C6 The Canadisn Chrampion, Wedoes., Sepleveier 16, 1970 JUNHIOR CHAMP la tbe Halton Couoty Junior Ploolaf Match was Harold Merry ofHoroby. Tltree juonureior rserentered in lihe conpelitlon. Thre match nos belld ut tbe farm, of Word Beonnridge, Hornby_ -Staf Photo) Joan Wilson, Ha Merry shore plowIng honors TIse Halton Junior Plowlag ploies, open to beys or girls 14 ta Matchr oas ireld on Saturdoy, If years of age inclusive, as of Sept 12 on lie forme ef Word Nov. 1, 1970. Pirst, Harotd Merry, Brownride e, Seveutr Line, eoaeired iry iris falier SCeili Esqoesing,. Tirere were ris Merry; secund , David Rteid, compelttorn plowlag too plots of concirod iyDgl th iird, lard. Murray =acbnma 1e by bis Tie placlags nere as foitowur lalirer John IBecron. Clans 1. Tractors. motedl Clans 2, hraclora, momed Gillies Hereford 0f Nv1ý1 7fWleroge firatJean ils. by reserve champion SPe'fa n'coaWihauI - G and E Haves =eeatya onielryrs foIe th 2 beir onefiryGra Y' Plcrvrý;b dlrd, Carl ? leveynre ut silon o clair,cooreBert Robertaun. jln Gid resev grand femeall eh e foUls comrpetllion wa, ,~i os A. Brunton of Tara. Natinol xirbilion liait vieiî. The Hereford wuo eotered in lihe Ceotenoil Plus Ten Coin- petition. Tris cosopetilion la go mtlied irecause 1970 is 110 years after tire arriva 0f tire first Ilerefords in Canada. 1 eampîon / Faim Page ONLY GIRL IN THE COMPETITON, Jean Wilson Jeun compelied aguimsttwo otber senior boys for the niLHory mptred tb e ne cbmimi talr itie. Sire was coacired by berlfatier Spencer Wilson Hatn ony Junio Plowo ian thody. l ie event.-tSlaff Phroto) Wii attend conference fo be held in Tire Riosi quis nlgbt for Helon 4-H memberu was beldi on Wedssesday, Sept. 9. Tire main- bers nere requiced te, sente a linal qui inoeorirof lire dlb lirey partlcipatedla ib tis year. Pollowing tire qulu Keitir Aitben, Acton, guve a short talir on lire trp ire mode 10 Alirerta liti. .uonr. He was setected iry lise Rural Leacoing Associalion la spend a fese days in lire Goldeye Labo Tramaig Centre Ohio seor lRed Deer, Alberta, and the remamnder of tire lime on a facm. Jobe Norse tben gave a talit on the 4-H Leadershrip Conference ire otlended la Guelphr Ibis sommer. He strmsseildlits conferen la the mont vatuable aword a 4-H memirer cootd unlain. At lie Leadersip Confereoce Jobo ie selected to attend lie A.l.C (Amecican Institote of Co- operaion) ireldla inuho. lioli members spoire oieil of their trips. Three attend conference Tire staton Juoiors sent tirree detegates to lire Junior Former Leadersip Troiniog Camp aittre Y.M.C.A. Conference Centre ot Geneva Parkr on Lobe Coociciring. Lois Hooter, George Hendersoo and Rae Swociraner rre~ attre camp frmi Sept 7to Sept. 14 along wit somne 87 otirer delegutes mnd 15 staff memirers. Area horses Achievement day field recently Wifl af CNE Thre Acieveont Day for lie Halton 4-H Conservation Club wasireld onoTesday, Sept. 8ina lieMitoAn Agricultrala office. For lierAi eot Day recir of the elgbt membero terte Jr. Farmer raiffle Haiton Junior Parmers are planning a raffle agala tinis yeor. Tirhserüs to bie o imosinoie and Thilr.fe draw witt be mode la December and tickets oW lbe on suie ut tbe couty fat fairs. friey oere very sorcessful oli their raffle lsst ymar and w ablte to diaille la eorma 0of 8M1 10 lie Milton District Hospital for lie purcirase of a Sird Respirator. It La bnped they con lea s sSccesnful agala. required ogive an oralaccont 0f the project they lad un- dertabenuand a written accoont ut it. The members ait did on ex- celient job, oli many of lieca usng visuet aido la tbeir oral preseotations. Last phase Tis wos the lest pirase of tire clair olie lton to vente a finat quis. It was a very lateresting yeor. The members planned, orgonroed and carvied out aut lireir meetings and toors for tire yeor. fhir tours rncluded lie irilton sewage plant, Moonlaberg Game Parso, Crooford's Lakre mnd Nelson Cruuired Stone. Tire members irope to re- organiue lie club in eacly November and carry on lirroogr lie wnster montra. Every 15 minutes cn tis vaeion, o cid sa aceîdentally poined. Every fivenminutes, a leld is seedlenoly enjured. Tirree irorses owned iry residents of Halton Coanty captured top ironorn ut tire Canadion National Exiribition Western Horse Sirow on Sept. 5. Wumer of lie Open Trail Clans oas Lau Cedar, owned iry Tom Cireris o0f Qairville. Miss M0 Swen, onned iry Roy and Joon lomon of Georgetown placed firat in lac Open Ladies Pleasore Class, while the Open Pickr-up was non iry tqeery Brown owned iry Juhn Royle of Freeltot. NUFFIELD Diesel Tractor SALES & SERVICE SWANSTON FilM MOMENT R. R. 3, ROCKWOOO 856l-512 W. stock a full lino of *e MASTER FEED S FEDMSE O EUT HTCUT Time f0 fake s-oi samples Note is the trne tu taire soit =samptr to determine fertiliser sdoforcrops lo be pianted riei sping. In receot years more farmersbhave bisan applying tbeir pbospborus and potassium reqoiremento in tIhe failt b save lime dorlng thse bosy spring. Research has shosen tbat piroopiorus and potassium are oie stable in the soilolver winter wlih minimum of fertilizer loao. Nitrogre, on lise otlser hand, wilien applied in the fali ia leacsed readily. Nitrogen sbould lirerefore flot bie applied onlil spring. Areas of hmavy rrm.off and wasb.oot sirould be avolded for fait fertilization siore ait nobrientooboofg wilb soil parlicles can lie moved by large volumms of woler. letter lafait Farmers olten fid Ibat fer- tlIzer suppliera con give better service in lire fait wben the demaod for fertiliser and fer- Muisier spreading equipmmnt la no1 80 great. Soil nomple boxes and o pction fortes are avaib e fromyoor nearest Ontario Departmeot of Agricuirire M Food office. You Cà##be Assured of Fast Dependable Automatic Delivery of BULK_ PROPANE for your GRAIN DRYING NEEDS cail Town & Country 878-2391 jCt-OP PROPANE DEcm, UNITED CO OPERATIVES O OrNTARIO, phles9 8t2 04-7370 Addfe ..... ... ........ .... prue L== Town & Country PACKING A FIJRROW la David Reid of M»lOn. David wus ose of i competilors la tbe Hallon Junior Plowlag Matchr on Satorday, beld at Milton Georgetowen lire formi of Word Brossoridge, ser Hornby.--(Staff Phsoto) 878-2391 877-2271j Suffocation fotalities amoof omotirerif in ireds or crailles, ssdy010retsSciuhalerevOY infanto, geoerally doe t0 accoooted for 64.1 per cent of ail rcgsefitotioo of food or suffocation dmto. 1~ PREMIE rucosS TWE livel 0" mit thor Di Bi Fd% Hall Edu Oak witi cou Sm N ýut of t -M