UAIUAflt~ a. aae4~t~cas - M4 Tbe Cotoluin Chumpon, mîdnnlsda PnkîooiP il, 1970 TU 6 i im daimllý i penhapi Thotinn Bnagess a Dianis' have ondols' nolnaed rns a toanmaibu la ollO't idaîîoase needieas'lnjuror na in.Tbi angoisn iopanaamene itbasine ai thosi of a hootai. Ferhops s'c coin il îofslhaatedniii. t Falaken nis a altos', tirnt finit canai(o fan ni d) 10 Our nomberaofs'iOti ago. She aiîmîed mis at fasiils' aonOmticnOlI lns'al ' looknra aI eins" mon peaandalls' an tke cisoans oaise a Enta aiads' lot affectons Fa a foot cs'bndoa poit thas coni msstnaoronalnoktî. ina ait Ofain piodded anmte ondaplornati ni complaints boa she saoghl ni heallhp aimspc foi ontaitsi aadîts' 10 defend Iburnanlain faon laor na ogkaoaaloan-nal Pilla . i ows dcsoarbang shol d triotd oalobl od fihe bonis bound ol nununaas' s alk thea nîkia strii animaolanthetaîoa more dsnrbrngmwhin nhm mai and ltflttlnaos inaa soc esenl conlid osis'la nc ndescoO aahnad sisosan taniomnl longs animalltuOniloîmîîinstiîncta hondaidi offyens. i Pias nagis a Fochîn Ian mis a goipang monnd an bls Obainnils' bioken bock log. bIta enadenlOnd Ols' sI In mouvemnannldlbosolieali on kightl ifsan keito 10mad cIl 10 oiu't anin mku thouge. lIes miii vocal hut dae a"iai t ante ans ai1 halp MIdWall * Th bos conclusonnmîidaebhad atitude milt rsopeasot an a boak-encoonlt and onlias bod noffîaîed ski moondi of ahi loint. Von cri of nualai phldonaPhacal aboot tirer becauie al to me miln kas nos s'et, fotuanntils', affie]d an cootl naire goteats' ilas anonol change habit s i m nio friendsa nd cumes. med cas i Thendaiittiiing Pars camn aiben me honni a leaanîd ahi moond resamblid fikit snfliid so fits lnbas o hot X-as dadn'l tintaI ski and ont ranntsof ans'aonkabsoa and ahe annnsîed 'lnssbt-aofsai"sin ski honni dad a hLle odlag tisa toailng an fla anon- A Ilote laggnd nos misonaads' ntrang t lods onth filesi- dificlanionmlontrck inmsft non. dnlain5kc iNiotthe point of mkal silrnd lo ba opais' flic enaontamiat marksof asipolelbut cagerioans noenks Onwondlfaiocotlkhavebe tu hans a o as poîn uboald mo nn oceIa aasd tibmo mold parlert Ce m ksofacansnd bdl a. ao pnim caai sa inodhave bien o hkot ng. front mml mport os tisa handa of an onshmnksng piamn? tapit ski Site aflîn til i exasasmi danblfnl îlot mîlI bSodsaond eae kasool bot lsica poapoal an1 masmg fi bicorne aoutnn scc o poansis'it as 10 kopi shol d scesi oe n t oanldoalg o sia pole os ciller anions. Tht neapon os pnaanot of anartit aniasl, dais' sl f0i maa stop. Oonigl dah i o anmach more dom i mOI mecfa Itesvr onigtitwl uibaid onitrnmore fatslnntls'ainols as'd bornt AI ikis pnint Painlîns' fultr as ogs anda Incertain Tîsimans oasls'ormnacitshat c gnsiaa b donctor diold bt donc fna a fomds' Pet- Test meina is bottiers ment io at oit rethskn mko noîtîfoaa msgkot csnOnoofîfil damag and of then'osI saffmnlu lns'cooa do. 1kopeiannOfi o nna ahi mhen cosnnnamnm0tm iglas ail hsaaliti mre aaf as. Dow [i i tisCorne r iso nianosThe ChampionnmtednBsmvng m nanat page pnarenn sonados' Il T gaundulia las' oad abu, sgblang ah nI buis Iono robinilast wik mis '-Tha, aenis ieu ccnnnunrsandoi mens' ami >u fano s'ge n cunaI mni au a So' aSuf aL ,ieiâs' gsucsalisg od aenteli sttc.gas'nciS as ueaisnhtneirnn ndam d s' aoc a p esl i Cu pilmsnaseiica auFs heeas'nnb theniiomenaamnIitu abn absa aa ceek Bul Tise Chaonptsa dsaangc uncopy lai cion ianh us lnads mi1 iseaaeme a ancauape ,ia5t lochesn Osai eusyiâ apcnsocefisiai ne mh conueasneiuflicsloitnaýmnnacda Ioni,, t ansslt age pug nulibu Pulice cmmission Ca sapo, ch see Il p i.k ,3 cubs cf saci. Foclchenboei gaoadiaefi anîchuîns d sacac Ok apae1- c ils agacnl 118 usneISusa ' Ilcac leuueng mjo u thewek. esacueclasi ci B is asnoacke b'ncnnnnmca cl a w u .... g'an c -th mes' d bai1 aid la cîdoI pchceutfl c crnnnnlsu c aude aJoucauinal terrinucs ns l,nu.ls1u filec iss'dno-, anad nficiai 1.a>ea fafe nc"e abtO C lual bcccsc aise iaroat pubag ilbll page asanascd J. ila Cajo Iiaew enm fic naekiS ea\ls'sn aud datIt dasnalumncal nadale nui pagina Ccli papeoa Roaads' s anannus lcase hcys'eaat ALL Che Pppu. sassa coli aise aiaonaa page. filan n dcennh addeandteclIidî. This Mr trc nl lecnonnecs'neeks'pouau11 CsnCana(h, nisi flc hbicchgnac ddaale vna al Indain Ille unnahs'cte Huiornles pupuas h-isb liai lissuas ua chnck focl ci lOCAL ulcca Chana 1 "' Wotacge esn« lcIaisO thi eue' 1 OUoI. -c M d cl Wdou a l hmordn &scl l hocks,.ýle o FI aace ou an mai11 fontg bLio e pafd Bt i Il laoanci dai Ille5 pnilhl mn'e ail andademiso men, moImnegonl gneanmen nids' a laop, $tep and a jomp amas', nie ogi tu hi raiaing acntîit mn kinl a nua naie Ina tke futnae cals' nI HlaIon and Fiel. onncel ti tgo wnddiig la onua, the unblasitlg bride (Hailon) wi rl u an igi hiem inn otriiid nine lu ahi angline. Are youoîatiîd wiîb peieIluJtno HahnFnl,n-tdo Po sinlenuih tan n Sugar and Spice by bîi smaleyJ POOR OLD oOBIN-Hii gaednýaiis boinl big nom ni replanidas o a mionlahnite mnih ail ahnii hamnmn mili net s n itt n s tumnits ai mmchaniaaon oatotbin. onnthamontainî potnntduhi #/a poices Comm IlIL OPI: pil a complosai' nm Frcntalker? lImons a rn lia. ina n oee' placeni a e ada e mk fai aloi, nlanrnte fi kanîng thi somîs faut faiejogtllcmmuntniolenîb si h on amI iinaaYsdan9goggcIs lob leauasnlgrmnincipaetchnsinuoiscon ana iglun ic roko lel bonnb s'Oumqunpa litai iannnampblilllnrncîînîonknemaîîîomî to asngnssagaynoaglcasnnmalei Ia niscnkmagld" mnnld nscls'conertheki O is aionshp ond vilasmkfisn n i tncccidhbnaddîdcon. Spw wiloi iappanaed c- o u icie ainte o nocasl noSa cnaFo a mite ibomo Tisa laon as ulCcdnd isl baCs'Y lta ns a omn, adtaaua hucanfcocnos r ncecanuf lupnn, Iuancesa oscka Ces' sac lalin ofli l nnnas'huîy e hus' sile xpînassg filetan opinins' .nmkhn olcnaau ils'a tobla inpcnsbkentna lale cal abocsnehll.A ads' aîader o nana slha andlie hu baa aisa m-ss a o asemle- lcy a cldais'he lut opon a aieS ano mYon a gngout el ohl mauga mlont ',li ,alls' quineuiîple Ru have an agreementu mh I hauta fIons au cLasa mth. He culs' cuao Cale cbiddati pîcaela ta a ana atoî non nhlmd Mys'bns anul 1 ganeth sillao fiao hicngs taiuCorne Iihmt naipif Sircil lc en lu, rcasan In od anlo Casara manae RFen ps'aa isquoa aaldosadwihsnd ibis' Sopply thu mnusclsanldhtraînî Oneoouoalmndml al, Eugshi sahai miso knncs mknî Caic kag cuida meurn anoCnr sna Frausahmu ald ni cnai mcalsi atmnsh lmmlca allarn nkl fellowsk suml nie muscl "Our doogkiia auccasai thbm in bianklaoatd pana aogitssn dad Il Lnis Funk u an kout and akhalf 10 assemble tkm bias' sking piahmnals'. la sob a bit onur ant bout an pal sogeilaut a anodin magon mola tanks, aid 45 Mmintso nassemble a miaturtoe ponnl tale fou ou non (moth tie nrfur btkout" plapils Ilote ank n ue i nis piafeca nI ottse). A niaIs' himm nnshadas'ail. 1)o s'nn mina the addrennOf Out faseaidut ôtg hirinq an future ci Milon nîmuncipal ni Imparîmnîn l oSaks iallici O se low, aIlrcîcclicl gane fisu etent tc sine Ontarioe Policen ni inlis n asiaa ine icpcrt sais ancilw ls 'iesnî fice o Coste nuet hscn and nîndy "o ffic isse i turnovnerunein ce persnnel allter ne Pi.alild gais alOOf1 tlc Julle Fkerin ofiaclesoce. A cnues tisgaln ansfnilnane surued np ,ame auncwein bol ail ,11ts 'alic Islmpert lsai-ll gol n pan Osa t i a cn nu J 0I Aba i sufie iclgssiincwan acbnl le fnd o)nt hice facn acd oe os' mail fle alucesnu sais caal mcILkb a nasaîi PI obiens. fle p sica sun al, ,ineiaiîon" caa Ion cns' cangili a loI oh nocsappi and cîeascd myail s'tnnacn anou il e I omwoI. Rein glat fic nsaloi lound nsds' "rnsnor" ahiama mîsmu Ibis' bInad slo fla s aud minrefciia cf s'lclsng mn Main point nI floi report anornol he at fisli taom hanl koola Ion rcstanaîolklian assIs masasoman perasosi fliai aisenîcofne rnpbs'ii mealsai tle w oil liasu 10h incad )u cc r ani te, unauadcn. auj ,ea aacaliocccnneslintcans' astonai Ii lis' tas tiCItatvc l ya '0n ans poassible. Penia pa t'ac IcOw edeal ns' ciln usle seni prs'npect sînuf (le lec clii aptied. Itcnlias sciae If laie a1s1aiaail ia, raais' cot iy m ie PIll) Lt f pollutien i oeiii Mrbepn atttue Poa bieie Yliiditý ns ii asialolOg nss cia iaugen wsa ng sls taia d he a We'ne pleised Ile 'ce bas oue ci eus lcaldulssrielis slioueced omisetlin plasa se dc .uullelissf pauadsI liseai s aboussi le ainiiesnisahis h, e nansed tssi. o liere~ ~ ~ ~ on ocainge P. L. Rosbertason Mannaclleso cianiaa Co. lias ieucsed ap5llsaa l) jaa sle lac S70.000 sUasl lu anVels anse flie l fle c ltilai cuaaaaeced cassa liaci evcsY s mnnlsclslufkri 5alslý. ý5oasit Aesd acualu aaiaa.alse LIarl l t visie n rume Sail m alanaea s'nupcn feleflusent a, as bc ticased sas tise waaps pila islis. eisaaîie. suali resasae fiae woaild disaolorissas af illie ceel lscac la snnicisolc devcluped an s iloeassed ila P mas' slsaogl flise laama flac cassipasaf ail osf bias annasod fle mmei asannail lu nIse munis fle posdaI oes nitia i tlae pialasi sae dnmping chian lii sud su sanie flace hr ponda alsonld danappusi Mostn on u ara gilty ai pullnîing an tbe assnoapbiul flie Irainsaflae n parkas and tlsi sînola bs' aua casilea part babis bol indoalîs' douaesmore an lot polo moro blorn ilait51 pelliapa il nsonld saoi boni tu ailonîdit. colI la is neoniagang siacu, filoi local an sh iidnnlry an sokingoaconstrnctive bols icanes' nuil 10 bc iCled and ski bon son go1 il. i nis con nns inrn foi sil inlmaso de oh neaignolsOOn maa fatal nans' cf fsi nîmr onsnaobles mini soung rnîas mno manlil 10 loy police nck bunt mii os alys'uant if tiai non fliai profesaioîînis'e mosntd. A cm rnonllln osa a ali somo foiri ins nogil te maki op tissor minIs and tlmp loIs an siariî oh grien ionise lin lmnananil 10 olopl nos larnaî pinceionna aad îhiîor inIiOli aIî kaing thib lacasana o isacgnond pion quificons see Isb a ouri] polans' Tiîe OPC nepons alan lrnnil n ilern anon pnublma- Ion mu Clocers Language i re npontsa la mnnh papaîmonla fou mos nia ainacs a oeil Inn bols conarnnlaaln akusesaof oniiîi pniiligesa file nîîd for a r010 nysalmntl c iasa assaIslie problo The onditlyîn florte f liai O ripons indacatssile couflikos baisa kiarna for norni oh ficm ptoblrnn.Y tli innialigaors~ founit 1 noýopiiOtini and mdlling 10, oca conastuctive coiliis on atean Ianpionirnin Tke niof hons ba soildls mobnknd ond appt ognîmabli co cka ngiig dîponînainlu opera lal I mlol keîp mIenmo"asappson. And nom, cal ski teî pnîaonln odopîid ond made pu pînlapn mi cau gel Oi cals filîe ci kuidinga Lac Milon Pn Deparîrnent kack op 10 fll alois Once more. lise rcormOlOIiOî i e rpun iuunl sels' a lot. le las pnnkli and onuîieIý c cuiicc i la offînniaillnas s u nitîs aI lange. muoacipasiîly son, ba loni if asisout la contrikution i ca s u clil la g e holding lisfe ast asdiin 10 tki sîcainacn s plant. Tke anka le le ecennis' cf bypanani ament plans dorsng kIans n,sdisnan1woloron onthn alansici colsal baritisias dinspoasaaSl lon oo-eunl j , ae l c a n a , n o n fie i o n crs sud cgarette packsaget andcape biiiilan manasnpects ana inna aie osaI sîlonînlol o Sapai îcapennsksiliai. Rt ni au le pînhri and mn con a an sortne ni soalutns e eomnl F L Robentsn ski lncn for laksng an ocis sin ocniinf tmo ouancs lion P as p w me nonl ail aIl s howevrnnnnisngls' grall bI ng lomas on OnPtîsu)- lIs ai fonin ni, thmmaays pakaga Ion and mnas's'ita sP PC ail nI li atI lm job s lie pgort mI ni Rottin Kida) ai tbe anni ilection of Of offlaîta laild in mais' tods' aee . kd 1nas givn the buoui of leadisg once na again, ia progreasine and midenptiad ba otgoniaaln mitb membnua lan ets' ton bu and cals' la Caoado, bîcaoan ans danglatit We bo anee sitataio f Orn , t mbo, dtnppid out smo peaus go, aid hi drnppid banis in aibis s'nita ng ho kid aisteaini an bi a dnObo a ns', a quaite,a did st.P The resson foi Kimas daiin i lataihler a in e anend tu lise SMi aipects Of la. Bot b I hr thenain mu ai sr nastaalaflii 13 a pnoti ofushooliandinonlmsonaabsid ta aimpln adlnnoghandwnrndîýfmndnout i mhaiinestllfe iiilliabout i liona lignait (bot II1 bel ltey'in dinckisn) of athe naidabet of baighi Y'oung popln mlan qoi cofillin thibe fsa Inca ILaa The renoraneu ohnlnai. l la bnîmng, i dneaait luve op to ania exicatations, ni Ibes' canai sanad tbe nnm fînednm and foit behid,anPeles'ay in aben mots. lit' o bilant blom foi pantas wak biga bopia, napecall foi skoisnanho oldnlt affoad i tbimselnea and -nl umetihng bilant forthaeat ckdirn. Thite aie leata and exhortations and bail f nbeasti. Trniathebiaini appaoaab, tbe plaintine oplaaoack tbe ahondînoni condimnion. Bal po niba mii as' r tu matou mola JonnCalvnmoraanoksomp asînalba aaobbnan 18-ys'ind ako biai made op' ban br ier und abou olnmenen. Tbe fanvori nxpression an ahoa Ibis' manl an la'ind" abîmnîsluti, 10 iotas las lama in o mnald finat os nos aosaonmarappnd oitannait aiionalinid. moThsagumentabrnealciic, apnplins'and t fallen amolhis of the ol t0 Parents- s And 1Ihave anme s'mpoîbs' foi abi lodts. t As loga nhe'en mn. Tbis'mOnl 10 gel ost of the rt-rani of moigagia, ioae and ssnnsing fot a FcIls b tski aieia gais'fanid paannascinggd Pages of the Past froan champion filesJ Tii front file issue nI The Coadaa Cihampiona. Fibînas' 9. 1950. Fins miii mmvid agaist tw mn a a shea nlsimask nf a stiec baml mkaals aicauouid an fions nf a local hosil lani Satuidas' ngfs. The men miii fsnid $20 incisand $12.50 coalis So0dasin juif. On Mondas' iasong, Pib. 6 an Knox Cbnsch ssbooiioon,ota iallsofnnloiid sîinnson lansanpng ndthegriomnfsof r iaoses aprietd iaiongllskncosoliîs' of stho Domnison aiNsr ofBomaanail sisîongh shians aipaisinaana Mi. Banng. Witel tbn aladis miii bing somn Mr. sili andoencn islpful adasci on planting nunanars stiook. plans loi siong cons an ahi Halson Anancaou mian made oalameeing ofîthe Matison Bail inîcolai last Pidas'. Besndon nhoosng olhscin fos sthe respectli dapaasmnIa officiais dîssdsd naaloans would bi pnanhoned foi bols tisa anbndnlnd garnie mis Georgetomn tu liai anioia 119 ost she local ici polace laist Fndos'nsillt One nfithsiaagissaaronda of slleiaioaoninannd ost lu minns she basute biswnannsinlnno P tam- Anl Qys ond Pannoki hoppîl msll bi isnld an Honsss Orange Hall Tondas' Pib. ],Crne las Balla SeisoolisS on PiaYs, Fcb 0as n30 anC lein silanru lacs ha. GomianI naît Sonds' 100 years ago Taien frootm heisui nI The Canahi Champion, Febrans 17, 1870. Thisutkfis nouomlancholpltatkto record the dtnmaaî nI oie ni the Oldiai suetu mn in w poil nI Canada, Mr. Jamea Fanon, mho lid on liai qîb andtin tbe nmenss"fih puat nI lois agi. Tke demeain1 mas hor tnasRnlmîchaCooln f Kent, isugland n the 27tk Onc., 1795, and emigratil 10 Ammusca mu 1816. Aflt plisiding nsoiemmofsthlicipaml nsiii nI 1hm nîsghbousng RiPobýlan, km came in Canada amIndu te n tbm spnt on mhln hi dm1d and on winck kie kan knmed fou os'watdi nI flms' peati. The spot on wlonk ski Town nI Miion nom stands ail thm coonîas'foumles aonîmîaîaî iim a dînai mdmntss, oiaith nIs niant aillet mas Ma. Johan Demps'y, mhn paucedel Mu. Fanon hs' a cl nu ima, ski neaieso nigkkoa 10 sbmm besng akout fana mides dosant. The decianal nis a faokhfol monkmeemîth Chrh nlas', aid skwsskha came mn cotactn. Ru sncils' moun ibks dsrupossnnf frieudsibeaatos inltender uîmnembanne itsm kais lat ksî nknankr. Ai eaanilsyptise mib tkm relatines ail fimnds oh the deceasil and mikh fou ikins missastun cf papala 10 Gianmond gant nosr saisi amas'. no Msaimll aiao bm discaid. aei 50yer ao CANADIt5 CrnPION Ofi 50 atara aie F,a n ai a* FIaasm n9 s1.1 t..s ian" 87114341 maIl I aban laasrn thbn su o fo oTbe Canadsan aOwa. a. aas Chaompins, Fîbaoas 12, 1920. 1 ~ 5aa asssa and 1 HSi ld sy aaaamnaaaa.a aaroains An ugnacaudaun Jniadas'and fedaisim. manoa aaianuaail a.a. sbd dnueinomar mannd sisalt Mondas', Fnb. i.aaoa.aaar91Niamat bi i a nnn Iaaaa n,ý onda, c .aaan.astsamh pnlin i I luinasdenn as abolsng an Milson ataaaaiaiOVIl lissan 'sasnsbaaob an h n, în g fast. ot unaiday 193 nm canan mvoim reportitd, o ani total sas date 139. Tbnîn an a anaaaaa"iaaa faa.sss'nlnasnd nrsesand a dirnodfuro on âln as Weimllasfeade. tahaa aaîaaO asaa iait i I F. smaaad ni Qadîsoa mai bîm ai the eCJt~aaa nais mn'aaladi Moados' Hi oaa a popdl .a W( netli Rinsmofs Riogan an abe nId a u e.a.î holn (iitissnaScol.HnOsaniuanon Il. n'a bis maly aadep idl pansick an aunais'th aI ianit nea ndangl a anol bs' theb apiiaeofpaonsaaitbahdmofiier o sri siesr niia fine.iAndli *sîpimai soan abid in anme msa icagnu miib, Wm hms' mani ug a ampîia ln ns' nfe lista a iogh Il iain na shî.Ofni l îForm 'ibirs' al 1ans tea bafllndi ti.T anusie labnd ae lu'pilai n he dtnn.Tb a sldt ibes' nia fo mles' mis' cag lnnfînui bp a tagli ollsiig, Ibranl and bribna, alng mitb bile n fnelines nf goaût. Thes' nfiîî )ennmi eimnanl dlinaubid, ni prlls' Ogbon ahi naîfane. Bol iheins ne daine paînalti mont dn. [bi s' moap lrine a 1 inng thighlii sidia nipecalls' man ahi laite are ol nd ennoui an mnti, In mas' andIno lIma their own limas. Patenta abootid do abi ann-lainr tib awni es' he shootad go, on lnrnag ilana offaspaîns, if panssable. ThîYs'itaidd lelp skîm, if ibis' need kelp. Bol e las aould tns sas'ng 10 monapoloan taernt, in iold îkîmn iln a design ibes' absnk i ahe iht Fluaie doist Iliiai Im defindiats ail dtnpnols Smi of slnem ate lais' bonu, and qoteti. BolS nai anhlp moadîtang mlaallibhold do, ifî1ovin tias. Wn 1 mena t anivîsntad,dnnvitsîn of getmig off tbe aeuadmdl, of iiaapiig a dols job and a launted foltare and a flefng diopiti, -and bndled aabbagn, aid boaiu four rimes a mii, and imIta innOgs moins'. Todopos affluent badi aue getaing Off anoîhea type of tiadmail in a diffiaet mas'. Thîs' boni Ms' s'mpolks' bol ms' biais bliidi fnrtirieak olinm ifmakelit and disconua, ton tlI, ahal Ibis' hane emchaîgid o tiadmail forîaquattl cage. B st A concer Trans Schoo eoono EN Hi t. Panl satamn i Waac Hocisil lînade. bite, Boomi md o tfart anishn Thisg Rbins iena i roi log alli as Mil, AfIn msak a agitai 1 fli I hasad I Alsisos Miss F as Ra baloanc 'ahil an da' imades bombe "Coi Whi