6 1he Canadien Champion, Wednesday, May .20, 1970 The proposai thot M. M. Robinsn Bohool ltache the site LOWVILLE of mnother indoor pis ifmdiog __________much disfasor wiîh t1.ca desdinthe uurthenduof Burlicgton. Sesidrets vito puy Rev. Adams and daughter t'axser ndo,di lo tomeecouic heuidhbcurud to plan visit to Germany utemoercaini BY~~~~ ~ ~ ~ mosy. Tir pl.y houelo hr.Gog oisnw Gen fucilitiur iu the tome cute. ByMrLDmlcm Gu ciSne resicdetof theinorthern orgait Sv Adms none rgrrre 1633. The iluagerr Sec. ButiAdm mcertulied the he ad hs au tr hatntfiiemwho eecp edthe port cf Bueintego do nt gel follooref ut clier cf sesirou et Mariyspeth, till lieue fer pie gue ucmed rlrey mould ceer guehoge orci e erie leruuilc -Zimmerman or Germruy. Hrc duughtr, 1urI prewutrrthe pluyrrery derode. tec or dt imr Sueduy: Orval Fee. Fred rurned21 ad grduting fronm Mudeirre Barhierrtryed wtt imoertunt thrai more "fun Aucklaned, David Loeuvr, Ertc Wterloo Univesity, is Mr.and Mr.O0.Feer uer the r'esut. Guadgeon, Bruc.e Miar, Glus urcompusycsg he father te the hlitdry cueeud. Mudulucue lu I tire eun t hut the Rihurdrson, Glus Camphel., o'oridrs muet fumeur Pussiou the daugierr of the former uddttesui pool ruuseted us, tc George Colitg, Burdgî Granhy, Play, deiticg the crucifixiou cf mtetrier ut tht Unitud Church. location shouid, in ait frîrsc, Norman hors. Featherctoe Jesuc arOrammrgu, ihe The Sprcng Cotncert cf th ire in trhe trirtat sebmt rced Colliteganohncieadhead. Baucecos Aips cf Werrer t'ourle band ronter chour and hy csy traespertatrons c Sundoy Scirelci ombcsceg hirur cidres and uduier eoid auaut taen irt cheld onlrdy tieumisclue cf tomne cf tht J ue 4. Thre chanege ce dute her udueccrogur cf livuing ce the erea ~'""" """" """" "i bies mude ce oceemmedute tire ccttroiied hy Burlirgtecr tome j chliu %virea had ce leur er îce N e sr m O D l camp onFrdor'. Tire cocitere surd tie JiJfDonald Thur, picali'Mcrcrter of Edcatoti mac MMewhcuccumliireeomedeeing a mcediume tzed as arsusistrnttcttperrurerdrer mîrî murcpairy te icold tie 1973 tie Huiteri Bourd cf Educutcee. Cenada Sommet Grureu Sieur Me. Thomas hus fiied hi ruocrl ar irutter place tiers tire higgert pure BUILD HiGII RSS Tireecond ucece csdvtdt .M mct ouiccc ceinad isin tir e B u r1riegtrs Tis eufar ce tract a laffy eluciher a red sortlu o ia cM pt o rie gare aî creu Lemelie ced mieut hettur succesiulhocky scaoli ( werin tac hoeue cii ot bcudy oferpier ctro cfn use urcge rte dito f e G S.DG M:itec. decicc cnd il. udud cireur. torps cf cnrauatios haeaconte lits Pool tirest tire meil rcturted linroenintintliirply au ccits cf placds artd placer. dresses euesceg. Ou Frrduy, tire iruccdl 1ie9 te heip finare tire lieut well s niteutiwor and ofeecturu, auueii as siertr ad rheiimasothrcirecte adrueraledor plin urigccc fouette ,toirercby et.sekr aker. LEiroce wa Ira profilcre armgreement onfictz.Af cee sieoppinfic~ girls grito ganed iry thirrmcg bicic allter schlte litr n cd ccc Wedieda welid prctcein dcupayu aitireccc drecsec cirai Burirgtcce Cenri High lcicldcyc and meekerîdu. Il mouid theMilon rrta or ire1 .. r a aiea iefaceercitdrcgc outid Siccimuwasthieserieg ferirte teur finsucu crciy cc tire junio, aad -ne of lic itoficoliercceccti fic girls coneceribandiost Th urucay. Mr. I'aircuci Theniaorty f fnsgo iific eirac.ior out for G. E. cuocdereecidcied. Lime as sent n skurigand iports. Hure me swsi utTeewsagetda i r y o p u bai cce kIs le oeuelir hrts, jucrpcoctcancd ireachi confuion uieoa igit wer ilvità t , ou"annt n cats oee ted acd coced Maececire moisriofilhe Actccc .ccd .citlic'ci cii-i dcdcii' lite ccit sceie tuas deutred toc onsce~urbl teeccie. Ar Saitcceu Arecyus Rud Sieid set ilrielc'conccireilc'î cccIi mrceeoplccuicrtd srylicrgaiid epidemicc ofl la'trtg upeitu oppeai ii Milton. lice ArOty ttiaciageiiccyireea occe aeecccr fatinre.Dree otilace,uirer. amoug fire chirt atd audienceecteedr ycrelpecotincuetfic ofi ticcieieoiaidlcccmdo a ccctecreskie.o ndacidl eecifg ma oi ccccflcepined prccfram. eacyeseruic.eeeecceeuarylcorcflic fiet eiiraic icpcceciocrii frcct partcsirsccure heaicred. Iloee, erder war quicclt digcccy of' icucrocy. Larrc a itietiaîccpa eicc.e. 'i utctire gcirlsprepared restted aid aouery uccceteioplaecccit oece' hezntc( eecc Tic year we Oec cccucrd tcc c.miniscariesfr fi c sithowcc Tis musical ruecîcriflicced tho Red Sieed Appeai. particcpaie cii Beleile'%c iras glueci tcemc peactce cic Ane outacdg perfccrmancce Ceittaeîeiz Crticcii Partci largcage ardcpeic.cc kciicaid macgueciryIlyoce lccccChccg fitc itcctIc, whcidced a hccNe irer are docctg air execielet jobi. wccc played -Baiiad cci h M'il.," Spea aror upim icccaeý t [liececclcc A,(classesepripocedprcpcancd Chocpin. Tire adcie wOt cii ir bc ontad ccccdutccday' cire deaf,oadciideaiasscc.octn. dc.îcarccicce fo lice shocc. lice tccctuopptee'iaive il lics'e ltI Chiconîrîpcc fiicc l u ord toiiodei Icciiege, I Coco a oadiccrium iccccid ficaitige Tire liîccidoy cueckirid pocced ycccc c.ar fo somme crriedrucccg. ercyeýccessIeeeioceeacd eer gadeecciiriteirtiicocand miiîînu accidenctaccd ,icueiy mue c.ccrusa cit yslied floer. Acccuerceed rccc ocd succy Mcccdoy. Tire cicdrer leer tlccmccici Buiieuîiieaccd ~ ~ ~ o flrtiiei eoseuroiiaiiriecic oyd irecckcoticctouu aiiithecciilpondcinCeteecal (irem atoileccIc aiewuicc of seepmear sceeu actd a ggotie property. Paurk. port ilfli i catI trir c eiraclia oct d rucc lîr or fi Spaigu kls,î,ccie Leacndptswlea, ceccîiîc reitrrtictotiree cho,,ct i)ccr peet--caliyirctcei cr tr'm is CaetuictfY-u cctecrtutccuot1 XcpuCee.« Sire leoesed et' thre prerccorctztemect. Most f 1wtctoticclothang and tiic liitciedcaie hocyt ace ae.erutee. Sic erieoced aboit utakcccg ttcd .cce oi cire maie cp ancd Ir, cote n iti leciic cc tire cccd birceir coilkciiri elocre acc audiece. l ancd are occccg iicec crcfccttr ot c oei , elt e c cii mran> in liteuce eut inceit ccf t icere tcerecaid lelicc elcîdeccl as eijeets yficecof, cite, cie ceil as ic aiinpcr.ccctectc1 excellent gcol pot,, ins ctant cI-ites tort, dcii,, ,hcirt..e course,. Site E. MeKecmcc et,. I ctereredcaîe Semceg. tire pyer cc .c Easter Seals 1 cfeug cccccccceeicf eotere e Short of goal tAri "Ilft Ce ý(l 1111 onration t,,, cite tit70 t'acte .or,. hlýi,, c ceek ,to"O" Seat Cacccpaccc In Mie toua Wcccf constructiocceliascirotit ire-e sen crit ccc h ad atiai 0 a phcosphate ccci polltio (cci e S 1,1.95 c'îî eield. Tis fer' boiys hcave pot a oi of ettecer bît doniationsc are nT ye cscafccc.ccccc. andci teccimicrI cciice.iiyeiîîed ccii, cacd toit tc.tgeiiceroand cite cornceccctif,,fi Secccîiei(reacucer. eclet ai dccut." plansc Ilce gîtai io Ill MilrHtit are. inov P" i% îea w SSfl50 lifrdoltw c oppng OPTOMTRIST MALL IHý.ll8E 11.S5h NI AS PSEAI'c i OIf N 111 lice cwcîîg i,îce rc f7513 hotu feu,, ir'eliiiec.ccd"itc'If tcr tire prît iec ,k cc-c or ci, fori flicc cit-cie iccteor dr lire tiectie c lite lot it,, Sh or "Sec itccc- Iii'7" ancd c, dcu...ded ci , i, ceifaisktgfa ifyceai gin ii Ier icceccil ticIcegr o- a c i occicice Hure gui, oi moîdei ccec, ELECTRICITY- Is Our Business FE*aurERSIO i AAy CLAN-UP PAINT-UP SALE! WHITE M;àM INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR GAL. South Side Pai.nt & Glass il FULTON ST. MILTON 878-9452 M, 1 KOSKI & COMPANY) BREAK INTO BUSINESS AT Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology Inquie nom about Sire dan' 1 yeur diplonra corui - 1. Intensive Secretarial Studies 2. Medical Secretarial Studies ta, b.e ff.ed in Oakville. Saptemenlr 1970. UNLIMITEO OPPORTUNITIES *FUTURE SECURITV * IGH-PAYING POSITIONS J~m Cours es . aIIéI t. Grade 12 grudualles ad matue sfud& FOR FURTHER INFORMATION site Or Call Rudy Zolbel SI-id.. Cr.R- Chi,.ur ef 13,W _. 9B Citern St* E.- 459-7533 .,3 -7491 ramrpton, ot. ACCOUNTANTS CARPETS & DRAPERIES ELECTRICAL SERVICE PLUMBING EARL G. BLACK DRAPERY McPHAIL ELECTRIC Gien Richardson B. Coim., .I.A., C.A. BQDOMLIMITED FLUMBIPIO CONTEACTOR Churtreud Aecuntsîus eRALO M l INDUSTRIAL Reridentirl ad Industril 143 Mois St., MilIcen Resîdatiael et COMMERCILL FPhoue 878-6542 ti Indostrel e PAICHI & HOMES SpeCiOlzing in * Commercial e ELECTRIC HEATING NEW INSTALLATIONS, ALUMINUM Serdy - marde Drapes in. etock. INSTALLATIONS ALTERATIONS and For Custom Sevc 66 Chaules St. MilIon RMDLN ALUMINUM CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME 878-9513 - 877-3752 RMDLN Widw &Dos PONTET210-t 634-2945 ia Winad & Dors SYERS GARDEN LOAM - GLAS ndCE 228 ~ Man SI. 878-2067 ROOFING SO0U TH SI1DE 21B FERTILE8BLACK LOAM PAINT & GLASS CAENR 5fc huchet l h0 ushrr $4.50 MITCHeS (W. J. KOSI & COMPANY) ______________ 6 yd. lod $25.00 ROOFING and il Fulton Si. 878-9452-aie Beiid Brion BerI Ruality. L & H CARPENTRY - lo-EAVESTROUGHING 21-f NEW W05K WELL ROTTED MANURE Soieciultioe tes rerooBng tend _______________ EPAIRS & ALTERrTIONS geea ydr000 55eairAe ARCHITECT BRICK - BLOCK6 d.300FRESTMAS _______________ ALUMINUM SIDING 853-1009 - R.R., eActon DONALD C. SKINNER & SOOFINO Phono 878-4423 l6-r16maif B Aeeh. M.RSA. 1, 878-6490 alle-Iflu 17A Miil St, Site 2, Actue 2Ic6 SEWING MACHINES lelepirore 853-2740 ceor _____________________________________________ 20 StaebieoehRd. Fuel Credit ERA 274-3428 FUNERAL DIRECTORS GERA Office Houes iey Appuisîmunt CONTRACTORS Sewing Machines ________________ SALES - SERVICE BOOKKEEPING F uKERalHoe RAY OLAN RENTAI 14Mai ce. Building Contractors Ltd. Homeo Imucemnî R1 8781M1 HILL'S BOOKKEEPING OuS7l cro hlfl i oeuctie n SYSTEMS *.,,u evc Additios Milton Fabric Centre 40PnStet878-4452 *Commercial cor Iodutrial 12 Mar-in lais 420ON Finete 854-2263 Sanriie and RapaI.. on MILTON. OI. lie-a ail are.s ot sesil.g ararlba. Ail typer of Ircoeum Tax FINISH CARPENTRY -xerl Srprd EMOCIELLING ED. McMULLEN -al SEC. OOM Contrctor TAILORING - REPAIRS Anytim SOM Cemutî Finurs, Sidecorlis& 878-9762 16u-t1 KITCHEN CABINETS Suclps EN e Chimsey &i Plasteu'mg MNS -VANITIES Sepuire TAILORING 0 Stuuco Wouk BEAUTY SALON - 050051E COIINTERS a Fireplaces ALTERATIONS Vogue Beauty Salon CLIFF BARNES Phono Acton 85-11 KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR A NEW COIFFUIRE 878-9135 1a-f 202 Mata Street Destgrued lest Pou Yma 21m5 ___________ PHONE 878-4472 - nd - CAPTCEINSURANCE 21.4ffl COMPLETS BEAUTY SERVICE CRECLANERS ,T N AI EVC Cail 878-2461 CO-OPERATORS INSUBANCE T N AI EVC 192 Main Stres ASSOCIATION PmsBat one MILTON CARPET ond Home Ferotection DURNAN 160A Miii St., Miltn. Olt. UPHOLSTERY CENNGý Ardo. Aeoientai Dealir aed TV & APPLIANCES Ne uppuirrnsbmnnecuttutl. Imycciemesr TV - 515550 -RAI Coîl 878-4581 FO5 FEE ESTIMATES Safe Driving Exr"a Vuille SALS &i SERVICE Hou ue. er,8am t aa Please Caîl PeemicImiý Mccci Ceuseoccoo YODS R. C. A. DEALER Tirer. & Fr1i 8 e.m le, 9 para. 878-3074 Cati, Rapid - Reliahîr - Rersonable Sot. 8 c.m. tu-t p.m. S. S. Heachec'sgrton 223 Mary Street Coimplete Bezocti Seceicie 19 A M. 1 6 F.M.I SE. 2, Milice. 878-4855 Ocrer, Mrc Jack MeDîcgait. 211- Oc'er 21 Yhanr' Serviee 878-4445 FLFNTY OF FREE PARKING ma FOS Y0CR CONVENIENCE 21011f CONTRACTORS The Essttai Lite JuysHair Stylin SPACE LINE R08fERT S. HART UHLTR INTRODUCTORY OFFER UTMHMSLD rtfelie Suaci, Actun MLO 20%n .it ail feome. liis Coton Eeodelicg Bei, 416-451-3460I UPHOLSTERING andsc.cs Cao.m Alto Custoom Bit Humec e.598312 Nuo.mawedenod q.ed by TEES., MAI 2 tu SAT,, 211E f Laine Arther Expert Wcg Cote PHONE: LIBRARY HOURS PH4ONE 878-9094 R. R.3 Milton 878-3711 Toronto 533-3667 3'oesday, Thiredar and Fridaf * euhltr 198 Miil S. Milten Iceoccrî o Mitouaîoa soosl 12 sus. te 5.30 6.30 tei 9.00 trAt r 21o3 21.-ti Monsda%, 12 secs 1ît 5.30 * Cphuisleary cileis Cl dWnsdy * Custoar toriIIrt re Ciesci edsuday * prie pick-op antd d.Beary 8RICKWORK & DAY NURSERIES Soteerice 9.3012. 1-5.30 2104a MASONRY Milton Day Nursery PAINTING & WEED CONTROL BRICK and BLOCK 143 BEONTE ST. DECORATING We cIter uemyiete cild erure DICK VANDENBERG WORK tue yur Inddiee te scircl - rfi GIL VANSOELEN G. SMITH thlMuerdu t Feidor'. S a.m. PAINTING WEED CONTROL - 634-0186 878-2931 Contractor 878-3959 BURLINGTON Indutriel -ResldorHIa 21c22 15e-Hf APTES HOURS 878-3151 Interlor - cEstia ___________ ISCilf Cuit nom for Puee Patartiez WELL DRILLING STONE FIREPLACES and 878-6137 CHIMNEY REPAIR DEAD STOCK REMOVAL BoB14 ilto 1.4 WE L SERVICE PACeN W________ B L R ES Caîl Freelfon 659-3572 AOI- B(RED i6Sctî Dead Stock Remnoval OPTOMETRISTS si LAIED LIMITFD e OSEPENBO BRICK - BLOCK Hcrhesl Crash prises for dead or ATUA. JONSON, 0.0. dttnhned cra and rores MILTON -184 Main SI. MILTON CALOPRTO AKFO 178-9972 WELL BORING STONE - CONCRETE CLOFATR-AKOR Tuesdcs and Fridays M. Pellier - f114152 Zenith 9-7950 ACTON - 54 Miii St. E. Heury Gcakrsk - Water livlin.. BARN RENOVATIONS Lie. Nu. 242C70 85--22 Toronto 366-4390 t6m-tO Wscay-nd Sorurdays 6- UNITED MASONRY DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Secîdence phone 878-0078t WELDING Rockwood - 856-9957 2lc5 LEARN TO DRIVE PLASTERING & STUCCO Charlton Welding Safe, - Sure - Eecy Way Dont. Cerîtiid Pressure Welae CIORCOS COMPETENT PlasBtrng & Stucco I ouhsnn natll CHIOPRCTOS NSTECTRS AIl Typea of Slroo agrictulre, consrtruction or A.P KN, .. Teaiuud ce Drier 8-dortor Nae Flatter, Rnpaie, îtrnportation, ratd ynrr Dns A. . KNTDC. usdur Ontao BuluIr LeaguS Cmve CeBlergs flrlr equipped anA expeurened Ductur of ChiroractieOAL portrable welding acrurlea 237 KrrrgsCurt CrcetîCL Aîdershot Plastertng Co. Cureter Merlin SI. A & A Driving School 878-2016 CI .8 PHONE 879-2031 845-5853 21.-ai Action 853-1634 =11 BY APPOINTHENT 21ctl 21tr22 1b9 BARE 1 Ly Barl Missn Se. sue, Dun thts.. 14 c BEAIJLII hu'th eftc muigiel 7 tct Hec .GILLIES la. G ci 173 T 7 is., 14 Hospital SMcCLEL do Mc cd te a rireir C muigirt 8 reu Ho Siter fu sert te meut et c Murgose Anne W; ry Wutt piore. ie 1970. BLAGDI 1979, H. bire, tO ccc, bu, Lie cDo lRctda te lie Thur,& T upit. in Heu tic, Me Mtt,,n., i, Mc fou't', Seni oec H REID. Mcv Il Reidt. eccil c Ici. Fr ot 2 p tilre, S ,ic avez AsinE gui Se tut EerE Mce E DA V E cul M. D If irir You i h3 But co e Ar Tireat But y' Dhen t, oo