f4The Canadian Champion, Wednnsdlay, July 15, 1970 f Weigh it well Tahave tino o tan aotne outil et nao t ahas n an ah- session waUh gond houseka part snna the daya on great. anothr fortheattaanat,tshtnet latig flo eatan id, ntit diacoven w-, have creatadnelof thehb tî1 aada inaxhonant a tiona ton nhippaty to aak on in saaety. Mont of us can nanan a relative or frtend oho han had the misfstntat tait on a ntappeny titan and break an ana, hip or solde. Sanali chitdnan tak a ny anty tonables on alippany Slonna An award of meit, then, shoul o td1 thoseho devoad the nea nemanand. ponadnfooingnattheafontpnsurfae. Cotonad nanyl paint chips ara spranltea onnn the clean base andi thonnugtnty coata ot uréthane varnah apphned ta maal a santnth, shiny sunfaca thot ned iiu aet epi laig hanta, but tha maia one ta tha nafety featone. Grandahatainen lear- rang to athoattaid aa'nantfooting. lwl ttbc erafoun non eattrnanatyaanadtforatdan peoplenttnttngous The " tnd attractint ta it waa thon it anqonans n nanohhng an ton onnatntow it My agnagklnéesntaannbaginntng tn pntat atnoch ibis typnattflo aa oa taaturonagond toinona Wihia cotmpanahlin a nt ta thn bat gnade ainyta, on onas hane ditianctahnnradvantagaa. Thay arenenaatnsaandsnatad againnt the a, agnanaa nu rs rcligas andan whnah dint, gérns on ae canahide.Vaorth cnsindnnation too, wan thnnsavng of tima andi mnat innmnttananae Wtt no naadtu waxthan strip offthe td waxand neftaîh, the foanatattpaytforthenaaetvnîatnwyar'a As fon tae tata, 1cnthtatnk pmoenonant ays tnSpendilthanatng andi mada vared, with atthnn large or amati deing of notor chips, dapandangoan the ana a Uftae ana ta hae covnnad Glittan flants nay ha uand ifyaoh kntbtm hattnaryona htan yon aoy bsronf onigmaa tt han inathers aha hava yaaag ahîtainan eantng tatnad thnnaaattaa ornoldenores tranlttg inan ouattofdano natttoatqu intish non nana tnnandtatatanna. Na ,aattnn ohat tha nanan-food,nand,snan- an tan -liad op aith tm [tof athn happening oitt nnan wait andi a apoage. Unat at alit lee ino a taittoka ntnat ta ahaow ohana the nasa oas, Rngtaanintfaadnathaedneatasonr Adaity duttngttttth a dry dant noa tda weakt aonat ove th a paaofdaap,nough annaltiagaandnnthe trop wl attt al lookaaastiftyenhadtpant houaana A~ long-stningta sourcenofannayanna ta hoonnotano han haen th black snutf marksthatncantypesbtaofaîhoeaaîaanaonnaninlyataaned flitant Tanatantathemt naqatana an ahrasivan taanan that as nanaand thentiaish Ail that is nadadtnaenoathe ma kstan donanqan tittant ta a anna noh natth a DRY ntnth. Uhnbleaaht, tan'til Thlita ta,n n also ta duabahea that apika haataanhaatay trnitona dnaggad ars ta suratae ake n indantattan nahatanatr Thnnn ane doittaannatt arttctas tn snnn huilding naagaztnes cnanng the pannaýdan tftan, hot ahana an naanh ta moan and spécal aqopmntannednd W pnatannd tuhaveathé wnnhdncpntannîanaît mil havnantn n nn rany. Yonhabitdan on nantnactoaaantelltyen about the, miaclent Ittattag liat tan have lourd ta beo aata waîlk an asna carpt aad asaaay tataanp ataan asadnnplat. itARU D INU RIHMGNHLL onJOa1 woeeMr and Mr Robant Ontan Mattana 'ala lande mIla thformer Janîne Lillia Gnoaager, dagitten oi MrI andi Mna. Jamtes Graingna ot Riclamond Hill, Whlatthan en tane of thet eonhtag pantennonala aI Milton Figure Olaaiîag Clata feoat t asta totaana Thiegromnaiathenson oftMa anai Mat. Robert Mathan of battate and ns a gaaduala oI Universityp of Guelph. tata taaakingttth the totamsdéartirnet of a Sarborghinsrane firm. A oedding réeaptin tan hatd ai Hanap Pot Ulai t.adga, Mapte aad the couple hanyvmwancd an notaen Onaio halore netrnaiag toaa ap rémidence ai Agtnont .(Phoao lay Anaha Studîi Rebekahs visit Barrie lottnoad hy Suzanne ad Maratyn doing the Irisha jag, anai noiana wtUth Utaanena atngtag tlan GCanry Sang" andi "Han Graat Thao Ana," Tht Haggann ttan playad a lto nombana wlaite nappar nana pot ana Ion 75 paopla hp te Robhlaa santana oI Milton Loaiga EaanY ane eanyaai tae nandanbo trap MEETS EVERV TUIESDAY 9 p. ...OCE ANSLiCa HA4 vt A PROS! hMt DRO IN.t - home at - A A busi at of antean andl - h ralaU oOtd ih tre ada D fellws andRehekaha an the - A 100F Honte an Barria. A gualeai tour Oaa arrangeai ohala ana pannai ait. ta the absnne oI Nole Grand Siatna Anne Watkaaa oho oaa il, J5,700. Sianten Margnra t a 'aadal, fan 1 D.D.P. oftheilodg antnd as M.C GWNE for te hort program tath iate Iabel Wilsn at tae piao. 'ainae sang naneanag hy tae Roleanln Mastant. Suannn andi Mandlyn Martin aita the Charleston lainla The l aneofbte home réidents banla ta naln tny oann Yong. O ~ na anai Sana i ggina wo ana -tan pinynai nia sélectiana an tae tRn annanalian wncnl pnanai tae niai bonne? fola aany ananl anad naa eninYn lIna CI Nant an tae pragaan Oaa on Iriash nanlan by Vinby Binai J Moore -Inglis we< LOIS INGLIS, CAMPnELLVILLE, bérenthe aln tglan, R. R. 2 Caanpblltilln an Oatnray, Jane 13. bride ai Dougtlas L. Moorena a nanntaga nnnnnony Tha naotyoaala ara living ait Ganagatilla.(Planta aitthe ha oe flerparents, Mr.and Mrs. Ganaga hynarriAtanan Erh io ~Keeping IKorneri Whaa gnanenynshoppinag aalaoa andanna tonal stonna nent or tanagnntthy yauanat have tu anoitet **oit" drnkl an a Eantla CALDANA-HENDRICE. Mn. nd Ma ++ + ara happy ta annonan tlan nanan ohainpapa pnoootonanh daoghien Liada Manie Giadyn, ta li tiay wiepprpout uh Mrsn Antoanio Caldana nI 'arnnoto.M tnaphian. toitat papr and i lS7at St. Joan aI Annas Choanla, 'an cial tssues.ane gradaten of University oftWate My tananty tannra ta hae suranaaag itot ait that noaor andi On brige nclta daya, I danorata thn -Anto Oaa iannpoatad an a naioplaa and otlaernaenay totan 20oyeana ago. taper onitalie Sloonna handa andi hattentint Nlurse of Hamilton office Crippled Chidren's Society Miss Daen Cooaa, Reg. N. ,loaph'a Hospital SalaotI aI naît joatheansngstaffoftthe Nursing an Hamiaton anai Ontario Society tan Crippand nenniana iher daplonta an Puliea Chldrenat Hantilton Disttrtat Heatth Nursing Ironthéla Ofine ta Agant t. Universtay of WestennGtario. Miss Caoan has heenatranta Sha lînna joinnai the District fred t aan he ontYn Nursing ttaff aI alan Ganait Thonder Bay Office ta nanan the Soniety an Saptenahn 1967. Seataanursngtservicesto parnts MissaCoaaowititonitnlose ad nhitden tain titolüiag an aperatn taith thelatocal aeaty dsnatndoaeaa Eaninr Seat serviaetaclubs nI St. Tha tawna ot Grimsbly and fathariana, Anion, Gorgetown, Linonand theTowanship ofWest maittan and Galaninl Rotary andi Lincont, ailtaaaery pattofthe theaLionsaCtlbof BOrigtoa. Ctony ofLincon;a.ndalthtat af Fot rte, tonnany pont ot the The Ontario Soninlyas Hamialton Cooiy ot Welland. Office an tane ot tntapote Stan otili oint annan tha Conîy Ditrinat Nursing Gffices oftHataaprentoontbnanarvcdhy proîding yeannrondateUeant tlan nantntyn Mn iana seraines ly protessinîaai et- liatriai Oficen. panteannd andi qoatiad anarsng Misan atgraduatnaf t. persnanel. 25% to 50% summer wardrobe S E A SMART SHOPPER BARGAIN SPECIAL TABLE RACK * Wîlla Items From Reg. $10 ta $35 Ail summor stock go.. nana - PonnES - aannn - SLaCKn - PYJAMAS * JEANS - aRESSES - SWATnaERS - aRELLS OLI WAnnTata nOaaaà aJAnnEnT an ana CENT OFF *25 Commercial St. 878-3961* *1 nf J.HnnaintnlaR.R.ntaiîta aatagananataganttlaataaldn Patea Calainan, ana nI Ma. an [anniaga ta tohe plana Augana noato. BnalaUtelaaidnaadgnnn alan -[Planton hy Pirala Stodia Caadelabra nd arangemnats aaaaaandnd by white powder-pallI mutnian d paIn panE carnations, ronde a panlty aatting ia baonl tlan finaplaca Ian a doauble-ring nannanony oI Lis Rose taglia alan naa aani an aoanaga ta Douglas L. Moore at the homeof tha haîdans parntsn, RIt. 2 Campllînilla, an Satnaday Jana l3ana 4 pa.. Rat D,. C. Nichalsn aI nt. Datadas Presbytérin Clannal nbbicaaad. 'fla brnidea t e aln nY danglatan of Mn. andi Man. wgnaagn laglia aI Canpbellvilln, and tegroom la th ny aon aI Ma. andi Man. Lithan Maare of Banliagnan. flan lannly bride, nanarana by lana fatlana, antanni tlae living- ma gawnd lan aa olngala laly piala awina annanlanniainana aagandy, ailla jawnllnd nalalin, laag alantan and conternait battons ntllae onant. Shbananana pin ail antla andi alana ta anatcla. 'Tha bride nanan Inala pnb aenation rosan tri ban bain, andi canainai a casacade oI pinE roae bada, aniaturea carnatians andi iay. Mat, Patta Haughes aI Centnalia onaatrnnof banna, gawnnd la a flanr ngta alananlnai gon aI mIn grena, n jnwnllnd nanlllne woth llnnatg planta banan tlan eanpiae waiaa. Olan wnaa Innla laly narnatians la lana bain andi alblanIagala glanai. Sta nanninai n nnpiany bail bouaquet oI plala minature canatinn andi lattan Gonanaaman oaa Patna Huglaes nf Cannrala and tlan attandants nanan pamenanai nilla an engnannai doble aiEs pan sel. ianandiate lnmily glun onna gannlnai ly Murray andi Elianant laglianofCatnplllln. Qaiet naît mania annampanini tlan wedaiii pana?, andi paina ta tlan naddlng 'ala laridai pnnty antanai ta ta maniantf Mandalasonba Weddini Matcha. Fat the i. çenamn tah annaln oI tlan laride nannianai ina1 ainana aI turquoiae lIn an brnidannai lana olala wte an nannannan. Han corsage naa olait carnatinsa ania pin nana. 'T auveanialtnnand nana aaearnationa nantanai oit whaitearoses. Saab fatana assiate la gnaanag tae gamans, wo on lay han ta tae oddiag dinn ln at Dadas Restaurant, Canal blntiilla. 'ala oa.dalag cake ana anade and danannanai la Ma Stanley Paina nI R.R. 3 Can blnltla andi nantani tlan lana at Roy Donantan, nanlingan ta oncleaof thebridenpapand l toast tatelarideaand groom f n atang happlamas, ta obinla U a) gaainannptind. Patna Huglaea w tatantan, ..ai Rot. Ninhlanl pnapa lann fon elatives and gandan of the hntd'a parnat, handal anala hatonan antique tannants. Miss Landa Seagrota of nanlingan anai Man. Davidi MéCaanann nana lanatannan tan tae atning. 'fla haida anai groom loft an a lannayan oala tlae laride oaing a pila enseanble an ban- bMa anattlanl andi norsage aI pinsa ail nanan y tae grom. 'fla haappy coupta ana aling tain hoane at Contait Acran, R.R. 2 Orangetille. ont aI on ganita nana Ma. anai Man. David evteriaige aI Zaplayahlatt, Flanida, grana- parntsa nI tae lariaie. Thla ganda- tatn of alan laride Robant laglia aI Caapblanlailta oaa alan Prianttnliernaintllaebide vain gant ofIbannant alan laoannof Man. Panai Selly, Banlinglan. Lia ga t Shail alanatala flan pljen a n Engîtala alatta, apanhitatil MARGARET PELLETrrERIO, 17, dangatan of Ma. andi Man. Georage Pellatteria aI 4174 Tan' airia Rond naa onn aI the On- nanan Saholana an Banliagln iga Sabonla. Mang gadaana Innan M. M. Rolainnan aitla 83.6 pan cnn. Ular antanda ta nna1 at YorE Untaanaity nana aa anif w111 apani tae nananan oling tan tae naningan Récréation Coananttee. To nana liait la hae ana patatal olan a setan-Yarnnld Antan distrant girt atappal off a panweranooeanad aagh liernfant la tae laai lant onk. ailanantana and attracnt' iaoelleay fan yaatnoe CodAnUtai Mantdan tamf Tan, WenOabanas toap.. tnt. tan9an- 184 Main RP789972 KtectIO'S The lan e n n t Milton ana horntaag nait up-ta-thn-naiaoan nanchandian fan the ton saaon ahnod. Eannylhiag pon anaa in nranan narpa anaay front nnnnythiog aine, tanins yoa tinan andi effana. Whala nanan, tlanaIent comapétitin hatwn athn mrhnskeepa prican at nack'hnttana. Sen far F,îl, ~yIaIuII~ ~uaataIaj Get the community spirit ond visit these stores in A4ilton 'aMaS. DEAR MILTON TRAVEL BUS KNaGHTs SHOES HARRIS STATIGNERY CREST HARDWARE SVERS LEDWITH'S SIJFERSAVE HARDWARE THE YELLOW BALLOON FREDRICK'S THE IAlaiS SHOP MILTON DELICATESSEN FRED MILLS MEN'S WEAR PURE F000 BAKERY MILTON DEP'a. STORE CLEMENTISPAINT & WALLPAPER R ICHARDSONS TV SERVICE ALL SEASONS HAIR STYLISTS WEST END MEATS ST. LAWRENCE FRUaT MARKE'a BOB BARTLETT'S SHaOES MILTON DOMINION HARDWARE MILTON PABRIC MEN'S WIEAR SELRITE STORE MILTON PHO'aOORAPHIC DAVIS JEWELLEMV ELSLEY DRIJGS ALFONSO'S FRUIT MET, LEDWa'aH'S 137 MAIN ST, M M Lan fan tango: anyn0 ia Q 'I iding Hanisa anai cn-lantnaeas nani Man. lan Snedin af Vaacaan4 B.C. andi tra. Douaglas Alin Hamiltn, an a aninnetlannanl Main. Roy Danavna nannantag ont ot the hbride antantaonai n aan vng prnainooth c, lanatannet Mat. Donald Mannitt ç Hlamitton and Mat Dantid M Camaton of Mtiltgaaaa. 'hlinan naa présenteait wit a carsage white canatinsa by Miane Jal Mamant. A alana ana service tata pinnan, alananan tanna ananapan, a place aanting RoyatWnaalanntnn dinnna andi an anaelp of maani ana préaanatM tala theappy brnide. Man. Dougas laglia of R.R. Camplanlînille waa lanatnsar an-lanatanana lain. Marray M Pliait andi Mna. Edigar Calana a Man. Ray Panrknr ean'taaned an aftenn panty. flan baii wspréntiait nlta nynllan ani anrage fnn lana turquoisan n semble alan nanan Ona leanln oI indin a nand tabla, fan chair] aad nI T V : o san a n n bata n , a antanvlapa nI nny me pannna ta Loia frnt t commanity. M--- __ - lfflý yourself. Save. Shop Downtown.