r in fight with province Hattos Couty Board aof uBda oaesnot ust u Educatius trustes Erute Boduar tut" Utc nas re artIh pRuent hav stU tate , itrought tases1egue frues Noirtht gie 'us tau cssrcsaiao ta sosteoe iu th Butugls lu tce doee af arers. When Batisar anee uB taeuaIt a buard meetintg arlgç l ilgte ,~J1 wihcroein Bu fThursday Budnar ugeted te aoceusypayelseq prviceshul cns ce guîg trustee oerge U ~ Ut¶t 0- oswha bus la le on a. M sppcle gelsa l par cenMt Pl uteekty pay cheque a breako lu- raisecoccry year.,,Mr -e uteail ufth0e larluers-wol ho tshusastit uuggested, are able ta dedt a "Yau shuuld read te tole enmr - lot trues thelo oucuese tas utr. ttce sot gtvtug us felts Irg thtyon tuughter 0-arnhy 4-H she p clbaclevemnent daylear 0-Ilis thatcub Ut The Achiecescul Day for tce Halton 4-H Shccp Cluh tous hold onSaurduy, Oct. 3 ut tce Georgetuon Agricularul Pair. proect Ib tedgteCREDIT UNION DAY IT'S PLOWINGTIME lu ltes and tares fi"d are holng tarned user pluwbtugslheoslulalton, whcutartners gel thUer ta demustrate tale te sus, ralu and socater peormt tet eagle taarh ounthsaln tor prowess wtune of man's uldesl tona-tplw and msas, t mure productiee suli spriag. Faitlu tata a tuseo tr Aneoditorialc. 1 Food for ail B Henry J. Stanley filte Agricutaa IOpetate Wil1 ther be enough foodl in the ututld at thedo f th li t uyt Fou thoua o f tyes. tees bas utorkei and prayed for euough food ta keep bieuseIt alive Intuttoear uch as Noth Ae'afod base ].y auays been avitabe t toe wutoutd work fort à.tnothertattds food bas utten. in lt puot. beo Iuuking, Popultiont icreases of over 2.5per cent per ye'te ut devetupin gure ouc aso Africa and tdia htave put utran ont the food reserues. tn contraut he loka 4eoe cuuttes. uthre sutptuseu otten abttrai but where tthe populatiotn o toututtetog at cous thutt 1 perecent. ord pt'uduuru tht-t tlimes the pt'uottt antd catltries t tteedu. but stiti tutteto wideopreud prutete ttutger - why? Food s tuasted at utt utugeu truot pruducttutt te cosumptiuu. todia stut'esor 70per t utttfood intrural .eas. Ttteytuoseulot intutorag, hueelig, ltîog and ab use f insctsetc Cottiderabte effort os nou' being touede ou ttuo problt. Ft'ugresuuto utuu betttg mudetin puputation cotrai. Ttte uttoducated Dta'tog the puot feu yeurt titore have bett tremettduus strides int ootd tood pr'oductiont Newu htgh-yietdiotg wttat, produrol in Meuico, oa sn toIdtu attd Paktuaut attd onout on miltionts uf acresý mtuilarl'tue cr etuttotes hute greatty oncreased yietds. Staptases are nomt uppeueng in Asiue nations tfoctnga drap in mark trc n ttureued 'oopottuo tao u Cauaduan espurus. Frofts ure theret- Seuctat thousaod acres ut ]and inHallo wod ai ne groutug teodo i t utoreprufttabte to tbe grotung crupu on tttern uoud controi. etc. Scteutt havue onlu bogue ta scratch tthe surface ut att theo poouubilties tor itureuuttg tood pruduction. Htgiter yietd; ut tugbet' pt'otou utopu ut]] plut u big toto tin yeat'sattcad. Wettave outy juut obututed te urace ofthbe ocensp forfod production. Wealsotauea long u'yttugo nthe dstrbutofdtroughtu t tw di ordr to preet la i Moua s orkug harduait ttuqueston ofadequate fod fo ail Ho ca uct e f he t rt too Dig and store gladiolus bulbs BylD. B. MIetool replace eauh vartety ut ttte Gtaduotuu ituibo ubuutd bcdg labeted papor bag. Atr tthe in Octobor attd utorett toc tuer' tuatbs are ctaued dust eactt bag Tadi gldols th u ttttt Sevot atud utore ut a 40-45 diggig lois o spae oneach degre teper u til upriug. aide ut the o tou to e touu0e bulbs It there are uat'telîes that yu boust, theu the), ues euutty bo uould tube ta torroso sace lte putilil out byth0e topo. Au uon au utoatt toeu'bbe bulbotsaus these eacb bulb i ug,ceuttofft mi utgiue you gdsied bulb i flush uttth the butb aud place 0eth t rtrosuuu - ria l el Poud Pappe bogu are euoetlen torutoutog glutt Eaebtariety ca bo Plaued Lnuuosparate bug tutoprtY laboeut s t 0at vaunettet daot beotee mixues] douog uleuotog oud dustitg t ul aItud Pluotinguuetuprtog, Alter t-e huit,. .,e du, d'ut eh bus, oit o dut uoututotug beuut tu discouage ouv tbrtpu, tat malbc ttying round them frues tuytug ter eggu ou the tuttb. Floce tht- flats on o ligbt, uteY .t-tPrtuobushd or gouage tue dryutg. Rotueuoboe to tubse the butbs lu tbe bueet in tecemesbr utbeu ueriouu trouts are bbkety ta suou. Wbeu tbe os are eesity t'etouued fteetbeuneutcorou i lo tatte ta o-the cetg. Wben cleaoatg reesoue the otd conus and reOsu frues 0-e bottonof oth0e new curs, cteestog one uariety at a tuneta auutd mus, and --Chtritmtas bouaar ueouu jut aroesd tbo corner. -ltesgioig utau cottage- closiug toeekesd toer eay îoral cottageouwsers. reoriie s fouic be replanted now By B. MeNelU If you have heen planninge lu rojuvesate tce pcuozes lu yeur gardont, ous the10-unesetl divide and repliant tern. Plants tut lave lest vtgur due lu etd ugeour roucaldtto iteaty grosobug upertueto. Tbe plunsu situuld bo dried esrehulty e0 tat tce reos arc lsooserved intact. The loue eart habatit b- sitahen otf and te Plants totO csposed toSu ad air for several heurs lu seshun teir mosu. Thte plants arc itest dietded hy using a uharp otite uthict preucotu ecressive toaste.' Diviuions wsotUt les It an titree and nul mtore tus tive "eyes" ar te tost easily estaishitd. Uarge Huies lThe dtiiions eituuld b- placca lu hiesc large enugb ta hoId te reOs utiithout rwdtog. iiucy hoituld b orued wtsl ta a deplit ut t ta 2 iecbes ahe th rrus. Tes deep a planliug msat ttccp lthe plant tt'oe ittouoentg. Il le attcisaitle ta toulcit te planta tut te irai tolalr tu Provent daesage trues altent tautig aed frecutug. yptral bDoues tot nul bc produrodi un4 tce yuung plants beouee tuel eutabisbed. Fluocor -Autouesl colora are aI toir cak tou uteeit Thc Milton thertot aitouedu iu uceeir beauty, hak tce redariu te hat a =uI a rlgiton or Gakvtlte lglltscWBuaeeday, Il ie.dded te North lou raptd and deteuco for the 'litoten oft nne 3 Utc plareil tirut, totth DeugG dbouee ut R.R. 5, MilIeon Janet HunIer ut R. Buttnoo placluYg seconda third .eupevey 'Me top msarktl laesh s eobibited by Kelith Aitkes us Ket and Dace MeEtutuin, h ut tR.R 3, Mitun, ptuolg aCD seonod and tird respective Deug Guardhuuse ouhthtledt top animatlu Untce Breedu.g Et Cloue; Janet HunIer plut econd antdNoresa LesheuofR. 3, Acton placeil tird. lThe jodgo 0-r tite sbuow wau it Wiltoott. a formser uhoop brced toe Milton. liuds fornecd durlug te tirut O Yeoru uboulil b- remuved useM pou Ute appe--r- CUSTOM FARMING ~<COBINE PLOWINS Jlr PLANTINI PHIONE G.S.,,HILLMAN j Five years agowhd have he1971 Super ê- fe - Altboagit you'd nveous t-u bu ust a o ie etno u- ,tu'tt ko: u oole t-ouss on system, tho t 23% b't4", .u '~ " ' " 'c,, ,u't, Plaàza Motors Miton, ont N mnd ,n as Ut tt ho cd R. I fV i t4 M N i a aeo I ter at0' r on the OC 0 tea t t a on th aCOS erî Y uuetbt ouC t d t n o n D a o i, t a c t ud 3t u n i o ined. r v C godt toi greet1in 0g hout the O ri in CanadahOan Onsha e teien i, oaoCtedit unIOn s their use N o f succ s ecau5autoZI % eUCOs aOOnd th c redit e0jntus a iyngs tuoan ,lu eIn Mare u ata bath re ut dfaP'mnC In Ctîonis e nda psal' nv Te thon -v u sIO n Ce l on o'ns are eo a p s t rrdtun' theY oa' this su n s n camuni Co S fin nc l . . ithi t b Os f th e social f a C mi 'j oin m ume s Ta vet 3 t tin ugîshe . a Ct onO eRent best vse o redi. id sendti ett> otf the 40t 'th and PtIPrt cntinui r" CREDIT UNIONS: ARE CREDIT and O MpraEd mEteRS. e co T ouous u edhye beCn pronetetuo inM ue CREDIT UNION fmlei 44n nation E.v a7a.3l toug DE COR ha ng 10 Martita F stroad ut ccdar, È "f indings Navahu f ARTI'ST j Hucy g ce iOurs ta HOuse at cn Nassag STII rYOU'LL 0F CUS'rO) lAL UA WI N AND Weati O uto 878 C The Canadieut Chamepion. Wednosdap, Octuher 14, 1970 I W. stock a full lin, of MASTER FEEDS MATRFES orOeStpfraS itecnr TWRT THURSDAY OCTOBER 16th Trustee defends farmers sas ton air- 0 t Hors club !wc plans showt lThe fi" meetiogof te Ballon _H Horse Clubtoas OuldWed lThesi nsudaY. Sept.30ato8pm. at er andrcol Moueotec e ituto aueptud in dcatad iut d Zetded 10 Cletday I. 0a tce homte of aid, ut Jan Eugttah, Stes Ave. fcontry rite ors« ant es t gDundsu 012 ta s e p otthtst 11ud h. Utcige for te day unttt 0- porcolà usmed lttr. Plana arc far fus plates, and optionai lames wilth races t0 tuttoto. Hontest arc 100-e shoet usa thc hue and in shownmsNsp Clasas. Musherts romiudod te hac" lack esthiitsand upocal Ptuo roady. Boos are 100-e huoded in usd 10- qua wot -