Diversional the rapy lessons given chronic hospital patients Oy Jantaia The aid phrasa 'linse fast, dia yong" bas bran kinksd arond Noadysi& hoorssaed isnd menhaninal drmaniveries, Osr ssnsrssfsd kidney sud heut trssnsplantss perple lias longer sud dis harder. if o sre 0ssr nId ansd casshraly -aIls pr esno-oua c ta. The Wousrn' Auaiar of hton Distrint Hospital sasa huat sud desInut blu b nhniolpy los ter osisal s shep deaided i sas tiare shep Innhed ins ss prohiar "Diversions] lsers sas he finit saoold guid,' ILeunh sudL .utssst theugdmhgIea forgeser oa prheansd Ne asap front, sheis hnspiss5 The plaîsu stasrird n Nov. 13, 1969, saitb Mes. Disus Kearpe, o former lah seolsan sahn lssruedsabouarsaiigarsafs frant her mosher. Mss. Rearpo sas in charge of the groop of raloassars ast forst hut bas sinon aroasdsaoAsrlie. Mes. Kempe set shoos sud gs erd simple moserisis sud nrsfss shas aoold Ne ased bpt lasnd, epeilp thnse saho sas lsmisiurtheir " WW,~P ssliisiies dos la hears assaahs, sarsmnss as siroktas. Tadap ars thon selfsa dorenfl of ste cooiasly il] are lesrning ta peint saser colos, do paro zles, malie Christmas DIVERS1ONAL THERAPY as a popuiar 1.30OtoS3n.andaorassai raulstahosairsis deaasaionssosmuleasrys. aftsreoa's saorb Cor Mas. Rabasi Ahasas, egooandbsiaprsorerablisy invsiraras and Thergroop meesssfrot1:30s to roadbagsv, [second frosa lels) and William bads. Mas. rvaBstofhe Aualaryétenssbhe 3 par. esy ofteennon sait ane Rssdbead, Lomaille, bath patiensaa Milton sua pataenvra Ali oasrants mark on a oiuaiary anlontrer on lssud daily so sssisl District Hompitl. Thre rIsset mslis rnory day fram hanis.-Atol Photo) sailb the osafîs. "As Christmas thergraaposed syafasarhls, rihbn and deanessins la malle a, *S .S Uo a arnsmenas for the bospial," suid EOQUSING 1 Firsi solivfon Army appeal Mas. Orson OrsI. "And as Eser 1TwmâiPa«nci/1 ln Milteu uext Weduesday shep rude baster bosasies frontr Immar sîpsofoasa sailb kadîred legs and The Suluoauicn Arany' fois hesds. lipoa comploent sbsy 1una ed Shid Appeai uoil Çlsed tbe boaaes sai oaady AI ir raguar meating a hluld au Miltn ou Mary 27.___ aad said shear sa the gifshaop Mao agb s aa Cuirributiors o-il roake pare brun an grondahdldrrs o; Couanail pusibeihoua c ofau keps ablesa for tesbeslvas. Tbey Solonlano Araoyîoevicsaiaou i shey moka," site saad. a(boraag poysaientof abe dog 1he a nationai objectiveou B lIind p e fades abs assa dornction of pari ancolrnt ion tbe $3.685.427. hbi four. Il Mas.L J . Ankaro-on, on-sbp'alnournvilsafnrabhe absniuarly osorniai thtions o l pbyaioabarapiss assbhehopioi, perind frnsa Machb ui l ainin bc roaluodrtu oraa o l a d the gsoap of voloasears inalade Apail 30, aonaiagao $342 ion apeanon] damnai un The AimynI Mas. John Osîler, 435 Casapbell sevna dogs. social serviceinstitutins unaaog Jobn Smaibh bas jastarn Ana.: Mrs.BaanOBes, RR.h6 furnailluindaulhuain nod,uand bliad andabaera nnnay of bMiston; Mss. Edwain Joyce, 17i Passad s by-la- tu asaablasb shaiarriny ahounoda rai loua drnar anhir rsncaunag basa fseslop Rd.; Mss. o-. J. Houkras, n achadain of vacatboa sahh psy furronara t.aualua aigia. Whni an hae dur Whre 301 Oeil OS.: Mrs John Conay for touaahap esapinyras. Souk Charin of ilo R.R. I Mitonansd Mas. George blaoorah, esaployers o-ah unapuaig uharnan, oupaonaod Teos-na hn o Mord, Paksaay Di.b as fix aasarr nshbraeyar connfideonceiahe oal itzaaru, s eauo sua ohe"rsaayh reglarsuvilkoae dsyaoa ebor sarnace o-dl sourira ane o-rab frhgnîa hyoaia.a ana mr hci hay a oae ayanary sacaadsasak 10116 pay, sapinyrea w mo-ra sa Ih Stlalon Aaoly ln a oiar n aOadaru "Ira tha saeatal athitude of titan ahaae and ira sa ar pan v nunion agauiu r.aud biu faaaora -cBln ha olug the patientsatsaseailynaaass," ans servaue o-dl ranaina rua belipput file arap.aiguuoabr haenindinnno suid Mss. Orsi. "If the poain saba o-rab psy. asapinyra ito-ra cont ao. adIadanal bas the o-ili an brrp bosy hae sa snie ahraan saura and lassfai ahna Milon Opaunaur Cluh o-ill ha agi par forsranoagbaeffortstudo fers sericeu o-dl raunana bhrrr haodiauilg hoi aouduuîa.al Bill Lausonui one of su. o-rabs uub pay andasapînyras dnna-au-duuaruaanayag n hal secaa. saioughhne aysbaL "Ist ginas fluesa a lifr s c aa h 15a iorsaore yeansuofservicne unruaiglar blina. Storesanud îunloasahhbn] osbrpapiaasasbadsony o-al nnainfoaoerbsaihp inadustiers.arborargcnaieid by aounonis ni Wrnionaî Haa yoaag praorie usar Io the fer RayllHarsnu aagur of dnauusauuloul alases jsaubraep bssy aad *Rauraurd nai arttr aiaoyi li ankuofaiCommerceiire aanbisnasecsainu oî be ron tnsgrbured.Weluit unaudiors Ioa dasaunsararrun traara orhuhun r. ihu sa o a alias boae doyan a i nekbt io flia ilsip'soaina nabc h lvsi bs nadM sunear so tiredaor juta Wadarsday. May 13, ns 7 pan., 25ke enjo tour wt b oha uld gai tunk are nom nbigad an du su- as Nig r L.l.ssomns Tbiirai ahaug i onnd .iad. *Ranalord n rirasr irosa the 'lg r oudh auhabu ub Ail diae supploes Ina the Dr poriniani of Hagho-nyr ionihunld lunackon ru ba abrrapyailasasinsaabaîatear ainrsang airn ni n uao- To-anryhuav tiakets aura uuid onen ia i Thuontiu o-ri un sbops. Mub afil as a nîr, anhadof ni irs for uunsuiaang an Miro fna tire BMosaoun Bua Sh of oua davsnann afia saosaa, taanndtiillntîaa nes'rvio-s. TouorildSnady, My17.Tiru fno-wianaauouali Adjnnoa ais supplies. "Oaa o-an rom ou ion aalndod n dnyaaa.auiel oihuisaa aunynoaur la masdebaisnunilaaiaacasesairabs * Ranaudo a iruaroniar duo-n ihauughi flic Niara pnilnilnooul glassaroasuwaaardhiliers, anaeogetown Distins Nanuaio iranninnuaa mane iae hlsian eplniglaon ihots seapaa staandno-ila aliri TIra Club namainng abthan b u i rnauacsiniuaa saomrainîbheocins saaypai herbicidaspayuanofaowndhip "liy anail buir aaaiaaadabaiaddus ao-it rsakraiiaino-ars iaadaiansa auadniloanrs. tipaboisyrand aoriNed airai onknaîiinnioal aariasuonasannaminutred n o fil.- înada icketr huaaaille,.a,ioinduiaoit arorai, Raerrrd n iute raina a gent Wailaaa in'ssoat. Ai o-ail pl.acea ntaaaiaa caiael -The o-an go ar incit irai auapin aubut poila urao arr ia s eanif tha Iiasun.lr lan op oauId euaiaanaliy ha pianod i saouleasbrnaysaiian aira ana ai flia ailsaIaui .aisu so-na andaarniaa ikaal,iald aria oosa," -aid Mas. Brai. -Tli Sicules Amenueal n (dienFauuh dnnbodai laic elandaaand Il.aaaa0-2lek f, ,ivoiindan'a lake ogertri Unroin Mr.a nodbar A. niarcsin Ila 150laidarsi iaia11oaki bords doty.'_ WikansonR, R. f. Miton, lu aPonsaId by doi N6aaa aliaaaigb loi proaigiin a n hai Couoay draia Urnr ProanriunCCluc1 a i loine Oua Ma. -Af ni il aan anarnu gîui. liaIalaaiadiiau ___________________________________________ Adoltiih il u tiane naiae aria air coninaua liai Itud $5.75; chiidaoai agada aluna brailla ahanah Leg ion N otes J le lirbaiit ai laknuiba 5V G. L. iiuiaiiaapaanlf an aio uit uc abaitaaaa e, ) b lienda s>n Ian. pi. ni ana abin li ui ni O G. L.Oa D. enesoasOroo iubraauwh il eubirrI iaaa aiuong Il Il Trauia lToi nurayacnduaina. Thsmw(uitensaraodsasr.oasi basthan. liusuhaid ,orinipowrniainulai MIa culanain ry ibet.' thesaral meetnonoar ay l loaks as ifran il ano oui e lu o"Wi.aienma 1i.osar ooasndr ChsHe ath uait sasil Sepiroor fnaoia rasa n i% adula, anrd tlaayar usa' inunai.aWii -y wu in sssrsdancrforstheoostsbaton suSain fon n uma nd eubi lire atfii labddoal unges faiuy lonin aseond ni tire muw esnolivr ard ut aloi Milton. Plarrs basa bosb oamsfh-oncuribe~iaa burina. luaipun ni orbes imrant business _a5 espusced a daste ani basa bue aura saed o-. Thesfontsmeetinsoothebar surouondaboutslna 2a. mu sassasnr, osmgiata sabedahi LlTEOTOIaOLST fr Mea Il wus onanoansofithr Ouae oan ion he nkiy aoa. halidor usarud posspordad ateeigO-s aaordayv ao ne-%vr Tueda Ma 1. scc absui hO urnsd a;5a01 DO ed Plant sICE CuLL sierra sasipsani proardonmi o voles rssspasrsosbneansdobs sdan o h ubignarnoooaiox e la t Verrait gon ara etn theaslnaru shsaabe ore efi isictsaoriainrd eniSml temL Bob Tits. oas sa Prts alrtrs, ARTHUR A.4 H pb.sasadboasaaosasae ulea odo épos actv nt h.sbrsaar finil so JO H N SO N Du gu iii ha o-id inathe DOCTOR OF Mlo-~J~O OPTOMITRYzda ntMa ELLESMERE FARM Du ies sareri lbi MILTON ANC ACTON RR o ,A tr shee min o-e s mitad dants to-amusauuasoan orguei l 8 Oei gaa Peefsslaeas On No. 25 Hwy. - l1% Miles South of on nso-rdsp Joase 13. A. th. piins Dfirseapy fus Ossil Traffic Lighto in Acton bos osaM Lard roues "es pesony pod i si sapeor-d fini si _______________________ TChu Csadsan Chamapioa, Wedaeadsiy, Mapl 20, 1970 9 Power People _ Chemists galonboaar abmngte Tieatin ilhefl srepno.brlpaurit.Airat n pureaaoogh a dnk; anti uxe h tndar t)pnrti yeurdf sn medû nl111a Chemoats para ne bryl ibn tho operoanion o Otaria Hydra's sbaamoialaaanaai pao-na planas. Ail caobOaed andnrulntaastainshave o lsboasny and asaffininhmoars The sualna and Oniysns nfian- aosaiog oa oolidarmananisbroat- angona, suipburand ashbcntenta isoona o -amra imporantcdutes. Hydan haughr san $45 million aoth oauino 1966. Aac onsanahekon iericndition ni aoon unir o-usl alan o o- ado tpiocroauaand marnaoaalhuarenc>ni auamnln afanl oparrain n o- ernuathemalstationausas a unhas n million allons of wair anut ion aonbing parposas. If ucn lan1lird, nIera an ibis nur an noua flic inrde ni pipiand 004 uipmn aandaaaalbahm nprauave 1Ia pneilnad e (lls orc n Cbno-aadoosuperuise ando-ain- tainoaauppy oluar for use an bue builiers. ubaro anyabaa lstirait *s.pnr-punty*ausesasnaaeandncor duiy f theb sation a.hnmuas Un- nbnabod borac forcesoau lirirall> rai rua> rabanocal equapo-onian a anal short tia Tbe abomurisaisa, ndani cbecbs of labviatnr cul, badanaun a. oiar.aonaahoagn- nraiuasanodo-aoIo urb tessraalnad airsala. etlin arr opnr.aanofibhe panai. Had rua ihuaa power saions gnaad onr 10 billioun kilowatt- banna an 1966. ahbnul onit of aihb ople are helped normal lives again Ilhaeusgoing nrerangathe ta laosa bus oshtins and an Natinali ui ne nfiis bnlp basa an ahase fid Heucollas the or and Preel ing an Mditn In a chamanr Lausun o-un nuran nd hala do," hae raid, bfaondîond ns prescritjob aid baang Ma. n an Toranto rua Training' acnh bland on a rada bora anSand ana abanh joib ha a i aie a n't gf a Irsai lu g ,eniuirigii u Shoi, apura i aie nils Iranrte If lia o-ailla . a,.li ati anaab ai a futr ni abuaabuod abanb o-abl.%ri m aboi n bufo Aisbrd if ma blard peuple Osa irring'eyr dga. ho rerd thb ogiarebad andtaeduolyainbheUnitdinrueand aura aur 82,006 abaula rrnindo, Irae tainunio flan bbund p naîn andhltsdugý n o-na Grmait hpbird Ma. Lawoa huia bliad porîn gui iliumc dogs. uneir onoa SrataIuiang, a clnnnan ciauiîILu aui d tansorain ai annîluf nilyff u5,radle posiblriaianoanyhncqnoniaalletninroua rainurla "Nul Inn, iouay ara aboya i, Canada yrt- ie bu d. Cattna haab ril Maý hin." hae cnoined "ieiuuno-aayifrontitir nanninhnl andillieaaacuiro beu u t aiid joihit o-faind ok lii hairit .uualiy nibair CNIhncaioignucriuna li laba set ut uibao iiacomerialuidings and pialaob i uelium, naa i ba boniceher Lutanp. Imysaif iauIlnd nn unie, aarituls.siaceny uis upuri Gtin aingdMr [aîn Poin utîna blar n hlind penanau îgoback tunoit, on îanb achab asaa drilorpunchpress. Disrnactins duir' burbani fla aid bueca huaonntrait, n litit haao-damac o A no-pany'inoapuiIaaiuiaafl dnaiioabl ;ni cue a hlaad paun airha payuiI.- lin qated. "fic noua torpilant abnig a hiand punirai Ia, ian ia, a at niai alan ita liai aiglt Ibere are nianay dunres uc asn ralina books atid brnail a oaaig la bnip Ibeai la ad1ui Obîaîanalanîe air malle o-nb hbraill nnibera nil ahana su a bid pusn i elIl an Ma. Cawon a mid it h8 nI abnananc ipbod peuple lu'iaadjunt oaaimes(i nomalinaý it lvnirandi aidn uitn rluti woballeralei a nablu autheibabind nI C tnad, lui du II- Should i Buy My Pool Today? Yns! If yoss wantto swim this Sumsmsr Do If Yousislf Pool . itn ooly 3 Wsskoodsl sa Fnll tO-pies ussensîr and ne ts 10 passas p.uE 5H.. - sauseass cis . 325 SIIA ST. NORTH - HAMILTON CALL 522-6854 uloatiaaayaand in Ontrio. O> holp- ang ani knap tharo planai, uporabrag, Hyilro'satioana Ooo-aaaaandabor saffs anntiibu an a aouam dual oanaarda o-aaina.nang hoi auppi) niclcmu aciens, Repeeaasa -NNSF. LEE 878-2619 SPRINGe FEVER SOLE AU PLAVORS OLD FASHIONHOI QUALITY ICE CREAM HALF i GALLONS REG. 1.19 - SAVE 20e MAY 20, 21, 22, 23 FRUIT FLAVREI SHERBET ONLY 19 C LAVORS 29Reg. 37c irs A REAL REFRESHUR AND When Ilysfiii-' ih aAil Del Essie Elislylal Ibo Royal ice Closu lias