tamber oi le plan the ,iving bingo [ton Fire at the tire îIng. $Uasy out to try g eitlscr a mentt was iCiarridge lie group the game; large. Sput hsto a mes's ex- lits )r Tom lail Of 19 %total nf rmit tos. sday, October 14, 1970 y to trans fer education tax BUILDING TH1E CNiR BRIDGE (tirai the Grand lhunh RaUlway) ccrosn the Sittn Mile Cceeh amd MWipond headmaters man depicted ta ta id pht totos arnsnd 1890,gie or totoe fiee years. Tum Who toanedUthe phsotouin Gor-don T. Roacis nf Toronto, whaseboUsher AltosRach ahouti at the leftsaide ni tce photomvite statin agent ai Miltonstation ai Use Bine. Mr. Rach wonid Rbcrl ou ho rle te oter sMoe arc. See Use bine-up ni ttoir boae ai 1eR-can yan Même ttom? Vocal, instrumental music recommended for schools A Muuic Pcogrumn Council urgcd Haiton Cnanty Board ni Education ta, hctag tna vocal and intrumntal musir progiranu in E SQÉSNG At their regular meeting Monday Enqumtang Cnclo -Received a cnpy ni tbe cegulutios which define the Prntectod zne for te Niagara Escarpanent witai the toum- daries ni Esqueotag townnship huom tce Departasent ni Mine and Nnrthern Affaire. -Apprnvcd tac paynsent rond accomrtsin thUe amons ni $93,726.16 as prenentod hy roado nuperintendeni C. E.' "Bud" Snoo. The amnotant incindes $13.,00 mtocb is tu tae borromcd troin Use Imperiai Banh ni Commerce Georgeton, for Use purchane ni a nen rond grader and poid bochi tahUe rmadsl program ta Use ynar 1971 miUs regards ta nprang the rosit ni tir grader over Use yeorn 197f aid 1971. -Learned front vlerh- treasarer Delmar French Use township paid nul a total ni 110,533.80 ta iterest ta 190 mnd tas niresd poid ont a total ni $25,652.88 taM 1970. -Agreed 10 dosate $50 ta Use North Haltan Association for Use Mentaîly Retarded tac Use pear 1970. The Associatin boed mbked voonicil by letter for a donation lomarita their aurctinsamle to tae told ai Use Miltast Agrirniioral Hall Iaturday Griober 31. Froveent ofn the sale are ta tae aied for construction ni a nein 010n s the Asnoviatîon'n ep Ty-eeve Tom Hill piresdd for Use Uscen hour meeting ta Use ahnenve*ni reeve George Currie mho in attending the Casadien Gond Rnads Association Conventios in Ot- Body luIlders Onrtroeead stens sc moka yaarcoraeookhfike tam. Imoochise out dents, castant tepaint- inq Oar speciefep. AUTO BODY 269 MAIN gy. 0702721 MILTON 878-32501 the high scbontu und middle yooingster's education. schonln and recnmmens in- Trustee Liberty Passe ntrumentl music edlucalios nsggmted the courue nhold net courses shmdld tae avallabte lt tacredit courue as itwasmore stodents ta Use middle scboota. ni a social auset Usrast a coceer The report lt Thocsduy'u board aid. meettag sugget middle urboota Conecoed about Use trend tae equlppnd wit a basic set ni toinurdn open cocet roota, board-nmned instruments and Tiustee Dich Goodi affnerd O elluipineni valued ut $3,746 per gengeapbymnsuldtai tanobl tanone 5sool. corner andomunic ta the (lUser, He Tue repr alnugs mvt as advised munir and aboli ofered anaoto agaeieinstruction mere givcn n thUe mdl Ustah nrm aoird conitan. if vloud clasuiroonin, grades 01 d1 acmia even in the open concept classes intore necessary. ctasrOnnS. George Hinnelauder, assitetnt ca-ordinatoir ni creative arta naid AB or neshsng ivitewa toot bad vocal mmiv Fred Armitage hsocbeda stoppai at grade cighi. "Why suggestin Usat maintenance 0cms stan slnging ont abler grade tae cborged ta Use stadens. Mr. e.gto7 Sitogiag ta a God-given Arnaitage seid "if me can't Uslgmhyon nu i," e ld scpronide Itumuents asd cuver boord. on usUs"le odtete vont me stouldo't offer Usem Twmaagrce at aIl." TfuesHug nbr ad Thte Board acceptod Use report Geore eleem supiported Use bot tonh no action aithUe meeting. reconanendatin ni Use courrdll Thte matter mil camne belote Use mnd agrafadtomusic appreriation board mOtai Use oait monUs for alotiet an important port ni a biUsher connideratios. Uotil fortifer direction crmm ta remove eedonht tes Icom all prnperty md ibe marricd on, Ontario Federation of Agri- cotturennmager Jack Hale told a pregathering nf about 30 Holtona County farmers ta Meq lng Comnty Hall, lant We IIda Cniglt.e Mr. Hale told the grnup questionnaires oi be mniled out trimrembers sono,te, aittir opinion about the provincial government's program ni tanr relief f0 farmers and needy pemsioner, amonred lest weeb and whether they o. nh I0 con- tinue supportimg the rampaign by wiUhnlding Use education pnrtion nf Use final instailment ni Useir 1970 tanes. About tino Usirdn of Uhse preent at the meeting indicated Usey are inilling te, continue support. Tnn relief prngram Under Use nen governmest program, a direct payment mili lin mode te, ail ninners of land asnessed for farming eqa to 205 per cent ni tbeir net 1970 peoperty taxen. Onners ni properties of Low Issue Wbile ai teasi Usree ni Use toon's major develnpmentsofn 1970 are cuerently undermay, permit for contruction inued by Use tomn ni Milton during September bit a loin ni $23,440. The largest ni Use live permita ised mas $13,n0o represfenting one remidential expansion. Permits foc constrction valued at $915,440 have been issued SI for itan year in lton. New homes Permîts f or construction valuai at $70.000 mere huuladt during the month nf Septembor in Nassagaineya Township, bringing the total to date in 197f foi $750.090. AIl four permits mere residential mnd trer repreocot n homnes. Coflsta Robert Moreau rejoins Milton Police Confit Robert K. Moreau, a uell koninlocalrmillent itU inneyeacs of enporience on police uorb, ban rejoinai Use Milton Police Departinent. Heinill hoidthe remitof econd Clas Constable. Conut. Moreau bas lived in Milton for Use past 10 yeurs andmintrof tueseperenve in police mnrb bos been in Milton rond Halton County. He iv marîed, han Ibrer children and lices ai 109 Hesiop Rd. -Une Chamnpion cinsosfeds. Dîd youthar atout the goy inbn ed snmucb about Use dangers Of Smohing tbot be gave up reading? The 1971 Capri. A very reasonable $745.00 Théil n ail. for juso $745.00 you gvt o vîocoîîo ooîth a trooh y. 1r Duiol ho oH pqht'. A Sovjool hoody. StrIiojo toloskis. ont.oof polio thato'îtilly v.yv1vovo Ai.d sYtnot, meii. oi y.o ot îv hobhîvps liîî,. But' ohe hvvt thino a7 Moto-Ski Capi hon, vs o price $j fýs 741.00 Dp b An we howyvou We're touqher7ways. SE! TUE COMPLUTE IAMBE OF 1 MOTO-SKI NOIELS N0W ON IISPLAY AT: D & W SNOWMOBILES 34 JOHN ST. MILTON, ONT. lent; thav i acres mont have a grons incarne oi $24000 troin tbe tormnt ni their land t0 be eligible, however. Further, should theland cese toi qaalîfy an tarmland, Use province milI reqoire payment wiUs înterest al an appropriate rate of ail tan reductions granted on Use property for 10 years prereding the date, wben tl cesse;tuoquality asfarmlad. 'Mis provino was incloded lui prevent farmers, obo are fao- Mini land only bwhit in ebeing beldi for opecolativr porposes, troin rceiving relief. Busisnoampagn OFAhbas based itocampaign on Use princîple titat people, ont prnperty heneftt froin education, ibereinre edlucation nbould ta paid for by ton and corporation taxes are tbe metbods by wbirb OFA suggents edorationnnbouldblepeit for. Alttoogli te emphanîeed the decinion on continuation oit tbe campaigo woold ba leit entîrrly op te tbe general membersap, Me. Hale eopressedl tbe opinion Use province itb trovingfar- mers atbone toi sbot ttam sp," by mnnoonring tbe nein tan relief peogeain. *'Innoway desthe gvern meni peoposai anniner tbe problem, aswebhave laidithbeore Usein,' be naîd. HFA preuident illeulen Halton Federation ni Agriculture president enil Laworence expeee tbr opinion edovatin tao se nly the start ot tarmers' probleins. He citai Use peovinve's re.annennment of land ai 10per cent market value as the main problein. A nurlingon fariner pointai out thoeincreane in assessment in Hallon boid bren even greater than the oise in Chingoavousy townoship, wbere reanessment resolled in înduntry paying $000 ]csen itaxesoandf[areand urban homes paying $4,000 more. Mr. Lawnrence alsn presented a fis(Of contiryfermersheonad are mî liîng lin support the OFA PrOgrain on 1971, but for whoin the prograin mas intenduved ton ]ate this yeae. Taxs 'n Bur ington and Oakville are paid in one instalîiment. bie enplaioed, and neyerai Esquesing farmers peud Useir taxes tafore Auguot t on order toi telle advaotage nf a percentage disconot the owship off ors. ta ammwer toi a question iroin Halton County Board nf Edocatn trustee William Lawson atout wbat support Use Fcdeeation couId expect lt receive frnmmunicipal onils, Mr. Hale seul mont ta bod con- tarted, încluding Esquening Couoi,hbadlsaid they mnuid ot 10or t dis trens selling of Propeety il tanin are initbbeld. Possible penalty for tas vviUsholding for a short teri sa tecret vhares ntfr to eceed I per vent per montb. Demoosiraîlos important Mr. Hale stressed Usat farmees Oithhovhog the education portion nI their laves nbould hie sure t eoplaîo inhy bhey are doin, on toi iheir respective Muni cipal cfnrhs. He termed! the miUsbolîling prograin "-a Mettrs of demontrating tu the govero. ment you mean busniness", but added tl mas in o may intended tuhe a pumishment for muncipal nofeil o eou boaeds, Fac. mers in snine munîcîpolîties in Ontaeio bave already initbbeld taxes he saîd. An an example of wbat he valled' a shift fromî hecillesnto rural tonsOhip'" of aiuraîios conts, Me. Ple pointai 'ut six Lamblon Couty faem familles poîd a total of $4.013 in aiucan taxes, an average nf $768 per familywhi le foururbanofamilles in the sainecounty paid $6ont average of nly $192 per fainily. Hoivever, Mr. Hale ivent on tu Say any prnperty owner, tarin rural or urbain vani suppodrt Use OFA cainpaign by miUsbniding taxes. He explaîned the Federatn hopes to achieve elimfination ofaiuation taxes froin ail peoporty, ot junt tarin land. KELLY *PNINUPIBLD AVAILABLE AT IAN 9S GARAGE in90f 00070 OT F onnnY RD. l. 2 3 IORNBY, ONT. 826-3468 ~AILOSP FRUITyj Reulr33 Pg o e FACIAL TISSUE 3 Fr 89'o ChitsBNDIaSl 4 990 PARTOWEL 4 -,o8n Re. foisn rvn oz. o -WHITE BREAD 5 FR -99. "" e- .I1i Pa,» mis 90 Panty Nos. COFFEE ýjIW $1 $ PN linr89 'Gingr B.q Rg. $.19 1. SI an d 0eN $133 ce.o12 709 LB. JAVEX BLEAGI vP.n a9 Frozco Carrator StolevssFam Loo oi Reg. 03c 0e. DAISY IETERIENT L ma Ocoval il 1 2 0SlisRg ame SOAP 37c $1.09 2 Bag3 0 7 T. l 5 LPl 0 B Wl SERVE OHLV nD ORt BLUE ERAND SIF C.oien Eicr.v ColemyovsOocnt pcvkleo oo vîvced lcoVna nalveFRS SUD! BACON COTTAGE ROLLS SIRLOIN 69c 0 Lb. 50 Lb 1-BONE ROUND an HAMBURGER 3 LIOSi 901 STEAK 990b WIENERS PORK LIVER *.AISuS ils FRVU REE VAC PAC450 LI Lsu L5 990 SIDES of BEEF vcs vn Clrsc""" viciSye Frein Lemcor, FR bea ruId GOS UTTIMI BI OATSHILDER lOAST Cu0 AND 59g Lit. -790 av 45~ 390 WRAPPII L Orar. Popper Squash 3 R acnS Green Onions FreS4 no 1eadt RADISHES ik The avadian Champion, Wedye >iPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST O A c niu sc m ag MI