ldroasas, ssd Tra- eut. Oaa 13c24-491 stry, fist garage, .t blstck i. 3 fI is. $200 etber os 13b24-525 lait and laI, casa- lias pur- Dassacy, cîmen l 6IcM23-tt iVALS gageï i ainc c ras. Yeu foay foas set-vire. uap. Lsd, 9-4913. 161-32 RT s for haomes, ter 6 p.tr 19-1043 te tcires rE 'autiful 3' bull ar E Miltrv 58. 17c24-319 A5LE GALOW 3-1748 17c24 îLE If 401, 83 3uelph a brick modern arge kcf .prng ltJ dota put. Morsgage, erty 2 up-r. ge, 30 dâ. reel fret y S28,5fo escan 821 g Lot îags couic rail a,k 10,000. Veak t- helping orinspeci is 78-95U1 rm f ilton 0511' im bas a vievr Cali à78-951 I. lomne ove, cut rtded bute orage, 40 distance CI Eaony leO aaged. lin. 'rTry ytCct 792.172 CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED Real Estate Brokers 189 Main Street Milton, Ontario TOWN 135.000 full prive, 4bedroesa aIder buome, seporate living rSrna nd dieing sramoi aitb sltdiag dcoe, 3-pr. beobruasa and 2-pr. wasbruesao. $20,500. 3-bedroasa brick bhome sn Arlos wts carpant. COU NTRY 825,000. iavrslveest poprty, partly rentrd to a barik unden serre leae, aise livsng qutren, sitaated on a large lot. $49,500, eserolire type bame, large vterey asd o bal brirk bosse osi IVs acrrso and, 3 bedreasas plus des, 2 4-pr. batbs, L sbaed lirisg reoanod diniag moas, stasa lirepînre, hitrbea vitb customa baill capbuards, extra starage clos- rIs, breedîvesa 'lbreagboul, maay cuIras. Terss. Lot, close te Red Bay. Askirg $2.000. 10 acres aI lad. Asbisg $12,000. C A LL 878-2095 - 878-6057 17c24 Best Realty & Insurance Limnited 310 MAIN STREET MILTON CHECK OUR LATEST WINDOW DISPLAY FOR PROPERTIES IN THE MILTON -OAKVILLE -BURLINGTON AND BRAMPTON AREAS PARMS *COUNTRY PROPERTIES -BUIIDING LOTS aHOMES *COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL For SERVICE and SATISFACTION CUL 878-4118 Mike Ledwiîh 878-48731 Bob Cross 878-4892 Lew Sales 878-91361 Art Peacock 878-6447 Stan Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-289À Mesasters aI the Oakvillc and Brampton Real Esalse Bards 17c2. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 878-6418 The Canadien Champion, Wedsesday, Coctober 14, 1970 7 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 57 YEARS' CONTINUOSIS SERVICE k4esber of thse Toronta, Ontaria and Oakvlas. Trafalpar Real Estate Boards PANORAMIC VIEW 3-bedroorn bunsgalowu, living store wits stane lireplace, dining rotae, biroadlsou througboal, 2-car atlached garage, 1 year old, 2 miles mass aI MillIon. Pries 133,500. Gaad finals ing. ALI ELECTRIC - COUNTRY 3-4 bedroasa brick besngalaow, large living rossa plus dissbsg roosa oeil sliding glass duears ta sua derk, kitclsen seitb lots of csspboards, linisbrd rer. mnts vriîk lireplore, atlached garage, on lIi acre loI. Reasonoble dama paymnst. Owner oeill laike back the mocsgage on gaad sersas. Make aller. HORSE FANCIER 3 acres with largeald, feroslsause,ssicely kept,alulargebar, ssaitable fsr lsorses. Fisassciag no prulees. Mair ofler. VOUR DREAM CASTLE Cul slone country hsomse witb castie Ilavrr 2 sailes frosa Milsan, 4 bedraams. 2 4-pr. battis, moderns kiîchen, large disisg tonnalarge separae liigora, nel a and iig. Beasslilally wooded 4 acre las vcith ever.Plowieg sereasa. Requisss lave dama paysaess. Vrsatsr will lobre bock a first martgoge. Prive $49.000. NESTLED IN WHITE BIRCH 3-bedreasa redar Irasa buangalowe, situaed 4 miles narth aI 401. Just aver 1yearrald.uon2 acres of lassd,in asiely wac- ed area. Omner saaving Iar heatb rerass. Mokea o aler. INDUSTRIAL SITE o cre iss ton aI Miltas, lally serired. Askisg S15,0l00. LOTS Tcpeus far yaar raie aI a baildisg silo ber yaar ssew homee. Pricrd front 57,0010,icitis 11.000 dama poaset. Fac promapt, raslrlraus at-tenstion, CaIl DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 17c24 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors tanlIse Estait of PERCY ADOL- PIIUS BOUREE AIl pensaus boviag any uloire aaiast tbe auste aI the abute camaId dereosed, mIsa died an or abut tbe 295k doy aI May, 1970, are required te seati not- ira of semae 50 the usderuigned solicitors os ut- belure tIse 21st day of October, 1970, altem vebicb dose rhe said estote uril bue distribtated andth e Esecut- ris vcill nos bu lioble fer any claires af vebirb abe hou ras tbos, ceived notice. DATED this 281b day oI Sept- ember, 1979. HAROLD C. FUNK, LL.B., 207 Main Street, Milton, Ostario, Solictors fer the EseraI- ri. 9c24 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ta Che Ritate or SAMUEL COL, HOUN, daesed AIl persans hoviag claires ag- ait tIse Estaie et Somuel Cal- houa, Iota of the Toma of Mil. test, veka died os un abue tac lah dey of Mot-ah, 1970, are bereby aolilied su stand pariosc- lors of saute ta the uadereign- ed au ut- bulana Che 3Ssh day aI Ortober, 1970, aftet wilsicla dote the Estate milI bu distri- baîrd, usdah regard Cul ta tac uloires aI thieh Cae stdereigu- ed sbulI Ihest have native, uad the uttderuigaed wunS =o ha h-. able te ony perean nI whsan dlaima sby shoîl nus tara butve nalice. Daîrd os Toronto tibs Stil day ai Orlabut-, 1979. JOHN COLHOUN and SAMUEL ROBERT COL, HOtIN, Adsaindsttators scth WilllsAexed, by MAOWOOO, PRITH AND CASEY, 44 King Si. W., Torono, Ont., their solicisors. 19621 20 AUCTION SALES BAILIFFeS SALE SATURDAY, OCT. 17Ch, 1970 As 1.30 sharp. 81 MILL ST. MAT, ACTON By vitte aI Lesdlord's dis 1tiss tact-ast, te mili selfb rpublic aucîcea; 2 rereplioa rum chairs; $shows rose anddesk; 3 embin etias chairs and hait- d-yet-s 2 ssiel leethr chairsc;3 mis 4 o cr4 x3;1ts rking cuote 13' tsith droteru; 1 manieur -table ad chair; 2 biait tshial scsks; 2 wrouet it-esmaillai alostads; 2 coller contasiners5 2 leather chairs; 2 kilchet chairs; miscellaeous Combt brushes etc., will bc ofered el bIoc. l isuthiest bld, mil allfer by pirve. SAILIPE Robent W. Fletcher Gorrge E. Penton, Auctianan TERMS; CASH. j lOhh Sales candurtedl amyvehere. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Milton, Ont. 20i-Ilf Ward Brownridge Livensad Aucinen Ferret - Livestork E=tataisr Sales Appraisala - Ail Typs Phone 878-6730 20e-Il AUCTION SALE ROCKWOOD ROCKERY Sation St., Rurkmood. PRIDAY. OCTOBER 161k Conmsenrîag 7.30 pr. 24" riramnir steve; &ig. ws-t-taer tesher; deep trece hutches sutte; cuoe eut tables; piao and berch chruts; dressers; disbes; taris and mresy aotbr items los, nut C. H. TUFFIN, 20h16 Auctiasece Auction Sale fut- WALTER FREEMAN As the lorre. Lut 20, Con. Nossagamapa Tmp., sitootedu as tha Guelph Liste, 4 micle North of Mcoawk Ruretey o BUNGALOW IN THE COUNTRY Sweetli1111e basgalaow, silaed ins ssaall village, an asse-tbird acre af lnsd. Reasasably priced os $21.500. Reqaires bell cash. Vaantpassession. 3 Bedreasa 114 slarey brirk and lrase basae. Kilrbrss, sepate disisgCocci. large living r a, flal basemaen. Eising saarlgage rorries 1cr $114.50 P.IT. Ashissg $22.000. Lovely coesparary slyled 2-staroy hasae lalrisg bigb beave cd reiliag, espscsed sloirveoy antd balrany, 4 bedestass, 2 balbraasas, lireplare, barbecae, large living reasa, sona roasa, foaily sized kitrbea, atlaebed garage, silald ont- aag tbe maples as 2 acres. Askisg $36.000. Martgoge aI 8%1 cardies for $151 P. and I. Vacant passessian. BUILDING LOTS Zased caommercial, 1 buildisg las, 90 s 296 Il drap. Askisg 116,000. 100 ACRES - PUSLINCH TOWNSHIP Corer praperly, 2 sîroass îrees, ralling land, froats paved rend. Askiag $800 par acre. MILTON REPRESENTATIVE STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c24 ESCARPMENT 20 AUCTION SALES Pronaoga 1,950. alsa 1,567' an Fo C t Appleby Lise, 112 actes, treed Fo ompete and rrllisg. suitb bouse, nar Auction Service Rarîlassoke Park *EsocellesOf far rlusb an invesOtaent greap. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER F. BERTAGNOLLI Sales aI aIl types. BR0001R Big os omaîl, VII do alsesa aei. Mt-g Brownridge, John WARN Phoest 878-730. b, clat-ks. 2024 STRAOCTOBR 17a U ChO At 2 oca. UCTON SALE REGISTERED ad GRADE HEREFORDS - 8 rets, ru 0F ANTIQLE CARS, PIRE TRUCK, CAR PARTS, PARMI bred i 51cr Aptil aed 8 raites. up IMPLEMENTS, SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS te 550 lias.; 3 yearling heulrs, 4 Yack gis, due sale tinie Onuthetfatrlucat-di1mile-vcevt of Tt-llgr RoadonHry. 5 ad a gaad yeuag Yack hag. ,ieertb scd, feiicbuyi, 2 t-octet-s; imrplemeats; tmis-FO rallasteous; umber; '0 lau AIMER ADAMS misaI gr-aia. Semae furoilare aod e antsiques, mhich sali litu i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 cocon. 1At 12 nes. TERMS; CASH. Net respursible fot- accidents. MAX STOREY, Aurttasar 209616 0.0. 4, Ruckceud. Auctio> Sale Ats tIse residanre, 370 OS. De- vid Si. S., FEEGUS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17tIs Cammencisgoati1p.m. 5-pc. Iithevsuite; Irig. with full tup freezer-; 24" slave; 2-pc. chasterlielti; end sables; hast- aus chair; Kavoure uuuve.ttir tesher; Wastinghocuse dryer; foucsiral; fluer lump; ieldtag rhair ad lubie set; humidifier; usrisg des; mag 9 s 12; baby r-i; 2 3-pr. bedrauve suites; sable falpu; dressr; chrîts; redut- rbess; cuptain's chair; ruchiag cbair ; rhest ttth 2 bonet edraeets; 2archairs; ball bcvch tits virr; giagea- bt-eed rlorh; dises; touls cnd mary uliser items Cou mmr ous re entioa. No roserue es everytbirg must lie sold. TERISIO Cash duy aI sole. Propriesan o a urliaseer nut reponsible in rase aI accideat. Prop., 30E HATT. C. H. TUFFIN, Aucîboeer, 20bl6 Phne 85"-246. Mutin T (1923) lire trab eve-; uteav eugine aller, cari- mitb reg-istration, le gouti mn- au tt sizes; 80' cuppar pipe niaguerder; 193 odgc car; lhrcrd ewn; bue oi antique 1933 Chsv. car pettv 1930 trails, ai] typas; 2 iV airutnir Chev. ravelr leur uilh fout- drille; 2!4 ht-s. elentim ot gued leedet s, 1930 Char. hue- frerd uvenf; 22' lugîtag nhcir; eyeumh radiatri( odaoe)f; if ne- nvd tih lt-amas. 1930 Char. eCadlights. 3 bt-s.; suve single, srtie duhie, ver- Fairbanks Marre gacullue t-uc- tttus uzes; euh antique duer ire; Fuit-barbu Mut-sc double lt-utc wth tnt-cee; Raymond pister wter pavep. 2,500 guIs. lreadlc-sevtog vecehie, gud par haut-; cave uirighs. gond condiion; -piere Iaeetvtue contiitiun; uccude tagon 'eedt-cove cet; butter pudea tsheals; eev t-cfvc unstand; adhusvl; quautity ofselea 1930 Baick head lampe; 1930 jars. Dut-cet headligbtu; 2 steave op- eatcat ail puvepu. FASM EOUIPMENT-Doubla 2uil dispenw se tovfuftt-act- potv ttaiferibratd eeti;hy iue egtne 2" coecreurs. camp- tagon aed ruck; Ferausar 3 fate; cil lubrinatut-:. black- p2h. 7' cut bey mer; Cork- emithuectil; 5 1934 17" Cbe. hbutIt1-cr eed drill: 7'Al tire vnhecft. 4 18" Dudge tire lis Chalveers cumbiru Ne. Z0 theels; Mudef h Furd truck pull type; MeCrmich Darria5 auxiliar5' Irarvvetsutre 1940 huv halet- iOasule egie); Postier 4 duar iaaeti unef; Internatiunul 3-fut-rom trutle- biClfrot aule;Reufront asle. lt; side deliveryrCaka; 3- make gond tratîcru; Mach recntion dr-ag culticuteru; sas of cule. chaie drivte unith bîhecs harruts.3 sectiun; grain'blut- 22"; railraad cabuuue stcve; 2cer; gt-aia auget-; bard uam; antique veulurevrin unhrcfu; hydt-uulic rylieder; wtle bumîs conieous huat pat-is; split rit lut- Iegu; self leader fer Isugs; jack; 1tiuduo llet-tailr-5l0. farrtoing crttae et.; and many 600 s 20 lit-ev; hydrculic moîre items tue tureercus ta be seilgote lift foc trurb. 2 ton antd iveelieried. TERMS ARE CASH DAY OF SALE. No resrt-e. OScaer bas other lalereus. Ota-ret o uctieseer set respassible lot- accidents day of sole. Cama eunly and regisler tits rashien. Sellistg Itp mbars. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN, Aurliancer, 28b24 Milton 876-2376. AaRaC. workshop Plan au Thtis posl surreer the NetC Haltes Association turt-he Menlaliy Relacded eppruved an additios suCte stam-avenromded A.RC. Indusltries in Hornhy, obene as pt-enrt 15 eduls ae macrefn borde l ilmig casîcecle stupphied veriaan lit-ms lt-are ts airra, as meSl as Che remabbing aI lasro chairs. Jual rcestly a ses venlare mao îlanled, handcratted brucelles. TIsee lasl laes shaald be mail accepted hy Che publie.- Nccd space Tbese are jusl soure efthCe atutiis diteld by bIcs. W. Ishare assised ky lois. P. 73-caby and Mr. Davies. Hamever, mita ail Ibese - tiiis, mot-c spore lis an ah- slat muai. 'Mis ils veere Che rarepoige conastaatee mas pus la mach. Thsis csntmee came oiCh al proposa,lanbeld an auciavsle a t ema mastslaclured o The trip Iealutrcd a Irnelse ride intaîbhe at-chard sebere rcc cld s ailawed la pick lite apps. Laser they taured tIse orekard and ibes visited the nnurscry vebereseew tremî arr kept lbeangk the wissler. Ysangsters reîsyedg jiie and esakires nte Iranst -, laves belane restum-iag la, the scb001. TbinOy are chlddren ai--,s lasdedthe schlsand teretOstill rsamn lac marc. Dasîtdriveeas il o pan ssd lte naad-dtivemsifyouamned the ,4 20 AUICTION SALES Antiqueuctionv t - Of 2It Gond 014 lîcen-braa, glass, chsina and ssnllnshed Caabes Fsstlrc ut tbe NORVAL PAEISH HALL Wcdnesdny Eneeleg, Ocîshar il SQUARE DANOCINGO ne aflte plsysit-al fitesssx AI 7 p.m. Traflgar- Bireettes cnlay. TIse geaup reai ast-e e Mrry It-besl under tbe dirctiona aI Mes. Jsdy Finai Prrciec lt-cm 4 p.m. until Ht-s. Pas Claylan. Propr diet and reeerise lu Crei sleime. p)ns-(afPoo TERMS ARSE CASH.pud.lal Iaa No returas. Two hour session eoch week Net nespeasible for acidents. CHRIS SCHOUTEN, 0O2 .0. 3, Milton, Slimettes u se ex Sy Janetîrada AUCTION SALE frsilCangalbhojss caant la slay Iria, tIse North Trafalgar FOR illimesses allen lthe perlecl The Estate of the Late WM. BAILEY salutianss-esenriue asd praper 29 Mary, St. Miltos. TIse gt-aup aI 46 mts oare a week an Mosday evessau la te SATURDAY, OCTOBER 110h auditoriuma oI Petrey Ht-ry At I pre.. Srbeal, Onuaqave. nIe clave i it FU.RNITURE aed APPLIANI tireso ardm ri8s tik nets scoaloa p.m. The fest CES - Oaks diaiug tram su- tpetsernlau-emms muter,ngouod; b0"ehucaIoftroimingsi reonsists aIy ule steso table, 6 cbatrs & oed rilres and I pelles aur; 2 mrecisin laMsi pled byse Iuft 1eck leather seated chaire pire car buses; '7 miak pxiosistbIcs. r AliseMinstet-. atetchait'; I Ko-urler cbester- raer; 3 tua ai sIoe -aul; pile Claylas et Coaosville, o physical field chair; Viking 10' relrigr ai lireplace tard; a loe set Idoralios ad selsas tIerber. aturth i0IIli. freezer,l1yeur but-ses and gardeusueols. Ballor dancing aid; 2-bayer hot plate, rrarly veuc, 20" eîectt'tc fan, vrarîy ANTIQUES - Victorian car- Fallaming tbe esecisco ree. Eeclaisveeaa den-y maple bedrotua sotte, bud avecyase placicipalt it a 10- 1 e, 2 lectur p utsrum î ea d pîru drestnggtahle, minte lra-ck dering mhit-b any ettu flu k plstu; 1 large, ,dse trdng cs idrueu club businesa is diseussed. Thes uuk kitcbesccabiet; I parue- Cuambia gramuphune & t-e- ytsa gkarnof votllealuaor luen top kitcher table' bcd- curtis. Vieturcae cuIs vcs'tisg a fricsdly oee ae So tact uace. ba. 5draat'cb s k; I pitos t-rIsker; I at- squace dancing su recards. To cf dt'csvcts; dresser aud wcsb cher rocker; I micher bail ,eslude a pecleet evesiaf's tua, stand; I uak ches' euh te.e teble; I uek rrery table; bard ectyase gelslaogcslsecaver a ra pbone table; I end table' ved. ccrved eak bull t-euh ost mir. atettcigthsra sogr uadvenylk ictae ca'binet; several guudband ver; largermslple liquer cabins Th5ellahmtcems hemtk.h macde serage cabinets' ire bus' et, lat-ce eah erpbuard; t boss. Tbsthreellmas undectthe seîto uilttng traite'calae u-edhkitche tble.llargr picc asretino hc r yas Judec Ibne qatily et aid pietat-er' cleth- heu; I euk and cedur chrst; 1 dieeat t-. ThJavlersds Fandi os hrrse; httcben uttrusils, molle ballet; 3 upbeislrred oc-OsabTIeakilPraan ..Recreatios Comitteebclpd gel glass, chira etc. rasiesul chairs; 2 gued celtsacas Che graup ssarted finanria][1y CAR Od ISC-l cbairs; ticke- seruing tray; 1vad Che Board ut Edurolian CAR andMISC. - 1969 matlclcar;l:îvcmerîranh; oedtn hegmaPry standard 2-door Vulkstcacer se- Guebue slave; seo Evoîisb ah dCvC yaa er dar, &.O00 original meile, lihe chira (Grindlcyf ruse pestera Mcrty S0bosl. Ht-s Finne and rrtc; 1pir 560 x 15thtu ll dinersre. Ht-s. Damna Jones , tanmerly et the Oreag at-ca , mare lit-st t0 AIJCTIONEER'S NOTE : libere ove maey items in tbis sole gel Che pragrare uadermay is ike urur ued the attiqau aera cbutce ullerirg. 1967Isrs. Finsi and hec motCec 'm-lave Ht-s. Jay Finsie En. carry Management ut- aucliacer cet reupoesihie lut- accidens tale on wiCbte graop. da.TERMO: CASH. Record eght Heurt- seid. Os initiatiun sigbl eacb ncm membr 'n meigtscd and ber disinibetin lahe NIEt Hallan Oosd trepasse A IrIser mas sent la ai in- dustal, commercial and protesusouel outlels Ian donaions ot mbal they manufacturc ar distit. WiC Che ravepaigs Iasl gclling uader may, Che nesponse tramt local busleeea oit-ady Chool Chet pleasere os beiag ablle la beipa by sahreg Ibis campaige a cmal sucess. Naew appsnls Tht- ourson lus planed Ian Ot 31 in Che MIilaon laitgrareda. Tht Flumens ut Hape werc a utnso raisireflands la the pans. Hoeer a steo apprach ma lauad teveikîr aa Canre are reesy veny wocîkobile asaociations coalln an the danna ofet co sumer tan a dosnation. TIse ledies areliorire frcnt Actas, Georgelao amI Millan are dulaf Che fosork tan iai carepaign. Manor residents happy at fair Haltan Centeneil Hanst mrossa. Samne af lIse cratSa residrensfla may had bat Ccey pradacla are veld Isy Cce Hanor ertaibdy haven't Ios Iheir Item Isusallary andCth auzlfary tlites amys fotr rerempetiios. Rmidmaen s l aI mancy ta repîcalak ut Che Mener wallsed avray siCl sapls a nd Cm n aIsare goe bu 1 ies tciltrbes moende ad tbee Ce resit Chirds inthCc acta aad cealla PLOWING MAtTCHl rerepetitisas. Ti ekteane n "tiey are Isson tIikd, TsnmtslIeena t romesaretd Mes. Thlha Oceen, larruaisal pltmlag matah ln ùmtrcw O art andcrafs etbeistg nlagedosrLxayi terla M aata a laa Vicaoria Cautadmn CHae.It reslly givre tenCsa ttas ssly, Han saany a liS' tacl noted. etpetealsatla Ilh Of Che 45 eaidrela attcly among lit pwe copti pactlelpatbsg At aras and crafla et Hsual resaat donila banc the Master, nmec mIss areele dsra omté osrthv aaeltbrn reriC alenlt ordiaplsyaettheamaIth la to gl t thecenre wrk n t po e. 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE Nursery children visit opple farm Cidran etlaandisg Milton Ce- uperactve Nursery Schulbohaa speci treat Wedsasday mIsas t-cues the NarCh matIt ai Ferry e od muS-aucter csdea oflsirig ercise measerereenla are rerarded in Che logIbook. Membecship lat la $1 lastart ad 50rencsl ela eek Cheneatct. arIs matIs ai Che pragrare, the resaero r weiged. Afine of25 centsla pslad lac aty pound gained; upltoa$1. 1mI. EarIs math a prisa i ctferd ta Che momnan mIss laves tle tostt meigsI. Pasaet are asually deroralad barns ofsamprmade by n mamnan inîbe grousp. A moMhy prize ce abue affered 10 Cce one who loses te mast weight dris Che maeCh. TIse Slmeltes pragramret frare eeriy Seplamber la Che end ut May. At Che alasisg ceremanits tbrea peines anc offered. First gaoCote endier mhe lasesthCe mail mclgIsl bel- mats 100 usd121 pouads; second la Che one beltes 125 and 150 poands and tissally s tird prise Ian the weight-laser wIss la sti ovr 50ptasds. Use enterelr Asde lassa Che reacaiag, dancingad voleysal,Cte group alo cakses gsad use af a Itrisa gymi ioaed la tbere Isy Mes. Plusse. Tbe Sin gym vi a modcrn may aI lmreng weigIi Isy asar- cistreg an Ci spring Iscd daily. Mes. FAtale selle Che eqalpreent insie sparet ime. "TIse pragramn las as ecellent way lut- wmet a s weigIs" sand Mes. Pni."A f alt-ree dicl masi. We're gettisg o gond aI Che gmeateasceybel, me bpeta have or Isosband in lana game of round rois." Tht group also plans lai Iuld a dance ine Cmer ftue la raie jction 1 i