I Preserve aur frai! A nese fhreat lu the solitude of the Bruce Trail and the saîldarnesa Is posed by varlous mechanical contrivances nnw being used as "spart" vehicies. . . snowmobiies, dune buggies, smamp buggies, huvercraft, trail bikes and mini- bikes. Thase marvels of modemn Seehtolugy ettable Shosa type sahu once spesaf Sheir aseakeada slumped bafore the bmnb-tube tu loin the dedicated hikers and nature-loyers on ftha trail. lS's s shame, bacanse the frail was ,ade Sur walkIag ad is deflnitely noS the place for muturlzed vehicles 50 be roarlng around. These mechanicai Soya do consfîtute, a real Shresf So ftha future of She frail and ifs eajoyment by the miliases. According Su, a receat Bruce Trail neutalatter, evidance of snsamubiles Is cum- muaplase n areas shere tha trail is of sufficent widfh. Bach spring te Toronto club lwhich luuks aflar the trail locally befuneen Kelsu and Terra Cotta bas So send ouf s mark parfy Su reair fammers' tances which have been rufhlessly eut during the sinter joyriding montha. "Presumnably s pair ot teuce cuters is standard equtp- ment wlfh sauw vehicles. Do ynu suppuse they are included wifh fhe price, mucla the way a humper jatk is with an autumobilie?" usks utrle disgrunfird Bruce Traiter. Snommubiles have severely damaged nonne Iaboriuusly bulf utuoden steps sp fthe sîde ut a steep bank la the Caledun His ares and aS Beaver Valley, where trail enthusiasts bulit an uveraight sheffer, hikers have offert made their may there tu tind it uecuplmd by parties ut sasasmubilers uthu monupulize it for the entîre weekead. The iist ut Incidents goes mn aad un. la the meantime there Is s puaslbly blgger threat to fral hikers-the use ut motur bîkes un thetrail. We knout thîs is true In the Milton area, tram personal au- perlence. Tutice uthi le enjuying tsmily walks on the Bruce Trail me have bn forced f0 leap out ut the way and make rnom for miai-bikes piluted by thrili.seeklng youngsters. One manufacturer aduertises hîs motur bike wiii "go anymbere you can walk" sahîle another modal described as "Canadas Roar Machine" advlses potential boyers Su, "hit the ruar pafh." Ever sioce the Bruce Trail utas opened 10 years agn we have been eacooraged by the enormus grumth ut interest In hikiag, flot uaiy in the etcarpment area ut Ontarin but ail serons North America. Me had dared to hrope Shat Canadiens might bu en- cuursged ta develop some ut the vignr, stamina and muscle fane admired in maay Europeas. Me suppuse if mas inevitabie Shaf when wslking trails were finaiiy built tn Canada, the resourcetul types wuud soon deveiop machines capable of driving mn them. We have nu quarrel mith saoutmobiles and mini-bikes, in their place. But Shair place is detiaitely NOT on the Bruce Trail. Letas save the trail for Shuse hardy waîbers uthu eajoy commuaiag with nature and get- fing their enercise mn trails far tramn the div of urban living and ruar uftShe trsttic, -Towa elerb Jaeb MeGeaehie reeeived an expre sive lapet badge wbea be rarsstty attaaded a CORDC Cunlereare un tho Toeuatu-Centred Regisa repart. If mouln't du mseb tur nne'n ego, tuugb. He a labelled as hoiig front te Tomn of Nuoin. Thisa, after theow aofu MiIltun bad been left off a nsmhor of maps on te propoai, la perhapa ironie enougb tu mabe locat politicenmmunder il tey realy do huit frout te centre ut Nstion. -Ths chaemun ut te ionno 1h51 Parks Board, oed Coffusun utan hocb la toma eeceatty. He bad spent ahout a yeae and a hall in San Fraeiseoand lanownin San Diego mit las famity. oed rememhored te toma fondty and it mat fun hringing him up au data un toaa changes ut tho parla aystam autre ta tatI lama. Heas linding Ste in tho U.S. pila enjoyabte deapila ose freqsest runding of troubled tinss la the country. lantarasting la are a neut community la a barat ut blinil lsry, I mtade uty mite ge fufihor tait and gouwîtbme on oir Big 1Trip, in te test uteeb ut hobidayn Il bad starteil out, hocb la May, un a teisnrety trlp lu tho British Inles. Il abrunk liho a domager on a crash dtet. Thare man no format opposition, lust a lut ut hte femutute tricks, snething Shke tho Chirtesa natar larture. Drop alter drop. Insumis, notlaug tu mmcr, cun't aBford tl, uthoSl rut te lama, absolutly must bave te sa-s-ons for a weehenil. Yuu bnow tho gannut. By nsid-July lt a oa trlp arun Canada, wt a trailer. Loblaf up frenils and relatives, nut driving lau for ut a day,en joying te camaraderie ut tho traiter camp. By mid-Augst, it ma a mad dash la the Maritimes. Sut Kims waa hume and, "We caa'ttleavethatne" (and siteaddn't want c o lgo wit us, altejuthaing eenSthee) Wel,nppitmitbais'tsseh use. WelutaSly made il. t.eft ou Thusday afleroon, and guI home Sunday eveautg. Huma' tat lue a Big Tnip? Homever, perbapn tl wun morth esihafg for ail aummer. It nan differeut. We hougbt Jim's Jottings by jin dilIl f choral group baing taunchod. There are sasse gund ningeen around lama and arun and t hope tbay can co-uperate tue susse enjuyabte limes. Tho group la balaf bachot by te Rtary Ctub aflar urveying susse ut te armas uhere community inlarest migbt enlat la peogeamas nut aleeady organized. The Musicat Society, la la hoped, may evealaaily ho te nuctes aeound uthica ter musical lalarest night centre. -'veltaed somuchabout Ptan and lis punsibilitlen tue Main St. tat I basilata la me hot tho Cbatnber ut Cunsuere dioner meeting lue laigbt hu ter enptanaliun la te furin mosld betp toe inteeested ctearee paclare ut te cuace derstand aS are wetcusse. [garald Spice a Cotlnaan slave, an ne plamnei la coula along the ay. Anyone interestedlinabeund- nwColeman slave tat hat navaraeven beau Sat? And, aI course, me hosght foot here and tera, la cuub un ue neut alase. Acriveil humae math Peu hoga hunes of geuceree. t twarIhail 12meats la a rom ut haon andl eggs and ean.Nomeanflare. Butma've still (ut tutu meela' suppty. Wa lunt deuva untal me f att tiba stupplag. North and north. And we wund up pendag a coupleaofdayautna cabla onua la and tuving ta. i man a mandoma, otd-laslaunai tolurlat resara. me gat une of te detane cabans. No taS-ýhops, nu hrundloom, nu TV, but a ment -Thereas heen a good deat ut erîbelauti ahoot tho Main St. reconstruction prograsa. Nu doubt sasse la iustMied, hut t lad notice te sli'eet mat aS auefaced la tinse for the arrivai of Sleam-Era andl t th tut denervea asne commendation. Mmnd yuu t dido't hese aay, hut I have nu douht the criticismn would have baen enorutous il the s deadlne hadn'tbaen met. That'n the utaymwe are, ofcure -The Staam-Era cromd ma an ut- lareaMig osa. Peuple came front othor t te Norwiceh provutces and rout the U.S. They mere un enbaarud youing undl eaealad, otd and reniscent. allon if mare, Tbey came la lama ordeeiy and nithout e ho at pa bffle jatts sud tey tata the saute may. i rvd hte ley mere gund viailara andi lalrenlate of afilm. l people.IltutasncelauhaveStem. la geMtng a pa, and I un- -Nent la's the Milton PuSl Fate on Sep- lambar 25 and 2t uthen frienda miSl ueet, hopefulty under pleununt skien. Evenutgs mare luat as paradinical. Camptice matil nsidnight, tan utto te hua it te bte fat atuve spotelag cutily, a savet, a nlujalaap, aad nu phone ehagieg or car dour atammingtu laudicala caSlera. We had a speciat treat on Friday night, mhon the proprielars held adance. The ock band made the ailcoad trainundtihea mutedislper. Wa dida't go la te dune, hout iltean jut iSte home, uthan Kims bat a record on. But adytia musa enil. Thted uaocnutg, wok taaild wad, adrving ra!Jtcooag la arouad the front iloor, and te muent staren aI tho sutmer iul fhght. Drave the long may hume la cala thot mas morse thn ahblizzard, wathnundy mron ladl-galtg, cuttutg la, panslag on cornera und blls aLd oser the white hua, uthen you costlan't sec the front ut yoîu' case Shahy. Tlabtgn iadat lauprove. They tunt gut hoeb la normal. Daarovered iluughlar engageil la flae yoong chap utha had tutu manta. ULatraSy. t lanout t'a bard o hehieve la tla affluent aga, hut ha hait tmu (2) rents caah uthea ha peoposeal. mathesaut, mit rsnulag matar. la tact, the mater mat ruuulag aS uver te fluor, tramt a leab or something, uthos me ceeeed in. Strungely, my mite ovot te place. At home, she's a paycbotic esptleruof asbtrays, ameepue ut flunra antd ssaber ut beda. Atth cahut, aite cheerflly malkot aroamd la gela up tutho aobdes, andaelaatily chsebled eben te Trans-Canada train ment by ttes or foue ttumea a day, muebing the cabin Rie a cradle. For a couple of days me furgot ahout pollution and population-explosion and eter aucla poppycarb. Il mas eugb la mrencb te ilour open, loah at tat great, ieant labe 20 yards amay and monder uthat te rich peuple mare dolag. Sunnhloae and saad and bacon andl eggs and has. .......... . .............. ...... ....... .......... . . ...... ........ M ........... The plane trip tuand from Petwir Alrport la Orotland wan jont une htghlight ut ur fanaltyn holiday jaunitu lte British fles titis smmer.t1ecutd probahty devote a couple ut cohossas ta ose renlad car and the narrout, wlndlng ronds in that country. Let me esplaut first ut aS, tat tl WAS a family holiday-I didn't go tere for the =sp 0 piarpone ut gatering story or enas tlrlal altough t dld tahe a tee notan here and tere. My wite's parents Mr. and Mes. Jack Dobes ut Meadowhrook Or. were planning a trip overseas and tey invitad Dueuthea, Kathryn, Chritine and t la aeensspany tem. For te Senst eight ilsys ne toured Oeotland, thon taaded for Engtund for oine dayn (ineluding five in sutlnglut London) and nient relarned la Seottand for our final fnnr days. Wu mure waenily weteomed hy reltivs inaeotland and England and it mas a grand maunioc for Mms. Dnbes-her Senst trip hoek au Seotland aine sta rame la Canada 40 yearn ugo. Our5 travel lob te six ut un ross Praîtwtek tu Ayr, Glaguw, Locb Lumond, 00 PeSt Aberdeen, te nOteen Part Ot - Smutlad,' EdJssbargh, dumn the west ruaît ut Esaglasal tlruugh Laneasthire tu Wiltshire, 5 alnng the suthen cusaitul Soutamptun, sp ta London, lesp tho eastsaide andhacklta Elanburgh hofore besdiug hoek la the - aepuet tue te rehun fligls bose If mas easylao f ail la fore wlsb SOtlaud'n aemise ehormn-te quaint Uile villages, lte eflllaf farrssgads, the heather-toItped mISatISUs, te tueks and tans <laItes and nmntlaa, nId stone housse, ecattas and te del*gataul hobbies whu were snee la [ <Ç Down [s] in this Corner w itl roy dowosJ laaty la stop andl direct somne bamildee taurasta arounil teir cities. Practically every hume han a liMUe gardon aut front and te flumers are canatuy landeil. It dida't seut la mailer ta saute humes only hoil a stria ut tront yard tutu test aile anil 1f test long-itmwanhflofflmans any'uay. Englanils nuethocnanmd central in- iltstrialt lama meren't qsita su imprasuiva, bat me toveil te seaside resarf arma, mspecialy la te aout alang te Enghah Ctanel. Grea Seitaut as atespedin l centuries ut blatury. une Canadians mho Ihinb; nometlaog la otdatt100or 20year, gta reallsan la blsfocy as me laset ancient public bildings andl casSles mlaeb go hoeb ttu or 1,000 peurs. Edistbumgh Caste, tue istance, datea hba uear 40 A.D. sîtasgh Osa aIdest building lasîde the caatle suaS, a chapat, mas buitt ast reeaty-1tg. dAd la Londonmwe aaaiesuftheu Rumas Wuall taila ain la0 to4f A.D. It laook usamltuacatchnadivaguon te lat aide ut tho muad, of mours, and shilling gears mit te lefI band imstead ut te rigla. The six ot at, plus Oive big plaees ut lsggage andl about algt hadhogs menu erasssed lala a tour cyllader Vaatbafl station wagon but averyhodyovee Ghene tapa suylag uthat s laes "big" con me bild. Most ofthe roada are narom, jut liae tecars, andil oS u ies. Tbay dun't banild shouldara an tair runda, tey put op a liMte alane mail about Mwo test amay frum the pavement la baep cars astut oftammers' balla. Every teutmilesaor sau'lconne la a "tay-by" mhere yuu can pull off te manil la check your rundmap or aslle yase narves batora beadlag ut agmun. une almove oaa mhate day ut saute ut Seullandas secoadany lagbmnys mbenu the langeatnstneach of "straigbt" rosil mat about a quanter mlle la laetb. and me came up uth te impression thot Seottlab enginsers get extra paytfor psthag lala ut cornes in the munda. About ttes camaes pan mile mas averate. But sumessa palatel uS to us the country mat su amall, thoy just estilda't spanu any more produetive land tor nunda- un it la, ne nundsanmd duutelopment unI up teequilvaent ofambhol canmty ofland eacb peur. lthougb thoy beep te mars smail la matcha te noada, mmlt ltrck la Great Mritais are lIse sasse aise stur trush ene in Canada. sahleb mas tue sUme la- tareahang drislag uthan yuu're laurlag the rural armas un tase nareon rada. Truck and bat drivers gleefloy rune arounil enaves miala une theslt Mo test user the mhite nue, aeemiugly dsrutg te car drivera la get out oftici runitor basquashait. We mat one ut tuos typas un a nro curveonSthe oad boritarag the scenîc Luca tumuail and it mas nuddanty a case ut laI- hung hIm or te slave mail uthac mat huila au precaraouaty close la ue sîdc ut the pavement. Wa chose the maSl and endeil se mt a MI scrape dama te tata site of the Yet cuntrashung mita the quant UtiMa mountry roadu ara te big nan Mularmays tey arehbuilding aS over the country. Thesa mulamaaya renamble aur Ibghmay 40saundl 401 except tey are ail tee lunes mite, the opeail linot la 70 for etaerybody, andl the motian stripa are unly ahout 10 test mute and levaI wat te pavement. Il's a gond utay la make lime tf yuu're la a hurry la get from place la place hut they'ra sot an noeatc as te nural roado. Neat meuh. Cbimauy pots, castlea, moabay business, bail and breaat, but laus, Landonas uealara, dicty dugs, liqitor lama andl paollun. Philosobits ny Edith Shsrpe Fait and tear are merely tutu maya ut tinblng, ech mestbasenme power. Thene ns nu reat sccessnlithouabhap- planas, nu hopplnesa mithut peace and su peaca withut spirituel seaseity. MILTON FR00 THE AIR-The south-east section of Milton ls shown un tltls picture frout a heticopter. Grace Anglican Qturchia l recognizable ut te foregrotati ehite it te backtground, Ontario Schoot for the Deafos compten of buildings sprautto easterty front Ontario St. -Photo hy PhtS Agguui MUON ON TARIO,1 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1970 T55IRD SECTION ~f1UU~nOU Editorial Page Editorial notes Milton cao ha prud ut lis aine year record in the field ut pedestrian safty. The Sosan receised an award f rom Hamilton Automobile Club last wsak for aine years mithu a pedestrian SaSaliiy. The oiy other communify Sul receive such an autard was Stoney Creek and we hear Shat Sawe won't be eligibie fora it year award veut year because if recently had a pedestrian killeil. If Milton cao continue ifs pedestrian satety program tShe Sumn couid ha singied ouf for a tatality-trsa decIde this fitre, neuf year. Let's ail mork Su maintain the record. Septembh trasts in M andl cool n days ut rais and sunshine are noS the uniy contrasts. There's the change Srumn sommer huiidays Su back-Su sehoul routines. Sep- Seuther's the month the grass gefs green again aSter o dry summer when if mas mare bromn Shan green. if's Steaut Ors fine and Milton Full Pair fine once mure and the monfh unhen mosf organizationai activity resumes aSter a sommer recess. And if's the last month you can Sake a meek's holilsys mit h hopes ut catching sonne gmnd meather. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 25 and + + + 26. This year's 1121h annuai adition uftfhe fair promises fo top ai er is a month oS con- presiuus tairs in auhibits and aS- lifon. The marm days fendance. Meet your friands aS ights and aitarnating Milton Fuir. î;S Pages of the Past j'4'~uRi ~ feout champion files J 20 years ago 'Caban from te issue of The Cunaitiaa Champion, 'flassday, Sept. 14, 1950. flue trouble math the Nehaon township arlanol huard continues ti nuela user the closure oftee rural scbels. Last eek20 youagslars attendait sehutla insupport of teir teachac Mes. Hatal Leslie, thu hait taught ut tint sebuot for aigbt yaes. Thanday, humaver te lam endeil as Mr. Lanhie closel te ncbnol, surine te chairs mare tuu bigtfor techitdren andauot guuttor tem, Malaoria R. Bucb ut R.R. 6 Milton, dauglalar ut Mr. anit Mes, E.' R. Buck recaatly mua $250 ncbotarahip tor the acaduc yese of 1551 Ion bar utorh ut Nelaon District Hligla School. Fise hoadreit unit nventy colas ut corn us te tuS aller a caoamunity cary ruat spesrel hy te Hornby BaS Club betld on Augunt 24. About 150 tramt the district mare tea. 50 years ago Taban fruna te issue on flac Canadien Champion, Tbaraitay, Septembar 16, 1920. Dsu'utg tasa Sacuday aflaernon'n slarm, lighlaing atrucb te itmeStag ut J. Hl. Toc- ver, tnt Lana Trafalgar, near Milton. ta enlareit at amI neei te chimney unit tore up teflunrang. Hla tmo daugatams bail a sureout escape. Tbey mare nsunual but suon recoverel. Ahout $100 repaie ahostit cuver te datmage ta te hanse. The laina cototnttee un te prupased Milton andt foue townshipa sutitra' monument, la ho erectein l Milton, met at te lama hanl un Tnesday evenlag. Membara uthu hait ispucteit the monumenta elaumbure mupurlait on designs and es- panttilre. Na dathoita objective mas amel, butl$10,0t0 mas saggested. Millan milI ho eanassed ta maise suss ut te ssunay. 100 years ago Tabua frun te issue af Tite Canadien Champion, Thoraday, Sept. 15, 187a Tubes frmn te issue ut The anadian Champion, Tbussiay, Septesahor 15,1tO7t Milton council mat ou Monday aveatof. F. J. Janas mas appalatail cuttector uftlaites for te camrent ya. The veut fifay cent couts have battus la caccolala lresly trooghuut te cites, bat hase nul utade tete appearance la any quostitie ut te country. On une side ut the cout la a seat mreath ut maptu teavua au- cloutg te morts "50 renta, 1870", andt a flua.Th ater hoara the inapraun ut the Queen's vignette, seruding mlaeh are the msritn "Victoria Dat Gratte Regina Canada". ......... .