Crafts su pervisor keeps Manorites busy ma kng things in crafi class By Au i Page Sireridao Jocosotoosm Sciroci The gravest error one cootd miie aI Itoltor Ceutenutai Manor in Miton os to tirrom out artytiig. "Wr fird a ure for erytrang, nntiring jr tiromo an'ay, reports Mr. Thirete Green, ceoft talperv oor aitie coonty's borne for tire oged. Ste provrd titis point by dispiayirtg a toblr decoration made by tire eideriy residents froir an egg coptratiradlbeeu discarded by tire Manoru iritoiren. In tire Mceoe tiree are 35 residants ondte Mrs. Orsen's instruction. 0f tirose, 20 are incapable of ceming to thre raft toonu and must do tire mort in thirr omunos, bot MrGreen only considers six as regua worirers in tire ctaft room. Sire wootd tube more participation but finds tire onital anumer 10 ibis reqoest is, WeilMes. Geenu, l'or mortrd at] asy fr and t'n irell to retire." Tire is agreat deat of talent aitie Maor and a ide vceiety of articles ome made. Restdentu rairae mootîn accessories, mosauc disires, ctotir clowons, cottu aprons, frit roses. Christmas decotations, marte irasirets Front ased greetiag cards, wooden carvinga, flone mats, smali baskrets, table ceutor pieces and pot iroiders. . Tire residentu are able 10 morir fine days a meet, Monday ta Friday, any limne dotiug tire monrg or afternoon. Il iras atmo ptoven toire qoite a profitable hrobby for tire rerîdents. Tire Centenniai Mceor AIISiliIy suoppiesl tie at12 l needrd, tIrS teto tre goudsaio the spriog iraoý aod tre pre-Chirteas saie. For eoch of their artoies soiti tire rerolent reevsappeoximately one-tird of ils o'îoio while the test as gi'er t0 the Auoiteay 10 boy more moterials. Mes. Greeeo 1 te rniy pertos empioyed 10 instroot tire tesidets. Sire dores, howevee, eeceirrvolontaeyoassistance flrn nty aonilirynrembrs. Antotirer atti developteent ai tire Manoe r " Thre Cirotteriros". Il j tire residents' onpubircation abroot tire octivities goirgo oa tire Manoi. Each wiog of tire Maoor iros o repeetttive or tire staff of "The Cirotterron". Tire magazinerconsists of oontrîibotioos from aiu residets. There is a arietyof poetry ond shrort ttoriet, a iroosor page, a section onrýca newstconceming tieresittds Young visifors cau on police Approormatrly 150 peoplr dropped in a1the Miltor police station tort merir forta Police Wreir t00r of lire office and rqotpmrrt, reports Cirief M. R. Andres "Most of tire riritors wr young people, aboot poiric sciroot oge. Tirey got a btg cirarge out of biig firgerprirtrd joar for for." "Ait in ait t tiir tire police werir prorrd tory toccestfot," ire soîd. The Canadien Champion, Wedresdsay, May 20, 1970 5 anîd c "it acd poe.e" colîîoîî and , i ,iI yîî h cId aî.. 'Tire pubirtion run.s iiioîlcîttî Licl ideti ,.îîcîîto..î5 aoywhirerrfrot20to 30 pges inone frcean lot y arSy11c set tu iergtir. h mat assied tot Joty ftredsanod rrltivecs. Firecrackers start blaze Firrcracireramwrr beirevrd ther LedmitirsaomtherS.cmrafrot cause of one of Imo Oires on Ontario St. ircme and ai Monday bot loai ftrefigirtrt fremn. Tir lroire roir o confceed damage t0 a minimum. gaîbogo ptocrd Sn t o Afoe aithr onMcKnnnn arr. Darmageo'atonot exrî farmi aI R.R. 3 Mdlton started in At 4:35 oce. firefigitrîrr tire mooden shongiru atorusome catird teo acor fore on L ftîrcracirerr irad bers dircirarged. Con. i Oakirciti. A A front endiloadermwitiraustrp Plymouthr cmnediry Bitl tadder on tire buciret enrirird tire mar atlnce. Damage wat smouidrring singler of tire rrîîmaîod. rwostrorryirarsetInbe reced mitir mater belote tire lore brigade arrined 10 controt tire Milton drivers ire. Damagç masconfceed to the * roof and sonewalrdamage. in accide t At 11:05 p.m. ce obsrvanct w Mitnmn era renident upotîrd a tire ai Miltron ToMto eomt District Higir Sciroot. Mît. Veto drive,,ocoîciord in olisionr Wrong date Tire orur OairSoie Brancir of tire Canadoan District Oiabrtoc Assocatonmtimeet toditcart regular and nembusiness May 27 aitie Lions ommoroty Centre in Oakirnie, not May 22 asrrarier reporîrd. Tixee rroru in lart mor's story or tire nrm t3iairetoc Association mrre airo poitîd art. Vice preuident Bob Bromn tirorid irave bren tirîrd au bud Bromn; Harold Cirryne ou treosurer, not secretaty;cendMr. Jamrs Edmardu sirootd hravr bero Mrs. Hane Edmardu. *Mai 0.4. machinee In #Ialto# ... MANV HOURS 0F HARO LABOR hurme noroto thn contruction nI thae mol n s he s and aceonr 10 Mao 201errodînt Vernon MnArtir they are a mat Bnr mu ane's home. SfOrI Photo) CLOWN DOLL ar mua cod o Mm MBln rhtwo compars wres ihcow e Mm Sar Smal bot e sie adpriiatofteMaoS crf lss-StafPo ) (A gueut opinion iry Waldrn Concord, reprinted from Toronto Bruce Trait Clair "Footrtotrs"> "Recently tirere iras bren mocir controvoruf concornitlg a jombo jet port andt a Mosport'type 0010 racomay pianneot for Hoiton County and a private airport tlannrd for Omagir in nortirern Oairvillo. Tire great majority of residents in lire reas affected are voicing strong opposition t o tireur nom drvetopments. Tiro loyers of uperd, umetis and noire no doubt otk upon tire objeclors as bucirmard'looting individoats miro arr anabte 10 cope murh progress. In actual fart, thr tory oppositr ir tire case; tire oirjocting residents arr on tire side of tire future, mile lire poomoters of noise and sceils reprosent on oid and uninformed viempoint. Tire boilding of facatities for tire consomption of vast quantilies af non-renemairte energy is indeed a retrograde stop. Tire batîtes nom being maged in Halton and Oarville point op tire nom attitode versos tire old au dramalically os did tire contooveruf over tire devclopment of tire U.S. supersnic jet, micir precedeot one ai tire big mistates mode iry any gonernimont in retient years. For not onty dores tire consomption oi large volumes of fossil foots rosoît in sonore deterioration of tire environmont, but tire irnamn reserves of tris parlicotar fousti foot, coude oit,' are poodicted 10 ron ot in 25 10 30 yeaos. Yet tire adsocales of "progress" insisl an buoilding more auto racemays, airpools andt Spadina Exprosmay 10 acceterale tire aready Dance funds improve hall Tiranr ta tire efforts of tir Irosir Canadoan Clubirn Miton and tire dancru tirry iraoe iret îIIIIIIIItoecrly, Hoiy Rosary Hait iras o stagerandctrrrompronmettto tire kilcirenalita. Frant Lee, upoirerman fer tirr clubr aod tire club mi iroid onr dance amorti riing ino varory ai Iroirh sirow irands aod tire proceedu frote tire doncru an I tire immedoate future wdi go to ireip sponsor prorectu mitir tire Sparisir. - OSiromirands like tire Tara Sirow W Band, tire Mapie Loaf Band ced r îirhe KeSto Molloy Siromiand arr iroooird for future dances. Ken Maiioy miro iras tranrlled esleoîsiy tirrougirthrecountry and bat piayrd in olirer parts of 'i.'... tre nrid miii ire irele May or Flemg and Sperchr THIS OISPLAY ar tirs traN rnam balletirr bord exhobîts the wids Muntr in Canada, sptonrnred iry ranrge ofaIrtîils mades by tirs residstsof tirs Manr. Me& V. Cnuling tire Canadian Hereng Society. hms Me& Thiema Green osa of tire mors recert oraftîs(Staff Gotttd agaixtt possiirle irearmng Photo) tors. tee you etspeciaist. alarmixg dectine in Ibis energy Anyono miro imogines tiraI an atternate solution 10 tire enorgy uoppiy proirlemr miii soon ire fortircoming is just ooacqoainted mitir tire factu. Science aflor ail is rot magie; it can oniy aporate milirin tire unyielding laves of nature. Wirot is tire energy source micir is ospectrd ta replace aur dwindiing supplies of crde ail? Electricity may serve ta drive small, slom'sprod, slom to acceterate aotomoiles on city streets, bul il cannaI irope to propol a jombro jet. Besider, storago boIteries (micir incidentally are îlot pallutian'fooe) require an esternal soorce of etectricty ta cirarge tirece and tris additional rqairoment can anly ire sopplied iry samo nan'renemarie energy saurce nom tirat Ontaria's irydrostalic sources are ased ta capacity. Atamic energy? Tis is aira a non'renewarle resource and again, mirere do me dispose of tire large qoanlitirs af radioactive mastes micir are tire finevitairte iry'pooduct? Tirore is just no foresecairle ansmor ta tire enrrgy sappiy problem, micir is iooming largo on tire nat toc, distant irorizon. At a time miren mie sirauo ire tigirtenîng aur bîlts trop continue 10 bud auto racemays lfor tire sotisfaction of a degencrate tasto, aîrparîs for tire convonience of tire fem and tire detriment oith ie many, ond o n e ficient ond costly rSpoessmays mS-a lirere os an efficient andt tous rostly alternotive, A visitar front oater spaco survrying tire scen e moold canclude tiraI lire specors Homo ropirns must ire very mod irdeed." n irr ere iod 1970 Place nog On Saocrday ceorning a one-coraccident coaucdtf500 domtagr ooo car drivro ry David Lelie Bord, l0t Motet SI.. MiltIon. Il irappoord on 15 Sidoroad in Noocogaweya. A car driSOS iry Lalry McDouallt, 399 Georgr Si., Milon rcoord $700 dace in a olsonwt BramtonS mono's o aroo Bs Lîso Rd. rouI of Boit Sclîcci Lîoo Soodny. Tirrer peroOinSthe ramocpton mnscor moto oî9ored. Despite tire name, refrogerater -Support tire ocakatiroo for coie doogirculirbctctrrdS donth Dool Misiono Farru tit tho frreer for op osix octir. morirrnd. Noec frorî.freerefrigerator freeerst oliîmîîae icc cippool otnd mrîsy 000100 110fr iecase froot-frer modolo nord no defrosting. -MitonOPP report a"fairly normal" atreoce cf ireiidoy mer irnd traffic on roadu in thie Northr Halton ra EVAPORATES ~ ~ ~ ~ 12 -E 25 TALL 1,0 TIN 30 BE F RN EEN REG 10ý OZTIN CanUo ILK GRD K3c~ GAIS5~9 RAOAMERI ACAN PEI 3PRIMO 9 REG ~ ~ ~ EG 21 TINS 49PKTNSG. BUTE R 66 TISI lOO TIS COEAS E RE 9 ROMEBAND-EG 35c 12Z.JA 5 BAV PUR E LRD - 5 9 9c I VEGEABL AOUP F CO E R ICE0 1.0 F100 COLRMMN SIDE BACON PC7,WÉHR F55d 41' FRESH LEAN BOCK 89c L. SLICES PIECE 1 RS Peameal BACON 79, CHUCK STEAK 75 'I Stewing Beef 5911 ROUND STEAK 994'bb Smked Picnic 59'_ cOLEMANtrS COAC FRESO LEAN COTTAGE ROLLS 59 loin Pork Chops 69 el 'ADE FRS RUT EG.BE LETT UCE 2E-os 25, FLOBIDA INOIAN RIVER WHITE OR PINK GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR 75, FBESR HOMESROWN FREs OOMEGROWN GREEN ONIONS RADISHES 4 BUNCHES25c 3 BUNCHEs25c SUNKIST ORANGES 'JI9 I Z BANANAS 101b ADVEBTISIEOSPECIALS IN EFFECT TO 005509059 OP.M. BE BErEstE THE BIGHT TO LIMIS aevîre MINI-PAGE "PEOPLE PEEPERS"' NOW AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE IN MILTON SMALL POCKET SIZE RADIO CONTROLLED PAGING RECEIVERS, WILI ALEAT VOU IN TORONTO, OAKVILLE. BURLINGTON. H4AMILTON, NIAGARA. ST. CATHARINES, WI4ITBY, AJAX, PICKERING, LONDON, ETC. L0W MONTHLV RENTAL IE OMMUIIUMU DIAL FREE 1-800-261-0500 METRO TORONTO - CALL 249-8455