Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1970, p. 8

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_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __kD wl.aI5p MORTIGAGE PIONDS, lait asAd 2ud avalleble, resîdanllal, cmi ment 'alsa monlegles par- chassait Cali Glenn D=:ey Oakama Reaity Investico Oakvilla, 827-3713 aoylbae, 161c2241li4 17 REAL ESTATE ABANDONEDI RAILWAY station midi tsme buildings on 3acrt, and river. Has n e t ta dia. 9300 dlowa, 379 ainth, given yna a meek- enai mitotatian ptnject. Write: ADVERTISER 20 Shalimar, Sute 816, Toronto 10, Ont, 17c-tt PRIVATE S AL E 6 Yea Oli Bungîalowa in Miltair un Goba Stret -Kîloben midh i hg ssisce, sefarato diiog and living -Large poneilcai roc run wtb bar and florascent tigbting -Kitchenette cnt ta, Mc mon bns flt set of onp- oboardsn n -amellei des onfh book O heives and fioroscant liglit- -Paved drieony -Alumeinium stormi doutrs -Large soif sappartiag TV tower midi coint actual anai U.H.F. acrint and rotator II -Aîking $27,500. Phone 878-3265 y 17cl1 3 i - !4 REALTOR Happier Living Lovcly tareily home, close tu, 3- Milton, on sAacre lot, S liedi rolas,fabatytfromonamain e fluor mith maik-ont thtssgb . sîoiing lais aiotrs to patio, a ttracivlivingo mer ii store, Otepiace. diningaca 6 iborai loueres; in baisement, large suncoore 135,000. Cali Amn anai Arcisir Cairns 878- 6980. a Immediate Possession aI Oonsr must xalebis chaming inquiet ronidontiai area ini - Milton. Laveiy trerd lot. feso- cd. Poil brigbt baisement, 7 large living more, faarity aine kitchen. Oniy 125,000. Call An- P n and Arclo Caurns 8784980. Building Site Lovo'y 10acres cithscioared& l. treed amies, 350' frontage. An excesollont buy ait 910,500. Cati Anna andArchie Cairns 87- 6980. 17c12 f n C, niUrgent Response :y Needed Listings nI horees in thc Milton nota. Ifn'o oold ontidet seliig yoor home, yoo cao o enpet actio rteslesmncne. Cali ree personntty today tc, disconis thc sale of yonc pro- perdies, Mr. Neai ait 878-0511 . Mr. Fix It - hbave a4 - idmron ose, toc- nted on Aotoo, for ooiy $17,500 askiog price, This horee s id- ont for n person willai1 toi do sortie ftiig op ana paintingf. hi Ens n corner lot. Cati Mr. la Rosi Cetos 078-9511 ne 878- 2755. -4 Acre Building Lot _ Caore yespety looîtail bal mny boîsceco Milton and Oak- ville, maîkior distance so Hmy. 25. Ful) askioo price S22,000. Caîl Anne Chocbasacb ( Mrs. Choochî 878-9511. Store and Home Combination 70 Oser haif note size lot, ftuit 'as tries 3 - beaiton hoose ojtb cp store area infront. Ideai for a tamiiy nperation. Extra in- omar oppnrtoaity. Pricea ny 929,000 compite. To anspect thslraet.cati Kny Bail, 8891,8704792. ibiS2 NtEW ARRIIIL ait Y-e - boome? Birti anaoncm ine fi are ptibliaited nIt no alcange le asThe Champion. 7he Canadien Cheapion, Weda.sday, JaIp 22, 1970 117 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE 1 19 LEGAL 11 EAL. ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 11:11111111111 REALTORS INDUSTRIAL SITE - 10 acres, lacatad close ta 401 covanleaf, ail sereices availabla. 39,000 per acre. Ternis availabla INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX - Loated an 400 clavarleaf, 6 aets site, 3 baildings, 17,000 sq. fil., lane parking nas. S190,000. En- cellent ters asailable. INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Situated an Miltan, Main Street. Large lioase divided into 2 apartimas, businass spae, 71' nl 132' lot. $15,000 dloswn. Opea ta attar. EXECUTIVE HOME - Bailt i 1954, this hote is in excellant condition, spnoions tiving tuerie, waSl te Wall iteadlanni dining raont, sat kitolian, 4 bedraams, fasnlly ramai, gasnage Open ta offar. INCOME PROPEETY - Large msaltiple bunilding, coasisig ot 12 anuts. 128 nl 132', gond parking are. 1135,000. Temni av- ailabla. BUSINESS PROPEETY - Located on Milton, Main St., lionseand business promises. 125' s 200' lot. Zonad commercial. Ex- cellent location. $70,000. Tarais asailabla. 31,000 DOWN - Building lot, located an Guelph Lina, amatit of Camplielîvilla, 100' a 214', iarveyed, setaratad. Rady tor bulding. Falt price 37,500. CHICKEN OPERATION - Situaied on a 404 acre pattaIl ar Mil- ton. Smart 3-bedroam bungalowo, chickes harn 150' x 32' <11»000 chiclionsl, scorkshop 50' s 22'. Open ta atter eI 375,000. Ternis availahle. BURLINGTON - Smart customi baili raneli style bungalaow, ait- issted close to 5 Hwy. and Tremtaine Rd. Spacimn in- bioatian living andi dining rma, 3 badreons, 14 btaie tonies, recealion roulait, doubele garage, elacti liaating, 150' s 168' lot. Asliing 532,900. FOR SERVICE AND SATISFACTION - CALL 878-4118 - Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4118 Bob Cronn 878-48921 Law Sales 878-9136 Art Peacock 878-6447 Mika Ledwith 878-4873 S. Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 17c12 FOR AIL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 878-6418 SPEYSIDE Neat As A Pin Witîe brick split-lavel home. 10I2 bedmonis, large living coa 1ni acres, heaatifnl waoded sel and fnmily sied kiten, taIt ting. Aîliing $49500(3. basculent, large saparata gar- Village af Kibride, 30 actes, age mili liandymans worî vcaac land mieli Itonlaga on shope. In insalculata condil 3 noadi. ion. Close ta selinals and Daemy Rd., commercial building sliopping. Askiog 121,900. lot, 90'. Asiîg $16,000. Woodward St., Smoart 3-bedrooto bungalowe, partially tiniibed, rec. rouera, paccd drive, lovely secladeai bock yard. Ores- estraosferred. Askiog $24,900. MILTON REPRESENTATIVE STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c12 CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED Real Estate Brokers 189 Mgin Street Milton, Ontario TO0W N Olde ty torey and a alf bouson MainSreet wi3 be. ortcos, living roi hitchea and 3-pieca batli. Pierai mortgage 110,000. aI 7%. 324,000, 3 hedlesont bungalow sitis living roula, kitalico winli ample caphoards, 4-piece bath, full baseaient, dboidad recreatico eon early completad. 57 YEARS' CONTINUQUS SERVICE Member of thte Toronto, Ontario and Oakville Trafalgar Rai Estate Boards ACTON $31300 - Take a loak. This madestly pt'iced bangalowe las reafy a lat tu, offer. Locateai on ovr hall an acre. God living moto,dining Land modern kitchen onlower levai.God flnancing availabla. ACTON 828,50 - Ciiarming oider home on Mill St. Witte a batifal glar- den, living roumi separate diaoiag tonne, den and tamily kitalien an main floe, 3 big bedroasas plan daessingroami an napper floar, 2 full batltranns. Excellent financing nv- affble. SECLUDED 149,000 - LaIvaly old atone bonse, luite an 4li acre, lieavily tranai, nalling sili aftreaine. Large living enu=, saparna dlnlng ralfantily loaitandfull bath on maintflaar, 4 big badreami and fult bath an opper floar. Ena bean diip- lanad huit caa easity lie retsrned Io ariginal seate. Pin' fanai no prabean. BURNHAMTHORPE ROAD 333,000 - -Lacaed an double lat near let Une in Oakvilla epaekl ing whbite olapebaard bungalow wath open tireplae, 2 big bedraaas. Fisanoing no prabieni. VILA. LOTS 1l/4 acra lat, acer Guelpli Lina, lio and dry, ltt of sonner. 39,000, Tais. S ECO0N D MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Loso mondhlp papaienli. No bonus. Cnolidale pao bills, Coi moadhly payans l ut An, rugael taa ha e prIs ntp ur aon o ais-e Immedinie Apprtaval Caîl 459-1550 Il aen SI, E., BRAMPTON PAT DRAGO REAL ESTATE LTD. M.S. Reslloir 17e-Il o> d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER OakvilIe 326,500 - 3-bedruom brick bas- galnow, otoan tIbsplare, pan-, elleai rso. racil, many, catas, tieur sebonin, shopping afdl GO train, Milton 927,500 - Att elclrto contnmn lieuitt3 - bdom homefire- plnne, liroadlonai ebroghoot, patio, ini SPOTLESS condit- ion, on quiet asiel, ace scitonts anai shopping. Hors--s> W,0900 - Exce= len sain this Tendelled ldifraoai borno, os csrir2 acres, 5or 6 bdraan, family tnoiwith frplace, 3 car garage and 2-storey brick haro. A Dream Corne True 94,900 - 3- beitonom ranch bungalow, asar 1,8W aiq. fil. of living spane, simien living mulls withireplane and 20' master bodorn sre beuti- flUp bireadloaied, femilydin- ing rooamnii mnlk ont and 2 car garage, many more levt- ]y Iniioren. All on 5 sures jeait mal.side et Milton. Enquire About Our Excellent Building Lots "Gîve Annette a Cailla Milton 878-2051 Toronto 249-7217 17e12 PRIVATE sale, 3 - iteaitana bungalow, brick and aluaibasa, smnarlly ilyleai bilois midi air candilioer, paved anmve, Rean-. oaly pried. Phone 97&f457 afltr 5 pan. 17cl2-4415 Private Sale Ia Milton - Therce badcoomi brick bungalow as batiffdly landtcaped corner lat. -Altanhed garage. -Large Rec. Roua -Alaminni Blorma Somman and Daarn. -Funace mouei han a Wank Beacb fat the ISandyiae. -Aaloatic Water Saflaner. -Astamatic Wasliar and Dryan (lihe aewî -AIl Draperies iachadad. $31,300. PULL PRICE 93,700. Motage at 5%4 carriez for 993 mondty <P. I. & T.). OWNER REQUIRES CASE TO TElS MORTOAOE Repîy Box 474 The Candign Champion MILTON, ONTARIO 17a12 20 AUICTION SALES ALREIIIS Auction Sale tor MISS IESIE LEAVITT At 5 Ontario St., Georgetown', kMdeUy Esesiccgly SPd 7 ÉÏA5 p.m.. Fleetwood color TV; Wliirl- pool apartment aire refrigenat- or; hiav dnly McClaey elaletin stove; alacfric heltla; boaiser; ftying pan; stility tabla; 2-pieea beige cbesterfield; enfler tables; leathér top sida tablai; old mooden amiachait; china cabin et' manIaI radin; hall gable; 2 god nedat chants; I large pine client of dramors; fient polisher; hand cored chail of dramers; large mardroha; 2 - plane lied- nomuita; inrga aîtaint; jubiai pale; vacuumi eleafner; ironing board; quanti of ster- ling silver; large stîver tmpy; silver teeon-ice; nId s0ia dtssern; asgand9 il lgren rug; platfamie rocher; pomer la1 mamer; Iaaips; tea chairs; Itose andl reel; sealeon; gardea fois; linenf; iteddlag; blanhoos and iany ather baisse holi stanis. Mise Loavit et glvtsg UVi houiekeaping and duoael nf the ahaeoffectif. Omner aid anctioneer ana mi- pamible ton acuidents an prein- lise an day aI sala, ALFED R. SPENCE, Auesioneer, 20b4 E. 5, Georgetosn 19 LECAL NOITICEC 0F APPLICATION TO TUE ONTARIO XMNI BOARD byie Corporation ofthOs Town ot Ositelie ton approsa Bp-law ta regalaté lasa sec pelai Paraent te Beolia 30sf Planning Act. TARE NOTICE fiit e Caieil aotiUe Corporation of lias Ta OakvlIe lalsada la apply ta ltae Ontario Municipal Board paeail thteprovisionsaofSetion0lf The Planing At fornapprasal of B Naibser 1970 pasaad et dia 400 day af Map, 1970. A copy afltO lawi furnislied hrewiti. A mite giving an esplanaion af ltae pu andi affect af lthe ity-aw and slallag lthe lande afteeled tlierely fi feesiste Itereweili. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, mthin fiateen (14) aller lte datenof tis notice, etd by negisterei mail ne dellner tl anerkaotlt Townsot Osiscille, salle af bis objecin la approvali, esiaii ity-las, lagetiter wiith a aaessealt ltae groamais ci nae jeciaci. ANY PERSON wlithisg la support lise applicatin ton appro lthe ity-Ias may mthin Inanlesi 114) days ftne lthe date eft liis c unditynregisereed mallordelsen ta the Clerchof te Town fOn nolie of biae sapport if appraval of lthe caai ity-lase lagetiter se nequest foansotieo sany bearng ltaI map li iteld glvlng fais faine ad addrn safta bmie hntce ledd ie give. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD map apprse of lte sl las bel itefne iting ss ii may appeli a lime andi plats sei aobjection la lthe by-law miS ie coasidered. Notie et aay seaeltq mai ie iteld miSl ie gîtes uniy la persanesebe bhave led an oitj ne notice et support and seit bava left ib an deBivened la lte inetdnsigsed, lteadtiet'esawblebasoieoeatinng ila ieent. TEE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS mili bie Augas 1970. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F OAEVILLE this 22ad day ot Jsly, D. W. Browna, Clerit Thue Town ot Oakitrife, P.O. Ban 310, OAKVILLE, Ontario. TEE CORPORATION 0F TIHE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE By-Law Number 1970-61 A by-lase la ametd Bp-las NOnif-île (Lat defliliin, etc.) TISE COUNCIL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. By-lase 19005110 la itereby ameaded by: la) Adding la lise Brii lise of Section i Ose seanda " site cfnetdldicatemlalbemalnary",s eltaldial fiaeBne rad: "i. la Ohseit-Iaw, except wbere thecoma ladienlan la Ose mani (b> Deleling ftra saefctiom 1 et Sectin1 th itlleslng ses "'lot" aimast an mndivided paneel et land sitase an a negl plan ot suiivision or daenlrbei in a neglseed nveyants ity suitiig Ibenetan thie tallas "lot" meinses pamiel ot 1aid asued ty ne persan arne gr( pensane sebieb nit thé neqsiremanta o t dis by-laseh regard lathe axe ta wei il is put on the alle la se l Ila pro taMli pul an, it il dam att mmlt Ose nequiremanla of Osis bp-ki Ose saline holding efthOaI one peran orne grnapatf penrsane OsaI use alOshe date et lte passiag ofthis bp-las an, ie a par lad sbiai ban bean legallp enessei ftra muselia neqairemanla eft dis bp-las." le>, Delellag eniseelin l ot Seetion il anai eabstilallag Oserafi taloiaslg: '(2) Noapersan sali nedace aaplot by eaavepaanliensotelse s il dosan metme Ose nequinemanta ofthis by-lase an, ifl il di rasa disse neqairnents inalia dhat il sa ftater n t r (d) AddiaglteSection 13anaddiimasatiacionaa los: ()Aparcel oftland la a zone althen filn a commerrial ar n du aine msp, atilbedinig libait il dams nl mel Ose tronta ares nelqairemenla, on bath, lan tha zne in seblit il la silmai iseai lana singile taaiily aielaeied dseelllng it il adiers con siOs lise provsalme of duef bp-las, aed (a Iose mitais et a lot on a ncgistered plan ot subdivision sic ail item deemei set la bea regislered plan ot subidivisin he Planning Att an (l Bas a frmnlageofet ascai 40 teel mnd a dépI at lemIt10 laits sas, afthe daeofte passing oftieb-lae,Mbaiin upa aseaersbi maig 00sft dhe aseaer Osernit had aoilnteelt Osma a ecsnulp lalereel in aap ainag land atdhaîdate." (e) Deletitig Sectin 19. (t) Acdfia la Section 17m aidiliesal subseclian as fails: "44. Single tamily deBings an la 17.1.l(a) i." (g) Addiag la Section 17 thé tallaselng badetg and aidiliana " ecpn Bse.: aa 45. Single taaily dweilings as inla (la) 1. 4e.Stadia, 47. Elemealaryonurnserypschnle as in 17.1. (a) e. 48. Privale nerealian clubis an la 18." I. Tbis bp-las laites etfct apan die appraval et dia Ontario Mai Board beieg aittaincai. PASSED ite diConeiditis 4tb dapatf Map, 1970. "F. Mean Andet-san" l'D. W. BROWN" MAYOR CLERK EXPLANAT'ORY NOTE PURPOSE 0F TIHE BY-LAW Thte prapoeeil amenaieant seici la ot gainerai applicatin lbnaî the Towna, ceanmsaromnddtintarodctin ofat sacs defiailman sard "loi". EIrFECT OF TEE BY-LAW 'Lot" bad ptctioaaly item alclaed la ama "An andividei Pa 1ad abîma an a rogistecei plan et subdivieion an deccribe negistercai coavcyaace". Thic ami daliiin canlalacai la Section i (l selOnqslee diat mansidercai a "laI" a pancal ot land mmlt cal seil nequiremant afth liai alg bp-las itarlag negard la Une i mici i la pul, ne pnnpoedla ta pal, maican a prie coalarmiag me cîsls or i bas itaca legnllp nirasei tram plying. Babseclian l(a> nemogaiam OsaI dhe matai "laI" may bp naled la mantente ascter enample, an aniglani concessin lat, ne a Ie plan et eubdiviio and Oreilles provision tan dues. Babseclian 1() e>nquieea lmoncaed tahéiemaailact Bubseelian liai> pratidn lisait certain partele sebic de att a w0t0000e bp-las map, aalmilbelandinge Mi essei fon single I aiseellnge. TIhe eception nalandei la ta weitle lt an negi plane leonlsdlag deemeai plane> adpartile aI 1ait 40'xl10 la eepanalte anesiipa diath data efthOe passlag ofthe bp-las proision la ssbetitatad fnr thé larmer Section 19 selachin fon aehémlar exceplion ballan lenaecertala languag. dabaclimes 1 (f1 andi 1 IgI specitp parking raqaireanatne eo znesand ane annelaicd athe balanceaofthe bp-las andare la morrec an eankier omission. TIse reqairements arc at citmged. LOCATION 0F LANDS AFFECTED iThe stele afth0e Town et Oaitv0c. 132,1000, ine, pruperty reiOh 2 atif-coniaineai aparlains, clos 10 actos, gond froasage on Gueltph Une, new toncm5., ralliaI lanal. 20 AUCTION SALES ta aimmalama, matasf tress n propery. 1 113,000. Needa casht. 1__________ COU NTRY 975,000 full lrtce. 8 moula brick home bath fireplace on 10 acres ofIland, close to 401,onaanin ped rosid. Frame bern suilabte for ebiokons; anai a sfee1 bora fat pilla or hamac,. Steel haro bil bouse ap to310piga. 327,909 fuil ptice. neso 3-beacoman ipit-laval hmeiabth garagle, large kitchea., nanaral caphoarda, diaiag ore, living roaso, bnaimnod fonortu bmoghotat, sitnalod on hal!it r Weitre1ma loI. 960,000., bail price, 84 actes anai bora, close ta, 401. C A LL 878-2095 - - 878-6057 17ell Une and 4 Sidemoad. 38,500. Tamias. 1 0i ACRES - Cedar Springs Rd. ait Kilbride, trea tineai. gond gar- dan moil. 3488f. Temn. Hi ACRE - Sietes Aie. and 3rd Uoe. Akiag 9,000 Tomae. Hi ACRE - lut Lina anai Lamer Base Une. Askieg $10,0W0. Tamies. For These and Other fine Listings Contact DENZIL LAWRENCE - Milton 878-9543 WALTER LUCAS - Oakville 845-0619 17cl2 Champion Ads ReaIIy Pay Ward Brownridge Uicned Aianglsera Fanim - Ulvcaltk FuasdOe Sau Apprecal - AU Tsyse Phone 878-6730 OTHER AUICTION SALES WILL BE FOUNO PAGE 9 For Comploe Auction Servict CHRIS A. SCHOU AIICTIONSUR Bais erta ltypasl. Blg an emnli, lB d sIé ba Sales endnaiad aapuwb Tel. 878-2576 WA7CH IROTARY PA Obltuary 1aeM. Boughto iI AreI me MlItuIa p0asti unoIlvepeare, Johne Maxwe5 a. met awaioB die 5t Mile ton aeU ' ; o , ailla Hoitlal Jodl6 Hoe aibmuç y-las 5"O pear.'mopis ol1 le 13Y Mo. Bauglitas sas hurae an etpnih ng ofat MOpe educatcd in Bratford atiainv s eshe adwa à 9 aisa ta 65 Main S., MOiltaton ee nbt edkof B lved tisa poes. Jmlt raemely b ilat ekw dape aisse ta bis ses hotemc R. aIR s aerla etcS ne Osa itan.s la Septatiien 1 'b eslsg Cassîls DI te wnt Sersils ihthe ing itlndap aigtl it ait- Bslîcrp asai mac itonorae b at abt lIschanged inîB1900itOste r enailtebetlil rail ot Of Sageaso p eidandteyà talas On February e 190 te nia tait aleep algit kvll Cadinne Inas Etton et rae lrah. he r dOsh a Bag' Citonei, Okilfr la alirenmica a die Oarsan e ire ovay , inn u Une mitera t He as5t al ive memitnet d ed Daii Cnaig. Id tp- IIAW Léol f thvfl . ai and Peler Base w1 8tt atarian e t eweard Co lant Oste araa I OsI blle aIFar la130 5~f 1 plainedtl a conte if lin Heses sactire la Ose BaEt tOeaoain CIneit Assciatien, B irdan Oste noese ses BnashIo t te d aient af; lais ri t h, Laglan la Muilasn.. Hes W Ftue e rvice Mee5 devalmls Bey. J. J. Msrpbp mandai sd biaisalitnl ,t9g. Ose fanerai ceavine et Bol maiaip Rsanp Citarcoian Jaip 18, e cai itp Coae intermient la Esergree aie aif ti Cemelerp. Poiliteaere mer tia teate wha neplta Joseph Bileeb, Ro Taillrend Jhé Poter et MU0ln Mr. Cnalg n Wapne Clark, Brastard ugit mambere t GIrsaam Baugluse stae a g ae aleg In laaOser-in-ae Jee slm a gl aivail Branlteor. Bamman nimpla Barvleg ara mita Cadhinligile ail belsg ah mat Joitn Micheli ut et 15 a.. aid tise tai Bryan Charles, aietJam, cli management Daviai Maxwell las dgite ey rmie Deana Marie dsa Calthenin ie rms se Ose Margaret, ail haitne and I grasaidangtana Marinean ,arp" Terni Bougsla, Allistan. rda Mma srvivlag la itOer T. Iterei Bangtan, Ositawa, and ciliaIe "sund Eveipa ia R. Craniio, U visg: tersas; Jman (is. A. W. Clarki Grecs uMine. A. G. Clarh) filp et Brantfard. Siler Marnare avng preaieceseai bre. eéaiemei peil xctv a kW, la Mclsitom an 1 patta ISQUIBINQ 15. la atasnif ccieto e Dlagman, Bai ltOe 7ttaniki CPfditCil Nixon, Gergc I )r te 1111111111es se Raciternp, Osa *moer il, Bob Titus, Jal D. 00m l sas n aI dteOs reguan smletig meeting by John P Id luI Eaqaaeltig Cancil Maad plaqae ta Mi ad béti30 sigt, mircil: aI tIsa remalar ed. A rem -Reccisei canreepanden emcaaiaiitandth' 'striai tram Geargetaown saadcni netnigecalar hée ,ge oran itaI en recrealias gra t100e mambers id, Mi Georgetama coli expert ttn t sacksai te Ibola 'Plies Eaquslag. Coanci) sever art resoit manimmal an it at Osa meeting enibere are rosa hiban 'l lor Day" at maier -oamsi Bi 79, dang wse M beail an Balont preccnevaliae et lthe Niaga Aaspané seuliia st and Eccarpaifent liad iteen gis elae isol cant raIe royal fsest. 'le bi negulat man. attiser qnarry aperaties. -a mere vcry sorti . dal if Cote -Recei capies of dia cniton darlag thé of practice, a ad apiuocd non dtesit s csena a Selia o siettand tamilp. I eab- lImptasémasl braucto aIlt + + De art ofAgricultue. lea SICE CAL Ilplestre are Iso ea --Castirmei a rvc coancil'a dciaioa one 50at> oadinalLut 18, concession 1î UTIN idustriel uae. ite land hélons r, neupal ta HowardiTarmail. ______ -Adviaad Hasard Tarzeat U contact dia halh unil co 0: A U cnmng te pollion ofea pend t' las pnapertp. Appareitly refus, ia taing dumrpei an thé proper, Mnî Sulaet ade Oi lca To bhobi at tl didessai. sFslisc Tmp., 3 Jot -Agreai meinbien bad ~rtslison (401 bleel ugith abjecion ta dhe orieians i R1, aftde Oengeamn officil plan. RD -Accepteai thé tender at W. IACTOR AND reelaof Kelya3$47taSteabia bid S -Case codo ai in a and de moad mark anth Fan rubter,~ 1938; Fn Une h i a a acceptî 3 p.h., 12"; ta Mi cttiject la lovezalila bp 'edr and fard n à ta townsitip englace md ro r,~n 7' rot, on tn tuabp dhe Deparatm t Higlu e speader, r non- -Receiei lsa ofthe d w a White No. fan- sMblt f 32"; 2 famtit tt mue Miin laxma. Il wa« rotter; donble sala tsmmended bpClekhDeial spr;ai 100 bnamoetan rs r e hn i inrompleo. Omply UISCELLANEOUI ramplp olda of nasd 2" 1 lsmiy o ida M6" to 12"1 midi aimaid Fnartemfi Millon, Carlnle a long; table sore OV. Cambelvile flkmotorei 1 gal.gas tankr Thdae Boita LHog MS a t ry n otor; se ;a Wniggiecslongk Mon.e F.s E Narbotgai Mn ast tanktet Nesel, fo . su Mme. 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