Tht Canadien Champion, Wednssdey, Nov. 26, 1969 Cs Halton farmers do welI at Royal Winter Fair WORLD CHtAMsP - For the second consectuilve yeor. Harold E tbe Worid Wheat Claomplooahp Bt the 1969 Roval Agrltrultural rreleves te Cmnadien Nationalt chaleroge.trophy tram Douglas assisttid by "Mine CNl, Cladette teoiro T.r. tan oa Stewart, Picket Hoisteins among winners Visitora frutta massy coanlelies fermai a lar part of the ovanfos croml ltai matcitsd the judging 0f Canada'. Emenal catuli ai the Roaa Winter Pale, Nase. 18 sud 19 au* Tometo. Those inchâtied Latin Aao.rlcaa, Japanema, ilarpoun ansd U.S.A. cattiesusu. ha fort 142 reambera 0f the Yorkshire F rilsiai Club in Englissi charttred a plunts and fise oer forth disose. Arga Bras., Hamilton, mou bath the Grand and Rosera Grand Citsmpioshps for fossalisa on a pair 0f full aitera, atn nreedsst fout ut lte Poa.Rnadl ans carreui off bath the Premnier Bredar and Pramier Essiibîtue hannora, mlth Agra Becs. rastae-ap for huenier Bresin and Tama Huao P anu entrlua of Pe=terFHffeisg sud Kea Trsonai, Ajs, N.Y. rne'p for Premie Bahibitor. Peleacis Go.a, Lakhll, Coens, liadt thes Grand Champion bul. mith the joint entry 0f R. at '69 Royal R. hisCaio, Pitsrecvil., N. B., and Eeteant Stewart, Heenby, lis. Reserve Grand Champion. A total 0f 193 haad more shomo bp 97 exitibitors 'feota saven Cassadiaa provinces and savon U.S. Stats. Mastor Holstein Beeder J. M. Prier, Stratnile, did a utisMactary job of platlng tht amaeda. The joint estrp 0f Gluouftas Fartas mil J. Matasura, Alii5ta, heideil a slrong clos of tmt-psur.old heifers. This heifer ws &Isa a sutaber of tht mmnning getof-fise bp Thomie Texal Suprme that includd e firsI anil second prise mature cama for Hefferin and Teevena and Claude F. Pichet, Georgetown, OnsMio. Ths Hefferlag mloaing aged tam maa Thotalsu Tama Hilas Piusme, mhil. the sod prs Pichat om mas LasZ p -tpp a" n asaspioa and A1 iama MJI'Aaerlcan Amed Case, Barivut Pabrsi Lass mita paced second. Wint.r protection of .v.rgr..n trees Wbto yaa propare tai pruteci the uprsght bsachet tagethor evergremna agaist wimior lajury, ngast the maintau issio5 thtp yaa musi romnmhoî une tannai nccureulaie -n.wm loada. important point. Siate ___________ mvrgrana rtmas n s lenf dursog minier, thp nre gtneeall vtry aensitive ta the doping effecis af minier suat and wind. Oaa thing pou tan du right a& nam ahout maergraons arauod * yuur home s 1 ta mater tharaaghly if thty art th ts bit dry. This mil sene, ai loua, that they ara carrylng aver enugit suistars la their laines. Pratectiva msest advocsttd by many art platic coatings, miodhreas, and ahadiog. Coursely wayn halap can hae faittntd araand entrgrseos ta aeve aa bath shade and windhrtaha. Bt carefal oi ta mtup tua, ighlti or ta ahado oui ail Isih, au ergrtons nttd sao liajt ta stop in gaad conditio. [Yu tan alen Ut everartan bugit aruni tha planta or iavei bashtl-sised baskets ovet senaller tnergreens. Once tht graund hou frasua, sUras suay ha warked i and aroand hraad-leavtd overgreeos for protectio, bat cure mat ie taken in remaviag itla inarly aprias. Il la hatter ta, reove tht atrese layer by loyer, a liute ouch day asuit thama. Multiple.ateresed upright evergrees, surit ou whitt cadet, a ha braken apant bp heay mam'louda miten lacateil undar tan. hiany peuple prateci thesu by building s simple, opta.toded Ir *A' front frosu qaarttr-iach plymouil, sud placing il aner tht planta durilg tht htavy se season.A Ans alternaive mtthad lu ta ute v LANS~ON I MUETS EVERY TUEBDAY S p.M. GRADE ANGLICAN PARISN HALL i ING A PRQD9EM? DPROPIN. _ __ __ __ __ _ By Henry Stanlty Hilton Cossnty hid saay miiers Bt tht renet Royal Agiohri ntoe Pair. William Wilson, L R 1, Georgetown, wua thetenatoisonal champlnsitip in aiteep siturlisg. Ha basbot compating for tiglit ysrinathis ctmptltao mitici has hato mon aitae 1963 bp United States competitara. Tht iSuhbaie tropity wun preseatoil ta BI for bi capihtt.Ho alang mlth iisfîto Caie have beao active in clipplag sharp la ibis .uO coaatp for many years. John Nanan, a member of tht Htansen of Calgary (teft won Hilton 4-H Field Crop Club, Pinter Pair, Tor-onto. Here hie wo t si prise in tht 4-H cora V. Gonder, CN nlte-presîdent, chsfrtteoncosctv mon ht Wnld lua raph. por. Ht aita plicld third in tht ap eu a cot clos. Mra. Walter Narlagian piaced fifth in sittiled corn, slxth la Harts bariey, and ssioth in Garry oca. lu tht negetahie clamses lames Cuninghame and T. J. Broenelidge shartd miay hoora. Me. Cuinghtam wua tht ciron p le pîupkia and Golden Hibbird classes and ptased second in field pampkias. T. J. a~nI Bromaridge mua in haiteroat Loca ste rs ati mas second in Golden and piepumpkiand fo:rthsin ut R y l the citron clos. Ose of tht jtarly features of lange titis pear mith extremely thte Rayai Wlater Pair is tht big eao cumpetitioa. In Haîsteins, shinB of aies. Bath pean, Claude Pichet mua tht Guelph and tht surroatidisg Get-of-Sirt Class, mai seçond ameas costribute a fair shaue of and fifth in tht agtd tam clasu thtie maers. and fift in the tmu yeor aid K.C oKna f Miton scortd clais. n fsfth sebile R. W. Gardhouse Bort Stewart had tht Reserne sien of Miltoa rtistered a faurth Grand Chasmpioa Bail and tht and ltfth titis pean. Others hi the 12th prise yearlinag mticit uoid 10 minners' clatit more McKeorlo tht Sale-af-Stars for $1,800. Hnll, Apr, Ktith Hait of Ayr, H. John Pop txhihittd tht t2th Scait of Drismho and Gardon prise Jaao anP? t rs Crase of Heapaler. Senior Yearinag. Tht Statsdalt herd of S. G. Patterson, Peacock Bennett continued to daminote winner at Royal tht Premier 'eBreederlan Eiibitor bannera. Scotidair biail Are breedars of Duei Parpose lthe Gannd Champion caw aad Sitorthorm souda as iotprsine caif, Resresv Senior Chamupion sitomiofin 10 6oaB cosupatition i bail, Janior and Resesyt Juaior tht Rayal Wlater Pais. Champion bail with thia Junior Allast Pnttersua and Sua, Champioa golig ta ha Rtsernt Miltua, mon imo secoads, tWO Grand Champion. Other tirda, a flfth, a "lt, a sevmnth, Shorthoras mere those of John elgiti, ioda 1iOth and moto alan MelGnnaa and tht iterd of enners-lap for Premie ilaitbitor Raford Gandhauue. isesrd. Clarence Poucock and Allit Clareace Poucock,1 lsaof Patterara and Sua îook seaay Milton, had thane seconda, n prises in 'tht Duai.Pssrpose fournt ioda sentit. Shorthorn classs. Patterarna -Ptn thetttchuas' "ifi m«r 3lrd in the aged bail and -payth parchpnts'g"Ilift yearling bai clauses, second in gate i2 atcPagsoe Aglat am and foar-yenr.utd. in domoto Milton. You coutl Clarence Pticock taon second min $5 or 510 towards pour and senenth in thetwio-year aid Christmnas shopping. fenui clas, second sud alxth in the theo pean aid femite chuas, fourth in tht four.yean'uid ftmaie clous and .hisrapo four animais plasedseodl tht bord cloa. B. H. Bail & Suas mon tht Premier Breedar Banner in the Jesey section. They Binisaitn second in Breedars herd and tht top femi'de 10 the Jersey Sale of Stars, S1,800. Don McCaig îoid tht second higit individuel ai $1050. Ken ESla and Sua, Homhy, placed! thisd in tht Junior Yearling and Breedars Herd, foaeth in Senior Yearling in sulli, fourth and fifth in tht faar.yenr.uid tisas. The foar.year.oid "Rock Ell Commanda Laura" mas tht higittat piased Canadien com in tht dlam minnlg the-Schauan Teuphp aiaaB mith tht Eari Kitchan Trophp for tht tam mith tht hisJseat production. Showcase '70 London show Ca-Op Shamcuse '70, tht 22nd annusi meetinil of United Co-opetatines of Otario, miii hie heid Jan. 6 and 8in1 London. Shomcase '70 miii combine tht traditioal to-opanative meeting, ta hie heid Bt tht cipa' Ceatiat Hall an Tusday, mth a trade.product -iaformeation enhibition foutured ai tht Western Faiegraundu an the Wtdnmsdap. Tht meeeting mli report on 1969 operaions of Ontario's target ca.aprmtivt, and eteci four suembers ta tht I 2-san UCO bord. Tht thete-pear toron of tant Ilote director Herbet Stilîman of Cusuphelifard; aune 6 direcor Fredarick Hamiltton of Guelpht; zone 9 directar Fenton Crydarrean of Timreesnli and dirottor-atlage Harold Schmtidt of Baden, have hean compleird. Tht exhibition miii foutant produci daunstrationa and dispiapa dasigneli ta air ruai and orlon co-uptratine members and patrons. Mura ilon 50 suppliera miii have hoothsani tht exhibition. A mida5-rsage of techaicai infafsuation arasions have bren planned. Lait pear. mitas Co-Op Shancoar '69 mai hrid for lthe firsi tire ener la London, il sttracted armte 5,000 peuple. Tht local brancit of U.CO. hais arrsnged! forsa bus agais thit pour ta laite interesird cutamera ta tht arcond auat exthition on January 7. J. H. Wuilmott and Sens mon te W, S. Mridilten Mereorili Traphy for top p in1 tht inter-brred rtgistered itr dame. Their Angas suert tarcas mtighing 546 Ib. mas parchaied hy Raabhuil Farres ai $2.00 par lb. Tis cancas liadt perfect scores for lais ryt, fat tovering nnd nisua appearance. Wimott's Bisa piaced mail an the Involvemient n in farm safely Bp G. Canton, Chairsuan Hilton Pansu Saftty Council "Innainement lu a nrctany ingredieat in planning saftty progras." Tis mas tht theme of the reconi Zoae 4 Panse Safety Conference heid at Kaihar nean Csyuga on Tatsday, Novembor 18i. Victor Morrom, co'urdiaator for recreUiloal Ruai Learning Asociation mas director and uctar for tht sereloar oa communication. Zone 4 chairtaan Ed Good introdaced Grant Temple. Chsirmaa for Haiditoani Cauaty mita melconurd the detegutea. Narratar of tht film on the Place welI with Guineas Bp H. J. Stanley Tht Queen't Gaineas Clans ni tht Rayai Agricutarai Wintr Fair Nov. 21. mas mon hy KCaren Grahame of Middtesex County. Karen sitomad s cromhbrtd uteer, Aberdeen An gua sire snd Shortitara dam. Dominion Stores puid $2 par Ilb. for ier 865 lit. steer. Ruaaer-up mus Dicit LaPointe of Luinhion County. minner of tht Hereford section. Eightisteers competied frot Huitan Cosnty. In the Angus clans Daug Kme mas in the finit prise graup, mith Ken Atlerarn Uand Lyle Stokes in the third pIse ghro. o adCah trie Sitoreaas ahad a Lsy andl Daug Ganditouse mere la tht firsi prime group, and ment on ta wn tte clauu for a graup of three Shorihors framt une counip. Danvil MaKinnan and Phtiip Agnes e mre in tht second prise graup. The 187 teers mere totld hy uuctian an Friday sftrrnaon. There mas a large diapiap of Charolais ai tht Ropal this pean. Jomnap Fanon, Oakvilte, bail amoeral outsiandisg Chtarolas at tht Rayai. Is tht Gatrnatp section Hilton mas representeil by Dr. Kusica'a Falpeheasit Farta ettees, and those of L. S. Psckering and Sans. ecessary program hasards of corn hamvsters mras Oscan Sopdar, Provincial Fanas Safety co-urdimitor mita also gave B repart on bis inspectiona oa farta hazards. Delegates dinconeeed theaugit graap persuasion that thre are titrms peincipies wici musi hae tonsidered and ptanaed for ail meetinga-indiiduaa ned self idestitp, graup morale and tint tait or job. Tht daitgatms participntt in a akit ta temphasise that me uannot louve tht job 0f sefety ta tht other gup,mae must do it oursevea. Welland Coantp miii hast tht Zone 4 tonference ntst pour. Three Jersey cows get "Ton of Gold" jersey cuses in titane nroa hardai have quai fid for Ton of Guld certificatos framt the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club. They are: Glen Aunait ThYrza, awnod by Deihert Amaot, Siretsvuille, mhich praducail dey27 paundsoaf fat in 1,461 dua Lidate Bijou Pista Ruas, uant hp Maurice Boaty, R.R. 4, Mâtas. 2,176 punda fnt in 1, 171 days and Rcklla Acmt Rea, oed hy lCenneth Elle and Sua. Harssby, 2,001 paundu ta 1,116 dua. Ta quatify for titis awardi n caw must praduco as leasi 2,000 paunidu uf fat io faut cansectstve yearu. MAYO J. IL Coieg i,, OPTOMETRISI BURUNOTON MALL TUWNON5 632.77N HALTOël PEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE ANNUAL MEETING Dec. 2nd. - 7.00 PA. IN HILIfESI UNITED CHURCH SEVENTH LINE, ESQUEBING OUEST SPEAKER FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT 0F TUE O.P.A. TOPIC: TUE NEW ORGANIZATION BANQ0UET TICKETS- $2.00 CALL: DENZIL LAWRENCE HAROLO MIDOLEBROOK TOM ALDEROON BILL MAHON BRUCE MoLURE HOWARD GALLAGHER VICTOR LAWRENCE SPENCER WILSON TOM POSTER OR ANY OrNER DI RECTOR