T own s surveyor v Main St. MI1141u»s Sartey, efthUe sorth hboundary of Maie St. beEwees Martie andi Couret was oud ie error by th Diecor ot lTil li.gic a buarieg ie Milton. In a wrttîc decisioo, suili sobjeet ta appeai, tbe Diseetor 3wrote: "S amo satishiei Obat the sseey method of Mr. Shoeuaber menssttus tbe bust avallable evidesce ofthUe logo positioos of th Ue lineu aod that Me. SeweOls retracemunt of the uast humit of M tie Bt S b ietesct the tehliesto Maie St. ain- ise t aoflat Me. Sewells rer ieu oth0e oortb humit of Ma .S . r M artie St. 10 EOtario St. is ie error". R. L. Shoemnaker represunteil, Cbarles Jobnson aod also o preseuted evideoce ssspportieg the lieeés us the ýGrace Anglican Osseath andl Camart Rnutmeul propertiu. OU. O, eweB deatteil te tomosý B55ýey on mtoch the tisetMaieSt racostructiott isTe objectiott to the Sewel 1Une afftecei the oeh sie of Maio jSt.,ceiefly betweun the tire hall aod Court St. where the two Barveys were at variaoce. Coucil bad uariier esslesl the r.jU.Maie St. sroject mould proceed usl the idewalbs wouid be ad- I uted us uch side petoiieg the rru, survey in error Btass e Bfth ru.essng et the prBpetua. Dlrector Bf lTIfes. Sfth tOcon IlOn5' "Ude exauBnatioB il a teBtsB prBlect wB5 dela3t fod tbat Me. Stoeuaer's lioe couiocil taceil beatty st=5b af Main St. mas batted esstetstially penalties. mi previous srveys by hlo firtt, 'Medetisio of the Dîrecloco of nparlecular 1940Oand 1941 where Tlites aiso rejected aBankbof Mr owm8at-hatedsown his Novta Scotia objection tbat the metbod of reîraceotetantdbased Sewel sorteysltowed a olotnn lui;surveys of tatieeon the of tbeir buildisng proJectinO iBto IBusil enidence of Maitt and thse street by hall a foot, Thse Martin St." director wrote he mas satiBAi tlsBt the litte Bt O.L.B. Semeli in Thsc, Director salid he w Bois ttscinity (the bashî is thse satisfied that the Shoemsber correctone and 1do heebY dey evideBte of the nortb liuit of the SecoBnd part ofthske Bank oi Main St. coBsistates better Nova Bcotla objection". evidenfeoftbelotimes tban Me. "Rtl mas distovereil in the Semels. He ordereil Me. Sewell hearing trout tbe evidusce of the ta chbange bis plant in agree mith two sorveyors, that the problecu the Bomsnao, Black aBnd of re'ustablishieg Mains Si. mas Stsoeuaker survey as it extens particual ditticoit dae to the trou, the intersectiont ofth0e eaut fact that the origie of the oiginal liuit of Martini St. snith tor00 IByout ofth0e Street mas sut borat of Min St. throogb antd lasowt", the Director observeil. alosig the nor00 lirit of Main St. "-s In amieation eand cross' 80 Court St. examieatioo of the evideoce of Thsedecisiott aiseconfirmeth 0e the sarveyoro it mas foasd that So000 sumit of Main St. as drawn the BemelI lineu of Maie St. mere by Mr. semel betweett Martitt a compsite of Mr. Sewellîs own attd Coart. view ofth0e eepositionieg ofthe A final plan of sarvey sa to be Street, is adoption of sorveyor prepared and the mouentsand Caveills tiees of Maie Si. and the markers cotistttîBg are to 180 pr'odsuction of existieg evidetice in reuoved. Surseyor Seweii is 00ett thse vsttsty)f Mar'tinBSi.attdMain 10 erect permanettt monuments. SI. antdimthe axesofttbeJohns8on Te couts of the applscatiott andi Camart IoeeslmeBts mere asssgtted 10 the toon. I 75 chlldren enrolled for iCampbellvllle Bible School By Janet Braida St. Darîdos Presb Cbaech, Cauphel nelebrated ils fourth cons yeac tif Daiiy Voclilion School lt soeb. Tecp rart Monday o Feiday fe, 11:30 a.8. Seventy-firei of vraeousdoomintiois arca alletided. Rev. D Nicholson drecîrd the mw 4PLASTER 0F PARIS CRAFTSmwere juot ooe ot maoy taugbt to papdls S I Campbellle's Diy Vacation Bible Sebool. DisplByittg mbal 00ey mode are, leSt 10 rigbt, Keit Rtobinsion, Sco00 Eaely, Elles Gadd, Barbara Hunter nod Carey Moore. Serenty-tie studeets atteded 15e progeam direclrd by Rev. D. C . Nichoso.-(Staff Photo) I ______________________ USE LIOSOTS In conditions tif poor risibility te driver of the car abead cantto ire yoa c leaeiy if bois reae in cieioand mansde mirrorare oh- scred by soo,diri or con- destion. But Se lmoms youe position tl yoo base your beadiigbls taened ott. 'Mse roads wsould bsaferif driversosed Ibeir beadligbts more wben fconditions are bad, sayi the COntarioi Safety Leagoe. ISelva . on rmyl PIKUP TRUCK EVER 'MONOA CALLI y1eria n ecatire iBible eogeamt om 9 o children i n the vd C. erk-long TIse cbildeen ocre disoded i010 fise departmentt Pre-ochoof, teacheeti Mrs. C. VanGameroti, Mes. J. Wooti, Beginner, teachers Met. W. Greetrees, Met. M. Eiliol, Primary teachees Mes. J. EaeIy. Mes O. Vanîickie, Mes. Aý Gadd, jonior, teachero Mes. M. Nicholston, Mes. E. Fenmmob, jounior bîgb. leaither Rer. D. C. Nicholson. Fine bîgb sobool ttdens taise beiped mîtb the teaobing dulies. The chidrett mere taugbl bible lessoos and tldy feom 9 I 10 i a..Ceaft aod reorealion floied tiotil Il a.m. mben everytine met togetber for a ciosînt film. IEbis year's orerail Ibeme mas Gti Caces Ttiday. POOL CHEMICA LSI THE BETTER WA Y Poo' CHLOR»iN EASY TO USE-SAFE Convenient to Hondie Why "S$un"' Concentrate For Your Swimmlng Pool? CHECK THESE REASONS EFFECTIVE RERMUOmUE NO FEER REQOIRED nOe ULURIE ,.- FOR OLL POOLS UNOlM ,U -IOL USE FOR SUPER ROlO MOT ROISE F0# CKLORIROSIOR RAST ST000&£ IN% ACTIVE OFFOOVOR FOR NOUE 0 R SOL, OR 09TSTE OR COMMERCIAL POOLS SRERISTRMR-OSOA NO. $151.O Wl HAVE A COMPLETIE LINE 0F POOL CHEMICALS. AND ARE QUALIFIED TO HELP VOU WITH VOUR POOL PROBLEMS. In a brief mteetintg tif Miton Coottol Mottday, toiloing 1m0 antd a bail bours of single andi jointt committee discussion membeçs: -Reported the porebase ofth0e MacNab bailding at Maio asnd Charles bad! beeo ctimpiesed and oegotiotioos with te tenantso mere progressitg. -Learned a letter bad! beett retteivedtfrom P. K. McWilisams mith turther proposais; for te laod transfer aithIe Dettyco Sotol. Thse citter 8080 nol read bat referred 10 a specsal com- muitee deaiog miîb the malter. -Agreed 10 preparation of a subdînidero agreement wîtb Mr. McWiiiiamts similar 10 one ctsmpieted for bim on a nine lol subdivision. Thse rew agreement mastin clude sidemaiba, Storm oewers and underground bydeti intstallationts. LIearned a meeting bad been set ap betmeeo Ontario 0001er Retoorocti Comîmissioin officiais antd ctostil, tirer a recent letter indicatîog the bswn coold 801 protierd forîber milS deveiop' mentoMtil thetreatment plant is enlarged. -Received assurancethoIe mantire mooid be remo .ved weekly f rom, tbe Agricultural Grounds. Oiling or freatmetit tif thecroads aId track is alobeing cottssdered 10 mieimise ftse dost. 'lhe matture and doot mere te subject tif complaiets aI lest weeb's meeting. Cosmciior S. Cbilds alto reported the Stream at te rear ot Bell St. propertis sseeded cleaoieg but he ooted a recent proposai for fletelopmeot oft0at strip ot land would reqoire oiprovements to the stream -Autborized the Parbing Authority tactas is agents in piacîng offers ofpurcbase on tour Mary St. properties. Theeland mili be osed 10 deveiop ott'otreet -Acoepted the otfer tif the Chamber of Commerce 10 sei 00 1050 tbe triangolar ttbaped SO WHAT? Accordmng 80 a recent foiod ttoeney, one individaal eats dorînt his lifetime. 80,000 eggs, 6,000 tiaves of bread, 9,080 poondso tf potattie, 0,000 poattdB tif beef, 12 sbeep, 15 pigs, 5 caines and 7,000 poonds of tisb. . . . 80 what difference cao a fcm pieceu tif pie malteS To Sot. JUIYlSth GEORGETOWN British Cars LMdI AUSTIN.6-H zÀv 47.e, *LRÀ«N *ROVERIS TRIMPN Authoezed w t Dealer JAGUAR COME ON OVER AND HELP US CELEBRATE ENTER OUR CONTEST GUESS THE NUMBER 0F GOLF BALLS IN THE AUSTIN MINI. ITS A LOT 0F GOLF BALLS SOMETHING Chic FOR EVERVONE Radio CON*TESTS PRIZES AND ON THE SPOT FREE REFRESHMENTS GOVERASE Win free gas THIS WEEK ONLY AT 's OUR OAS PUMPS GUESS TH4E AMOUNT 0F VOUR FILL Up AND PAY NOTHING. GIVE IT A TRY. BRITISH CARS LTD. 375 Guelph St. Georgeteo 877-5235 AUSTIN -TRIaMPH -MG- JiAGUAR -ROVER-VOLVO SALES--SERVICE-PARTS TOWARDS NORVAL ON HWY. 7 porcel noelh tif thc CNR 011the junction tif Oigbmay 25, for Si. 'lie t80m s îto pay the loBai feus for preparation tif the deed. -Deiegated Cousciliors William Woods and Acl Melaoson In attentd a meeting of the Central Onîtarioi Begiooal Derelopmest Couieil in Bramptonon tJoiy 21. A turthee meeting aI the Shylîtte Ifotel trou Augsgoo 3110o Sept. 2is In be cbecbed for more detal son il$ porpose, IFTY IA.T.MOOREI CAMP§MLVWLU The Cened~ao Chosepon, Wednesdoy, J015 15, 1970 9 One kIlIed, five hurt Ose youog man was billed and ai50 lreated for onjuries-Csonie ive others were injured and Carter, 16, Norval, possible bospîtaied wheo an out tif tractoredribs, Virginia DeSyltia, control car samed tntotoote 17, Nor'aI, fractaeed pelvis and trees, gaardral and afeoe at possibe broben 'tbs;,Beverley Hilicrest C eey oulh of Bratdley, 15, Georetown, faciai \, ,,Idav ý)9h! a30 nd Maiene Dead s ra Mihael Elwood, cer3ld hands 23, of 4 Looooa St. ongIe.odý He Milton OPP report the car bad wuaapatsrngerinthercar dic $3 500 damage and tIerrteas a byDanoy JamesMCram, 23, of furtber $150 damage 800a steel 1l1iMainSt. N., NGorgetown. bram, goidepostsaandoemeetery 'The driver wat hospitaliîtd in tence. The incident happested Torono Generai Hospitalimith a aroundd11.30 .m. Friday at the fractured skui juaoîîotofi10Sîdeeoadand the Etquenog-Chinguaoousy, Town Four other pattengers orre LUne. * SAVE # SAVE * SAVE s SAVE . SAVE s SAVE *SAVE * SAVE 4W ~~O/CASH US4IA / REFUND4 é0U EAT AT AID W (IUR EFU ND $2.00) ww >~ laM On nevr 50 peole Ncevin a~J NDA e fudwllas noeo LUfIIJI IWMV"' e mlcti avn nvs Pl r a7e eo d wîI Blownoeo 133185 ~ "~" ~ 1110TOUIE OR ~~'~ JAR-FAMILY SIZE__ __________ W ~ m99,1490 0 SAEIGSOL 5 oz.______ SYOUR CASH SAVINGS TOTAL 17 PIIS ACASH REFUND of25% WHEN YOLt MAIL IN LABELS FROM ni 84CREST - SCOPE - HEAD & SHOULDERS -SECRET SPRICES EFFECTIVE JULY. 6h17 8t > e4 ANS. MITO OPN O.TE.W4 A. FR.FI &..0$ .m o9PM > WERESEVE THE RGHTTO LMrT UANf/,E 0$4 OU strPe O D 4ý&& * MAI AE SVSV AE.SV AI SALON CAPRI CLOSING FOR HOLIDA YS JuIy 20 open Aug. 4 133 Main W. 878-2131