad- minitraler Ronald Wooads hast avec. PaI naila are porsaittad in maay haspilals acrans ltae country and saveral baspitals in saarhy cities bave give te taaf staffera te ohay ta dan tese asti ta IF tay avant 10 - Ihap'ra nat mandatary, just optianal. Takitsgstrey Mr. Woods said ha tuld te ladis hae persenaitp diil sut ah- ledt but hans saiting ta gel te patients' ami madicai staff's ceaclios hafore givlng a final obay tacthe ews smode ai drams.. ,e, paila. A survcy ai patienta and dotra ls haing sarcli set otne of the stfaiirs baitind te ssaltcb, chiai X-ray tuchaholai hics. ltatbryn Dosasia astaie oneuofthe nasa outfilts aPproval fros ao Hamiltan aniforsa casa- pany aid smdliai il aroual te baspital ose day tant saeah. Il conssta ai a long tonie jachat avbicb gues tuosa tise hlps about s far as a ssini-sbirt, isaneach avinchits avare te neat pont-type siacla. "If tay didnl saear te slacho, il avauli jant look liba a mint-drass," sutilail the ail- mutralor. Nursesavouldavearavhitean lad stffes i Oter ob amoid be aaiie ta, war a colorai paut nit. Proponenla ai te ssaitch asaphasisa tu> saoulil sot ha mandalor> aiforns- Ibasa avio aat ta saaull waer thasa, but if te ladies prair te regular nurstng aniiortus or te Street dresai or smockts saors in non- sursutg jobs aI te itoupital, chay avoull ha tre ta retain tusa. A raquent signai hy about lava douas staffers sas prasastail la Mc. Wloods. A notice avas pestai ancthe bulletin hourd in the dining roosanmd smea dresa signatures ai mûrc staffers avho Support te nutith. Ailvocates of te pant nuit uiormo dlaim Ibace la no aI- tasnpt ta gel aavomeo's libaralias mavemenl goutg a te hospîlal "Ticy'ra a fol moce dam- fortahle," naid hics. Dosania. Anottur staffer chabmi te pant sutt saould tulp rat dosas an te speail ai bactaria because tay roer mare of te nurse's body. Wlsich causai ailsinisîralar Woiais ta opiae chaI hae saould probably gel soe ramplainta frosache maie patients saho csjoy lonking a te nurses' legs. PANTSUITS 0OR UNtdFORMS? Miltan District mach ami i qicklp avon te aceephanca ai a large Hanpital admsnsuteator Ronald Woods saut thte hast nusaitar of nurses andl lady staffers. Adiismtrfar ai baba saorlda ast chiai X-rap lechdiai Kachcpa WanAs sapa hae sould hae in favoc ai aliaaving Dosasse ami podiatris nurse Margaret Johnson pansts, us mas> araa hospitlt bave donc, but presant a raquest foc penaission ta avear te naw avantlai obtatis resellona hanta patienta and te anioransuduriaf duties ut te hospital. hirs. Damnia saciical staff bafoce hae gives ap final oaa. navilliai a patst outfil ta fllosa stailars hast (Staff Photo) Separate school sat Tonelli seeks ro-election Aogello Tonelli ail saab ce- clerlion ta MIsants sat ou te Hallon Couatp Sepacale Schoal Bourd. Tondul han sered lava peurs on the cosetp hourd ami ban pait esparience on Milles Searate lIchoot Board. Mrc. Tondul saîd tisera aa mare liaison and on a greatar sralehbetavrenthe to hourda an a saunlp basis and ha said te am of equl opportumlpy hasames mare of a ceaitil uder ona utain offtra. He lists a learning ceuture rentre, a gpym and tre ueav elasnomn ut Holy Roaue Scool as local acsanplisbsuants tacthe hoacd's cedit. Ha said ha mili standitn acdac ta protide a baa forceonlînit. Nobla runstIo John Noble of Wloodward St., Milton's utoettrustee au te Halton Caanlp Board of Edueutian, avili aise ha neebmng ce-eleelian ut the local nmitnation meeting nesl Mon- dap. Murtin SI. Sceel an Mondap hatavren 7.30 and f.30 put. Milton doas 00f bave a municipal eleelfon nhîs per (meuthrs of sauricit and hpdre commission are halfaa lhcaagh Ileir fao peur ternis)msonl te lava sata on the outp sehoul hourds are la ho fîllad thal night. Ta date onlp te lava men have amaouneed tea' intentions of runîng. If more ure nomnafcd and ou eleclion ns necensarp, polfîng ouIl ha held aI the Lagian Hall btI- aven 10a.m. and 9p.m. an SflOW s...sbe aletd for a 5550 year terre Rockwood woman killed Drew-Brookc Sattrdays flrst snawfall of te Mrs. Willard's husitand Irving saintar wsaa a contrihating factor Wfillard, 52, was drivigtecr o d s u s f r d p t inth eahofaeya-odR..He sufiareil head Weaians. To a s u s f r d p t i 4R kwo ma al udYDaugistar Gayle, 16, bail a miaur After tive years as a counctilor morning hip ijury. SStsuart,tilasd hic' k r sneed Mes. Valerie Wlllard, a esather daaghter Shirley, i3, ats o '- for Ward ose on Qalsnîlle of sevait, diail shen a car in pa=eiers, were unhsrt. A suagestei screase on te 30 Couardi, Geoif Dreav-Broob bas salict ase saas a passenger Tieivestigatlng ranstable maitle speesl liasit on Osntario St. S. decided to jointitherace f or higger niiddedaoutsofcastuatl as lry nadltetstlatscr camne as a bit of s shock ta tb allraodeuyree patch on lnitnay 25 sicee valles teere pausedi sside tt and ha isad mesaisers af Miltan Coascit itis Htacatesgsog Harry Barrett. morthaof MIjton stastit a tree and ta frea thin hy isisself-aitast 15 wech ailt GWties, avio hall thte position rsltad over an top sf her. Her cars iasseil the acoident sahile hie H. Lysas, Highsaay Services for te ast twa iyears, io ai haand ansd onagrtaSe strsggled ta tue lte fasnily, yet &Sperinteadent of the Deat reof btgher offie naecr avee tghly injte o u fSeaaostdt le sn iliha sg e e Dr araoo announced ha L... crwresigtYinue Soteir f bamef rtPet roi n tua iica tge Ste waited for se admhre terr dro and tws ather cildreit escaped aid. a eungto reode pee inSthe sout lii sasutiill sosanoth tesa ast asisuat. Tisa fasaily wa t area ai te caucila anmeat Stchgobu Cessat. home allerl ai itig frletais jasIlisait shauldi ha iacreased. aate r l ue t dp Op, saha Wi Utsetg d the an- Sout oi 1f Sulera Tise 1907 waild hae suggestedsaiten Ontario himsself. Hie naid many people cidet, Sai te rodi had itenms adet car badl $1,800 dasaage. Scisaul for te Deai la nearhy. *dhmtreose gvn sded a fae mus earller but ?&s. Willlard san pranounced Palice cammîittee chiarman pali icsa th cansd gie aniypateit wu vlsie sere deuil at the scene hy coroner Dr. Caunclilr <ledan Itraila tas tecar lai te raitd. anterd te Ivan Hanter ai Milton. No aad has dict i it t ite tti:hn ta ierd dth tü a trai aid ralleti charges are hahag laid anti na of palice hafare any actisan la hilvyaaniierW hat is rigitt aie. inquesalha halng erdered. tahan. Brooknis aat an a sumer ai mi Mon Dunr Ltd., Sftea engi anga Mon ficia Bast ta lb el Hire new engineers Itan Cooncîl hiem itadlf a building a uaav plant foc te soucdi came ta a head Manda> bac Anderson firnanmd ci consuttiug angineer an tami's futuse devalaputent. uhen. aBter cepretntalices of te hud laltieS the tout St> laghl. A Weston fiam, Il lth a nurcaav 5-4 recardai te11naavenguteeringflinbad building a large Icouti ras Hape and Asauciales sale ta put the ocavage plant becs înlcrvîeaved and Iheie avwhihusn'l hudlhraeuton b prba f ram il firrs motion îtaaogh saunrîl. fibile qualificationm and posl avcbouf aer in il paf"- And uthe happbied foc te position most councillocs avare in faver af utece listai an a master finI, ashratad te vanta an ftha stome saunediors cupresami uutg theaDuncan Hopper firm on Mayr Bean Hast urgeS counicd OOOî r arf 'displauravih te prasant te rad reconstruction prajact la ta utube a decinîru sO saute oniudnpae6 reens, R. V. Andeson asd test Ibeir capahililies as oatatandoug projectr cauld gel a f d datas. engincars, four counit.locs in- startad. IifSI, o d eaDucaniHopperlfiruta sintad te Anderson liras hae Durig te discussion Coun- gai, an a majacit> voteaut cetainai foc te million dollue cilar Charles Johnsmn lahelled Thaees pleul> gaing an dapos meeting, ta meet aviba seavage plant expansion Cooncillor Gardon Eranlzas un taid of Milron and district artsaast afI lihaas ai- pragrumn. The Andersmn hacbert "aveU heautaashed" foc defen- tase daps. Catch op an ils îmmcdiatalp 10 ebart ciled tha fiemos 12 peses oi avant ding te Anderon lina. Accusai uctavîlîca in toau's Yoat mltractin of lbghavay 25 a v ib te toma au naavage and ai haosg praîudîced afaîno te B2 und B3. e fineRd., frontligsa>41 alr pcojectsnand aaned hiring prenent engîncers, Cooncillor Elseuthere untolau's te Ontario St. interacion, ta a naav lirsa avould up te total Johnsmn suggcntad ha had "a pion: dch ai four hastes. A sasami rmsofitheapcaect,hbut fiveaofche cightîto ha pcejudiced" faflaavutg FIRST SECTION:I ion engagai te sasse lices ta manecosuncilars demanded a neav a saries of sqabuhles with te pages 4 mnd 5; Classifiais 8 eh ai isssaiata study on enginrer hae uated. engutreers and cantructars daing 1r; Acf Showt 12. or antan ding the peent Dissatisiactian vith the Au- te Maut St. utocb uhen te SECOND SECTION: Edi age traatmnln plant or derson cmpanp stesirauthe ullempled la encrouvh an a andcolormsBI; Youlbune ceceul Main St. revnstrction daavnlaan garage propeelp B3;flDistriclneuts B; W praievt avhicb sufiercd ucvrcl Coancillar Johnon ao'0O. ncavs BS; Facm e ondav eo dine castlp sethacks and cruptad int He lad te opposition ugaînsl Milton's amuance serv on election ads for Nov. 25 issue Thooa planning 10 ha cmn- thdaties in ares municipai alec- lions map place advartisisg messages ta sent saebk's aition of titis paper if tep ara receivmi hy mua an Monday. i avili sut hoe possible ta ae- sasenodatu massages raceivmi .fier chat tima for the corea issue. The staff salt da ila utust la asutut candidates bal il is sol possible ta anreil te dcadline. te summer monbas. Whte ana graap af saracittors hlame te engineering 11cm for mont of te tuohias, aters faIt te oui- veyors, tise contractur and ters sacra partI> ta hlamne. Eves hofora te Main St. prograut avas cosapleted soin sauncîllorn avare balbinf about turing nasa esginrern far bac taan's saasultiog avarb. Aton point counrit învestigated poutihiliais of hiriaf ils w resîdant toavn ancîneer but hachai off sahen te conta avare The smouldering 5-4 split an precaut ions Milton A rasa came in ta iscussions ai the Mitas Coanci table Ibrea limes during te Monday sight meeting lis aveait-once avies the lsas fire chiai eriticismi the flira safety precautions alt huitling, agaut sahan sasacit avas asismi ta bava te building înnpeled foc structurai adaqmecy, aid once avtun remptainta saeae iocaurdad tlocouacil about the area operabafg an Sundap mosaings. Fire Chief A. E. Clamant in a latter tacthe arasa board, a sapy ai avtaeh aa sent ta reanicit. cepoctad an a check ai fiee &aely ragulatioun during a cecent Friday night hockey gasae. The conditions ha fauad did nat renfcut avich ceqoiraments ami lise conditions munI hae creced haavarned. Fieexita lochai AUl fieexfit danro ou the souch ad uorch aides of te building plus ana on Brcown St. avare locbed mnd noue of te taca people aI che ticket offtra buas abee theheyn could ba loated; tree exil ligbta avare sot lit; a corridor neur te players' cos wahnotrueled hy a ballaS avmd- slat gale ut eacb ami; "no smoking"' sîgnu iad beau remaved; mnd taca avere 5Mf poyutg patrons avatehiug te hockey gaute, he ceportad. Chief Clemen said heplanned ta vsit te building and eondurt a taog inspection tis avreh. Couacillor Charles Jobason, saho sa a mauther ai te area board ai management, said te hourd aaald sludy te etoaf's racommeodalios. Mayor Bciai Hast naiS ha disesaurd the lochai exit doocn avich officiaIs of te junior hockep club aad lbap avare eoncened about lasing gale ceceilat if the doues avace laff uulocbcd dsring a gamte Couacîllor William Wose said hi campaigns eeve seat samsaîttees îscludîug taton Rios Conservation Auchorit>, Miltas Accu Fiee Bourd, ami Court of Revision. Mr. Drasa-Beoob supporta te taavnmanager sputeun s o pposai ta te sasnmittea spîtasa. Iu a talephona intervieav Draav-Brouh expressed a desice ta huve chat isue deul avith quicblp s0 reourdi could gal on ta tisa more imaportant problemu o saurmuta ftue deneloputent. Ha nid ha faIt saasty saouricI operatel hast avsth the balance hatavean the morch aid sauch chat nsa exista. Ha suggoshai givlng te seut mare saeigist an saaity saonicl avaulil only luereuse te rift, if tera la ana. at airena sauld sedersland chair voner, bal "sautahady should ha Ihere saich tha beys "in casa a fieeavec broba out. ,iso reply Couaedi notad and filed te latter but asai te ara hourd ta advisa coancîl ai chair actions afler te vinef's report has heo ntudicd. A llter frau tIhe Ontario Depurîmeul ai Latue ta te elerbn ai ali muicipalitien su Ontario avarned about risiog saucera ovr estructural safep of municipalareau, andnsuggestd il should ha chece and lestai hy a quaffiad peafeonianal engînrer. The leltac uoled che Lîstoavel arena vallapse ai sevecal peurs ugo and te mare recent arena cllapse atAilda. Cheekbocheco' The letacutas aiseaeferred to lte acena hourd buf voanteilloco avonderedifctheecurling rinb and ater publie halls shoufd bc eherbed foc hibr atructural salelp ut the name loue. Third mention of the urena came in a eomnoltee repor uttovh notad Chief of Police RaI itodeeso had vamplamnta ahos te urena apecalti oa buadat macnîngn. Cosacîf decided h nsdp te preenu Sundap sport hp-la te la ne if soeh apecatias wa a ntravention. ainai rinto hes of y yut St chair Pages, Chamt- fporto ,9 and itarials ws 2, omen's S Bf; ice B9. Nominaftions nexf Monday across Halfon Nexthionday, Nov. 23 isonomination uit HnRto ony Simullaneaonsnomination metings ilb di ut er Halta munîcipality hatavean 7.30 and 8.30 p.m. on abat evcnmng mont of itoas la hae foitasard hy spechesnfcom lthe candidates named ta vonlest seata on te 197f and 1972 rouncils. hydre commissionn and tueobourdsaof miacattan. Milton o te ony muntripalitp in Halton sol haviaf an alavîtan loc tuavn cosacil and hydro commission Ibis pear- incumbenon are hall- saay through a lava peur tacts. utut the tosan avili hava a nomination meeinsg Monday ut 7.30 S1 Marban St. scbsal ta saute candidats for te Milton seat on te Haltan Coonty Board of Education and Haltan Cosetp Roman Cotoic Sepuratu School Bard. John Noble ami Aogalo Tanelli, bath former trunteen on local boardn, bave sas for te pasîtavo yaarn on tase boards an Mittoo's raprcncntaltvan. Mr. Noble representa Milton on the HCBE and Mr. Tonelu rapresntl te tuavu and portions of Esolufsaf and Nasaagaaveya on the HCRCSSB. Races in lavatoavnships Naosagaoepa and Euquestng Towvnships hava intarslsa alechion races saplaf up and joot about everyf seat on ec of the five-membar crouncils ta enpeced ta lie contested uit Mondapos nomtination mecetifn.s Naooagaavaya vot1cm uttl gathor as lthe towvnship hall ut Broubville ta utmninatc a rcevo, deputy reva, thrre councillars and a reprmcenlaltve for the Aclan-Nassafautepa seat an te Haltan Court> Bourd ai Education. Esquasng votera uttîl galhcr ut te Esuesmng Commuotp Hait ut Stautarîtasan ta name a rerve, depuly rceva ami barre couocillors, plus ana raprutentativa frauntIhe towvnship an HC- BiE. Oabvslle's nomnation meeting avili name mapar, reva, dapas> reeve andl aighîcooncil candidaten plan FLIC nononcees ami represanlaliven ta telav edacalion hourds. Il mutl ha hald aI te losan admrinistration building, 1225 Trafalgur Rd. juI north of the Qucen Elizabeth Rifhaa. Votea froa te taan's northccu aurd anc ovitl vola on the top barre courd seata an aveil an namitov coaneillors anddtwo Scheel trustees (ona teeach hourd) for their avard. They wvill is have avten PUC caddae. aurbaglan meting ta Burlington, Mandap's action avit centre acourd te Central Rigb Sehoal ut 1433 aldavin SI. uhere a 7.30 put. nomination bouc aill name contenders for the sata of mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, ieight couneillars, plus eounty bourd and seporale schutl hoard. t Roaman Cabaoltcs of Halton aise bave the rtght la saute lava yreprenentatîveta siltos te HaltoCounty Board af Educabion and t top avill ba namiotcd ut te Burbnglon meeting. a Voting dayineach municipat i ll le Mnday, Dec. 7atveen 10 n a.m. and f put. An adance polo, if reotatred, avili h tld Sabarday, n Dse.5frout 10a.m. tfp.m. Each m icipaltyvillanduct is ov elechion. MILTON FIREFIGHTERS saare reliai ta Guelph ment bad o slisata ai damages but thc train car Jonction hast avrek ta put out a blase saben ait avould either bave ta hae toedi asaay or repairai leuaagifromna diesel tai au algtfireearchaa'R baera traveâing again.-(Stuif Phaoo tac sot far fries Casaphaliil. Tfi re art- An avia agai requ chas petit part st~ Unhappy wiîth Main St. job Criticizes fire safety MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1970

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