pesr om O. S. D.J FIRE PREVENTION WEEK non ohstrvtd on Milton ond aceos m ia drillao= ad students are shomin ibits Photo, htgt on Canada lath.e Oct. 4 go 10, andf Miton Ftee Dapartanant mas buzy orallelmromth main dmorat Denyto Pubie Stehoon t Mn.- seuls about of activillantfor tht special watit Fiee Chtet A. E. Clamant (Staff Photo) ond local firefightoen have es Mnrosg on and district schonls to AnnUal tour for officiais View 1,500 acres of county fores t Tht anone tour of Itattonis reforestaton artas mas tohen hy meoshars if Hatton Cosoty Comnci's sgricstoro eosmittet on Wednesday if tasi netit. Thareaore approsimatoty 1,5W aces of refoestation tond in eight tracto s aIn-tii of it os Esqasiof mnd tht balanei Nonogametra. They are toon on tha Carnie, Ethiot, Latoog, Rtoberson, Britton, Cas. Coouon and Snyder tracts. Each parcet of tond ta Éither rochy or swampy (or hathi Mo such an etettt as to moka Liang maeconornicot as tferma bst excellenit arae;i for mitdtifet aod conervation par- piies. Cetat torants Management consints ot PLasting eondarotis Mrets os span rean, systannatie pemoi atti Usnif netuMaitetaton of amtrforf tteveegreves. Thes att aacover torself- saadtd mnd hasd platid hord- wonds tutnahta rntxed stonti--os originaltyteottetif tht tond. What's more, the coutty fumais are sati-sopportiot financially. First thinosg is at about t5 years and prodaces about stx 10 tight cords of psupmand par ace. tocoose leoin this pays approolotatoty tht most ofgtheaoriginal ptmtosg. When tht forest a25tuM 30 yeaÉs ot age tht sacond thmng tohes placte andi thMs csitting mnoally pays tht management ots ta date. Titird catttng cmm nheo tht tops of the trams art grownt togallor Mo enctade Moo ossch Sgtpras10 Mo 15 years aletht mmnd cattosg. TYe emts hldîk th stop rso and belpi puedy tht aic. They atm IJOHNSONI OPOMEIRYI IMILTON AND ACTI Di seggiiy fan Datit, peotida sheltr mnd tond for certain torons of witdtit. This thted teuttiof tantes about la5tn 15o trees par acre wtoch mitt reach fl mturtoity in 75 Mo 80 years. The stashtis lft in the ush Mo rotdosnmadtibis aloaftords smn coter for sinatt gaine. Creair lire pends Whece possible, ornaIt tira pondis are creatod Mo hotif a suppty of natte in casa of forent tere. Sodium nitrate Ma appli 10 stoonon nhtn they are est. Titis stops ront rot wtoch esos throsgh tht geomd trios ront Mo rmot, tolliog htatthy trams in a tary short t. Tht Rohertson tract hadl 19,100 Mrets planttd thrtt years ago, mnd tht sortital rata os 95t par cet. There sa a heater data in thts tract, coverittg seteal acres oflatnd svith nator. It's a favorite soaf lis htdatchers and nature loters. On tht Coutoon tet rieur Hornhy, faderaI anthoritims ara cosdntethtg a storilization es- partneant. On five acrms of tht tract tht soit has hatn sttriliztd for natifs. Stock nabut. saih, chery andloctnt te have heen plantoif. Tht advantagms nf usosg sterthoadsoit are hahtg compiti on tht trams gron. Deputy-ttttva Art Sptight of Georgetown, chairman of tht agricte comndtttt, monse coin *td hy Warden Aient Day of Oakitla. Iteeva Ron Harrts of Milton aed Deputy-Ratves Ted Tyler of Acton and Gordon Agnen of Nassaganaya on tht tour. Twn rapresontotivon frong tht Dapartmasnt of Lands and Forasto. mhich manages tht tracta for tht coonty, atmo at- Mendtd. Hatton Faderution of Agricteure rapresitatitts Middtehrooh and Agricoltarat Raprosntotite Henry Stantey "ls tonit tht tour. SWIMMING t t)o you wat to knowvaboutthtet ssvsossstg ptol at sss' scissot? t maoy biglr and yooofg students gosstotoing evey dey. We have sstooososg. lassons Monday to Tttortday nlght and afttenoon, which me enjoy. Wr shrt It M t beatter if tee have mbSoÙniof tessons . bafore, wa teave schsol. Ssmnetimen swimnming teosons oee tua. Wa have frac sosimming for ton on tht weetetdsto moka sursaîntoesool o hot sunny tlays. Whtn tht taIt and motter mmes oot mony mutl feet ike gslg swiotssslg heaosa tey till wmnt ts go okatiog or to play hscksey. New superviser Titis pear me have o oew supeentsory swisssoiog ttahte tu lookt aftr tht swimming prsgromg. Hec naine Ma Mes. Aotot. Tht remt of tht teacittro ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p. GRACE ANGLICAN HA VI St A PROS) PAl' DROF 5.5 aee Miss Feaver, Mes. Waldow, Mtiss Ktng and Mes. Burke. 't'tey reaily enjoy tisatssetves itecatise tay lika the deuil. Corne aod aojoy yoorself if pont nant tM go swimsng. I reily doat tosow onhere y00 wll t a free pana. Voor can coma on sotdoy if you havneand are on te O.S.D. staff, se have a frlend on tha Staf!f. hy Debite Sutlvan Senior Girls resldeoce. Woods ama ftull of 'arn et kcao rate prions. But that sa nost te kieti cf uatilemant INSURANCE yo onant la tha avant cf a Vou ra whs fa buy fin lienro inSýý an agent pou keno, tive *u.~uuss W ear end can trust. Par- haps that s osh more sipo our agenyfor thea insurtncevaaeds. Cala s. PROTECT YOURSELF ! Il(C«> INSURRIç0E 20 AIN ST. E. 8702894 LET US FILL VOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION DRUGSAVERS PHARMACT EVERY DA Y LOW PRICES MILTON PLAZA 3138421 For'F71 PUym muth comet throuqh for, youl SPORT FORY 2-DOOR HAROTOP ... with 4 new ways to get you going! Startoniith Satellite. Plymooth'snes idea vn osd-size tact Hardtops hilt on ailS "wheelhaso, sedans anti magots on 117". Resait. sitehor, sporlier GTX, Sehning Plut atd Roati Runnerhiarttops- anti roomier, more coniiorlahie sediant asti wagons. Wagons wili eoen lake a 4 oS8 loati lyîng flot' Cel mlh Satellite. Go fatl-siza Plymaouth Fut'y -25 nom ways to gel pou going. Ail wtth thoe silenco und comforl of Chrysler-engineereti Torsion-Quiet ride. The going's greal mtth Fu ry. Gel il Go Iplsp go Barracuda -sport coupe, hardtop or converttile Tht Gran Coupe itatures reat leather huchets anti ooorheati consola. Grand! The muscular'Cua con îlot a 426 Herti V81 Pom1 Go campact-Vallant: hotter thon oser. In a tamiiy setiat or the populur Duster Sport Coupe. Anti a nom onlry, the02-door hartitop Scarny Economy neyer looketi so gooti Your Plymouth dealer miii corne through for pou mith acar to get you going. 1'Iymoiifi ~Ru0 JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE 295 Main St. Milton 878-9942 NOTICE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 2 AaM. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON PLEASE TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR JACK McGEACHIE, Clark TOWN OF MILTON M00 WOI building i Phboto). Apl fow Setit pedesio Ceancil mork 10] onfaty wmitn Stonaey Rap owr Memshrs Board nf presseidopp on theanea appoited 1 ago. Follomi ai a mt osemoers k second look in Oakviilla "'Vi dit committat dtsatfd ltmpad mit canbe pal rehigious," Priestter n T Priattn heinegr"10 osandation toplamoent. ballevathar religion Mn t Truatee E TALK ABOUT 'FARM FRESH" PICK - YOUR - OWN A PP LE S AT CHUDLEIGH BROS. - R.R. 3, MILTON - 416.878-2725 SEPTEMBER 18 TO OCTOBER 18 No. 24 Hwy. FREE p DWARF CONTAINERS 7u' t. ACTON APPLE TRIES FREE N PARING CHUDLEIGH LADDERS PARKING "- * 10 CLIMB WEEKDAYS Milton "" APPLE CIDER 1.00 p.m. POMMEOS t ak No. 5 Hwy. ouï DunE, PEARS SAT. &. SUN. AND Dawn f0 Dark ______ OE Oronta Ob Mclntosh *III Red Deliclous 0 Northern Spy *III Russet and Golden Deliclous