4 The Canaiens Champion, Wuluenilsy, May 20, 1970 Grand slam in first inning gives Campbellville victory A sueusetonllyuthi rt inietg spositoilhyuagrandelain huttu h taa George Chentet, gave Catyhallitla Mecaheese hn -5 i -S Wuîtetiloou Tîgoun en thott hurst gouse af tht Haltut Ceaeity Itettuoiate Bahali Ltagauei CauphuIIittîl hoeilay. lu tht eîuth ienig ouilh tho Mesahaets ieaaieg 8-2. îuaaou( anduten hueir anecondati Caupholivîlit cîoach bau) Caio pallil pluchtr Gaouoy Mîtchoell and hoglatvtrnhre Hasuy Haauilton nt ta dlispense ouih hol fusil butter. Txit,iit Micuellouasuseil aneilie htihat inakeailo hfaeot Laaktîîgtîîti, Waterolous hig lte.lit pt Hamttiltont tit outth hoe da thut ho coutil ualit hauit riehihut gîte tautothîing teu gatil ati iaoit ga har Maitoy Bailty, neu ie flic luttait. Tht ntitve poatel aastly as Hamtonî hail truthe hilatg flic anîgt andlokoi tho hursi h.ittse aasauanelîia5yil CAMPOELLVILLE OATTER Etuet fittile laites s ctone euhk et s cseeti fiatl Drde is oeu ef the moruepetitoted l Ouets etîth tht Csupeoheiile theel outttti flue Thaitusei t scr he us il liai n:tih tg beote faottle Lessy Kit0. Wîîh tr ecuptiten aI tho hst îeeieg tht Coeepbtliile uoffeiso wa tpartont. Afe flot th t teteif tht Mutcahott etet ooaly thouatetil otaupu fat a oe fuse salle t tht tttth îeeîeg. Datg Lang, flch rt u ail lucitlt flailouai elho gatne epei uîith a dlouble. Dlotase htt blues fitoiga. ousikoi Ken Moo, ha( Ltey MuPhail otnd clobfibihs test. Csupeetillt espîsulîsilet sn 7-i 1usd thepitedop inthtuistittue aduwon8-5 te tht haulse oentttO lItaIt Photo) Big meet draws near O.S.D.aothleteS prepare aueeg halic J i boys ai 0.SDG ou oui)) ha utLieg ait au ite eoeuhts techprgai usge in etuneaiîa funet lîtîhorfli fI.nternatttal nsfric Mi 1Ita, und hBeleilleoeil Micigan outi Roatir, Na. York ut)l seaipetc. Za uill tai %voir flic tno teute a Pasilue -igît S.haal. teettef ttdlia literu uffe hateite. au ltou' au 5 let fur1 flic la ie aend thyetsal tt.ie aittia Latilts Mata ajtelet halil utisav -htr caaîaeuedu.aold nu ett e 4.40 ai -l.50 ai ha, haa Moîla h GSfltllatl u) he lratgiaigit.uiaiiae flhceaoegsitte iltr rude lia ,i ha heelgaig suihotea rfi htgh îteîîp. 80, lon uitif .,tpa t.nllidai atle, li Alluet bautete lit i tt e aut agaileeidtgur]i athe tloet iun,. Rleai a, caaeiail Il place tri ulietet utit eent. - At Iteot nu, nctet Br flay oui) usoal taîisil tue big Monutsplutee flue, attIhaie uah flht dila aid ýh. iu ria heody ralierc hurit hbute si/ o flata Grittithilu t slittoni pteet i aida Rt,,1 ta) cotiei il air tht f (Iail sItetut tel TagatuIta lutvu pu.abh i, htit itaditte itiai girl ai t.S.D LinatI tatat cositntti liai lue hut, offruh s ' bll, iýi Bowlers go on ta finals lacea Lile olda l97 tsiphe Cuti Ma luI)1 air 855 triplo, Latta llaeih a 713 oei Shirley Hall aheei tpeîl. allutii hanicoapslt tireintalGOntario Boulots Aeeaituae Psie, soasotsuy aed teýie îossaeî halli hlay lut te Astetn The alhate Milton beulets qsshhoiil ta goao t h the Ontasio fls heîg holli ai tbe Plsotstton Boul ei Etabîtoito Tbtly'i bc sooupetîeg las ubout $1,000 ou puczes. A banuet uii feiteou tht E teoie teseusout. Tht esentuts penueebtdams Oisuiteit Ltil. BERT DAY, eue et the fiteeu Jutiot shlesus su 0.1.0., ouili couipete in the Instentioal Dflae lttuto hfeldl heeoJue 4, aet h, Otutt's iaityte dnthtl nsutpt fiai he Isauvell hsiaceeilathletttandluaeeSc actio nothe useutn autel -(usaf Photo) Chester tuas thotu ouittng sud ieftltiluaernegfotutnm and soeteg 16e Meten ue g-I Lelt Pogto ou il oeil Bill Cettie tealkinole the fient aeil blatit eetosly neoeti. Tht aeiy ailes Cutepbeilutille to ta e i he hfih, oben Mithait tteseil sftee hoie obini and tes keecitedin oe a biellots thottu hy Foggiee. Wtssiloueipeedsitte fhrt Sumtmsa e id waesti andl soee onLotiton, douoble* outil thenneveeth ieig ouAe Laury King tulituianstilse onsinsby Riait ReptusandA.j Wison. Whit coach Essi Cuites itnehaetouott wttt tht Cstepbelieillt boys ut but, 6ie tes pieasi euth the iltfantuve Pesformante oeil std Mittchtll pitclieilaogst garnie. lt etuht antd to tineil teiogs Mitchell gave op netn btn, ossoue setto ftee psssnsd latueil fe Rutteoun bsttess. His thil madie oue teret bcheid himt. tne t ied of su tetuiie8futyHamtiltoae uep titiutouak,oloeionetittsnd sstititot "lee bu ttet. Goetg tire dtstance fut Watusiloue, loti Deniions aloutl oSer htin, but thtue hatou, walkol to andl tanui igf itterts tar Caoupiniietiie weDotg Langoutit oblhe ted sineglo, MePhail outth s ptair of diohblestund Chentet outth s horres. Faggtoand~<i blute (uiti sefltil.ewstohv suotei t Hailaton Wtileendoy hat ire gante ouao oaieduil t. Thacy aic utiailltil ao vsa Gegtownt eu Wetiesiay oeil iT ttihe bagua poeut L"idei Miplt Leatu New executive litta ish ouill hleui the Juntt Iiorît Mottitant fat taiote yoae, il ous ileidoil ut ulcraia etintg ouaentiy. Lait yeais sasotof lotit Ditiittua ouill mosi op ta vie-putoidoot and hos olil pont os seas ouill bu hitleil hy itet Ite Chauhutach ut)i soev hts thtil ytat a te asoos sud Aluen Puitiiu uit) noeagoitmareof 1lie club. flîaettîetinltd Vusu Ray tlioii, Chutk Gevin, Btoh Baithtt, flaag Hyati oeil Donii Sani Track meet Thursdoy Marttin hi. usakait tieldl itetretes Tittosiay at Milton [Isie[i Iligli Stlitat ioutititut slOtfot tiau gttsg hos tht M.iuiieitaiue itps ee (lsiotîl lotnt Il te the o tiiO.S.D. wl ccmeigiin Nîiit ilitit aiailtliutaalu 0.uD uîlh1 auphghe Royals beat United 2-1 ililtoi Ihiiii ocra.tio t 2- Il Ceortitiuoi Royats te ilieickt Lt (ea Rma thtreds tli o tly goal tut M il i'i laog ( itd atie hst Ashti al 6.30 ut GSI) gruîîileaon Thosily ai io îîa Sîilay farOit uitlt lia*tia ail a Ttîilay fat atoint Siaitak ~j ~=s MILTGN BANTAM bIsOCCeEY CLUB ceebestrd Gesltotino, Btitu Huoutos, Jubtt Onfitibet, Johu astno suce suei ttn eetysalteroutouîshe B Ketouue.Mite NeoensKet soeu2og Brown, Chsoupoonhip. Tesououmrtste inutbehftseou. Otul owne. Vue Mothuil, Charles Ainoit sud Rote F iIr, Ruudp Hamiltoeu, Jhei Vuipe, Toue Teuy Saili. Omit eue tnuldes Bruce Kithen, Petiots, Bob Lueutidueuand Bob Boghton.OSeond Audy Grahamu, Mus5a Oteuku sud JeAn tout Michael Petrd, Stepheu MoCuet, Rime Gelulu.-lOtuSf Photo) tampion Milton Bantams open - schedule next week MiftonBanta Lio t w llb une 25 -MitonutiWtedewn. t suobeil by Gong Hynit and Jll t - Oubville ut biltue. Rtsk Rouley tis yeun sud luly 7 -Milton as Georgeteown, teuesged bit Dieten Cier Teste luly 8 -Bramnpton ut Miltun. eetbeet seelude W. Bekut J. Jly 15 -Miltion at Sudingten. Consel, P. Chusttteusl K. Puy luly 20 - Milton ut Gulsuile. A. Huit, M. Hynts, R. French, M. luly 22 -Wutetdeun at Mdlton. Gm e J. Kelsun, S. MeCun, Jly 29 -Buelingten ut Milltsn. V. MoPhis M. Mevns und G. Au1.4 -MiltonutiBramtptou. Turner. Aug. 5 - Georgetewn ut Miltue. Tht nohedule fue the teuton is ut foliotes May 19 -Miltun ut T U M R Georgetuw.cHE"M R -Muy I0 - Brutepten ut Milton. flIA YOU e Muy 22 fluitilit ut Mdltuu. ~ -Muy 28 -Miltun ut Wuteedeun. PAY FOR" lune)3 Milten ut Buetteglue. lune 8 -Milles et flukutle. MOW l i une 10 -Wutesduuu ut Milieu: e - lutte 17 -BotrlsngtunutMilton J une 23 -Milton ut Beutepton. lune 24 -Geotgetown ut in top 5 -- Dn. Rote Fuets of Milton finettsbifthin thetoe ony 0.SUe R O-1- mar te ietn Golden [te shoe RINGMWR t ~~~Circsi Duier standings uith hisb lo h o inslsdesgttsacn frontelsesuryl tee i;atetu er -no te May 3. res MERCHANT CGACH Ssci Cuires stands ut the edgt ufthue dogoot Purneun estned 146,034 sud T R dotinu oneetfthe tessoemoments doeitssthe opuingfltue in the fuleoued Ren Peugan. Osent Haitton Ceunnor BusAti Leugun. Csouptelluitte laert Guoieu, Williate Weiiuuud sud ateedeoun 8-B Suedsy. Wsuedoouettuked le the last intnn, Kttth Ruples te the u topeetny toeing bee meun sud teseiug the bases tesded-Ostaft Phete) ter e o finbu pted Peegun grentlSlI 02612 int uisaes. Deaf athietes offer rugged A coa olfuthietos ttttitg the Onutuste Isheel fon Tht Oleuf te Miton oustthed oexouoly us se flîfi. offistal tedicussil hy stgn louguge titrat they huit jnst ueon tht CWOIIA B Ditsc Chuoenip, ilefeuiug seod piste Mout Poest by 76 poituts. Tht teet ouss belli ut GîfiD. Thorslsi. Cetepetunos ortebute caistg eue anethes on the htit aond ytlteg, noute parshal oedsn snoute tiy noises. Bot te ouhtees dogse thuer hueicasp uth spech et htarng tuttuedil s auinl hude't aflustuil thuts aihietis p-oes BI Whyto ondl Best fluy. hetb competition Junier girs' tille sud flodete MePhail ous the top ouilget teespetitor. Mt. Porst fieunbod seondui utth 149 poits heeln flîfi. ouitb 225. t-sm buil 128, Sheiboesoe 127, Attou 61i sud GAG.. seouputts seeud a sutai of 30 fiîss it the outot. Allsu Bous oeil Boutes of flîfi. ech susosilt o hists te tht Miilget Beys' iiin uhilo lue Bestei of Milteu teppuil tbe mitiger boyn' isus eveot fou flîfi. Best flsy. s top oit soundl othiote loit thsou t isîs t tho junor boyns forl.I.fl te the 1t the Stnier BOYn' clusasitio Bill Whyte came tboghîi iyteicoosn.tltuotet Op se tht t00 yesd ilnsh, tht 220 ondl tht poet eauuigueent. M. Smuith sond big Gstg toeor camteuthtL.oPPeeth sud Lashtsschsretiudeilashsut. liou Siseenaof Atis on the senior telle sud touefodletuns. Desîen MsPbudl tstoei to wninthe ouilget gerls oubile Bttty WtlhettO sud Sshub plustil hist las Ofifi. Lisd Rennell onfeuni oreGi'htgh oump sud 80 yardl hosile les GA.SD Wtues Itou tbio ouet coupetu e ithte CWGIIA S usos uetuMay 23. ne tse pate i Ilt our GAAEY&OWELj SER VICE R. R. N..l1MILTON 878,9s2 oeil junios hoyn' tillen otets. Weer Zasnetos. A.. - rtnPocttuly. flîfi. girs luIt Huetit oeil B. fl'Briue il an h ., ,Fi., Sot. May 2 22-2 thei mars fc, wth Lnda Bouts ai] lbi lent frte in îteu Rusl tkn listth cann, ACADEMY Banquet concludes WINNERÂ bowling seasonROETN By Ben Wissnsaiso cil erphucs Asîdat OF THE YEAR AR W otu oultt ue 2y afhl Miltn's Yout Boling pries fr Ile lastfortntaterTECHNICSLOR& CC Muii Bocuie h s to as laes. wIt h aqe i h l Tht banqouet conduotes yoothteAt L RTiMN whee w rccied rc bolin, owling lot aotInes yoas Tht BOHAUTETRANMN frce ood ad eveyone alke sa i' ouongtunet thiocittia uwywliapeo otesr.blpi Itoui Itou Chitchotu as SHOWs STARTS The boys oed irlss ouîth htgh Milteu Boouluouy., Mus. Gsay lasr AT DUSK ososags.osigles.idohulesuad hulpoîauogseaîig the baquet ______ tiples oureatva d siul sphien sud ta Tht Chamona lai .5) ,VIST OUR on eni uhasu ouîuutîg fis pouc ui e atts. SNACK BAR I Mnrrav Hnnd Drivi-In I Su., Mou, Tues. Moy 24-25-26 mEtAM am. bwtàw- *ANESSA REDSIRAVK TOUCU ISIENMXIAI tttutusuêti? OREATHESS! Hersluiera lu .0 ~lntssicatedIwlthII frasêslui *tub.sant ssli, dssperatlpi .jw waC 4 ,g Élfuendsp:aîllo sL' COMING MAV 27 flu 30 CACTUS FLOusER- 1~ Ast SEht. LINrRD. MILTN 88AM Ilé $A235. Eante Prench Pr Pnrtiu Cule utun Petite Solod NOW AVASLAOLE ANY 5OAt5TtT 1~