CentraIked disposaI plant locate South of Goodfeîlow o peraroo a ceroahezed worîe disposai lant to handîe indosorial woste mateojao ai Coroooa, na Sarnia Mo. Lomobard bold Cooicil oh theosnoojoos oocoooi developinB on the 0000 0000 the drnoppeooonoe oh sortobie dumpiog oiles for wasrr moleojols. Ho cloimord tho orrd for a ooopooy 10 holp oocoihy theo sbtuaion on on area baoo i qoite oidooî odding thal tho pooperty chooeo foo tho planor o ianidool googooplric locatioo. Heoî,Ilatentinoodstoool wate matils wold bcput to use I holp booo muoicipal gorbogo on A ceoOralozed molle disposol plant wothth 1e capacoîy - 0c Iooodle industriel wosîoaod municipat ganhaige froot Acton, MiltIon, Georgetown, Esqoesing aod the no'tloeo thard oh Qakoilo Ioay ho osooblolord o the former RoBooaIdson preperty, on the east srde oh Hfiglrwoy 25 oeoo 22 Siderood aboot three moiles sooth oh Actoo. Bill Loombard oh Toocoo Liooited oh Misosaogsanod SIao Goodfellow oh Goodfellom Erterpoîsos , of Coronno, oppeord ar Moodoy's mneeting of Esqoesiog coonadil o eplomn plans hor the proposed plant. Mr. Bureau, two brigades Win scrapbookc prizes HoiIoo Firî r Foootio Campbell. Il mas jodgod harOti Bureau, therOol anod Milton Ontrio rnotoho 25,00 10 IFir Depaolmools 00000 among 100,000 popololoon B000p, the oroord mirooors mhen resolîo second io tho saino popolation of he lNational FiroProtecion divison foroi of Canada, and Assoc ia t on's 1969 hioo a th Ooflking in Caoado ho preven t ion scl rphook regodlesof poplation. ns competiion vci 00000leased Milbons scoopbook, done by tIoday. Fre Choeh A. E. Clemoolt ood the rf The Haltoo Boreauo whrch booBode's fore preoentioo roclodor firfightefo m th0e commrîîee, Caorucd the hooe ho oe coooîy foce brgades, once deportmooîoaseond plce pooo agent OOreOOvd a oseia n the 5,000 10 10,000 recognion hor anooîstadiog population cateooy for Ontario froe prrooor. ro grm jug and a third in he ainecîrgoy nnu l eBrage for ail oh Canada. 8_ aoroCr Th Bora s Cefcolos mol ho poesetd 21B-ge scr apbook mas Coof * contprld by public rlations 10 the local fooe dopooîmneoî by offcor Rifoy Dowoa, Mloa. a repreentative oh the Otario Qaoolo hooohoghteos 000 w00n sprg. This pear 236 Caoadoan higlh hosoos for their la000 cooomufooîeand 215 in the scrapbook oh actoooîoos, compiled United States competed in6te by faoe poeeono ohhoceoc Capt. 43rd aneoal fioe poooeohoon Wes Maller and losp. Per 0100 00100 Accuse Conservation Authoriiy campaign the day behore the hoaeong thol there mos an objection. The cleol reported! hoe liad been odvisod the action hod the fall blessing oh the local authority. ELECTRIC COPTRTN *ELECTRICEVC EINURA WATER H EATER RENTALS 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES of "hate ikfon" I 1 oo'tudeostand m6y the Conservation Authoooîy i os 001000 on storong up a halo Mlton campoogo,' Coooicilioo Charles Johnon declorod ai Milton Coaocil Mooolay. Ho w as comeoenting an objectons regotered 10 the town 'sofficiel plan andoong by-lam or the Otario Mooicopal Board hearing last wek. Wya sneak aOîack?- ho qaooooonod. Mayor B. Bes explorord coanicil luot! boro dealioBmrOh objectons la the logislaîooo 0 ohoo rloey 00010 hoîrd by objecîors bo'l Conseroation Aaîlooooy abje tons meorool rogostered ooi afteo the 0.MB. heaoooogapooed Taeodoy, anîdo copies mer aoailabir. "WC oood booteo co-opnr.ioion horo provioocial bodies aird I * . incerely hope Ohos os the ls poobleon inorliiorespect", Mayior Caoicollor Johona oodoed w ho tire lamyr proceorOrno lion objections wno eooployed 6h. The Maoyor repored hoewa eoopiyed by the Halton Regioo *Conservato oAuhort a ndhaid tw noper witoeose froi tho procalo deparmen Ho orid s tit0 Aatha y badl 6ee inomed LOADING UP hor antiqce rofle, Hons Jeooen ofthle Niegara Soo * taTh V L Aroors Club gaisreedy 001000 bhis fllow ooembr inea dernonstato of shoot iog, prtof the funai Burogorn ner Caoiaai Lomoville Pak Soday. M.Jensn exopaed h rifle 72 calbre and shta ingle ball weighingB638graios.-Staf Photo) You'll fali in love 4,MI with your4 DATSUN_ NORTH END BP1 *All models on display priced from $1845 3PEN WEEKDAVB TO 9 p.m. BAT. & SUN. TO 7 p.m 35 Base Lin. RdI.Milton 878-247 Tho Conodoen Cho,,io Wedonecly, Poboecy 11, 1970 67 Parks, Recreation Bd. returns officers Acton the plaot ncioorotco, Mr. Lombord explinod. Ho estimotod that ofr boroiog there mooid bre .pproxorootely fiv oot fa h for ooooy 100 toos of gaohogo. The i wouid bc buiedointhe gouroo The plant woold bc object tu stitarpollutionooaotroaves laid domo by the provincial Soooroooerit. Deparmieot oif Energy oaod Reor s Manaogement off icl inspoct fli Coouoo.o pant twoorthree furoàoek,Mr. Lombahrd told CoaoicÊl Shides ol operooooaootiro Coroooopantoeroosho o Mi. Glooodeliow tlid Coarooil tho plont maaid ooophy aoaa 30 people oho moaId iokoiy hon sooo'ho in riho Acona-Mdon Dopuly-reoo'e Tom Hill thaouglt Courocil soald have a taIk moth oenooof rihore foost. Thore are about floohumes oooohoo a quarter toilofothhoite of t he propod plant. Esqoeoing aoould haveo b ameod theor receorly passed agoocoitorol holding by-looo tu permit0 the plant ta bbhuait. AND THEY"-'V-SAY IT MOST SWEETLY WHEN THEYVRE FROM Milton Greenhouses PHONE 878-9501 431 MAINE. CUIbI OILRSAADI'J.4NTS FORL EVRYONL OSD pool for wasrepu'ood, an a ltte front tho Area ooo d oOthning rquireoeooti theu o fato cilitioc ooc expootod hy the ne Ot meeting.f Ropoacca and.at-c o coontmig pool eqpoOooîooî tu ho iooooctigaiod aod a cost estima.te ooo tir pooser! ok swimmers obtooodý A report on recentmeetings oh foic repeoeontooo of ooooly parks and roooo.ocoo boards,oon propooato for oegooal 0000nmnt was ive. Boood oooobe os oopoessod str00g cupport hoo retainroogoocreatio ai the local leo veiollaslfatal par ka. seeks use of ia Dillo a rturno ad chaiooof ireî Milton Pookb Board and R ecreo n Cormmltoo in thoinaugurai meeotingi oheogroup loot wek. E. B. Coolens ws returd as aico.hriiao ad Dvid Sith Couricillor Gordon Koootz preided fortie electoof the office" fur 1970. The committeoooooomoonded investigation on tihe possibiliy oi holding a sw0imin prg000 dcotog the %vtrier school vcaon adpermio o usOae Ontario Sclhool fur the Deaf a ta bc sooghl. The progroot oct yooooo.lddd 500 childoenoot two 0 iuteat ooao priod' during the foe wcokday of the hohiday. A repot crthe aî,ootooahu tho Yoaohi-oo tua Moe o gantoooroo wac tahled, oating thOB0e Recroalooi Committee's inoaiooetcni aoOOogflBBhcilithes Tiro progoro.n the oocponbihy of the groutp' hortie la iooloded a sioigh-rido, daoce aod oporto oqghts. Accommodaton hoo lacrosco oa tili booog otoeotigated, it BEEF SALE LEAN TENDER WARREN CHARLTO MINUTE STEAKS RED BRAND STEER BEEF reg. $139 BONEES ROUND STEAK ROAS.$ RUMP ROST ........ SIRIOIN UIP ROAST ... . ROUND STEAK ........ ROUID STEAK MID...... 10 9 LET US PERSONALLY FILL YOUR FREEZER WITH BIDES 105OiBES<FBE U OVlJ SPECIFICATIONS reg. $1.65 E- FRESH FISH ARRIVES ON TUESDAYS 140W A VAlABLE FILLET 0F SOLE FILLET 0F HADDOCK SMOKED COD cISCOS SALMON STEAKS OR PIECE FRESH OYSTERS 'I Roses are Red Violets are Blue Our Best Valentine Flowers Are Ready for Y..!1 YOU MAY USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN JUSTARRIVED LUll1lllllllIý ý ; FRESH WHffE FISH West End Meut Market MILTON_ _ SERVICE miA. AT.MOORE I CONIDENTIA Lu 5COURTEOUS Il aïi<wace 1j2B SONALIZEDj APLVU 878-20201 854-2271 PROCLAMATION By hite o th horiy vested inm and eit he direclion of the Municipal Coporatono r tîheTown of Milton, 1 H ER EBY PROCLAIM THE WEEK 0F FEBRUARY 1610O 21 BOY SCOUT AND GIRL GUIDE WEEK In ognton of the contrbutons mae yo youth for ltre botteren of our coeooooooy and the nation, illc n aeorged to sopport our Boy Smuts and Gl Guds in ery possbleoy. BRIAN BEST Mayor