Sgran d S pice . m d i iIsJ * Titase gamweeiag sareits taI mere piatid alang Martin S. arme pears aga are nase ai rte stage mitere titep oaa be spprtiatsd. Tite itlaams coatribate la a tamn is tis a taucis cf iteaeaty and lit lda bcwssdeefai if me caulil sec mare sach piatiaga an an age mite cattittg res 's msere freqiseni ltas plastissi. Peeiteps as new erasu are devertpeil antd ew slreets et titroali fer saitdieisiass samee soeseesiere miel ties ta male extensie piaattitsgs cf treranCd liaserriat tsaits rtal miii esitance lthe iteaaty af lte tarte. I sitedier ta triait af Calter pestal sCrite. At titis poist cf ieitiag thefutue is a littte ariareluis. Cuntirig off ltse mil test ime sase as resaetisg la a eaeîetp cf mrrteods Ca coalise distriitatien af yeee Citampias. Raral raates cal af Milice sere itadird O.K. it me cacidet reacit ltase feam aChes mustiTsalitires itere service vies sat maietaiseil. Os ase occasion 1 deieed a eueai toate myseif as a expreiaari itut titats aa laag teemi aasmvr. The steie itall atitr affects far itasinsrs tac. Witl accoarsat asaidat ite paid niter caald tite iteerereied itp mail. Witat ltai dame Ca lte maset- sappty is sitaitriag ta ompreitead. *Deieiag in lte fag rte altr day i ceas merprisril ai lte seir af veiiles tit raamrd aI me aut af a ciaad stit ea itealigits aa. ht Cakes a lite iiieeghi peritapa bat titaspieadiights arr a ts défesie me asare roa if tep daa'i itetp paa ser. Saepetsangty eeaegit titre mastite add trcki mitit na tigts aed titep'e geeeratpy pretiy gaad aitaut laeeieg tem . t'a geras ta ses taose lettrs la lte edilce camniag ta se lscai issues. Wile itIi ietee Is keep tem. itief cee haeret pet hcd ta sîmît ediliag ta candense tem. The oitjectiieeis ta gave peaple as appeeteeily teoepress aa apiniaa aeisiitel ity ou ittar peadil. t'e iteard af arewspapees Chat meitr titeir ama Intters to the editars tu encaurageaflaw, andantetceogago- i eardassurepau erten'teresaeiedituthat eitee. lThe Dominion Day peti eCodaoied test eeit seeriig opiniass as chasgisg the same af the hitady and maeîsg il tu a permanent Maeday itatidap gat one ofou staff apsel. The taettti af chaegîsg lthe r mad sluftieg it arond sn the weeki, sapperîrd Bp rte majaîily cf titoar qeestiaseil gai lier ittcad rtthe leet pilch as site desaaned thtetaekaofpaoaicismn and iapallp and etiter tiiga. Bai lte majaeiip aeraistp did isdiecte a chtange le same andl date ceas sot a btig pîaitlem. a La)cal eatitees ceilt ite itaeeg tir citane ta demasrate lhitr aiiity tis ment as titep caik a 32 mie eaule. il's ceelI l'mn sai in tit. Bvers lte ltaugit cf lte localijaggerserisisg aidaceeeacitmaîeisg fo c ceaeitoot mates me tioed. Thte peospect af 32 mîtes et foot souei îke te liinlg end. Bal goadîlcitto titaieceto miii gave ir a try. THE SOUNDOFD MUSIC rang titlceti lte auitoeriums ai titîee t-ith scetals ce Miltose, Osiaitteancd aeîcecîan eslat ceei as a 75-pceecee crtocetra codea 300veaoitem aed porme inelc Haltea Ceoty Bard ai Edectians Masoc Prît-oct '70. Gesalie t. Heesatandr i sowce condeolla lthe stoeet orchtestra. -(hiaff Pito) ûcuupîfl Editorial Page Down [s] in this Corner Mipeéiepeomnc a wiîh roy dowaî Sauaier ce luter, te titis cemopaper lemoesiîctîces teace aie cold. Ahoot cil itsines, yocmwiedeup decegchbout they peoveeiîtiece'ce goesortie pîcOty paci matit. eetp stedeets. teve ital Iceami aitout mylejo. pteatp cf r them covecîîaeîn toit ccmoreeî, tetepitase cineriewes, coeeteg meetings and meco. Oce night 1 dreed friited my itoss andt1ceoteepîina ctdmea,tapîeg e it itadelt îeclly happenei, itecaîse ite stidi iat la sigo ccp papeieqas ancifi itai real i e tein s'il have esleil ap dateg c jobaith ut cotîaît ermards. Hevees Os aigu t 1 drecee t cea i îesîg accueil te hufallo compounil ai Retilestaite Poci, tîyîeg 10 take a pcloî af(fal titoî a Lcck Nleis type maniter. Thait gcetliii te recto oeile btelare t get los am cgi ici laite c piclece. Bel a îtîacge one itappesei lte alther cegit. il mata revers act dreec, in whiti 1 I a ceoiog iteiewei Bp c mae.ce'tietereciîreporter. Peîhapsîiîmae ita camiticccbaconfeiedcgg, ceese. tcmcad eiltceebutterlsandimchlithailtst Brîcre r eog mi lortlite sight. pecitapi il ceas armeticg titai seppedi ocde my iteal, asymcy locto I maî,dreadmieg about MEiiteietelty scmeaeehic! "l'il lite 10 have coul opîstons as te a rrait crises an Milon and accota lte catice," thit erveer mas iepieg. Sel my cnseies mess sametieg ite tits: l'e agatit polloticn. i hie il. 1 i ' lite luneie and smog aed pateucil Haout stneamas and dccy siets ced deteegeel Baititescend celoilcîl stoke atdîleage and aciilandciîitcge dclpi. "i'mciset'trmtpc gaitstceat Titeîeeeo11 seel to eopoeslcey fartor ce dcii suetc, i Bai cleeady tee ocececekel.' doit pal me dome ai iteieg deuilagut "I dcclt lite stioieî, enier, eîpeciclly pestai stites or cnsîiîeî ltai affecti a maioeîtp aI lte people. Iftho peuple vito maite papir diîîiîg cepo or icycle ceheete wa tat go os steike, ihct'e flto, but t sheilder te tiîs mit mcd hîppee ilth tetepitea, itydeoancd poitl people cil weet ons trîhe ai te saie lime oeil et cil duîe ofceut mact importanserices. "ie c mat-, I'm ilso opposed to modeen eilectosîton.PFronteayheg t'eoteco ltety me aie teîeeg oeuteeuchofltay graduatri. "Mallirtoflact, Pet ls,, opp.sed 10 ceari o e ste iteiewsece,"lcoccilel tachier ipcechleie. He coagieil, muteîcci, ihee itoatly cske, "and jesltcictrepaeiletng abtce cil tites reis yoeithae sî oeiel" "Whoa, me?" mas cep eepiy, "Oit, 'ce and Catit aitaut titese prailtcs anil hope scmeitedy ell mdll deecl ep cil] lthe mess." He mollereil iomelig aitout top cammeels iteisg "typîcal" or eomeliîg, teemaneeeilcay.Jest tes Icceoke feam mp dearm "Hetepi" I arideas I colail rivet and "Violence aclt-coiestî 1tcaeetiscido ilcftediac tiodseepasnce more,"cte elitacit. Afl thear aledeel pîoeeî mouhe bc amessage ltotre soeirt SPEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST CAPITAL~ St-O REST --.r -.; *; 2 B 7' i 9 hi Il1 12 Chus(ýr Millin Diollars 93 Id hi 16 '7 "B '9 MO fil SUBIS Ah S TUS as M IsUsA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 t -- t cii 'ie U LTO, t 272 93 . 9 "SPRIiPG t-LOWING" mas a celarsil cocepioaa aI te irina plaseieg ssas an pisture pasmcard slui stoamers la 1B13 Casadias laces-by hBaca'dcaes maliig Bp Miltas itransi af Titi tank ai puise, er scuse'-plas a rcaincdac,. Carl Toeonto. it i îatat'ed as ariles ioaad by Laccy t-iiuips. toitiecourci' atyeaitwc'.attend a lot Of"I t cCtliîctts 'Olte CCI'eW ccttoad sorte ticace celn bo We have.' etee I attucded a ficetîco vie eojoyed more îhao lthe coeetp choie atîd batîd concert peeseitedl al Mittoe l)istrict Iiîgi Scitoot last ceei. Titi coothîsatice of 300 coices ic tte chit aed 6itstîteotctaits i lite orchestra ceas et peesstcc' and toui peetorcîaece ceai octetcîîdcog. Ou o optieisai t'oc pootl ceai receei. Buck cf tire perfootoaoce ceai flic liet lthe pocog peoplce enotced hllc gien cp Satoeday toocin o t paît sic meeki 10 pacetîse. Titiy baild 10 ceatl bch participanîts aed lthe effort ce ilieue part, c'ciine to iîtti tire tediestttp cf' staf, decetoped a peogeaee icat is hoccîd te aloraci greatir eroceis te lthe o tîîee Il cece oece lic lîcis are,. wi lthe Musiîc Fesctival lias ceurth majoe piaticetie torotîctalnt I jusl dialol suciii posstible ail lice togietîcsofc aiseilieig t-Oilif People ferom aeooss titi coeely toc practîses ced itocee peroremaoces coold hi effeiely ceci. Il thc'c itcecc sotoe coperence cne lipalt If peopiele il tiii ceea bo titis kîod of performtaece, seuals ceootd have itceo ai a preeceloc. We sespect tits cetî be lthe case oeil yeae. We hearl eo ose ceto dido't iîte lthe poogace ceas iiiipeesstce atod peolessloai lite itîcoteece of poeeg people mas comptete frot thte mcîlee of cmn etteh teeoed te a polisitei P erfrleit aI e, t Itrogit lthe instentlai ced cocal icloihis, aed lthe aodlee cleeaety iveel te mtote tlîîeg. W'e eee eeeescocal audieneespoe lceoeslp dIco c standiog ovation bo peeforeee itclcee, bt thet -didl as Teidc and ltai lias b hoc sortie kiail of ce indication of item lthe peeformeos cevo tire heuarts cf lthe audîeace. Tii ee are eaioe tiige lthai cas ho aciteceil lthroogi iiges ceiicit moetd ot have iteea possible hefoe tire I'oooly Boaril peogecce le titis aiea. Thle coeeity chcoand haod is cit oten. We hope litai sonne of ttitiioho lied oeip biettiats foe lthe Cicoty Boced i c.y stiecitte 0000 tis p.coiteo 'c peogoaeî. wichi ce ti1t ceas îlot ociii pacea t Jcoiptiliiiettil but a ceoettceiîe eîpeece. Wc ceoetd eooediy eedoece ils eontinuation. Yoceg people love bo pcrooe asid ae a groop titey peoil titep cce do il ceeu. Ttîey also peceoil titey aoc ceittîeg bo îoveet effoet and free lime. Wîtlî ltai coîieclios mc lotk bowrdt oeil peces peeformanece. Thiereô a Ijmit a.a. Haitic cesudeîts carce cocord abotoo qcality edeucatucît but cii f os tocict ltais mit vve e gettteg. Ttc correot dotltlît lthe board-ticier discusioch ai lthe sececety -cetoci tecet is glouef a lt of os somtis cions dots about lIce qoaltt cf eleecluoe. Set the cee hahe to coectuile ltai lthe stucgan abotoo "qolaltut elocabice" is peetapi a ratiter large ueita cedce cetici a lot ci tiugu are bieto pettel. citoot bui iuan y st-oc tfte . il's abtout lime tuece tiugi tuBe "meaciegli leeteoive t" aned "petuit cacti O ratios" ce OOC spc'tIed out. Ttc teactuers otîeeb bo cite Board soggchbueg c cange ce bite ratio foie 18.1 to106i.1 ceeld cuit $1,000,h00. '(hep otjeel tept1 e scier seggested 'ae sec't tiog Weil, jusi ceitt os tc'ie specîbti suggestio'> "T al dîtticeli qestion Io ascee". WBît is tiîs tieg cailel "eaeiogfat iecotoemet"? lite Board t-comices ibis ald ltai to tthe lidication front the lecees is tht tepre hl Bat-tpy mth ltai.' ds meit 10 il pu eeggcsi? "litis c ilifficlt question 10 asmer" Ait ap taxpet-er ced heuI glelt bell pu lthe cîlt cf educiion is clreecî -rt-tt sIrop. Traîtres teoce 'tuti etluucg about lit cuot oft feeling cei titey t-bd troogit metisg 'citee eteetingof' "dialoge" os lthe budget, so e'tep'cycos miii have sone cedeesianlîog ut lthe cpeslieg. T'tey'eeon te fioieg ise mites lthe oate goeî et- And chat's ocaclit -mit titcy'oe titere. VBey Bacc bo sose lthe puie preeshceeand the resîsance of tic rabepayeri lu escaltig cosis. To laite froet choie costeol, facetors cetict bteuron total speldisg, is to eottutp itolo elfeet as poltttee cîeateees, soitject bo eteetuce Bp licou celco cap lte bilts. 1 lthe teactees fcoi choie "ouie.coiguc icvecietl rotutles ic ccl ce Il ttc grooca rueiIl Indy ceu be lice cesîsteece le ciîisg elucatiný. hue cccl miii le e tepeel ito euir destimteagination ald il met- te a peett -speiIii tîid cf rehuisancc. Ttteeeouent discosisons'cassol hbe coosîeel t bc Be oees somne romote "btoardl" and lthe "leaciteci". WBettco lie lites il or sot lthe lespaper is tce tca ald if ]lis chir iset fîil Bp lthe truîteos lthe sytim tas g000 compleicit -itapoice. We'e us faeor cf qeclty olucîsce bei, like esyt -lepaper, teegi c liait te item motet se cas affceirs t-ct ta oc il. ThItt mcc hbe cheaiog' buit îcceitody etie osgoîeg toceeteey oohiceot hisceei. I teceo'ed a 12'pagc lettet froat a Prairie toile ditteadlenietsc'k oloinyccopeoy cehieteg. Wîlh c mintium of ciîtîg. and chasgeg oelyemules,.hor l s "Deat hmücy: Wa'oe reei yccir coloniao lot along lime.t1e1oy itWheyoocoll oflyoet dceghter'sileessî.1ccontioblelto tead the colaeteheictsetmy hoiaolcei îetcooîly llceitcceceoflthetcong.icecis weith faim mail of the tiare. liocd lthe une uer hete yoe titoed OcOlyonc' fo ici Ptayet ... "Acyceay, t1ce aoîd to tel ou ho sc li maey people ptayedlforey pourcch'cad, He dccd Match 9. t îectly helcoco acl[ tli pîcycti hielpel ite iccept i. Ho gol pneecetoeiicottleely, hai tho ail rcite, ceeoccet a coinsand doed.HFie acolle thco,hbutîcotildhaveehotd doeo it o actd bules,hecacc iechuidt trocghut,itadM ceas oîly 5h1 "Ho ceai laites prioeî et Doeppe. lThe ittît 1001 tey bard iteit itedt lîid. Whee tho Rcîoieeî hegee gettîeg cdoset, îhcy (the Geietaeîlmoeedlthemon oxeucstand on foot, wtu ey hule food. Heonce îaîdhle itooghthleshoetdetcayicary a poceoli hîcal ce hospochet the toit oflhe daye to he'd coee have to go heogîy agate. Ed. 0010: Me tco.l "Ho cameihome le '4h aed qaocca loto oflicnchctoolcedoflcngcnditiocs ouo clit lie ceai. Aoyceay, lishîî e wl rlcy huiadccethtygtucg dl a d laîlcot coco boys lie ceai an alcoholc or icec aTe i e t t A cetre ' Il cea tcehrily lid o000 himbt ho quieor s010 ye att. T hec lic o t ed up tuaner "Hecue ood tell oft alIlleclos al i had lidaitasa procce lcio, one day lio aeordîg aiîactoî.îtandingup and lookteg fora coecal. lIce bi hîga luht a tolc and dîci aootlcî.candîthcel ioîe thefot tlaod thecto racil ac im "It itroke ti cighl top acd hos t-alto hone. Heoîoîed oeouco i l oocach andl cîccetedeaqcîîriefeto tcheîo'cd.Hitadl oulaithlet dcgcecth hitcaodsetcohccefor itetp. The dog came hocit and lic.ed hos face,andiJack told htecaio gcielpli lie icoot socci Io the cage oQIoti neghhc' ices ad h.itked oeil itaieil. The tnereiocijoiigoiogwotîh hestactr l or eciagi aftet ioppee. tHe îotd hos toile, toho cîcooglit i toto o coyote, thal il veux Jackc'tdog acd ooetohig trusihe ioog. "Whoo h bci ii Jck lyiog there oo the iocd, lic ihoogit i l eoioaclctp oflold loge. Aoyceay,dJackc tld ee hotolie payed and îhcokcd God loi cthe neighbot paycea attentonoto te dog. "Ilie hoiytal. the doctoî opetotel cr Ili, hladdoî. Tie poloic hone bail hoîleil tiîooyi, aod the occeitiakiegcooon aIl -ltiOur loi ciiboeitabcfronad pot (lie cîop in. Ho got huocuellces. Thaitll, ccc eîop gcî lc.ctod oct. ho hoe surc hlloid s liardlciiochs iililo as wllias "Hi occd iccclkchotiits iccideotsetc hoe cocLd ca>. 'l'Il lckily diecateil deîth.' "ho cchc h lei ceedou il ceci canccer ie lits long, lic' ciomod lic epocti . He hiei ciportiic. acdcloi lits voice cil sommet and goîîocally th. Thegclie ied eglit cpc t 47lpodriddgot hiseoicehîock icith ait ccc praycti. -(But, ci soiectocce, large lemp u oocitgoig tchîraîe. loiilcoetîol ofleght haed, hoeocog hoilcthes whee cigaee iltopped; . etici cp iecoily.) "Sol1 chîeh tho pîcycto helpeil hit 10 crne tu ioditsouoiertihchit icld have. Hoe tell cety hai îhcout hcîog a pesolieaiidheiog theoaghooetauchcand eople dîdet ippiecite cehil îhey toent aitough t ciave oct ccotry lot ut. He tocs city cait ahoot VicetOcam. "Ho ceocld jue cry tohee heil ec the Boh Hope ihoto ai Checîteca, altII s yoco1hboys gooc throogl so mech andthe hcg'ilcii ceakioig cellionson theur deachi toI c.tipplod ccci. "Plicoit, hocidoy. lot lisîeeocg. i hace tour hoys." Restii poac, cld kregle.iBcoflgocd failhi ohol toomie. Be good tohlertour boys. I - Pages of the Past 1_ feom champion filesJ 20 years ago TaBou fronet lthe cssua of lThe (aealecn Ctcampion. Mtop Id, 195h. Aneiecîoomoeotycecîotockclccdd soue i en teoil ceai teccive lthai Geore Couloc duel dccn atgaoccidect whte cei ce 0000ci iti1 trip ci lthe Meetota Latri tait hcclay. milliam Aînold, Sarnic, a ficcend ith lie t-cric cf Milton biessc enO aluc lot is uetue oc mit mai ic Bacc Been rte tut ily of a mark-tocg holiday. lThe p'cty of tîtheree lf loi Hoiluce Lato earlc heelay moîeung and afinr crreceg at Dorset fitotog campt sotemiles cceey, Cocttoe, Acnold cil F-ract Johnson toile matueg cIce final stage ofih the tpinaneoitbo'tlceoi troct a seiteergei loIg, tcccecng the titîec toto cthe ucy ceaters. Barier lthe piopoblor liait tuee, bei cthe moue tel tonhdtinscct-cîrci andlcostiisedo eiumcy. Laiertieof lthe pt-o cceredlabotoeiuabtece and Began o 10 cetigate. lTcey toool Pranetihnoneeconouî.lytg acrossca pt-lice of tire oergel bta, bt ce iteotterîcereceeonilceatearedîohy tel liard le acte lthe chut-t- ceatr oeil htilhîccei. Girls andl boys of the Milit-otubie Sciteuts cxestaito appiecuatuce c lthe Tome Coeecdl Recrealuos Cornmioler, M. Ezerrci, cirmaecandlK. Keeoc,eanger alithe toal arena for arrangeets madle bar citer sceoot îktieg oe six Wcilocoiay cîlsîccos ileceg lthe moelhîcs petiln Matcht. 50 years ago 'lotoslthe lthe isîue oblThe Cacalîce Chaempton, May 20, 1920. Ttc fisitmatchesabfitetaeieaoe weepicyrd itece cet Saloîdet-, ehee lthe toaes ileleateil the Jocar Kaictem-Beimuet Mulgeti 7 tu 3 aeid 8 ii 5- Talfet andl Keesp piceil for Milice and Taylor ceai ce the sicit foi lite iiors i tot garnis. Ttc big sipeet cf ceiukey ltai ceai oreil ai Muulfat ceai coctîccteil, cocepi dur 14 caei ctieut brt lte car, and ceuH Be sitpeil lu Toroeto. Noitoiy luei op te clam c. C. P. R. deteares htave itee eteeigetcg bt hav oon ncoi e trace cf lthe toen celo ruiteil lthe car. Last Teaiay, George Wilson, aI lthe Muriluci faim, racu Hecaitp, frit off lti wagoec etruirip Ieom Georgetowne, Bekisgiluscohlatbele umeioesrtiti. Roitet Sciersce, Jr. tas itougt te sc rail cf Mes. Silhisons biteck dmvellucg anstr Si. De acuut ofltesmallpaoautBcectai gramptcon cthe Ccmpeloîy Vaccinatonocci ceclI be enloîcel andlroo chitlcewltite allocel o attend ochoot celitaei a Mt. T. Date,Ms. h. Becceond Mi W. bcteeoto aie atiodig cthe aneeti Woteeui"Mieioti.yhSociety(Conentiococf tho Hamito Cucfeece, whch il eitg iteli cc (ail iîts eek. 100 years ago Tae tom cthe isse cf Titi Cceaiîe Chtampîcon, May 19, 1h70. Johnî Whtei, lccqccctg M.P. oecureeei frcnt Ottacea List Pcclcy. A laoewel doiatil cB eneso Rev. Joho kay. ai the tetudeece cf Mi. James Nixce, 7luait oc. Lon Tceîlay lthe 2lith Ttîc Queecs itiay militec caehibatal inMiltoncic gondl style. Ttc gemei mîi commence ai aeiaoce thte Pare Brtigade wmdl parade te theuînece ueifcims. Tite afîtioc cecîl ho leecîsl to elthletc gaineceadt-otsIn the eeeîeg a cocet, ceicitpromisetc che a gooloe,ceîtbe pocon cc cite Townc Hait fci lte iteoeht ci cte brigade. APet cthe concerl thecc tout be a toctigt peaae. An clicaîpti chi cei tdety pîcce icceissfeiasitceetmadle trevive tieod Biait licol. t- M. McKay ceita abitîeî as c cauchet aie cec Bome, hias 'iee appouuuteilecadet. homo cf lthe intrumteato bettongug 10 lthe otld band have iteon taitto et el acdte wbandli cpacceucgitecily. Witectdre poîcarecuccocf the Oece tend tai Bien ectathcotel a cat imli pîoitaity be maIe 10 tire citcagcî lue poîctese ofle THE CANADIAN CHAMPION W si.h"