Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1970, p. 6

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FRER RIE LEGS 47c LB. ONIOKENS RS . Ir, ),CHICKEN BREASTS45 LB BLADE ROASI LEI. IROAST 49!B.t Hamburg 49 LI RIB STEAK 990 FRESH - LOIN FRESH -PORc Par Cop 70 SHOULDER 390 Sausago ý FRrSH3 Ibs. 65 LEI PORK LIVER 990 5 5CLB Cafiago Rails HALVES FIRSI CRABE CREAMERI BUTTER 66OcLB. OAMPIELL'S REG. 2 for 30' 6 Tins O U P S CHICKEN RICE CREAM 0 MSROOM CRE- 01: FCHICKEN VUOOLO FASHIONFOSVEGETARLE . 09 AYLMER TOSSATO ON CRUSTIES J DIGEA 5 99. *UTlERMATE STYLE RFA. 43 SLIGED WHITE i0 OZ RE RFA.$15 BREAD CARNATION EMBFRATER 2 Tins 2 z ofEg REG~ LOAVES JERCEIS RAND BATH SIZE BAR SGAP 10OC LOTION MIL OXYDOL (PLUS) C dotorgont 79c GIANT SIZE REG. EI .8 NEW 32 OZ. JAR (IN GI ASS) REG Si.1 ROMAN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 890 FACLLEROYLE A 8G9O KOTEX PLUS Facial Tisu R tes 3 for 890 (FEMININE NAPKINS, FACELLE ROYALE TWINrPAK RFA 2ROLLS OB REG. sipo Bathroom Tissus SocLL 8 9C $ 01 AELLE R OYALE TWIN PAF RFA. ROLLS R SPEGIAL ~1~ PAPER TGWELS 6kROLLS 99e NO. 7 ONT. 6 QT- BASKET PGTATGES 69c BANANAS FRESI FIlM LONG GREEN LETTURE OUGUMBERS 50- Lb. 2 for 25e 3 for 25" 6 The Cenadian Champi, ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK B. Corn., R.IA., C.A. CharteRFd AccoOOtaRt 143 Min, St., Milton PhoRe 87R-642 ALUMINUM ALUMINUM Windows & Doors GLASS and REPAIRS SOUTHSIDE PAINT & GLASS (W. J. KOSKI & COMPANY) Il Fulton St. 878-9432 Behlnd BFiaR SeRt Renity. Sic-tf ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B-Arch. _ M.R...C. 20 Stavebaok Rd., Port Credit (416) 274-3428 Renidonce: (519) 927-5558 BEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Oesigned Josi For Yoo - od - COMPLETE SEAUTY SERVICE Caîl 878-2461 192 Main Street 21c-tf Pamî's Beaufy Lounge 16OA Miii St., Milton, Ont. No Rppointents neoetsnry. Caîl 878-4581 Noors t Mon. Tors. Wed. 8 aie. to 6 pa.. Thur. & Fr1. 8 aie. ta, 9 pin. Sat. 8ant. tod 4pnt Cimpete Beaty Sernice Ooener: Mrs. Jack McDoafali. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Sic-tf BOOKKEEPING HILL'S BOOKKEEPING SYSTEMS 420 Fine Street MILTON, Ont. Ail types o) Inconte Ton eoperîiy prepared. Caîl Anyfime 878-9762 Won't accept garbage from other towns Esquentng Township needt Iiss gat-hage, roanicîllorn said ai the regola nteeting ni coonril Monday nîght. Beg Clark of Mdlton IBId Riev 1George Carnie lie Oad bought a baua s oiness finie H. W. Herennhrrger. Tie formter owner lived in Rsqunting and mher tmsa ntonth had crtted gar- balle front Lohlawns in Milton tn tie Enquring dntp. Thet-e o wner anhed for the saeprtiiege, Oui rooncillor Ken Marshall naid, nte'l thanh lie for Bms informtation and say ntinto lahfe garinge." Council passed a retalon saytng no garbage ft-ntide the tonship woald beaceped ait the townsip daiep. Mfilton Fi-e Departent we-e nanntnned tn a dweiiing fit-e ai tie honte of ot-on Satton, R. 3 Millan on Mnndny enening. Snntiîng Onrning in the Ot-eplace had ignited a wafl partition and the loent fit-e nbraigade ws. called. Fit-e ehief A. E. Oleient said nt ni the dantage a * restt-îeted to tie sal pnttfinn, stadding in the atie ainre tie Ot-epinre and gnble Rt the end nf the bouse whîch wsn tnged. Tire lir Ore hot at 7:10pnt ROAYPARK AU. 8th BRICKWORK and MASONRY P R I E S MASONRY CONSTRUCTION R.R. 1, Cantpbellviiie, Ont. Tel. 854-2672 21ctf BRICK and BLOCK WORK G. SMITH 634-0186 BURLINGTON 2ic-f Brick & Stone Work BASEMENTS , FIREPLACES EXTENSIONS - REPAIR WORK Phone: 878-4546 CARPET CLEANERS MILTON CARPET and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING FOR FRRE ESTIMÂTES Please Call 878-3074 (q AtM. TO 6 P~M.) lc-tf DEAD STOCK REMOVALI PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval LIISITED Highrît cash pricco for dead or disahied cows and horseo. CALL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 242C70 21c-tf DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS FARM DRAINAGE For Free Entintatrsonf Tule Installation in yoar fields Cal11o KEN ARMISHAW Guelph 824-9538 2lcl3 1DRIVING INSTRUCTION LEARN TO DRIVE Sale - Soi-e - Enny Wny COMPETENT INSTRUCTORS Traied in Driver Edortion onder Ontario fafrty Leagor CALL A & A Drivîng Schooî 845-5853 21c-tf CARPETS &_ DRAPERIES 1ELECTRICAL SERVICE DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Residentia * Indostrial "*Commiecial Ready - mtade Drapes la stock. For Custom, Setrvie CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 lictf CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Dontor of Chirnprnctin 237 Rings Court Cresennt Corner Martin St. PHONE 878-2831 BY APPOINTMENT McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED eII INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL e FARMS 86 HOMES a ELECTRIC HE.ATINO INSTALLATIONS 66 Charles St. Milton 878-9513 - 877-3752 Sic-tf FINISH CARPENTRY REMODELLINO REC. OM *KITCHEN CABINETS *VANITIES ARBORITE COUNTERS CLIFF BARNES 878.-9135 lis-if CARTAGE & STORAGE FUNERAL DIRECTORS CARTAGE Efficient setrvie Reasonabie Saites CENTRAL CARTAGE Milton 878-3351 DAY NURSERIES Milton Day Nursery 143 ERONTE ST. Wr offer compirte obiid care for yoor ioddier to school - tise cbiid, Monday to Friday, 6 am tc,6 Pi.mLienced. 878-2931 APTER HOIiRS 878-3151 Sic-tf DOG GROOMING AND WASHING PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING Ail Types of Dngs Chipped Pondles a Specialsy FOR APPOINTMENT 878-3644 2IC12 FMcKERSIE Faneral Honte 114 Main Si. Miltoni Oar 1786 year of Iinlpfttl, ourteotin serice 878-4452 GENERAL CONTRACTORS RAY OLAN Building Confrafors Lfd. -~NEW HOMES -iRENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS 854-2263 Sic-il ED MCMULLEN Contraccîr 0 Ceaient Flot-s Sidesalks & Stoops 0 Chiney& Plaseieng Repairo, a Stucco Work e Fit-eplaces Phono ACton 853-1818 lic-nf GRAIN HAULAGE SPACE LINE SCUSTOM HOMES LTD. Blue Spruce Enterprises RAR. 5 - MILTON 878-6869 FROM FIELD TO STORAGE BIown or Dumped 12 - 14 Ton Capacity 21C22 Custont Rent6deSiUM Alun Costoin Biuit HRones PHONE: Toronto 533-3667 Itooitig te Mutisn Mon nanti) 21ei -ONIONS 4 sACE 2501 FRADMt 4, 25< -il RYT __ INSURANCE SEWING MACHINES _____ CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE Sewing MachinesBIT ASSOCIATION USL-Mr HititeittieeiRn SALES - SERVICE an Busseil (nec Auto, Aoidental Denth antd R E NT AL Georgeton, Ot. SalPe Drivtog, Extra Vehinle PHONE 578-686 dnugbter TROR I Reduntin -ieigit 6 lbs., S <a PretnioRs Mott Ecotoiclal Milton Fabric Centre Distrci Hospital 197. Cali:i1 Martin Street R. S. HeatEterington Seriesn and Rei>airs on Evans - Mr.a RR.' 2, Milton, 878.48553 i ars fswn mahns biton arm pleas* Over 21 Yeara' Serfie 21 O te birth of theji The Mtuel ite Michae, -anight 7 ro, t!ecsr Joseeph Brasnt Met ROBERT S. HART TAILORING - REPAIRS llo uy9 90 Agent GRIr ITHS - S, Agent Grfiths of R] 341 Orvîie Rond, Aon MEN'S are pieased to n Bus. 416-431-3460 ioafe Rr-tva of < Re 1 -1~- TALRN Katharine Alice, kes.51"3-157 TILO ING ýoz.,Rn Frlday, 3r LI8RRY HURS ALTERATIONS JARvis -or. aie KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR , ,Milton, are pi Aooday Taesday, Thursday & 202 Main Street eouance the hirth c Friday - 12 nonn to 5.0M11 Shelley Anne, Taenday and Thursday PHONE 878-4472 F -ozs, at Milton fraie 6.30 pie. to 9.08. 2ictf Wptai on Satarday, Ciosed Friday Evening and A utile Ninter fat ail day Saiorday harlle. Wednesday - Open front TESRVC PRCHEM - Mr. 9.30 a.m. to12 and _______SERVICE___ forciKenneth P front f p.m. ta 5.30. peuts) of 5310 141] 21c-tf TREE SERVICE ý. 6, Milton, ame Trimmntig & Remova ai Treen oane tint hirth MOVERS No Job Too Big ohori Edward,' No Job To Siai laitnt Multa, No JobTon Smll taon Joiy 21, MOVING? North Haltooý Tire Service raRdchild for Mr Ste yoor local mtan. Faliy Insored rt T. Spelis an Rates on rec4oest. Phone 853-1010 bild tor Mr. and Acion îîie. Central Cartage16: PK-Hoe 18-C Martin St. ____________ Sitrck (nee Ma Mihon 88-3351Thontas St. Millo Mito 78331 TRUCK WASHING ,Io nnonc the 21c-12 ________________ irsi cOuld, a son *rd, weitib 8 lOt., PAINTING & MOBILE ron.District HoRpi DECORATING TRUCK WASH Special Prices on ENGAGER GIL VANSCELEN FLEETS MOTORS SHAMPOOED M. and Mrs. PAINT IN G Cleaning of AlTypes BowdeR of Mio Confractor CALL ANYTIME yoangesi daughte INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL MR. REID if Mredc HmF INTERIOR -EXTERIOR 878-2516 Milton. The ieart Cal) ow foF Fiee Eîtintateo. . 21c tf pince Fiday, AtaRi niera o'cooh, Bt 878-6137 e-oaa Charcu, TO Bon 114, Milton. UPHOLSTERY qsiig. 21c-tf -COMING MA OPTOMETRISTS MILTON BBOK-U ARTURA. OHSON OD. UPHOLSTERING F. A. Luchîn i ARTUR . JHNSN, .D.DOOBA the forth MILTON- 184 Main St. Now owned and operaiedhby ffgoher daug 878-9972 Lorne Arthur nagleal Laf Tuesdays and Fridays Phone 878-9094 KIent SabcS, s ACTON - 54 Miii St. E. R. R. 3 Milton E, Sobosh and 853-2520 * Re-ophoistery Eabsoh ofthe Wedneiays and Sntrdayoý * Auto irie Loscn The wed * tJpholstery cleanioR place August 14, Reoidence photie 878-9678 * Custont boilt foirniiore vot-s United Ch' * Frte pick-up and drlivery Ont. PIANOS - Tuning and 2lc-If ïAH OE Repairing and Mrs. Ednta WATER HAULAGE lornhy, iB mao PI1A NOS only daughter, NI Tuned and Repaired WATER HAULAGE id Mr.Rihr Prontpt, Saliofciory ELVIN CO A Oia evenin, A Srie 166 Robinhood Cresc. *t 7.30, ai St. St M. WINSLOW MILTON po8 a Church, Hor 334 SicO RESTON . ORE 34PINE ST. Mr. David Gent Phone 878-6572 Water Haulat'e t annona th 2lcl4 enarriage of ehe 1,600 GAL. STAINLESS STEEL Miaurern Panolyno PLASTERING &STUCCO TANK Gnrdos. Go]e __________________ ardens spraytd. Braimpton. The ~ & Succo Lassns, girnoral ocoier porposes. take place on Sa Puasterung St8 5, 1970, ai St. Ail Typnt of Stoono CALL ANYTIME Choirch, Milton, New Plater, Sepairs, 878-2516 Cnt-e Ceilingo Sic-if DEm Aîdershof Pîaofering Co. '$4ARSH, 'Mrs. Id 878-2016 WELL DRILLING 86, Of Mooreto ho-if jl, 197f, in Si. Jon amia. Surviinl PLUMBING W E L L S 'arl, Arthur, Wiil Iof Moorrioson BOR E D lSrigden, and 1 Glen Richardson a CLEANEO fVe MoOrat PLUMBING CONTRACTOR e DEEPENED Matde) Malle Retidientiai and Induotrial ita Mrs Ll MILTON I l fDallas, T WELL ORING yrne Hall of SpciaIizing alL BRN ifornia and NEW INSTALLATIONS, M. Peltier -878-9552 raie) Duencan c ALTERATIONS and Henry Gaohoh - Water Diviner R , Wiliam Toronto 366-43909 x Ernie and REMODELLING 21ntf ofCiertsor 634-2945 ___________ Idren sire 'w 21-l WELDING 1929; one Sc ROOFING trieJMseph Charlton Wedn rs3nerEd M ITC H 'S W lng Fanerai was bel Gv.CridPtresaure Weider ntSteadenan ROOFING and If 5your bosinesas in indastria, Moeroffciai EAVESTROUGHING agicurltnre, construction or -Bear Creek ci fi transportation, and you nend Spesializing in ree)ofing'and foliy eqnlpped and enperrned i N gnneral repaira. pnrtable wetdatg ont-rie, ai , death, iem FRER ESTI-MATES CALLeetO itie 853-1009 - R.R. 1, Acfon 21c-.t aotre ps*ilnt Sic-tf Adton 853-1634 Jateiety ttitti Il

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