Norwich Plan benefits explained to Rotarians -Thelionefila and possihilities of rmaration Iliat hod luCt rgni eocli oroperty owner uoplemontiog otraoction plan Norwichi Englond. Plans have reqolred ta ossume oheco toc Miltoni domtowo area more ice hemn onderlaken in a relurh Il theiroope detladed 100preontton on the matnher of commonities sternes and pay a per tu mnna Norwich Pna ath otary Canada and in England. rover troc planting, fio Cluh'i weehly meeting lait A filmn on Oie Ningara Falla baskets, flage ami other a wcoh. implementaio ut the lan iniprovotenlo. John R. Broadheod, pointd ut au Il coooiteo Fesive npeniag represeninil oie Norweich Union asu mohsindmond architecte Thie film on the Queon Si flue lasuaonce Society, dclatied more ongogni lu prepare plan s urlo oie orign and operotion oh oie ond co-ordial Oie mark. lThe covcrdi bn Niagara F Norwih Pla tur ornoomo mire oheme10 voonlar ami lru te ProOrm te NorichPla fr dwntwnentre chee s vlunar an ýý:et irstphirm ti Oie Omstivltim e d ar OiecromplollonotieM. Summer revenue Jlm Dllaonllloed the portmditlm Oic plan providec moaiteOie latir a momeOiing p is up at K lsoer an average pince. He pohn ist thp imat Kelheso o Kinsmen AminlofpotentoalKinsmen Claub memes wili lie heîd i Milon Oct. l9 aI the Carocon Reîlarool In ac effort lu rejuvenole the 'luli the Gcurgetuo Kinîmen Clah i ilagpng a dioner meeting cn Milton. Warren MeLAy, a rosneof Mlon and amember ofthe Gorgetown cluh mid the ides of organnngaclubhhee has recmivedmllihusiastic response. Ait ciebcome Mr. McCIat, iaid poteulial mesthers onere melcome la at- tendltinitil meeing Mmnday Oct. I9. Fetiumuhp wilI hegin aI 6.30 pm and dinner wilI folum loleeesled persouiiliuuld cucloc Me. McLay a01078-37170er preendeul of the Georgetuwn Club George BOuen al 077-40M. At on mecotive meeting of Halton Itegion Conservation AaOiority h-Treasurer Man Hatherîey *reported ntamer revenue at Ki .ob besahve average mnd if Oie siing sson hri good w enOier, Oie park should brin in Oie year. Mmohers hoped Ihere woutd ha gond nlaing meother hy ourîy Dermbuer. -Memners larnedOthezîn Monceum property at Kelao tires poliuled and greed lin maurce oh mater must ha proteconi. Plans more mae la lap Oie sprlog lurthor uphiti and seeh a overfoment grant on Oie reslai involved. -lmas Iearucd lin AutheritY han mode us finaol payinenl omi 000 01000 its Timher-.tnrh macine, a lag haulor nsed in buhah rlearing uperatiooi. I-Two govermnent granlumwere * anunred, une for $403,001 for *Scotch Btock Reservoir projet 1ruveriug additional copennos, and une aI $2.00rvcrlng mork aI ICebo. uWrk aothOe Scotch Stock dm d resercoir wms ronning ubout o munth hehind, Mr. Halherîey reporled, mainly duc taahold-up1 ine pie driviog uporotion and adverse weaOicc. pThe rtorwas granled a one monOi extension ou lin runtrarl. p -Theooroun Brce Troti Claub Ioffered la doatei mmre money loard asuinliog Oic AuOiority O parchar mscrrment lands. -A roqocit O eninnd o lime sludge pi ai1an Oahvilie industry Fire provention lesson KITCOORN STAFF al Ontario damouitroind Oie proper wa07t0 Schuul for Oie Deot guI speriol use on extioguiolior and ochich tire salcly instructions bles une lauOse aI certain tlcoco. Taeiday. Firc Chiol A. E. Aliove, mmie proclicul outduur Cleanent mnd LI. Gico Stringer of application. Orloun, lectures on Oie Milton Fiee Deporîmoul the rlassromn.-îI(Saff Photos) Electric heating is made o 0mealiore foc family lice. Ito cleon, its quiet, and room-by-room tempcrate control pots comfort ut yotic fingertips. 00, j MILTON HYDRO& j2HI MAIN ST. E. 878-2345 your Ilydm wns rereived. iThe AuOiority's ongineer han glvmn 10 conditiomal opprovail and memhera doclded la ash tic Ontario Wainr Resourcon Commnission and Oie mtliimoaindlsponal branch ofOie Dopartmont ut Energy and lteoourcon for on opinion. alla lce Inch Reglon report and the tona pruslmlty la the reroolonal ami conservation faclibtlms mut tho inroaed flou, of trattir la tlsese A hrie[ qumstimn and attuser pertil tollumed on coala ami implemontation of Oie plan. Il Are there any Kinsmen in Milton? Kiosmen Club of Georgetowno s hostiug, fre ro f charge, a dinner meeting, o bo helal at the Coravan Restaurant sn the Milton Plaza, Monday October 19, ifî0tf7.00 p.m. AIlleligible mon befween thea0005 a 21 and dli intcresîcl cn re-establishiog a Kinsmen Club of Milton0 arc askcd lu attend. Pleaso cotact W. K. McLay, 878-3717 or George Bowen, $77-d069 on or belore October 19, or show op at the meeting. Introduding al new small cor. '1'ocI ,,cyI,,, o It's fulyOcet.dl he d.hbco,d i0, ot. oing. trotl -n ..y,,I ..k, .dt,idc Th-,,unle ,.,.,ion, Il. ï - uc,-ch ail-ty- , Bl 1bc,',,, Ail i 1, the uPe B..tlOuc ioO89cys dff-n thona i h.,o,, ,cctic ccs big ih Bcet i old A'd oot 60,000 cuyi dfflocev roy the Il co,' 16f-0 c c n9m. A chIc -c cuen. icl 4 - cde s in l.ig..d byPocîchoýc.cmgogc Acc ut Oic oe e mpcttonucdivquecuy, cicis liai ,ugF otcc systcv th.irs hc vrbd l Th, tci e bigg.,.n The front t,.ch isdc W. @ c Fo in 191o y-o in h, csycyl ho, , eic o -co c,,doc dvfoggoc. A shorcoc turcvg fioccîshi, siopeccu togethsc 'csculuticvucy" An, , , isd.,« f,.ckl, h.o, cl.- oone, rouda 'Vcikwaugîc" Va rec A Mus ged Ho duaoo ondayI Rer o roulalu Cali dinner Ce (i to judge was notait the Chamber Commerce e cative Wa Free dinners1 ut f ire bingo Theasnnail Thonhsgiving bin sponsored by Milton Fi Deportment sion held ai tihe fi hall Wedneaday eveoîng. Mo local renidenta corne out On thear loch ai wlnniog elOser chicken or turkey. Chairman of tin evant si Gord Krantz with, Ivan Clorri acting as coller. rTe gro played 50 rounds of the gain 1100 rooodo trocs of charge. Mooey roaed will ho pul fia generis] tond for fBrenen's 19 permlt8 Building inapector To McLcan bannid a tonIa of t building peroditn 10sq township, during the month Septemer. colM h buildings la $151,140. A toinl $141. was rectisvedl in permit