Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1970, p. 2

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2 The Caudian Champion, Wednesdny, Gotober 14, 1970 Yvonne Seunderu, truck star 'Outstaonding athiete' nine times By JanetBrala vonne Soonders of 139 Main B. Miton iu weil tinoun all over t-e seortd. Tbe type 0f celebrity mony sec on TV, t-e pretty 19- yen-aid bus boen namesi mont ontataodiot olette in aille of t-e il sports competitionu sbe'u ontered. vomne'u victorien lu- clude 400 oneter. higb jump, long lump and pentthlon eventa. Bore in Jamaic in 19B1 sibe oooved tu Englaudoat a tenderuâge mnd deretoped ber lisaitotrent in sports there. Her int-er bnd beson on active treck: and cbkt star and it wsost long before Yvonne utepped loto ltabusa. Developedioalent ta public aid 10gb scbont ntle Ptaced frnt su trocit aid field events ninter-stsnol rom- petilion. Seeing n ntural talent in Yvonnte, hier gym tearber Muss Chiristine Waiker urged lier toi trin at lenot tibree timon a weeo ai a trarb near lier nrbout. Traning and prartire taought bier mnny averdis and toe mention tai bier (torse Par Caty Serondnry Srbool. H er career in track first ntarted in 196ti seben nite joloed tbe Strattord Atbietic Club in Engiaod. lobtie witb tbe club nbte competed in us uy rouoty conspetitlonn in Europe and raptured top aseardu. (turing the sommer of 19t7 ber foiuy moved ta Montrentl aud it vus Ibmn Yvuon bald tai moie tihe cboice between arbool oint trocb. A =g decision for o lt-yens olnsbIchosebher firstlove- TRACK. Wans in canadaa Mhe remamllad in England and nus cbosen to compete for Engtand in tihe Ceoteoutal ta- ternationlTracb aod Field Meet r i Ottawo and Toronot 0S- auu bese ngtad ro odÉ E Coaood Yvonne taa Birut oint second titie. Bock in England sibe bived witb relatives ood competed in numerous more cbampionship. ta 196t stie moved ta Montreal toi be sesthiber fomiy. ta Canda sibe comete smaoy iodoor monta, ot bref prefers the outdoor atmospttere. Borce bier orrival bere ibe bao comppeted in gamnen in Ireland, Haumai, Winnipeg, Edmontan, Victoria, Vancouver and tbe Commonwealth Gamen in Edinburgb. ticottaod. In tbe inter- country ment beld in Victoria, Britisb Columbia tbiu susouer ua competed aignifiât Norseay and tineden. In Winnipeg abe competed lignifint atisilene f ree Norway andplacedbflut inlong îusnp. Agaanst Swedes in Ed- monton nbe tonb second in tise 4W Go In t-e isai matcb ut Victoria, wbere tbe tbree countrien combtaed, aibe pincod second in the 40 metar aid broble t-e open Cousdosv record of 54.3 secons. Her t-ne nus 54 seconds Blot. Cndian record Yvonne bollas tbe junior s, Canadien record for long lnop nit-B20fast 5Yinces nd bier k, 10gb nomp la t-e ttard bonI in * Canad at 5 font 8 taction. j j The at-Jeta adiuits ube enjoys travelling but la preentiy ot I home for a coul. Mhe busedl bier I noumuer ond seas told to rentsiW bfore indaor training reliruis. m Yvonne seui retors to Quebec on Oct. 24 wbere aibe bus bonu of- fered a joti seit- CP roilsays. Doring ber npore toue (lteor peocticeul ste plans ta atiend nigbt ncbooltoi0 furtber bier educotion und lob qualificotoon. Mhe 1a settiog bier goal on t-e 1072 Otympire and pions ta seors bard an d improe bier pr formauco gruly. "q dont bnon bon t do) it n0w," ube taogbed. "I burdiy lerer do osy traissng. ta Eogland 1 troaed ait leant Bhrenluneu o neeti." Boiter outdouen a As foir ou isidoor or outdoor competitios go. Yvonne protons t-ose outdioru. "Tbe pressure aid olmoupbere are tigbter," sbte sui. "f prefer o tartan trocit to any ot-er typ," t-e addod. "But tartan trocbo are most en- 19-YEAR-OID YVONNE BAUNDERS la seti boe au over t-e penive.,, seorld. Tbe pretiytenager bas competeditack meetsaillover Norths Yvonne lt-m Caoudiao peopte Asuerico and Europe. In Il competitios t-e's enttred, t-le weon o and competitions, bot "lu tropby for bing lbe beul feuliate te nbe tbures. Yvonneivon seit- England trackit 1 a major sport ber fouily ait 139 Main St. buttla leavbtg for Queber on Oct. 24.-(Btaff murt 10 soccer. Here in Canada, Pboto) ropecntrata onockey ond o.otbai and not enougb on trot- eveta,"s" b sid. And bon doms ber motber tike tise oldoul daugbter travellig u 4 mucb? "Ient oly tbettfor t ber," sid Mrs. Saunderu, "but O AK' wenvrsec enoogs of her aiwo y2 more. She 10 terribly miuued." P Z E I eut EaIting.. n SATURIA& SUDAT n oi take the famils 192 MAIN ST, 878-3282 Reporta prenentasi ta Bhe Oc- tober meeting of lbe Ontario Bten and Antique Preserveco Auuoc. indicote a record 21,000 people poisi admission ta the 1900 Bene-Era reunion in Milton. Prenident Gordon stuyner of Milton tald the crowd Of 100 members at Aherfoyle on Thorssiay the 1070 t-ow badl luoben ail previous recordo for atteodanco aod goto rereipta. When lbe t-ow eoded on Labor Duy, officies had entonated total attendouce aI the tbree-day reomon at 28,0tt. An Acoerscon motorcyclint sersouuly, anjored in an occident an igbseay 401 sear Milton a mont- earlier died aI Milton Ditrict Hospital last weoit. Ricbard Koleman, 25. of Miwat-ee, Wisconsin suffernd serions iujurieu seben bis motarcyrle collded wadOs oIber vetacle northe Milton ctoverleaf on Sept. 3. He wsea buspitaliued t-mo nd died ast eeb Queen helps open fair Halton's 4-H Homemubing Queen Miss Dianne Peli of Palermo ws prescrt for the oenngceemonen of Gergelonn Facr. Mms. Keit- Webb, presfident of t-e lodiem division of t-e facr preomnted Misu PeUl, Miss Suuan Nixon, Halton Cousty Oaiey Pmincous; Mrs. Mary Pickett, Holtan Furnose Qucon and Miss Norma Lest-e, Sborthoco Usone nit- a beaotsful bouquet of red roesech. B. A.OEGREE Mru. Neil Preston of 235 Oc- tario St., Miltone, receîved a Bochetor of Actal degron aI t-e fail convocation aI Usiversity of Guselphs. Sbe lu t-e former Pam Gnons, daugbtmr of Mc. and Mrs. David Green 0f 441 Woodwaord Bi., Milton. Pom ta now attending Labesinre Toncitens' College. Mdens for 1B71 Duriog Tbursdoy's meeting neyerai romoutttee cboirmon mxpreussed tbeir Ibsoku ta co- seorberu for makiog tise reunton nucb a succeun. Menus for nt year's t-owe sucluded more on- tertaioment or activities in- volving the cbildren. Tbe jseogrom included sme t-ide pictaron 0f the Steam-Ero aod steaso trains soon by AI Kin- suon of Goît. Tbe club la planning l1s animai ladies oigbt lit (tait on Oct. 23. A Toronto man vsea hlled sehen bie non ntrck by a Canadta National Rolmops tran near Bhe Third Uae north of Enqnenlogns 10 Skderond on Saaay eveotag. Michael florry Sbohdass, 43, of 49N Endlld Ave., Tarente, wsea kllled Inntantiy. Millton OPP taveutlgnled and tint lbe deats as a nnnpeeued suicide. An engineer on t-e trin reporledly sasea mm standing on Bhe trachu but mouid sot ntup thb tran, travelling abont 45 faill, In time, Nine injured two crashes Five personu seere isjored Sunday in a two-car collision at t-e corner of Fine and Com- mercial Sts. Acar driven byMiss Irma Otoinan of R.R. 4 Komobo aid a cor drives by Mms. Jone Gray, 1361 Rebecca Bi., DObvitie collided. Milton Police in- vestigated. Pausengers in tbe Robuon veitocle, Mrs. Elizabeth Close and Jonathan Close 0f 419 George St. seere tabion ta Miiton Diutrict Honpital. Mrs. Clowseufifernd a tsed bock, cota and bruise; ber lt-mont-nid son recoived cota; and bruses. Mrs. Robom alan suffernd cota. Tobspitai Mrs. Gray receîved fractiirnd ribs and ahomp on thebsaduas a rmsult of t-e accident. Her son Martin, 4, suffernd cota and a tasmp os t-e forehmad. Ailer taken ta Milton Hospital. Damage ta the Itobson cotacle ws etimatadl aI $M0 aod $2,100 tai t-e Gray cor. An mtaumated $30 damage s ailn reporsedl toi o once lence. A two-car collisios at t-e coreer of Bronte SI. and Deery Rd. West on Mondoy resudted in tour peruonu beisg sent 10 houpital. A cor driven by Joan whte of Ottawa collided seith o cor driven by Elleen MeOugl 0f George St. Damages oale 11,25. A pansenger i tahte cor, Arleon Dernu of Sndbury sol- fered multiple cotsaond bruss. Mrs. McDougatl, dougitter Wondo and son Wayne allia sudered cota and bru"ae. The fourseere tabon tai Miltos District Hospital and 10er releosed. Thien mmn seers charged seit- cousing a distrubeore in front of Mito Inu, Monday. Woter convention flot air pollution Cunrîior Syd bido and Worku Superintendeot Bruce McKerr are going to a WATER Pollution control convention in Cgaythis mont-, nt an air pluonconvention as nlated in o Chamipin ses report tant week. Mr. MeKerr, seio pointad ont t : eror, notesnd thin el be bin 1htrip taý the anunal convention lo aer Pollution rontrai of- fie"ai. The Champion regrets tise Hot corn A qsonty of corn taIgn t Urrterd cCo-OperativeTon Brente Bi. Milton Pire Departint nos colleit the ocone ta extinguisb the blaze. Buoke betrbed tran the dryer bait Birelighers eine onable ta pinpintcen-o tIsebl tisete nonne.ý= FI-Dly tise dryer wsea empilaid and tse lire vsea pnt ont. Couse of tise biais ta untaosewn. h LASTTMEnSTO-DAv 64i AM CURIONS YELLGW" "LAT STIPTEASE" - Adol ntetiý ri ST SON. OCT Ji e7 la Afedo thonKn i "TOPAZ, I JonM nye rerc Su fo rd Dn atn, Alinv Deo on 5i0h,0 Connerru-sythe a se ore No 'n a. t-o selCitnel am E TuE L 11E RO m.ST mlil SOTIII 0:.30 s.2 .. PI. rc~r ~ "'! M' cit 0. %t . T .s e s n Y i o b , (15-c16-iOl 17O Record attendance at Steam-Ero show i - Cyclist dies Mon kiIIed of iniuries by train ARTS and ORAFTS Of Georgetosen ANULEIMIIITIOI and SALE Sat.rday, Ostobor llth AT THE RIVIERA NOIVAL, ONTARIO Prom 10.39 to 4.30 pe.. Gonst Artists n Free Parking Admission 50c r- -il I onus for a delirsous eal Tltny il lovr our vorirty. wi cone In Sn CHARLES HOTEL MILTON 878-9952 Dutch Canadian COUNTRY CLUB I WLL HOLD THEIR ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE AT THE LEGION HALL, MILTON SIT. 00T. 17, 8 pain. MUSIC BY THE IMPERIALS SPEOîAL 0008 PIIZES 1 ANNUAL MEETING OCT. 3151 1 rigbt MB Chl f re Plaus fi servicefIl opproved Commer mecotivt Tbe bu Friday, t sboppers town ont1 t-e Mita borne b3 chanta. Comm Harri n and pro toi collent sponuorir tond lo b the foret OOy t-of their C Milton st A t-rnt -Milt reporntI hie Pre Ne foi A bra figure j t'5esider re Gr year. Mrs. elected the col Virgmsia preoides second, Starkt ai Gifis. Elerte Mould, Bue bous Kosios Lyn Grbl profit or the lt Regais inuteid progrea giveo ta Fiýgoml tant Tb 7 Wl Lis1

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