Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1970, p. 11

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Drumquln Jones family enloys reunion lfy Mes. Ccil Fattceson Nortli Trofalgar Sloietteo lielli 66eur wsshly meeting on Monday, Oct. 5 aI Peroy Merry Sdllool, wi66 49 memllers attending. Il wsdecided ta hld a dance an Nov. 131in Milton. mhé commritcee inclode. Ja Jarvis, Betty An Larice, Tllelma Bousîlelil, Hannall Mettana, Joyce Incise, Joy Cole, Betty Wntson, Mnrjorle Mowhray, Ruth Wells. Be.t weigot loaera of the week weeAudrey Broua and Betty Watson. The gift of a pair of pearl earrings nere presented te Mss. Donna Jons, n past meinler 550w living in Steney Cre.ll, te ap- preciatios af ller services as tra srer. Ms. and Mss. Garfield Callisg sotertaised tlle Finnie andl Colling familles at a Thmllsgiviag dinnes on Sanday Oct. tL. Nmarly M0 mere in aI- tendance. Newsmachinse Mss. Donna Jone. and dhildres Jimmny, Tommay and Marlane spent a fen days nith Ms. and Ms. Bain Fi.nie Jr. and family wtele lier hsland Michael te seceiving instruction an operating a sein pateurialsg machline pardllased hy the dalry te Stoney Creell. mhe first ose in Onterio, the machine te mnade in U.S.A. Ms. and Mss. Jones, formerty fILTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB husted oneof the peood the spirit of the f0 competiters.--(Btaff argest tearnamens 0f thse ainan Milten Photo) laterday. Wldle thse grass ina. net it nver damn- )magh Ministry in India topic at fail tea By Mrs. Cecit PaBtersas hooks, lbe in color for meinhers' A deliglstfsi faîl day mith au- record book. n coloris ail arounl ontaidle, A reviem ofthe Rrait meeting on id nsidle Ossagli churcli, floral color shemes, namely, ruoagemente with frsuit and nuite monochromatis. asulagous, ade for a trsly Thasksgising tread, complementery and split- !a. mhe eve.t, arrunged hy complimrentery mere expteined inagl Wassens Mîsaiosary aninguacolorwhel. Memters are ocîety mas held mhuraday Oct. f te find thsee esamples and pst (66 tedie. 4-sm other churclie. thenn i th 6e rerord hooh. Masy ltending. Mss. Cecil Flotemen, ted 66eir ssmple. of huten hole resîdant melcossed the gunste stitchos made. Mss. Patterson nid presided. Mrs. Muriel demonslrated featter stitsSing Ieshart of Clarhson, se- and variations, single, douhleumi ooopasied hy Mss. Margaret Cloudi veruions. Most1 inenser. ,ainhert rendered three ted their material and thrnad a çautilul solos - BIens This got sterted an thonr teable rimner. pose, mhe Lord is my Stepherd Celebrate aaalversary pd Bnautifil Gardes 0f Prayer. Congratulations 10 Mr. ami iMrs. Rbtert Bromaridge in Mss. Clarence Ford, Fifth Usne jodoced the guant speaker. 11ev. inho rerently celehrated their )lm Murray of Knsox durci, 4766 medding anmiverssry. A Ohîl hodte, inhere tie ami lite the home of their son Dr. ami tie tehoreil for many years. He Mss. Douglas Ford and daugliter lped hufdl a leprosy Soupitel Blionda in Orangestille. mheir ýers, sterling 0195 and lnaviog livres other sons, Ms. and Mss. 1964. He gave un otere.ting Jolui FordToronte, Mr. and Mss. count 0f tes Mie mi66 the blacki J. C. Ford, Burnhamthsrpe ople, sssny tinnes seeing no ltoad, and Mr. and Mrs. PuI hile. le. six mondial ut a tutre. Ford, Oulivitie masde a priene- Ogberscharshes tation on Baus spesial occasion. The scripture lesson on mhers artesiglit geandschidren. uanhsgiving ami stemardatep Friends midi 66(0 couple nssny tIoned hy prayer mus given hy more anîversaries. s. Henry Peacorli. Mrs. Velie. Frienda are sorry te e. tha1 orris brnught greetiegs front Mss. Cteyton May te a patient in r association ut Nasaaueya Milten Hospitel, loUomwing a fll ialan tram the Brampton aI lier home on mhursiday aI- vision. Gue.te nere present ternan. We nish lier a apeedy 005 Sheridan, Bethel, Milten recovery. reshyterian, Milton Unsited, Gel vieil nishes te Mss. Eari sa, Bo, Pulermo, Ohviile Galbraith, a patient te Wamen's id Clarlsan. Coilege Hospital, Toronto for Mrs. Robert Marshaillgave the sargery. )urtesse., thoshotg ail for their )ntrihullos te the ufferaoos iomn.Mss. R. Bromaridge am n to d ua ith6e elris orgun. 'Me Ac e t e d r snedidtian mss given Sy Mss. R. iaafler wnch ail adjouned Hulton County Board of the S.S. manons for lunch ami Education accepted the Ione (ltime. A mile 0f homnemade tender of maurlon and Sundern )odie. and garde. produce mas Limited nI Barlioglan ut $237,343 Ild. for thesonstruction of un addition Newsaseanhrs t the West Education Centresin mhe second meeting of Honsy Burlington. uth 4-H clublmas heldtin Onssgh Nine firme isssed bîds and the arnch bassinent os Saterduy lbld came in $2,000 tomer thon et. lB fram, t te 3 p.m. Heidi the estisnuted budget. mhe ad- ah, president led in dition nten complote ii serve 'ting lise 4-H pledge. An- as the nen headqssrters for the rs t ril caln sh ned tht Halton Board. t mambara more planning te mhe non hemdquarters mriSl te e s table rfsmer for learslng locuird on the Guelphi Line in 'Ici article. mcmre sei girte is presently losated gineredai mere nelcamed. ot renteil qnarters on the South e.gidi lsadosessred safficient Service Rd. te Ouhvil. Mrs. Gordon Robineson inho tes teenin a custforahrohen leg for the pust eight neeho, doing nicely. The ast as removed a fen duys ugo. Stnere sympathy i. entendeil te the lumily of the late Mss. Gillies, n ho passedl amuy te Milten hospilal alter a lirief ileso. Greetings Bîsthduy greetings lt Ksîth Seeles, Mss. Caroline Banner, Ken Pentreas, Margaret Kuhiner, Mss. Blan May, Joan Garhomshy, Mary Ruhl and Homard Gill. Wedding anniverour y congratulatios te Ms. ami Mro. W66 iltutt, Ot. 10; Mr. ami Mro. Keith iloo, Oct. 22; Mr. and Mss. Morrte Turses, Ot. 14; Ms. and Ms. Gordon Robinson, 51 heurs o Oct. O5; and Mr. und Msrs. Jin Biss, Ct. 14. of the Fousîli Lins returnel repeiptly frons a Oirse weeli holiday with the lattera parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Hasais of Haisy Hill, Albertu. Mss. Jones' three sisters andl tna faafiers and famille. ail arranged illeis vacation se, they could ".ed it together mith the Jones trami OIntario. I1 mn. a grand famlly reanion nifo 24 passons attendiag for the three weeha. flac parants bave a13 roonnhouse and al hst a wonderftd limre. Du o th6e paar marllet for wheût, many large formo in teat are. are 051 Seing cropped. Weeda ami ankempt tend malle a pitiful siglit. Dessansteatestscsol The Octoller meeting of Percy Merry Home andildliant waa beldi on Thuraday, Oct. f in the auditorium wlt 331in attendunce. Mrs. Aifees McMiBlan, vise- president welcomned tle ment- bes ami presided. J. Kobzey, principal andmisemllers of the staff e.plateed and demnonstratedl the andin tmcing aide an uaed in the sf5001. Five nen mean- llershipa were added, making 57 in ail. mhe informai mseeting naa lleld with the graup seated at innail telles ami tlley e.jQyed coffee wi66 chllnae. crachera ami fruit lray. We are pleaaed te repart that T. A. teslle, SintS Une te con- valescing at lie home following a Hornby Couple entertains German performers By Mss. Ju amildten mhe second meeting of the Hornhy Northi junior 4-H cluh mas heldi at the bomne of Mss. Johni Cosdoogley on Monday, Sept. 28 ut 7 pin. Tono rieur insooers, Vichy Tyner and Lorraline Cooper mess soelcomed te the meeting mtech ina. opesed m66h the 4-H pledge. mhe roBl CaBi. Lsaraing stitchles on articles I have choses and mhy, mu. an- sered hy aIl meinhers. mhe nain or color of the hookis have till sot tee. dhosen. Follomiog the husiness perind the msmtero mere disided into tino groups and the tino leaders ilsstratedl the propar procedure of mateng a hianhet stitdh ansd ose made a sample on material te enter into 66eir pamphlet. mhe sent meeting miBl tie held at the home of Mss. Bnssfield. mhe reporter for this meeting ina Mary Baliher.' Friends in tes district entend fsl insu oishes 10 Dora Me- Carron inho lias tees a patient in the Oakville-Trafalgar Memarial Hospital for the pool Imo meeis. Vaislls Sers Mss. Margaret reanor of Clarson vinited on mhursday wm66 Ms. and Mss. Arthur Plant of the Eiglill tine. mhe officiaI openiog of the pavilion ai the Horsly Parh grill te held os Bunday, Oct. 18, ut 2.30 Ms. and Ms. Kart Steeho of Trafalgar Rfoad cotertaineil 3f memhess of the German Canadian Clsub uit their home on Monday niglit. mhe clubi arrived from, Gersny hy plane on Mosday and illtle in Canada for eîght days. mey grill te performisg ut Hamilton, Toronto, Brampten, OakviBe ami several other tomns. They recently non the Europeun Gold Csp. mIey are ail gaily dressein t their Essopan costumes sod as thins la6teir feastig-time 66ey mîtl chaossa Prince and Princeus ut their Mardi-Gras. Pdewlyweds Congratulations 10 Ms. ami Mss. Peter Mller (ne. Lynda Chamberlan) inho nere married on Satarday, Oct. 10 ut Bethe1 United ChoseS. Mss. Gamset Hamilten, Mss. Tom Honda uand Mss. Jim Hfamilton aBtendeil the Scotchi Blodlk Wommns lattitule dessert lunche.. on mhursday, Oct. f. Followvig the lanchn suchre mss eojoyed hy ail and several a-izenand ludhy dras wiere won. ntay inhoopitel. Mc. ond MsTom Rippoo have sold their home at Gibbhons, Alberta mnd have moved toi VictoriaB.C. Friends in thleores o.iah themn good hnalth i te 6eir anw loctio. Birthday greellags te Craig Morley, Judy Pre.titige, Mss. T. Aldersan ami Karen Bradley. Lois Milis 4-H president The lisI meeting of the Auligrove 4-H Homemaking CluS mlas hld on Saturday, Oct. 10,1in Hillre.t Choirdl. moere veie 24 out of 18 memhers present. Leader for this unit on seedlecraft te Mss. A. Rentear and lies assittnt sa Mss. J. Bird, Resulte of the election of of- llcero are: president, LoisMilu; vice-president, Jean Wilson; secretary, Verna Fisher ; treasurer, Grass Bird; pre.o reporters An. McClure and Lydia Reotesoar; lunch con- veiner, Louise Kiteley. mhe noine, of the cluli and the clvrdesign for the record hooks .nill le chosen nent week. mhe discussion on "Color and color Scheme.' inas led hy Mss. Bird. Mesohers unalysed designs and 66eir oiin clothing for their color schemes. mhe meeting was closedmî66h a lunch provided hy the leaders. OFFERING A COMPLUTE BUILDERS UINE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL OR DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILDER LU MUER PLYWOOD ROOFING SHINGLES MOULDING WALLBOARD ý veyhigA ashA d-arrPrce DOORS WINDOWS LATH INSU LATION PAINT HARDWARE LIME PLASTERINO MATERIALS CEMENT DRAIN TILE FLOOR TILE CLIILING TILE e.TC FO OU SPCA RND.EI TABAR BUILDING SUPPLIES 25 BASELINE RD. MILTON PHONE 878-3263 The Canadjuan Chamvpion, Wedvssday, October 14, 1970 u3 Guyasa, formerly British 152 ysars, hecame independn Gujano a. a British Calasy for on May 26, 1966 KAISER ALINUNIIII SIDhuO ..for the cOrefree beouty of it Evhauoes any homte,old or new stuco,inood fram ortbrick. NItrER NEEDS PAINTING 20YEARGUARANTEE CHOICE OF COLOUBO AeND FINISOIS LOW FACTORT PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS " AIuminum linrs "EM Combination Windows AV "AL *car Ports * Aîuminum Aunings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA NTRE ýN, ONT 1970 TOYOTA NOW IN STOCK Thoe 1971 Topota Corova introduction wau acoaooe JtoJ bp Cadciai, toIntri oes Fioldi5g Liic, distibuter af Toyota aeisin Ca nada. Eaten,veapirstla and imppiaaed te. 19o1ite Cacava is lo-, laoe aodwsaer Pnued by an 1858coveraad camvatcoine rated al 100h.p, thifouraoi, sdaîn ras a cun p e o f 85 , maaO pli, a topseeoaif 105 -h p. Md 0 fes u toto 3 mies et a In. her is a iceo ail p syncoms tor s edlicla, sift S . titîeespeed auoaita smi s iona . Standard aOopviai inloldes intact ulass, froni disc paeeet cr a wic Offrasit and coaviie aapetiug COME IN TODA Y FOR A TEST DRIVE HALTON TOYOTA Division of Haiton Truck Sales (1967) Limit.d HWY 25 JUST NORTH 0F 401 PHONE 87843121 FOOT OF FORSYTHE ST. OAKVILLE 845-0318

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