Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jul 1970, p. 19

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-et5ummer lis busy seaison For ad agrnstfor our 4-H travellers iYou as gb ge te impressian Narse and Bdl Lasby attesded die 4-H record ut participation sopier s a buser han eertromnHato and acbevement were Caol cp ...nt s alendaroiumo Huon 4HCluh hock frou ati Aleta a Stohes Gce Brd, Dovus Stewarta ders for au cuise Fa,", iasper and me to he 1 the ft- veay home nemhered. ide of lthe of an inch sme," said Sa3 it a 25 clean the ich ail our ihe entire okies, a ýrry. "Aod %omae you house, for was ap- easand the iy broaght a goal and aie? "Sure alsae plao lu oh Inter on trarel and througboui ýho ocal iIoný Oook hosts boef meeting Alan Coohiailî honi tertalion- PMeI Producers' Tveilîigbi IUSetiig Juiy 23 ai is narth »i-lington inria on tbhe corner of lilu Sîderaad and Appleby mie. 'Me judgisg classes wl osa nia pas ut f tnished beitern and a pW ofifinished sieersa A panel aildeop of a represeotatîve front t5e chain stores, tbe independeni paocery stores, mhe Ment Packers' Cohari and the Secooinry -Manager of the Canudîan Catîlemen's 4ociain Chartie Oracoy. 'Me p5sel wsiil discusa the nete jýj To teeoagoer s who long to HalIonus 4- H Agrienliaral Clubs, Norma Lealie and Caty Lshy, bave verilttea editorial demn- :i: measlbs on te problema af expanding cifies and te trea of te cillas nvernabing Ostartals agricaltaral land. Thce editorlals i-::: are reprieted from, tho tant issue nI tho i$ Haltmi 4-H nevesletter: FOR EXPANDING CITIES By Canhy Laahy l te renidents of Haltan Coanny ho a part ot te massive megalopolis of isaînsanga? Wdl your taranon te fatare siteaf a resideetial ara, a shopping mail or aeu a nem city bal]? Farecaus bave hon madeUnit ow alosa ofmwell rver tree millites acras ef Caeada's honi agicaltaral land". cities by nase. Te nopir of expandiog cilles je ditticult tu l decompao lino advantagas andsdit vaniagen. lThe gromtb ut cilles heomes a problenutobottheocity and te urondng aies bte expansion sa ast plansed and asntrolled. If arban speami la aileveed nu contnue le Haion Coaniy, ie Ontario or in Caada, te prime agrirslnaral land md ho depleted and farms and tarasers grill hecome bistory. etefasctve planning la enforced las- medcately, te enpansin nI cinies will bave *severnl adoantages for te reaidansa et Haltra Conny who mie on tarms. Cilles miSi ho aide to grove le importance, tanctions and neecu, mitoat grsming le annecessary ibl te popalation of chien increases, the nsed for fodveutalso iscreae. Thusnee mîýrkens or larger marben are tormed. The t'mers i tho sphere surrounding the city mill hoable toasil thoir producta, perltaps ait lagher prices, veit lest ransportanion ats. IfCa.tadiantfarmers want tuoeed aiteat te Canadias penple, tecbastogy muni ho applied to agriculture. le order lui leurs neve moihovsi-felxtiet, People muni ho lraircd ai usiversities and colleges. Witb eduaaiona facilities availahle in err by ciiea, t amr sure mure people mdl labo aduvantage ut tis apparianity nu hotter teasselves la teiroasapation and industry. Many yoang people are leaviegitho taras orthe rral mm niies hcause they are hored. licey bead tue te cîty tai findt recreatianal facîlities and entertaieumeni. Wcttecity cloae-by, bas st lS ihoh rural aimaspheretfor daîly life, mont yaasg people are quille sattsfted. These yaasg people well hbetur amiers ofiomoroe oxpandisg dities comate disadoantages veben tey are altovced ta spraml. Urban sprawlmtaihstoppas danitjuaitiand cnmplais about the unconirnlled or- hanteation, do someting about it! Tare the disadoaniagen coin advantages! Top producer A Georgetowen ara fanm mas amng te oveners ut Jane Clanse leaders reported by te Canadias Jersey Caille Club. Naraelasd Farineuse Wanda, bred and ovedby Fred Nurse of Gorgetown bail te top record as te clans for caves five ta 10 years. Ai noves years ut age. Wanda ie 305 days prodased 12,841 paands of milh, 6M2 pounds ot fat, 5.00 pr cent for a Gold Modtalt recard. -The Bruce Trait ns cetehealîng ils lath asnivrrsary tîs year. C ing systeci for beand asuea -Invite yoar friendu lu Sceave Ibîyers mr.suîrrrîarreally Era nicthe fate grounda lahor day lqkng for. ekoed Sep. 4, 5 nd 7 Hîgh percentage of cows on mîIk recording tests Halton Couniy bas te ighesl peremiage ut cuves on lest ut any xiinotbe province-4,525 cavenoutoftaposible 10,o00 tar a 45 per DM level. Rasaers-up are Peel cusy witbn8per cet, Yrk ith scenand WaterlasoeSth 36 per cent. The Hallos summnry lue 1960 ta as tolloven Herds Caves 32 981 3Jl.I.A., nuporvisodl 1 28 301 l.A., avener-samplor 107 3,510 iLID.P. cas 4,525 lb yur berd an test? If nul, contact tbe Agricaltaral Office for ap- inias fournis. Before yu Sturn the key.. NUFFIELD Diesel Tractor SALES&S SERVICE SWANSTON FARM EOUIPMENI R. R.3, ROCKWOOO 85&-9512 Sill Lauhy, Mary Anderon aod Lylo Stohes attrodod ascee orminar uit Guelph for tbree dayu ai thce ead of Jase. They wr euposed te melhods of teacbiog, discussionogroups,auniversity and rosideoco hife. Anuthor science semînar mas hold ai Ceotralia ast veeh for agriculioral or homemakmng cluh memhors ioteresied in a to your diptoma coure. Judy leglis, Campbollviiio aiieoded the homo Anaiherasue ovosi mas te 4-H provincial leadership cooference Jase 21 tu 26ait Guelph and John I per vpucvured hy the Rural Leroîeg Asouciaion, Farmoru' unonad Co-Oporativo Devel- upment Assocition ut Alberta. Keiib livedwiih a rural family i Alherta anditonred Alherta farms iaddition lu ailendsog a en day leadership seminar. Hatn na selecig foar delegatos fromt amosg ces agricultural clubs and une from a humomakief cluh for nexou chaoge trip ta Kononha, Wisonosin July l8Otoi 26. Tas dologaton from Hatn aitended te regional 4-H coe- terooco it Yorh University Torooto July 7 ta S. Solecird ý MrKinon, Ken MeNuhh, Dure Reid and toroo Wilsoo. blaltue Junior Farmers are also haviof a hus uy anr 'Ttiy're planning ao oocbasge miih Prioce Edward Coaeiy Juniors for a veehesd laie ln Augani, and many veut attend the zoefield day ai Cookavillo on Saiarday, July 18 vehere entrants rill hoseleciedtforthe provincial field meet ait Guelph en Aag, Bo Ose hoy aod one girl front Halton are eligîhlo tu atteod vincial leadership training camp in oarly Sepiemhor ai Goseva Parh un Lake Couchichieg. Dologaien have yeî lu hoe seleried, AGAINST EXPANDING CITtES Hy Norma Leslie Leansgenaout, mare amny tram ail Stîs trfisnpollution and mencrete veord bci se ts uhSe trend of famnitten latety and showes banc, I tinb, that ctes are nat satisfying te needs of te famiy la pasl yeara villages veere bait lujj:: praterc People tramt te veildernesa and dangers arsand teas. Asuie paaned ine dustries developed hoause tese castrat pncben of people oftered a ready nnpply ut tabac and arbets for gonds. Nom csce transportations infast and efficient, and tbe dangerstu one's lite more reatbly toasd ci te urr ce traSere la a trend tn drralize. To te farmer tis change ta a mtaed blessing. Tbeamners ofnsalltarmc, bibig it barder ta cmpete wlth larger operions and maae emougb profit ta raine is tamîly, sec seiling land for building lots as a amat may ta beep ftra sitdag lne hbgb tidas ai inflation. The prices are ottea very hand- snnmeand hurd tueefase but whai happans ta many ofthene laine Oita tey grae optan veeadsandtefertile tandis leSt idle for long prlda aftcime. Faciories bave nigu docestratcted and mt easy acceanibilcty ta markets, and maternais. ibey are libelytoi eapand ascii ail te land in tic Orant Trun corridor ta under ite meirol or istiueocod hy tc presesas. Action nui hoe cabas copias the pragresai aI industries. Ido sac atein tai say thni ciies and ta- dastries are ontl and dasentraiatian ta wrong. A cotiety, if il n ta grove and presper, musticaaiain cilies, but il canant ho idepmndesi ut agriculture. hi la cime people rmlized tho importnceofu agriculture ta Canada andnstop treaiing ile nnany cases a a smailltime, oldfahiaaed occnpion.I iînu bsnss, and a very important une. Unlihe ater hualeses, haicever, fartaiog ta rcly aticcleit hy te leriliiy oftihe nuit, topagrapby of tbe land, bours ut sunlight, rase, etc. Agriculture and indascry muai u'orh ingenhor in a country and, t tort cthey cas ia Canada if planning isadone noient ail levels of governmeac te armas tibo Middlesex and Elgin, vebere the value ai agriculture ta grenier than te tour Atlantic Provinces, lama abould Se vende tu proceri the land froioter industriecstuitcould b ocated on pasorrland. There are houns of acres ut pour land chat industries aod home . omnersasould bntldaonad stll heoui ofthe City. People are hoginiog lu coaltar te ed for ciiy and arban planning. TtMis as tbe tirai majar stop. 'Mce secondcicep chat mat ho cakes if Ontario and Canada lu ta drvelop to lis; greaceai poteatial is tu oct. i»» Complet. Insecticide Programs FLY STRIP* Town & Country Bronte Si. Milton 878-2391 Gj ph si. Georgetown 877 2271 0 O_ nad by Ontario People - Serving the Halton Community MASTER MORSE FEEDS ose iýansveno Lampin, Wedoesday, July 15, 1970 1 Delegaies wiii hoe oamed lter Uoiversity and toars ai for the Uoited Nations han trip Wahingoeand New York plua Aag. 3010o Sept. I mhirbu iecludm vieilto the UN bailding. stops ai Pensylrania Siate SPECIAL SALE! ON ALL Horse Equipment until JuIy 31sf ~rIrnp:ou Farm Page 4-H delegates heur Dr. Chapman Oirls' Conterene for 4-H fromtHalioe. Lydiauencoaaar, session oflthe coniereace, - Homemahiag Club meashers h> teoshhiitcommeniaior, andhber astapaaied hhy Dorera Bas- hoiog heid chia ioerh ait the cluh leaders wiii attend chai mier, Homo Ecoaomîsi, University ut Guelph. Thte 200 detegaies tu the annual cn tereace asme front evrry Couaiy and Diticti n Onaio.- - - - - - - - - - Represenig Hahaon Cousy are Sheila Jamîmon, Sullinotad, Joyce Wilson, Hornhv, and Marilyn Barer of Oubîlir They P more selected on the husais of choir paricipaion in4-HHomiiuhîog cluhveorh. AIl chreeoare Crado Il sudeclu. Or. Ethel M. Chupaa whOjc the Cotitecc. Other speakers darîiig the ihre day coateroace anolde Dr. Joho Poweell of the University ut Guelph, ad Miss Helea Mci<orchor. Dîrasiarofihe Home Economîcu Soaocb, On- tario OepartmenofAgriculture ud Food. Cluh memhooa wi11 parcicipuce on discussion groupa and uvochahopa, aod cviii cour Mac- donald loctîcace and the University Campas. Seveoul oucsanadiat club ashihita fromt the apoîng 4-H projecti lihe diapînyrd un Thursduy aitereasa. Aohgrove's eshîhit Gond Qualicy le Cottos Separuies- bas heen selasied. Fine Furniturs AT FACTORY TO YOU PICES.NUTRITION MILTON PLAZA plus new: Nutiiinaliy batanced fnr top performance. MVASTER 1 7%' " MAaster Harse Krancb " Master Harse Suppement Pellets FRISKY FOAL FEED * Master Saseet Harse Feed FEED YOUR FOALS MASTER 17 PER CENT " Master Cuespiete Harse Feed FRISKY FOAL FEED THIS YEAR AND *Master Race Hanse Omis (Criesped) MATCH THEM GROW. 5Masier Race Herse Oats (Whole) 1 AGAIN THIS VEAR THE QUEEN'S PLATE WINNER WAS FED ON MASTER HORSE FEED STORE NOUS MON DAY TO FRIDAY 8 A.M.-5 P.M. SATURDAY a 8A.M. UNTIL NOON W. stock a fuli lin. of* MASTER FEE DS i IEE IATRFRRSLT H TC U MILL AID BELl VERY NOUS MON DAY TO FRIDAY 8 A.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. 20%/ DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR -PRICES INCLUDING: le SADDLES *BLANKETS le HALTERS S. BRIDLES *FEEDING EQUIPMENT j ~- *MEDICINALS MAKE SURE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THIS SALE .... ..........

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