NainlEetia ekmebrcr 8 o 14 fuuaul obsolescence How long should light bulbs last ? In 1970, for rite ut tim n eto-ired antd ncleat, ttil, T, dan Otriot Hydro han The Candta Champion, Wednescly, February il, 1970 B3 ontaoro Hydroes Iitty, poere exceed thal frtt hydto-etectrc s tnitt ,ommittemllI c,, thermal sttons, botb soures. mil i.o itor quIttyetttttl. Milton Hydre, .. . tCnntsnedt Po- Ott BI A rateodjustmsnt tria ont s W,,,beingtntrodu.odtluinoke moot rates doeotose The sureoal itteeeliat!itdhsle Commtsstott otto acoepted powe tleytlaci. Tharrl lgui delteytofttisoem ttttetruck cootattrite tttmnhalltthe tomand the endttt the yeoî new hydrn tyslsmt the tsneom Wuses met,,, mees ttlltdl genestng ptant ntdotttoot tbsougott tn andtrite hydt ont inot utadîrtîetlerk guttto uccepted tit Ill dded cootdctosi.So the ootttnl repttnstbttitsyttelmertinodtttg mond thehttisttttolthetoote andhilttttgsfor rtecsopotion. hal t keep lite htttldtng tnotm Today titete artc 2,073 ettooghtt 10 ork ttt A nia costumiers Wh. depettd r Ctstt mo pîeenttlotttttoett Mtttont Hydso te keep lie plumer was a dcrease ilotie, on fuot irent,24 fleustaodayottd anoticotntDe 23. sen dayt a mettk. Tb, itydîn Byritetend oftrtse ylbte bashett ponetttO olthtmes, tomn's ftrst tydîn cnommttsiotn, our jobs antd oos tivesttt Miltoet know t lett as tite Ltgltt ftti 78 yeos and 73 dnys Commssioton,l osmsd. E. F nom nn'veconte todepntd tt Eal .WB.CleenttittdDr.R. it. K. Antdersotn oee tite firtî, commtssnelol Moyor Dr. Il. McC.nii nii stt tnî tthe Onti Hydîtt litsotso * Ilent ttt 12 hittcuttte t,, ttpect oatd teietttnttlîthe nexttnewYets met tttoded (lie ftttg of tits ltotal It1 oletiil ftet tie refused te ioeit tme.; thte ngogttg of lthotndsBook as itteplaemet 0 laottdle lite îeeeds et tite 235 hydro custlomet problehist xtettdtttgbydttîservice outtde rt omît httttdattet, noie ()iltle o Id ettgttte, botter. gîeltttý punîp aollrcter etuitneit front, lits chi ,teanm glttntoltg plat to Mtltott Texîtile Cet fot SI1.000 tn 1915 lite Cotmtisstn ieosd à toe,tektttotastitettrd lioit otftte-' asoa isdso ottictoa s$15 nst montti They letett ltse ntId pnme ttotottMr. $15 a ontt Bob Pilityt mo, ettgaged] ts tlettttt it923, t jotb tie cottttîtt totitttdouttl lisilmetIi154. Recotd, mot pot tttthe local oftie The nid tont ,tt ootl' an.d nu Williatt lttggttt, 1-t S3,0 it 11)28. ie onenitetttl fevt otl tinnit; tIPIw otntteoet, r!t)C ced 1911 Nom ,trcet ,ittttg puro,cr od , pîetettt 1tt1te tlý $5.20 butiltitg tetttndeltd 44 Wttttte bhttt on ose itydttt îo-eta i.ttitnd ,7t5 byd tottttîî btetlint , tgit tteit.tted ,ttt B,,ttte SIt lt [lie fottiotmttten i 905 httittt c,,et1tetnd Itne t t e-o tt, e nI p-e o n tair do t it o to o'i. toic gatnge 00s etced nd iottttott SItttttnttoL Ile ta tot tle i5drt, ofitte t9 5c0) New tluortescett itilt it e itydîn mett pot.ioed Itltt ttt ot, tg t ehtoit ne htine 1 Y6 Tntt non failli) 1 qtt1ttettt mot ttied ttttite t t t, , an tîd tfict, 1963 Otîtte renttonnt cost $13,000. 1964 Mtiî1lotti Hydît, coolebroîed it, 50thottnoenOtY ond atta denîonsttettotc motoolnco-cpesuttottond sericne belmesî Ilrite tomtt ottd the commissioe, lite oommsttottelt ogreed te illuionoe lb, entlst lf ite lont hal 10 marnk tito ocain lte ltgltl met, toîttîd on Apsîil 29 dusttg a onniess.,y dtnesoattended bY loual ond provncitl Itydre officiti, mitl Ontaoîto Hydîn chiomn Roms Stîthe os speaker. Thar yeas e tetnm mushers mee s tlisd aitevetY 1 967-Tîte nem Otro SI. sobstoton mu, opened tu gtte een greeteseies to1 1969-Miltoît oneeted 1,600 anres fromt Esqoetttg. ond Oakvills and tbe commisston faned o bd[ fos neosiy $70,000 10 poenhase the "plottt" equtpment inthe a,,,,edaea. t ottd motettit attd sptrty tttl'nofy. te th lit IL q G Tbe ooeelerating rote oC change in et enteoniet teehnetngy noken it olot impoible to soy mucl tChoC ns interestne about the et entennien teobnetegy nI Ch, yeoe 2000. Alnnet 011 nI Cte possible deveopments, Chaone con eoplneitty foret,- tote teen tikety Co he reelized nonb tonne,. Kohn & Wiener The e 5, 2000 The rapid geenei of et enteenien tecbnnlogy ,, hnCh o chtottenge ond o Cenhote temn's ts oef et enteocot eeegy. To utl t Citee ineetned in the et entrito t ndoote, t on pteoted Ce tend ny bestoot he on Cte ocecion nI National Elnoctricl ttek, Pier LllotC Trudeau fIf(MIUÀff(IfIK iIIJNIIFL.I. laMfuy Wuys... 0la ÀMunyq places... kt Works to Help Youv Do Thingsç The wonders of electricity will neyer ceose! On the farm, in the city ... in your home ... in business and industry.. electricity is everywhere, working to make life better for ai of us and for our community. Our goal, to which we dedicate ourselves, is to make certain that you will always be able to enjoy the many advantages of electricity. To make your life a better one by serving your electrical needs is a privilege in which we take great pride. your hydro Q* MILTON HYDRO 250 MAIN SI. E. 818-2345 Many a homemuke,, grimty ptacng burnett-out tîght bulbs esle long winterenmgs, oumbles about tbe botb tanofanturer and bis "ptsnned bsotescenne ", She feels lIn,, gIsI botbs are poeposely maude t last onysanetaintise-and liatthey eem to burnout oite oînkty thonit mhenste mot o girl. She's right-on botb n'ont,. Lighting expeets satCsnadian enerut Eletni, Conod', uîrgest manu fa ctutotto f houhotd iomps, ugre ttt ttght barils arc htntngttout fontes. Bot only bocun hornmeotkare osno ltghts n mors placesn, alttd for longer poiodt, triattleve oàhs ae oett today ttttt ettty te provtde tlluioontott, but olto for decorottot potposes. Attd moîl h,,omckes ealteotlttt these ns le nc ottntf accidents wtliea tireur home swl ltsde adtut. Su OlOIly, mihhutes botte, dlumttotnd, for rontger periodt, itgbts teedttt bc tepioeed soulier. An I, ate the Iorket guettod, light buibs r mairi tu las(a cetai lottgth of ttme, but Theheut toay indscent ltght buib sthe filament, a tncrdibly lhon pteee ofl cotdd wee hteh glote whitero we lcre ctsettt passe titoogh, tu ptoduto highit The surface ofthis r, hich tt.odly 18 tettltodtlisof ai, incoh truc, teoactniily botitttg tnhen lite lumtp isturiid cri pointt wherc il breaks, unir eh bttlh btn t. t goettttg lighit baris tra rt brighter the bttlb, rtet diotet lire tl tdt have,- cot tst Rotbet Sttîy, Vice-Psdentt ni iage otfCGL Lumtp D.p.ttttttt botit awty more sitnety, butless litgitttt pr.dced.' Thi' tot h iy theott .-called "" blbs aie le ttot,îttotly thte btt btty fort ttttt1o itttt,,hoid ttte. sy CGEt ttgititttgudvtttttn -Whtle tltty gttig thesie yttltof httt balatnce betttten lie, urtittttt tf ltghit prodttoed, attd htttteitd ust. ts aout 750 Cmosn, quiet, no-storage etettric seat an 6e nediniduoiiî coetsolied ta heot aey roo ta the desised wmoîmth, Easy main- tenance malles il eetcooitoi, ton. Cotu for Free Esîlenate, FAT'S ELECTRIC 818-2048 CERIFID EECTIC EATNG ONRACTORS