...iES BIRTHS DEATHS COMINO EVENTS Jiines -HISHOLM - Mr. and Mos. GUNBY, Caoy - Annet - At the Cedao Valley Rideon Ail West- Don Ctshstm lno Dabson) Hospital lot- Sik Childoon, ton Hose Showe, Attg. 16, 12.301 ZVICE >f fltosby, Ont., are ploasodti entt Mnnday, Augusi 10, 1970, pot., holti at the é R Faoto, on SL uonco the birth of thoio Car-y-Anne Gstsby, dao dattgh- 5 Stdeotad, otoît of Gutelph laugtter. Datas Michellte, ner ni Ricardt anti Xats Con- Lino. ci3-i343 mi6 igtnt 9 its., at Milton District isy; grandtiasgtir ni Mos. En- ospiral on Angust 5, 1970. elyn Mastic andi Mo. anti Mo,. Ciocis Sept. 12 on yntto cai- Centre -DE rS n on Wliiam'ý --s"Dy- cnoLao loin in thc fun ni tise IDLR-ostoatiDo A ApoinntofaotilynsernicewansMiltoWomenos HspitalAu- reet Ftilerof 577 Cumberliand Avo., hiti Wotiossday ette tho Mctto Annai Lasso Paoty at 2 pmios on roiogtoO, Ont., at-o, ploanoti 10 Keosie Fssssoai Homte, Miitnn. Potý.7 57 Maotin Si. ci9-i352 mtachines.. t heno m biotis of thtr son, lotreont on Ltnnniii Unitedi 21ot1 ostin Mogan, weilht ils..t cncsco teoy. os., an Milton District Hospitai ___________________ - [Atgttst 91,7. LAMONT, Misn Ediih Z. - Ai FOR SALE IUBEOT - SMr and Mon. Car- fieo hoote 366 Mar-tin Si., Mil- TP ncdo ai,50 REPAIRS mon <Mikol 'Hu-oet (nte ton, Ontario, so Satuoday, Asto- TAP reodr r ,$0 iholani ni R.R. 3, Milton, oct 8, 1970, Miss Edti . La- 87-9312.______________ tII. amopeastd toonanooe montdeaonsisterofiRahylMs. POOL tabe, 4 x8 fi, $100.T ho bittis nf ýthir, son, Michtael H. Routierondi ni Milton asti 878-4341. le15-1354 iooxaodoo John, oteiglsi 7 uts., Hiîda (is. Wm. Rossi ni Goite N G 0 ozs.,ai Milton District Hon- sby, pooeetasoti hy Etisti J. 50 ACRES oti ctl hay. 878- itaio Angsast 8, 1970. Fit-st anti Murety. 9609 taennss. ici5-i328 O NS etordsoo lot Mn. and Met, C. Funeeti service otan hoiti On REFRIGERATOR, Viking, 13 wt Jt ER usilionon and fiet 8ttea5 Ttttsday iette tht MoKersin nf 7 hon8091. P n' EA on lot Mo. and Mos. Fstoetai Hote, *Miltoo. Ioton u.f.,$5 Phn 878-9514. et ret ano Howad,hboth of Camp- meont inMount ForestiCteete-y ______ ______ e nitie, ont. Mont Forest, Ontario. FRIC. and Stoon, floodi condit- l-4 2ictf ELFER - Tote anti Anm Toi- ion. Mako offor. 878-2964. bs fot of Kilitride itanis Cod for _________15_____b-i286 Ct sale arrivailof their son, CAROS OF THANKS AUT. Dryano Koenoe 50k - iosas Robot-t Josoph, onoigisicvclsp nctr 87-27ik. C lICE h 6 ozs., on Aotgsst 5, 1970. OOt oisuaosato 7-281. iso botiso fot- Ann Loiso. Siocoon tisaniss t0 frieods antidi3i8 relatives foo cat-ds, flitocoos andt 2 EASTERN cadao hydre pl- ODALLL - Do. anti M 00. ist reeinoo dutiOg tey sOny es, onasoabla. Phono 8-3014. ' ýICE Coats Wstottai loto Davis) ofti Milton Doistri Hospital. Sp- loi 1337 /ai ofiTrons 3 Ridge Dr.,Milton, are pas- liai thain 10 Do. Kosiontaki t Big ta antstoe tise itt of ti aitnod Do. Aihonisoat, Rot. Haiooo, 2 VICTOR ettaioad isicyci - mtail agistt-, Lautie Sosao, nceighi tisc oons an stff es, 1 ona and i ancd, 878-3494 ne ý. Se 1co is 4- ons. as Milton Dis- c,5.1349 Roo- Thcs 15 oiS1491 osSric e Hospital 'On Atgast Il, Rbr hmo r - ýrd 70. Fort goaodoiid for Mo. 1nciiss titanistey ftitndst SODD .1 nursery.JohnoHein- E5 -1010 il Mos. Coodon Woootaii anti and t-latioes lot- flic înoiy set- Lndscaiio, Ceaorgetwn r. aod Mos. Dosoalti Dostio; fiaotos., oatdn aod nisits dsaoing 877-7451. la4-511-tf- b-ti a ta goaotiohiid lot- Mr. sty noay on Milto Dist-int Hos- 23 CU PT Frezr $135. ver avneWoodaii anti Mos. J. pitai. A spociai tisanhs to Do. goaa coondtio. Eloctrota a. - fi Sootiaodl and foutt Ktonlwiath and Do. Aiehesati, 878,6846. lciS 1337 d car1 grandohiid fer Mon. Flit-- alsoans ta tisa nsesn andi a SHN nc Rooti of Hliton Marior. stafflofthe ocoot iet. SPACE istettoandi100 gallon c15-i348 Lloyd Reto. tank, etxcellent condtiono. 878- 4544 aller 5. loiS-i356e LE , ENGAGEMENTS 1 niis ta osxpes tey 1000000 n lhanis ta reltives, friands aoti TENT tradero, anasplete watisn V1ASH naeigihbos lot- thiaitvision. cat-ds atttooloanaca. ip 4,6A1 aoti 8. Mo .and Mos. J. F. D. andi ilones, dttoiog tey aiay in tion. 878.4508. loiS 136f es on 'Rotarice of R.R. 4, Acto. an- Milton District Hospitli. Spec- H-OUSPHOLDFrie ga- s once tbo onigagotert ci tisei lai tsaois ta Do. McCatcheton, L otiao o MPOOED ugistot Katleto (Kalisy) El- tha nornan on tiesaecond flu don nom ototi powert tanin etc. Il Types oe hennin Matn Kelly, son aisea Rot. Faot- aod Catnon Malto chaors. 878-4408. a Mo. and Mos. Hetoy Kelly, Mason. 1al6-ISfiO n rIER. 3. Milton. Tht taadding cl5i 334 Lila Concan 30 PT. o 8 PT. "Canort-a' bose 8 :I Il taise place on Saturay8 Sepstet- 19 as 3 pari. in Hoiy I waoild lisa to toiatiti1i ap- loatiat-. Coat canditian. Fly .6 Rasaay Chatois. Milton. poooacisy t0 sisani Do. D . A. aitttt.5.0 7-13 21c il_______________ Hootot- Mot. Allet., Mon. Chant- 1a16-1291, COIN MluiES Ot and tisa 001000 ntaff of tisa BI-CYCLES. 16' i-sy; 20 'n _______ MARIGE Maiertityt Word as MIiton Dia- hayn Mastang; 26" aod 28"0 1ER BY -CLKKON-t atric Hospital lot boing ta hind, isays. Harvecy Paltifoaso 878-92M.3 TR B - LRSNM. andcteinotiof anti hipflte 10ot loIS 13-88 9 os Wte. Cia-iston ai Milton Oisaogisot tey tryief situOation, happy t0 anoot he lot- atta, t nattlti aapaciolly sae ta "FRIGIDAIRE" retotgcatno,; ) N teiof teat-agon aof t i ao- tisank tisa Doaefat- iliy, Mat. goati wootia beti. catoplt, r oaMaageo Plaina, ta Gardon Mat-g. Detas anti Dat-olot- tit-ae,ýttat a ehoi. Cali 878-3507. t- 'E INJ Donald Bohhy, tain of Mo. -boiof ta aisaoiataiy wnnata-tl lciS-i383 operaitid hy Mot. Ceor-ge Bsisy, of Tor- la tea. Tisanis yooOttOt-y050.I ohr . Wetiig te taiso place cii-i331 Baisara May "GET A LOAD 0F THIS"t ootiay. Soptoob tist osas St. Tia tastty of tha lata Mot. * READY4MIX CONCRETE B-9094 tas Unitati Chuotcis as 3.30 Nooten Moogaot Wilson woiss *SWR PIPE. RTC. c Milton _____express__ snapon naae tîhanis anti SW RLTON - WEICHMAN - appeotaion te shoit- loitotin. for Milosnocnstatet. i rs Doetiy Weatahteofinvtisbos andirelatives forîhe Wa h.aea warehtoaseati aning idgotota, &tt-hdottni pla a ny aatsioinansn, atis, 3547 25 Hny. ta urhatio-Pe fumetlre to astoonoco tht loosscoos- magesaîc ni nyopathy, flaoral Roati net deIivery teartiaga aot-e oltiast da-iata.tue, anti tionations ta tisa PH-ONE 827-1087 21c-tf t-r Mat-y Plon t0 Mo. Warretn Canadian Cancaer Society in tisa Daiy - ex. Soosday Cisartîto., non of Mon. V0.taol.ntaaosiarietamtso. ollyl Cisototon anti tisa att A npooiai 1-anis yo ta Do. anti MICHAEL'S BUILDING W A E P. A. (Art) Cisartn of 28 Mot. Syao. tht tittoot tati MATERIALS LTD. SUAG treet, Miltn. Tisa nord- nattas ai Poioaasn Maogaoa lc-tf to taise place an Saptei Hospital, Torono; Ran. Charioles ____________ 5,170, attEmmeta l Bap- Hainao, Rev.R. W. Foteat-Rn AULAGE Chsaoai, Miltn as 8.08 pet. John Murray lot- hon aisily, tise RU B Y'S Latieas' Atid of Kno Cisooci tise )WAN ORD - FERRIER -Mo. anti pîallsaooon. andtiheo MaKersta TROPICAL and m.Ces, o Donald Feriat, R.R. 2, Funooni Homeo.- >odCrsc. pbllvll, ishteannurce Caooeo, int, Batly ard EXOTIC FISH 211 iottheteiog teatt-agt ai LaooT Wilson. c 1-1292Opn9aa 9p. aotiy 2lot i dangsit-, Janat Marie, tsOea a.-9pm.wedy -Leoard Lle Seetoti, tan sol i pot. - 6p.ms. Scotiayn anti Mos. Letoa-t Seor-t, 5 MILTON HEICHYS CRES -alg 5, -agvle Tisa wett- IN MEMORIAMS iaeta front Haiton Boarti ni ILEOS STEEL ge f0aite place Satortiay. Edacalion Buiding K toashor 12, 1970, as 3.30 p.rot, HILSON - In iaatng onotaY ai MILTON HEIGHTS lised. e bride's resietce. nI a doat- mte- Delly Hiu- 878-882 atea pooposes. EST - hIoDONALD - Mr. san, woa patooti atay Angasi AQUARIUMS anti SUPPLIES Mms. Wilit-td L. MaDonaiti 130h. 1956. lc22 IYTIME 53, Milton, tisis tO atnntnce Mates fiteis a isaanioli maem- forihcotning teanriogan of t-y, 516 bT dangistot Mary Joan, ta Hoo doashisn a ailast grief, TV Tr A 210-Il Lloyd Patricks Zoosi, son Siesa cp t in ho 00s isaaaiuTVdO E a.andiMos.ret B. Zoast gardon 6,ilons. The otatriogo Ioni ent fpolopt a. SA LE ILLING Itaise place Sopltembot 5, We oms hat, ah ison totO, ..... a 4 p.inliaston P-e- Bot realita Cati isont st. 30toweroinstallad with ailahan- ntan Cisntcissqnashtrg. HealetnsaveisaoosOoy yeaos nelihaadi62.50. I 5 Tisan ganiiy isada hart-est. LRIGS Deaaty lonoti anti assaYt t-a- 40' toatt ntlitd nooti ait chan- MARIA S mstbetti isv hNrman, Bat-- oi hoati $76.53. ,EDnint ndt Betty. c15-1295 30' tant at- staileti witis ail chsan- D OR - McTRACH - Mo. anti - nai isnat $91.50. fEEPENED os. John McTetois at-e piaat- POWELL - In lavng rnnoat- 0nannoanca the sat-riageo oof aiateasiantianditatsao, t dangie, Constance, ta Wiliam Powell, naio passrd Estra hoada (ina sacond TV ON Stephon Point-, son ni Mo. assay Aoa8nst 8, 1982 sat). Instailat $20.0W DRING -Mon. Chsaales Poiea on Sas- Today oecaîls te oaemaoy, F.M. stea fietlt. Itanlati 8 S78.9552 yAagtast 8, 1970. Of a laneti one pane ta sont. $20.00 364390 1Anti tse wo sinis oftluin O1-t EATHS today, 15 eletent oInt- hoati. Instalinti 2i ~~ A Ato sse wotisovet ierm ist. $64.95. ........ m LEYWiliamHeny -As Alnaysteeterrd byw-lie LP, iliat eny Edilis anti fateiiy. e15-1287 Aototeatic rtîor. Instalinti I sN -n-bone, 29 Mat-y St., Miltn $89.95. _______ Sanday, Augt 9, 1970, Wdl- H. Ba leyhashanti oi tbo Mable Con, dont ebrot- ni ANNIVERSARIES Ropairs ni ail types. ,Welding ___Geogetow,_Geoge,_O >ress îti We by asti Caltvin ni Halibsar- pootiecoatati by Emmoa anti Mo. anti Mos. Gorge Lasie ta in induotoi. aret. ostend invitations la thiait H RD ON attottion nioaf an MoKeosie Funorni friands for an Open Hanse on RC A D O e ant pa 01 011 anS. Mlo.Fn tisa ocation of thisot 501h anni- Radio & TV ttep etbcl erin Wensday rit 2.00 net-saoy os lise hotne of Dnng nomservtce. 1 Bnin etisol Un- anti Adele Iosiie ai 1096 Deooy 201 Main Street East ohareis c eottt. In liet Roati R.R. 2, Horrisy, Satu-- MILTON 1.1 Iemt, doations t he3 day, Asgunt 15, -lett 2 pot. to 21î,d rie Hent Foadtion 4 pot. and leot 7.38 ta 9 potn. Phone 878-6949 53-1634 te apprecited No <Ifts, pionne. cl4-1276 1064 FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE ADDINC MACHINES, typa- 1 3ts S5 Ram Laoths. 80 la 90 titeon for sale at- tontol. tht. 834-9980. 3a15 1290 oe878-6962, Harais Station- Y. le-417-ti i REC. Holstain ýhaifto, tino _____________________ sh d noti a ot. Coot showt pets- YOU WILL LIRE istying yno peat. T. Hanter 878-3014. tiîding mteeiain and cnal ai 3cl5-1358 -analord's Canspisolîile. Qaicis reine. Higis qoniiy. Phonte nonpiselilii 854-2232. lc-416-il I 14' PETERBOROUGH libre- 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE ass bat otiti 40-hp. ninotrin artl onot-r anti ail aconstat- 3 FURROW plowst; 1plant.3- a inaiiog tetiien. 854-9894. point isai; ohoos drag piots; loiS 1296 aiso i 2t-t-toto pion. aid type. 12 is p. TRACTOR, aqooppati 878-6469. 4616-1268 tuS 42"ian omot-r, chlains JOHN DEEOE No. 25 poli pi.ont, reasaoaisiy tata. comhioa, poottot naoolasg arti- 75. 415 Hogssitia Do., Mitan. an, $473. Corta, anti as if toti. IclS-1346 878 9385. 4c15-1361 COLEMAN spaca heanta, 51.l ___________ if BTU saisis tan; Duoa Tisnom parc -heaoteo otot. stan; 9 Pc- ý5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 00000 moent suite, exceilolent___ otiitin. 854-2637. lclS 1347 1962 GALAXIE Fordi recondo- KITCHEN suite; piatliaan usonci moto. as is 8123. Phonn aichat; naa otattoona. 48"; Att- 878-3857 ater- S. 5aiS1382 sitai onloogeaaat; elmiotac ton; tisserc; piano & bonch. 1969 VOLKSWACEN Dainsto, 54-2523, nnakoilta atem. ratio, wite toatis, A-1 contit- 1is7-131 ion. 878-2538 alono 5. 5c15-1333 BROADLOOM anti Carot emnanta. Mastyoetccion tS50a-Si1008andup. Cal uheot ilie tisay ati Cati anti set ast a 123 Thootas Si. Milton 78-2194. lcl5-1338 ADMIRAL etitignoato-. 10 a. 10.. 3 motis niti; chetomn ai vnîth 6 chairs: isdotiaoo toila, I drneasnr; tantiqae sin- onardt, app. 150 yoaos nid. 878- 777 aller- S. loiS 1339 CAR WASH in Milton, ganti otosonexclaent busness ion ooooatioan oapaon toonhus- noss 2-isnit-oot apattonnt as- ilahia bositin busonesa. Woite Bon 480, Coatidiao Chaotpion. l-I322 EXCLUSIVE nariy sketchs t Milot anailaisi in 4 ssaii soiins sitablaifort-'Ootingai 1.90 at- o hastintt a 95c. issaital as Theo Canadoan Champon,. 191 Main St.. Miltas. i ooteioog hy otail, pinaso atit .5c taacost- postage. loiS-4309 USPD tat-nitoon of ail isi, tsa, tissn on. diniog sots; aodscinotian ai sinnes. nnlaig- snataos anti sottger tasiesta; nossantinotsatite. Wn aise bay gooti ocati toteitato. Joho- son Futotitaso aoti Applianan Excahange, Otfiae & Showa Raun, 160 Maio St., phoe 878-3781. Oipen avnnns tli 9. Large toanthanso stock,. 2278 Nipiss- ong Rd. le--8IOi-tf 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE_ F.RESH ettoct coon. 275 Coin- otran, St., Molton. 2lS1350 WANTED - Saaoti Cotioo Has. Poeatoahi hala in to he fielti. 827-2676 Bonto.2a312 MELBA ,tpptas. cathiof anti eatong, siaotoog Aog. 14. Brng aontainer. Roy Baaaliaid 879- 6355. 2aii 1297 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE PUPPIES tan sala, osisat hoaati. itcai ahiitia pas,' $5 nonS. Phona Miltton 878-3238 an Aatoa 853-29M 3b8-148 1970 NORTHERN FEEDER SALES Soath Rivet-: Tisns.. Ang. 20. 300, saie sinso 120000n; Woarttn Thaoa - Sept. 3, 3500. sali r 10 ans,; Wiaron: Tiusons Sept 17, 3900, sale siota 10 a.ot.; Tis salon; Wnti - Sept. 23. 1000, sait lime 10 a.ot,; Mcanioulin: Thuras. Sept. 24. 3000. saie 9.30 a.ot ; La Sarret.OF. ýsais ai Dapai; Weti.. Sept. 30. 1000, sala tillat 1.30 pot.; Ness Lisisoatti Thana. Oct, t, 500, saie bioto 1.30 pot; Soth River: TSars,, Ot, 8, 1008 sain toota 10 ans.; Wiarton Tis., Oct, 13, 2500, sale tioto 10 ans-; Maniloulino -Mon., ot 19, 250, sale tite 1 pot.; Sootl Roter. Thusta-. Ont. 22, 409. tai îitee 12 flori. Po issther ijon toatin, wonte S. MacDonald, Ad vortining Manager, Ban 10 Huntsville, Ont. 3bl! ataaoiog, ratiio, ssoill hc aiti ta tht hast effeo. 878-132. SolS 1336 1969 COMET 2-tioo., nintago hat-gootin 6 cal. standarti trans- mtission, anoexcellet scondiar- Lia. L5211. $787 is Toaalgar- Motot., 409 Main OS., 878-2369. sotS 1290 1963 VALIANT cnvettbia. excelleontiitiont.tHarveyPet- tifooss 878-9263. SaIS-134I 1969 FORD Custoot 2 dont-, Acaatiaibloc,h6cy aotootatoc. raoiistatirstm ocriety anti onot. Lia. 1847K. $441 ai0 Tratalga- Matt a, 409 Main St., 878-2369. Sai 1298 1966 "GRAND Parisinne" 2- tiot- HIT.. pasesat nog, pass er ht-aises, 283 oootocelentin condtiotion. 845-2974 Caisoillo. 5cii-133 For Your Next Car ... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-6380 lic-il Must Be SoIld ON OR BEFORE August l4th, 1970 1967 RAMBLER REBEL 2taoI, one ownero.ato., rad i.Lia. No. L7178. l9iS PONTIAC 2 tiono. auto., gooti coodition Lia. No. 634183. 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE ý6 BUS- OPPORTUNITIES CLASSIFIED RATES Telephio The Conadim an 1 ain a t. 87S.234 amplon Milton, Ontario hoCnde ha..i n o, Wodnes.tiy -tgs c.,190. 1969 Oldissiobile 2 Door Hard Top sat tht-t ao possr. Lia. 730056 1969 Chev. Pick-Up V-8 antoosatia. Idcal soit ion canpeo. Lot, 40226B 1968 Models. Nol One in Stock Hava sou a '68? Bt our gnston th0lie doal ai a lifiet 1967 Beaumont 2 Door Hard Top Lse. 10744 1967 Acadian with aautosatoo. Lia. L41710 1966 Rambler Classir 770 One w cttar 0,0ons nana. Lic. L5283 1966 Meteor wts auoonatia. Lot. 75956. OoIy $995. 1963 COMET 1965 Siodebaker 2 dot oc tood odiin. Lot. 1Antontatta, 6 anloido tohoah os GM powe. Lie. 726775. Oniy $595. No. N4422. Auo., 4 dos! - osit caed lot, Lot. No. P3822. 1964 PONTIAC 4 doa H.T., radio, V-8, pasoe- boahan. powet- stanotsg. Lia. -la P52380. 1963 PONTIAC 2 tioo., 6 tyl. Lia. No. 751847. 1966 FORD CALAXY 4 dont-H.T. power bt-aises. powernnsaooong radiio, V-8. Lot. No. P51379. 1966 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Cono., catit, Lta No. P26257. 1964 VOLKS 11500t Radia. Lot. No L10798. 1966 CM.C >- TON PICK-UP long bas. Lot. No. Y35555. AIl Thnaa Cars hast baco et- dtionet asti toust ho aniti hnaaaa ni iintcss Ward's Auto Centre 7657 Appleby Line Milton 878-2781 MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 3t8 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2335 5SIS 9q69 FORD Custoot 500 660 o 1969 BEAUMONT 2-dont H.T.. in dark aqa.302 V-8 autoatic, V-8 aoto., oooyi roof, istene powst-aota.oog radio, wshite- pack,. gatta conditioo. M19-4513 osatis atît otheal toocot, ncpt- Carlisle. 5oI8-1300 io aml las. Ltc. 749378. 52,089 ai Trafalgar- Motoos, 409 Main 1965 CHRYOLER Newoport 2 St., 878-2369. SoiS 129)g doo- haotisap, pawer bt-aises & __________________ponant stcng, t-atio, set-y gooti 1965 PARISIENNE 4 dot conditioo. $50. Pisone 878.9883. haotop. pasesot nt-c asnd 37-201 isoahos. oaoy gond condtiona. 1966 GALAXIE S00 2 - dont- 854-9939. aOatta.o haotop, caoty applo trd otih 1967 FALCON 2-dont- tialana retitro-, V-8 attoontin, fioutactotibronze, oaaioooonoss Owe pa stttng, pnoeroasc, 6 osioinor stnartd transotin- radio, nahitail anti othtl cn- sio, amst Lot L8497 vs-, an octrenoely gooti ton. $1.192 as Toaalgao Molons. 4) Lot. L10678> $1278 as Trtaagar Ma;n St., 878-2369. Saitt1298 Moto-s, 409 Main Si., 878-.9. 5c 15-1298 1968 COUCAR 2-dont- hnodtop. dat-h ivy gret., VA8 autoat - ponerset-ag poweroboakea, 9t hachaI seala. conole, t-atd.io, î ~ thiienoalis anti nohol cooaos. like nons, Lia. 764431. $2,361 aI a0.J2E Trafalgar Molots, 409 Main St., ILTi. 878-2369. 5cI8-1298 M Experienced Driver For Tandem Brick Truck Apply CY HILSON ENTERPRISES LTD. 32 Betoso Si, MILTON 8b13 HE'L-P WANTED FOR EXTRA INCOME Men and Women 6117 AOR Part an fu11 siote. High a- inga. Paaant, dignilird nattai. Flexibla fleurs. Pet-tant for toto atith loba anti ootn csith tahoal-aga choinen. Traianiang petvitird. Fot- informoation, appiy hy leima gioiog phono tnmbr, ta. SALES MANAGER Boxc 307, London, Ont. 8615 Real Estate Career WANTED - Fait Tinte Ral Pstagn Agent ion Milton Arca, Joio Canada's lot-goal ealtor. Espnroonad msanagrttactist Son. Ectraibeli toosxpandntom- Meotier ni oot Real Esiate CONTACT LLOYD G. LEE, F.R. Vint-Presideot H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 1a1 Eglington Avenne E. Tozooto 315 487-3333 SaI5 CAR WASH FOR M o Miltn, gooti location, ecl R lentisaninastfo etooatiman ornpaoa iota businss. 2 boti- O K S E D C A R rocntaptient otaaiia ha- 0K USE CA atiaes businss.48 THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT CANADIAN CHAMPION Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited 7 WANTED LARCE cilsituricycla, in Opn till 9 p.ot. - Monday listngs Ft-iday gsooti conditian. 878-2934. Stootiy 5 pairt. 7cl5-1326 6791 Hogissay 25, Miton Souths LADY %ost iti tisaoda iti 878-2393 - 878-3812 Tot-anta anytotna isattca 6.15 anti 6.45 Mntiay ta Fniday ooniogo. 878-3647. c519 1968 MUSTANG FAST BACK Fosoishat ion ssadnss graan ostos black itiort. 4 tpnnti trans- WANTED TO BUY misin raclo and ssiitc-oaiis. Iotoaculaio cndition. Lianso ho. 743556. Johnson's Furniture 1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DR. H.T. Wii pay yon cash on tise spot Fooislitoioanooinns-hte .-tbociinnitaio. EqaippetiwisisV-8 forogoatiosetilntune and ap- snina ausotal otasison, paoer stetoing pOson piianacs stoss, reitigeratort, isoahan, radio, white-ssali sites anti oheol tisas. 'Linansc notinaco otasis, etc. No. L5095.PHN O 1966 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. SEDAN Milton 878-3781 Fiotoha i n 2 000rehblactosoh otthing ininroar. Eqotippati oitis Open Psoninssg til 9 V-8 aogioc, antorntittanoo. Lic. L5271. 160 MAIN ST. 7c-tf 1968 DODGE CORONET 2 DR. H.T. _________ Fonishat ion platinant nive oitis coosaasting ooti inttatiot. Eqaip- 8 HELP WANTED liot soith V-8 crsgioa aasnotia toans., raio, sohiteass aond oheal dtas. Thts lana otilagn automtobilearre EEA icInbli . ssith is the baansce (t is tnatooaufataraos otatoanty. iu. CNEL is3.0 too i-s ap 708k L5458. Mon. to loi. Apyty Chalt Rosi- 1968 ACADIAN 4 DR. at-tnt 878-3632. lie15.1367 Fiotisatdion teadtoos green t usoatniing inteoico, aqoippedti W ANTES insnsdiateiy, otan popuaat-tix cvitdot- cofina, asotootatin transmission otiita- or comnsa ta soppinoconnoteot wltirns. Loaensa 750166. ott Roaiatgh potiat. Caoi ean $50swcekty parttiota$100 1966 CHERVOLET BISCAYNE 4 DR. anti op toit ltota. Woit W. T. Foiisai oct-icatahta.soth oti ntaiao aqippti ousV8Rana-igs Co. Lti, Dapi. H-284- cofosa., autaotatoa. roto, no-iito-natî anti tiisoo, lana mile- 3361 40,Qe Kot c St Mas age,,lialliy osana-t icne L4594. tonal 0,Qn a34 1966 METEOR 2 DR. HARDTOP PART TIME Finitht ino stodattsono bonz too ith otciing insanoor, V-8 engitn,aoati tranoosisioo, powera sanoon g. pnwer Baitihaons ino ot-on te hoakas, radio, nahito tsaii tiet and diset. Licaosa K75216. iotiapandooo.-ssith onaw Canai- 000 aaotpany. Manufactues 1968 CHEV. IMPALA CUSTOM 2 DR. HARDTOP tationc cauientaotot-oaiaisg Pioiissoti ist ons ftO aenoth aonst-aniing issariar anti whote viylo speit-ngo hooong. to atid tpV8 onginoc auoaati transmitssin, powna styig gtrsloososo hbu tt tesa oap poaor isoakas. radiot. wtei-naIis anti disos. Lic. 194-47K. Phone Toronto 622-1463 or These are colt a fow of this weekto Woite Ban 478 Canadian Oulotanding Specuals Chaotpio, Miltan. 8l 5c1 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Automobilel Sale Ferradeio Autom bile alestay ore Ioa: IS THE NAME of THE GAME TYLER TRANSPORT LTD. Psona o515 Milton Motor Sales Aailtn 878-3519 tAsfr E. Tyler- Jr.or IC ~ ~ ~ E T J AsiETyleraSr. f