88 The Cueudusn Champipu, Wens, Septeri A6 1970 Barbecue, corn roost promo te e 9' OPtA7 Young sud old ubfûte core out 10 o "pick pour on" supper fonuutlCudle Fur7 on lgmy li,ýR.R Mtoo. Soue. 10 jeaus, alfora 10 nuits, bond pickrd oser 75 cube ut coco und nornrono buebelo of uppres. Sixty t0 70 prous and fuenily mecobere uttrodrd foc ootiog, micb ended witb u steak bus- becur sud coco rosat. Frrek air, fu und tiutlity upps ore foc coneptu of fois Pick-Your-Owo fra. Heme peoplr selfect forer on ppces, wbicb meuno tbut fh o bugeoy tukr bomre contain foc beot f rom top t0 battomt. WLfo tis concept for conumeor uvuide muete und savnit moue>'. Luoing urouud ibis pick-pour- owe foln pou'l f Lod ou ucres ut dwurf upple toccu, nu kigber fosu six or eeen fmt tatl. Tesedwusf tomes suoke for coup pickng us coco tbe smollent cbildrro cou pick irons bottons brancbns. "Tbr sborter foc fre, tbe nsore uppes et produce" oupo omnnr Tons Chudleegb. Mrs. Cbudlrigk'e 1010cr Eric eturtrd t0 grom dmurf upple tracts in 1939 n s e ront in Dixie. H1e experiseolrd, Lnsportedl qulit>' toeosfrusu Europe,uand begou foc deselopsucot ut todupos beel surintis. Bp 1955 fois koomng bissm bud eepuanded und foc Cbudleigb fuosel> nus frmad te muse t0 Milton. In 1903 Toin Cbudleig b grudoutd irons tbe Unisereity' of Guelpb wofo hie .S.A. degree sud in foc saine peur came into foc bumies. "Peopleuare uouured uppins use uithfo parukt ut tbeu' muturit>' brrr, euid Tom. "Defferent comitien ure peckcd ou diffamrit dupe. I bbce to tbisk ufth foapple s u upoge. NuArs tbe leavs Soy and Photos by Jaet Brida Le picked tetore ibie lime con- taionl uni t 1 70 per sent oftho full sogus content," tc cold. "Wtt> mmeld pel cool 10 pick suopeleZ mt ttyr freing ta1 fo Id l te Our concept. Wen the puiblie peck teir own foc>' use assurcdt ut finr quali>' upplîe." Eses>' uttempt Le mode 10 gel oppîns maurisg ut dittessut EATtNG AROUNU foceoteple is six-yeus-otd Krtty restos ut llurlugtus. Kellyusnd hs purens cameo.ut tacnîoyoanuotrsoos et opple pickisg and o sInuk bar- tecue ut foc Cbodleegh fuser aluf Meltun, Sundo'. bones un for Cbudicigb tes.i fe Mctntonb grup are piskcd n Sept. 18; Conrtluod Sept. 25; Rcd Deliceos, Oct. 3; sud Nortbece fo>', lueut und Ooldsn Delisios on Oct. 10. Apple pLskr ure toasporttd 10 foc pLîtoof sits ou bu magons oir foc nauere lover cunt mufo t0 the eito, mbick Lu muskcd b>' a bcaliom bulluon 'f peuple don't tousel t10the site un the wugone, me fisd foc>' get bls ued muoder aui oser foc ocbu louking for foc piskiog eLte. Tbis mu', u beium bulloun supeneded in foc air Le rauil eaine und ges foom the gorerul direction t0 tullom, nuid Tomn. AUi upplen are picked in boIt ]aleaita bago mtocb maibe Lt boedp tus surryLug foc luud. PrLsr par bug nls listaid n o bulletin bourd jouI inuide foc gutre ut tt os Dut. sud typue.7 ut uppîco tcing pictcd oIns upprur n foc board. Tom CbudlcLgb udnse b dueso't do mucb eeperimnseteg mifo ne susielico on lin uwn. "Wr don't buse eeougb eqnip- meut brr 10 do murS ru- prrisemting. Prtming toe coit recuit is u certain ounout ut peroul enprrientatioe, but mefo auS for modern remm sud tecbiques todu>', t et for guseremeet du tbe es- perimnting," be laugtcd. The trees and 10cir fruitbhave lu te eertured sud profrcted ta sope mwifo foc mue> natoul eseouis euck us mede, bligbt and froot. flre use prud durisgbturcb sud April; epruped 10 protect ironsL nix kîmiobr dnrisg Mu>' sud Joue; und reguturlp epirual mLfo pbosphate sbemiculu uti fhougb the ournimer muefon to mord off isect. 10 total foc ocbrdo use opruped 12 t0 15 tionco foroughtut for somsmer. WATCHING AND SAMPIN fres onS eonfohe oS cosn undiS cl rasied, pplcnickeup uusesn thc use Tons Chuodieght Lus mdc Caoo and Mice agenda. Mr and Mrn Cbudlegh oemnthePic-Yous- Ruegr o ilton. Escrn ou egefosr OS p fos t e wftansu R. R. 3 Milton.-(taffhto) Seat boUts reduce collision inluries Seul kelto are cretlited b Milton Police wt soCetg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodn et St. drotb, uiittho> er ere vlnd ina un obnenî Seud-un colleiin Sauedu>'authtcorneretf Otareo St. und Uers> Rd. A car drisen Sp t7-t'cr-eld Rauymond Mitcheille ofBrlno cofoidcs mifo the Woods culuicle. The 05. Cafoarinsecuple cern lohen t0 Milton District Hospital sud lotos rclcoucd. Ms. Woods mon troutes tu fcial isjuries, B mile tursetomurS pains. Dusuagen lu SotS vehidles totalleid $1,000. a -S A ttca cosion Moulu>' un f 0 Mortn St. mmit ut Bae Lie Rd.e'.'i monalai uieostigulnd Sp Miton Polise. A cor drisen Sp Willioam r"'" Orien, tloskmoud, cnocd cifo auncbirle disee bHnsnen , Do-'... 'l ut Coolt Si. Dansuge lu fothesr4 t ,. O'Brien sur con etenatod ut $»u; $MSta1 the Hontsue ar. The misocuaccidentsomcre 1, Mouc reportod. Damaens tetallIrd Conada'u lasgeetesangleteertigo Nk «> heti nineteen-sevent) invnttaBsutilieueghtoand .,, Fumer Company', uchiesed anet incareof $36 mllion in 196,- 8 I, second ighest in tte bLuter>' Brzl h ol' ags MILMES SUI oranges, peneoppîco, risc, *on uelph Lm apmlil "The sprape arr poisonusu but suly foc a ebort pcrLod 0f tise, suid Tomn. "dOter tbrrr t0 fisc dupe foc uppres ru e bsly Beeinsseut the Ckudlrigb fursu 10 boumittg ut tbis timre, ut yeti. People for milces urud come out foc o foindu' utternoun outing lu pick foc "10n neusue uppces. tant peur touffi s ue ou eus> I had to bure u police off icor t0 direct touffis," oued Tons. For utoring uppces, Tom Choudieigb urges erpe 10 korp for fruit ut u 35 def ccc tain- peroînre. Fuiling foie un asen lemperaure ut 40 t0 50 degrens miii du. "Neyer lcI foc tain- peruture fluctouaissol musc fosu 10 degrece or the condition uftho uppres will bie uftrcted." Eucb peur foucndu ut ncm toe are produscd on focfers. These tomies are old t0 urcburdu ucrai Canadu in rurl>' opriog. Tbe Cbudligb turta offeru o susictpu o8tore lu cbunse tront. flre cont be percbuted irons for fers in Aprit sud rurly Mu>' oust in tinse foc eprisg ptoetLug. Acide frusu upplen, tbe Cbudileigk fursu allai producs nîber fruit and segetubîco. Tumutu and peure arr out tmu ufthfo mourri "TOce peso pour omun concept Lu becomieg more and more mLdereud", said Tom. "Ibis curet opplien to segetakes." PICKINO IS A FAMILY AFFAtR fos Visco Devist and bis tous dougittere. The Desilto jeisnd eomecuou ofoer fomilles al foc CbudieigS bortesue sud pisk-ponc'umn upple outiog Suedop. About 70 peuple ultened the esent.-(Stutf Photo) Ifrultt Unit seqoiremrntu for Eden Punit Subivision proposaid ut Eden MOisl drer lthe ire of Counscillor Alun Atkmun ut Nuugwy Toenbp Cooni meeting Moseduy.7 "Virnully lthe relire village of Eden MOis 1000n rosit. If six fort nf soil 10 rcqnlrcd ove lthe rock eotiig mould buha e b u hlt thite e",b declored. Syssen "arebsil" "Wby do mie *reotiet Oer tlloleng t0 ursltuie cystenu. There ure synîrsus wii eliminute sevruge. Wtey ussu't fttee beisg soosldcrcd?" The conicillor. mus crm- mcntlng on o lettes f romt for Hulton Cuty Hcultb Unit lu Harold Williuans scgucdiog o pr'oposrdnvllage subdiviiiom. 'lThe Unit rcqored o comunal muter supply upproscdl by foc OWRC sud foc tommstip cogincer mbicb mould bie talten oser by foc tonship on complion of foc subdivison. It mon uls pointcd ut un rock crase or rock outeropploge 10i field tic bcdil six fort of oi mud br rctioircd. Prrpurutioe of su tirs mic mond pcirmit later dubliog ut tbr sise 0f for Wrl bcd mould Mlo Se a rcqoicrncnt etfo tensbdivison, foc Hllf Unit noted. Prriiycexpasilve Berne A. MucArfour euggeeted il lookrd bbce the subdision con Religlous education report is attacked Hultoe Count>' Bourd ut Eductiue reeied the preteetaion ut the report t romn the Ad Hos Committre un Relifiono Edusotion ut tbeir meeting in Ooksltle Tbnredup. Tbe board 101d foec sositter for report muuld came before foc board ut a uture meeting, t0 boe upprosed or sent buck to foc sommittre for furtbrr con- eiderston. The cummittre bue morkcd fus p eur etudpisg foc MurBu>' Report. In autre cses Ibe committer eedureed resuns- maedatios uftho MurBu>' report sud in ofoece rejested thens. The rcport deulo mifo religios educution Le the sbhouo, opeeiog eerciuen ued mbut, Lt un>', reigionbod attri e taugkt or made usudibe in public erboolu. Keep enecies Tbe committer tusured keepmng upeomng enercices mifo modifiestioeu rutbcr Ikun druppisg el like for McKup report odsocutee. Tbe reportrodnore the McKup recommnedation eulting for principalsuandteucbero t cufl on for reouose pesonnel in for commouit>'. Tbe cunentttee sccommnseded tformanstion ut n ooucttee of trustees, teurbs, principuls, representatises frusu the mieieteseul ussociutions, VOU'LL BE PROUEi OP VOUR CUSTOM BUILT WINDOWS AND DOORS WeathsrightI 1l TH PC IS OIGoO 1.1 500r 505 ss MATS 878-2223 etudentu, purents ued sepresnetolivsc irons tbecon moult>' ut large lu dnselupa eatuablecsurreculum. The report udsocuteo luusing île prencipul reupenoible for coeisg properscouree ut etodp Lu religio Lueoitable 10 the con- maoi Lu te iSn skoul lu loculed. Tbecosmmitter noîrd nu progrum ncraibould e Lnnnsuted until oprcLlitstinrligioun educutien ors usuilukle. Tuee DLsk Guedin ut- tachitd the report, oukisg fout il tie sent boick lu foc cueosittee tus turfoerestudp. Ineu leegtli> seecb te euid foc report reprsemted suettersoyenptom in foc breuak- down Lu orLet>'. "Society' La eirk sud Fns murrird about tacS ut drsrlupmneet ut gond citizce- nlep" Goodin euid, udding fouI 'mc ure livng in o mold ut big bodgets, big buildings and ig macbinen and terre eegleclleg basiccausues," he sid. Sentsi b Gosdin ouid forre muuld Se lite uccompbebued if for report mou udeptcd and etoglp erg cd Lt tc sent bock tu cornsir Briun Conplued erbu prromted foc report told foc board Goodin reprreeted a coneesstine, eiscre concerta frît b>' mari' bot uddrd fout foc cunteottor Sud toiaid t0 compromise and ride teteoen foc position Mr. Goudin -eprseentu and the punition ufoocd Lu the MeKu>' Report. goiog to Se copenoisve 1cr lic tooei. IfLirrs s grandefi ouanltary tond til! site and forgt foc s idoon", site oksresnl At lte suggestion of COsele & litoon, ConilUo Asitsn Whact Now? IHSURANCE0 200 Mosn So. E. 818-2894 -Datsun welcomes the competition t i ," - 'i 'sot 100e ftr glose I I1,0 lIC - - lers boaite cempctitisn's gelt obent ch, ~ t) 1,r, II cat o toI ,Ir, CCd Oittt ntttt t itt - Se iTat t cfi the more-frr-wur- money car NORTHEND B.P. '1! ýýTsuýý235 Buselnc Roud foMlo, Ontareo. Tnt: 878-247t IMTSUN 1600 854-8049 1~ Health Unit rules on new subdivision draw councilts ire A n foc Br contriti dune hovec biken. ThI technc once s betore on tho thc tri ns de mnotos uroun Th consti ftton by 0f' recen avide monp is ot t thc T, thc tr Terri party whic durit In get ut Trip, Il trise liSe e hnt las whSe B reflut jepir Mai ntud got t fog ............... PRýRNrý There am more than IWO Datsun dealers acrosis Canada and the US.A.