111 osss ssnpion, oenRn-snay, july -37 1970 Omacgh! Several attend tour at Guelph University By Mes. Cecil Pteoson P-ieods werie sot-ry t learno f lie puooîog of Ni-o Cante-o Wlsn onoFridayntorrng July 17 in Toi-onto afte- an of six meontira. Sincere syntputy os extended t0 lte itisiand uod Itwo sont nd daugiter on tem lois. Site ns aise norvi-ved by ernotie- s. Normnta Las-son, a bi-otitr- William Las-son und a nioler Ni-o Mugit Seuty Gi-lntell wstoeMeis. Wilfred Lawreroce, a patint in Burliogtoo bonptrui foi- ui-gei-y andteNM-s. S. Finme Sr. inilton Hlospital. Betu-n Home Lanra Mai-sbull returnei honte last nteei fi-on a loday bofiduy ut te Pi-esbyteiut Ctntii-i Cuntp. Gien Moiti- ut neuve-ton Otaio. 4H mentie-s of titi ulîo Holstein Cerf Club enjoyi-d a ituu trip toGuelpht Universityen July 15 Ritere titiy judged and bil a tour. A large nantier front oeui-by Pi-el, Wentwortb aod Welliogton couoîirt aioe ut- teod-tI Fi-ont ibis ai-i- s-i-ie Karen and tileroe Mai-shall, John aod Gui-iy Putteruon, Sti-pien Wildgoooi- nd Cei-il Puttersoo Jr 'iti ntrnbi-rs judgrd ai-S gui-e ra onsoi-claseofoltof,uuvine nd twoosetsof daiy aitais. Ni-o Lanra Moobula ut in- Drumqulin misbau iiitid foi- titi punI wees ut ber gi-nddaugte-' boni- uotb Ni-. aod Ni-. Ri-bard Day, Foui-l Lne. Cecil Pattern ntas oni- uf 10 di-legutes front Rultoo Coonty to atteod titi regionul 4-H Con- tr-cie iteld ut Yont University Toronto July 7 to 9. Mdoi-e titan 100 yoong ladi-s nd mnte r oeai-bycouotiru galbe-ed for lie titi-ie days, i-Oloying tou-o, lcurus und spoi-t ucîiiiien Congrautulatios lu Ni-. aod Ni-s. Harold Jarvsoo lte bi-titof a daugbter on Milton Hospital o July If. Thte Rayne- fantily wr Suoday isiterao for dioner s-It lte Bill Pi-oud funtîly ut Moori-fii-ld witit a opriil crlerioo lo- Susn Rayner and Keooith Pioudbuaviog bittdays Sous mntirb Ten titoken Douglas Pi-ai-nb i-quîi-od t-o tîtobi-n lu i-loti- lte i-uts in lis seoi--ndlingi-i-.shii-bhe-eciied i-bn te titrent a broites borde ut play Ni-o George Derbty and Stepheo Daeity Roire gursIt ite NcDoual-Co-doo weddiog in Cuai-ay napliot Churcit July -If. NMr andNMrs Alfi-edForduand Niss Heen accontpaord by Ni-. and Ni-t Clar-nie Galbraith irltui-oidlthoefi-om norrd-d mtoor boliday te lte wst coat. Tbey ais o n led witit Mr. and Ni-t JacitFori-nCagary. 8 itday greeoongu 10 Sunan Rai-ner, Lioda Vandor Boom, Nos. Murion Snyder, Dekk o Harrns Mati iy Stepkenson, Tontny Jones, Nurleneones, Cita-lon Fent and Sandra Taylor. Dot &tatckers? Ai-e dog marcher in nte ai-ni agato? A keauliful Gormun VNCMGNFRnuiksnufietioSai-yngtlkn litepiterd utd i-ollie dog nian IC ONFR a ieunoe-fci-otn is ainde r ati-yurdayngt ni-hi -Salurdai -moreing Riten a Pai-ty. Vince itep te crowd auaed selith kis songo and slories and i-ai- d-oi-e on a long teor and nprted anentpair-ofi-alkei-lond trotsesdoi-ing thenshow. On te quivbly gi-ukked te ding and left. banjo knftind bin na Morii Bofye-, ling of the Bano.-fltoff Phto) As it wsi-oeteen3 and 4 at toit i-aused tucit tunsei-n. Thi-e s-eeitpi-eiions iseooa Subti-day rntoi-ing thisanimal wanntising btretai-ned Suoday oonMtuchi lte worse fo- Roe ver -tired and ith i-atste bis feet. Did sonte one Lake bitn a long joui-ney and kie mnnaged t rek looad conre bome? Let us s-at b on petn and report uny tlong unannul 10 te pi-upc- autkoritieo the police. 5 A tructor nd ltuy ntoweo os-oed by the CP.R. and parkeJ oltheoade of the C.PR lioe oe- nigit. ws-a tarled and dtivcn over steiel postas tiretthe one alto 000cr dantuge te neui-ly $200. IL ri-qniied a day 10 gel il on worbiog order. Class of 60 years ago reunites in Port Credit By Ni-n. Cri-il Pulterson The 21ot annul clasi-reroof u Rornby Si-itol jonîi-r grade of Blr 0ycaro ugo s-as iteld ut te tonte of Ni- aod Ni-t Roy Cunniogbant PortCrit an Wednesday July 8. itose attendîog s-re Ali-e Ni-Fadden, Vers Mai-tii-, Edou Cruaici-, Annei Ctapmnta, Vi-ra Si-ot.Nagai-et Boot, Stan and Nary Puy, Leslie Cuoninghant and toeir lrui-hei-of fornter yeart Mis. Petrey Moi-iy. tÉ huthrffiotj ORACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Milton, Ontario. Ranior: Roi-. B. W. Poster Assistent Canon F. H. Nsson SUNDAY, JIJLY 2bih, 1970 Tiity IX 8.00 ont-Mol- Commuion.io 10.00 a. -Nitis and Sermon. Thorsda-, July 301h, 10 amn.- Moly Comntaion. AIl Welconte MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontar-io St. N. 878-2022 Chitiano gatoored in the ienne Sf the Lor-d Jesus Chislt. Lard'a Doy SUNDAV, JULY 26ih, 1970 1030 nin.-Bieang of Bred. 12.13 pm.-Banday -osooSl. 7.00 pmn-Goapa Soi--Au, Wsdnmsdny, 8 pm. - pay2er ad BiNJe oesdlug. AN si-o RA-ome ti- te sericos. Ji-tai said, "I am thi- Light ufth ib vorld: lie- tbat flluv- i-oh toi sbhl net s-aIt ut dot-bs nsi-o. John 8: 12. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRBYTERIAN CHURCHES Inleolin Moderator: Bsn. o. R. Ni-holson, BA., B.D. Campyitllill 8504M SIJNDAY, JULY 261h, 1970 Ne sei-ies on Bostoo asnd Omagit during Joli-. Yeu ai-o oviiod t0 attend te seoi--tt ai Knox Preubtl ci-i-su Churcb, Milton, se- l0 ant. Sanday. EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHURCN ommncial Street-, Milton Pesi-or: Roi-. Cîsylon Cale 878-473 878-3542 Ttc Lai-d'o Day SUNDAY, JULY 26tb, 1970 9.43 a-m-Bible Sthiso. 1-1.00 u.-on.-sýMonng Woi-nbip 6.50 p.o.--Song Serice, 7.00 p.m.-Sieniug Wai-otop. 0.00 p.m.-Prei-er Meeting ai Bibie Stondy. "Le u entei nto lise Muniew nf lte Lord seiit thnkugfiiig nd mbt Mis Courts with Pi-ds.., CHIJBCH OF CHRIST Nu. 5 Sideroad nd 4th Lie Trasfalgar SUNIJAY, JIJLY 201h 1970 10.00 am.-Bible S"ioo Classes tor i- uSgne. 11.00 u.n.-Morning Woi-top. 0.00 pA.--Preaolllug of Ste Gospel KNOX PREBYTERIAN CHURCH Nitdsten: 0ev. Joli- M. Mont-ai-, Miltcon S1JNDAY, JIJLY 26ui, 1970 10.00 , os-Uo Soi-vive vi:lh Si. Paul's United. Gud uf AIl Ps-i-le iil lOis-Citas. Haii-i. gvviî s-bto- datto1 Joli-. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A locah assemtli -of Thc Pestecostal Asoentim ce Canada Wakie~ld Rd. and Hi-y. 25 Milton Pays-or- i-v. M. Chittoti-nco Tel. 878-2064 THE LORDS DAY SUNDAY, JULY JOuth, 1970 9.45 amn.-Bundai -Scbool. 11.00 a.on.-,Marning Woshp. 6.00 p.nt-aihy Pusoyer. 7.00 p.n. - Hi-coing Si-auli. lotic Bei-vice Wednetday - Bhble Stud-, 7.30 p.m. Ani -n thi-sI, bel hint cote,1ni me, and dinoI. JoIn 7, vt. 37. Ctrist stands i-cadi -t0 pro. vide spiritual bile foi- tose toto ai-c itirtty. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Of THE UNITED CHURCH O9 CANADA Nain St. st James St. Ninioler: Roi-. C. A. Humner, S.A., B.D. Gi-gonll and Choir Leader: Ni-o. Harold MsgeS SUNDAY, JIJLY Jth, 1970 10.00 ant-Usion Service ai Kos Presbti-trian Citueni Rev. Citai-les Mahaser will hoi ttc ntinisler doeitug Joli-. Stan Fay of Milton lthe pi-esident nd Anie Cltapntan, secretac iondueled the bnui en nteeting. A minutes silence wea okservedin lovingntentoiy of Ni-t Mai-garet Micie, dcase utoce lait gel togotiter. Mstr. Scott iovitd te grup te lier itome ut Contoro for 1971 reanion. Nany pi-bores were tuben, a presant aIt-mnon opent togetoer seitit an esi-iange of gifîn and a dolli-l"oa suppor. Qonenie Galbr-aith wseu toc only ntentbr unukie 10 ut- rend. Jury Neeting Tor ntenters of D-untqwin lostitute iteld tireur Jaly nteetng in thefortof a picaîthe tonte of Ni-s. George Railoy on Tuesdai -uflernoon Jury 14. Nine ntentbrs utteodod and enjoyed te social aflersooo follosned ity titi supper. Tite group liait orîgînally boci- 1i-ited 10 te Alderson itonte ut Brantford bot due tb inclentent Resthor thts wscancelled. Mes. Pere-yNrrryRus unin aI lthe wedding of ber grondaon in Cal-a-y Ropliot Citorcit Oak- ville on Joli -10, s-ke Dav-id Mi-Gougail botk ut bis bride Miss Catherine Gordon of Winduor, fornterly of Gabvîlle. Otiter guesîs svrre Ni-. and Ni-s. Koito Ni-i-iy, Miss Rosalyn Mei-ry, Harold Mer-i -sos un usiter for bis cousin A reception followed intei-itor-iparlotte Livein Bonte Davi- idsthonoof No. and Nos. Jantes Ni-ougul and sel boe leacbîng in Talgurseond Si-boni in Seplentier. TIte youog couple will resido n ronte. Roi- Keito Hauwkes conliorle i-hanb wboruip ut BeIbel Cii-bh on Sondai-, July 19 and toptini-d Denis- Evelyn infaot daugitter of No and Ni-o. John Pîcitett SixWeei Trip TwS young laies of inis ai-ni ore leavîng on July 22 foruasix wieit boltduy ho Mollund and Gerntuny. Juanitu Diliman Ril boe iitng ber grandipuienîo and lier frîend Coonie Courte RIS acoronpany ber. They ulS Si -1t0 Amesterdamo RoSand for a few days'stay th friends and lator gotoe Goi-nany. Tltoy Ril retorD in eorly Septentber. 10e Riait Contrie Juanita a bappy -koliday. Nos. Tont Rmppon retni-ned tonte te Gibbono Albterta on Wedinesday Joi -15 lnii-ing frem International Aii-porn, Toronto, Misa Rtpponitad isite]in the are wth ber fantily nd friendas for te pant IRo Reeba. Nnne Te Ustoniel Ni-s. Edit Smith R.N. of Ti-afalgar- Roud btas acceted a Position ith lthe LisIoRel Hospital an DIcector af Norsing nd siSI bite over lier ne datie on Angual 4. Nos. Smith bas items ssistent director aI Northt York ospital toi- toe poli soi-oral montos. Little Oies Soipson suffered culae 10 iis fingers wiete y gol caugltt in the geisof a cemont ntixer- Riile lie wias pinying wth il. Vie bape ies inam baffer. BIititday gi-mIings 10 Michael Big crowd attends annual garden party ByN - Jim Hamillon The 23rd Ga rdes a Cub was keld onSlra ght, Jury 18 wgkh a crowd of 3,000o people atlesdlng. The evenlng Rtarted off with a softkal game ftetween Clare Real Estate and Norton Bus Linos with tite game endiog ap with a 6-2 score for Clare Real Estute. On kehaif of lthe Moreby Ball Club, Spencer Wilson exteodel a Watt RRIi-Sni to aSl atlendiog lthe parly. Vioce Mounlford lte M.C. for lthe evening eoleoded bis seinhes 10 lte ban cluit for lte gireat effort titey Putilo te wo-k and heur-n of planning for 1kms animal evenl. Ward B-osonridge wa nhand agai thmyear 10 pli-nie lte childe uiti lie Is pony riden. Jimmny Laite uith his miagie ti-ickts really itadtlite people goesoing. Tite Pui Bi-otitersnand Shirley uniie lte big attr-action and alse lthe Jantaican Dancer, Peggy Jackson plut otiter attra-tiono. Tite refresit- mient itootit was bniy and lthe pie itooth ian itai-e kefore lthe eveoing wan over. Mr-. and Mi-s. Ronald Ni-Rugt, Mini Donua Wi-igglanwoi-tit und Rssoaell McHugit ai-e spending teir vaucation ut Wasugu Beachi. GUEST FROM SCOTLAND Mi-. und Mrs. Har-old Bell of Acoo and Ni-s. Aniue Bornap if Scoland, iei-e dione- guroîn on Tuenduy witi Mri. and Ni-o. Jint Hanilîton of te Ninlth Litre' Anoiversury gi-eetingn ai-e eotended 10 Mi-. and Mrt. Michiael Tyter nibo i-elebrated titeir Iti-st ueddîng annive-oury on Sunday, Joly 19. Bit-loay greetiogo ai-e e- tended t0 Robert and Michauel -~ n ~ iftS birtkduy on July 20. -. ~ ~ Mot. Stanley Waters on te ai-rival of Iheli- dangitter, on AGILE LIMBO DANCER Pcggy Jackson of Jantui-a wus one of the Sauiday, Jury i1, ut lthe Milton fealu-ed stors ut Mornky Oui-don Pui-ty'n 23i-d annuel eition on Ditrtii- Hospital. Salai-day nigkt. Sto Ras in conlorioon going ondor the fiant ng toi- ANNIVEROARY GREETINGS nd the citild-en aintont cluntkoi-d 00100the otage 10 000 toi-(ItufI oî-ruy reîg n Phto) nieoaygetig r eSteodedî Ni-M. andNMes. Williant Lowville Bid farewvell ta Couisons Hi-Ni-s. A. R. Contrer sont mnstor 10 the LowiSle frtndship lunciteon ithe Youto Ni- nd Ni-s. D. SnalloR asd United Ctureit charge. A cordial Center follonting kit first service funtily ai-e spending h Imprunier Rel-onte wan eoleoded tent ua on July 5 on tics-nt onoetoat, uncto-ed ut Conter Iland, Toi-osto. Roi-. Basul Adamsa conducledl baptisntal ni-ivices on June 28 ut Lantoille United Ckurck foi-rW Paf-i-la Lynn and CIteryl Lyon, H O I AC Engene Couller. Rosi. and Ni-o. Adants wRie presented wilk tokent of appi-ecialion front te ongregalîon, Donna Ricitaidnon nd Si-ian Fiant anaisllng Jack Bai-ton. Mi-. Adamts kus bon acting ntininter of toc charge nince test Noventitr. lThey were garnIs ut a buffet lanckeon later uith0e Coulùter konte on No. 5 Sidorouli, ulong wilk Jamien Cyoid, M. and Ni-. BrycA Ai-tona, Ni-. and Mt. BRce Coulle-, Mi-. and Non. Donald RunI , Donnie nd Ktimberley. Fastgy picole On Mooday nigitt, Jane 29, tite-_ ______________ i-ontntnity gathei-edin the Youto Contor of Lantiille Uited Cku-i-i tokid faewelft Ni-. nd Ni-n. George Courson and tocie son She-sood, Rko bai-e sold tei- fui-tr and ai-e ntooong to Noi-00oin Otario. Roy CoulSer teus ntasto- of corontomes and enpresued regret ut losntg fine oeigkto-n onio bitl ssontiik0ed niacitel ckurcit and ronimunity Ilfe. Nauice Readkead titowed coloi-ed slidni of flonters and gui-dons in the district and a feR of thte Coulson funtify on i-ucubon-fisking, touet is. O itetoif of the comntnaty, Jack Dui-ey prescn-ed the grisais of toenor osto purses of ntoney an a goodtl I genlure. Mi-. and Ni-n Courannwilfboein ctarge of Fti AS LOW AS Labos Haning und Fiskiog Camnp in the Lci-ack ai-ni, nortbost nf Subr.OfftoEnpn % 8 6 Slepiten Gunky, SkerRood 2 Courson, Stopken Johnon and Suan Dai-ey ai-e lnii-ing ibis Re itlSa Youth Groupton a 21- day tour of Japan Ikal will in- dodoe Enpo 70. B U Congr-atulatins are eutonded FA C N F I L E toNi-. nd Mra. La-iy Readntan, rISIqdPO FAIRL wkoRwe-e mai-iiedn July 4in 2 H IR O2U0. la. SIL. S A Lasevile United (2awck ky Roi-. B. Adamsa. Ni-s. Roadman Ras 3PE 1,0 IIIMATIS. Rmla, US AT the fui-mer .111 Taylor, daugiter N of Ni-. and Ni-s. Jackt E. Tuylor, 11IEIL MIENT §IT SIDE N11LIhIA N R. R. 6, Milton. L Bei-. nd Ni-o. Wayne Ei-win $9 R are nosiin residosce in lantiiSe Clearance sale. 2 United Ckurck Nassee. Aflee se-iing on a mission field in Saskatchewan, Ni-. Ei-sin RII Litter, Jeanne Baker, Cathy Sailiu, Ni-s. A. Trisekler, Steptens an nd Daild Coi- dingly. -M T R -Dan Chsampion dlasalilet lu 409 MAIN ST.MI ronund up Imprmer Itoufday teuhi. Hansen, who wilI celebrate teur Aelltrtirg titei- kittays-D ing anoiversary on Thur- Wood on July . 2dS eSnP2a sy July 23. on July 7,IFransRaeroJy Birtkday 2greetings are es- 28anda2ulsoloMen Aa Buko tended t0 the foilowing who are Jury 2A. ZlnBushon STRADWICK'S -~ FREE ESTIMATES - VS ST OUR SHOWROOM AT- 776 KING ST. E. HAMILTON 527-3681 OMIOKEIS 300 LB3 OMIOKEN LEGS a UIEUSTS 6@LB. POIK ONOPS 60 La. PEAMEIL BACON 8$@ LB. MAPLE LEAF COTTAGE BOLLS 89' LB. MAPLE LEAF WIEUERS 2 KC; 890 IS ROAST 790 La. ROUMI STEAK go.La. PaImO PEAGMES 1o. 2 FOR Me« UNIOO TOMATO PASTE 10oz 3 FOR 9 MAPLE LOOuE FIIST GRADE BOTTER 80' LB. LEA RANCE TO 76-23ft di th th th ci .0,51