Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1969, p. 21

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Council election, liquor, pleict her Modi VOL 110 -No. 30 MILTON4, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1969 THIRD SECTION [~ Mayor B. Best challenged by Reeve Austan Ledwith Ronal Huurla Clin BîulBe Poir Boen Experienced, candidates in race for reeve, deput seats on council Pur ai exporienced in municipal politica art seetang lthe scoa of reeve and depuly.e of Millon in Mni's election. Prescrnt Depoly-Reevt Rosi Harris stapptdl ap ta conest tht rmevea satsi titis ytar, and tas apportnt lai pisseint CouniciBaor Colin SmilSie. lnetheurace for tlu D lepoly-Reev"tp are presenit Counciltai Perey Biait and Kenaeth Marai"l wito prosenlly serves as a rourillai in the neighboring Township of He ae the contenders for the sat of reeve: RONALD HtARRIS Afler lwo years on naunicil os deputy. Mr. Harris lus dacided t0 stop op and sek the aa nf He rume t Milton in 1946 fronu Beamsvile la set op a situa repnir shop and latte ran a variety store haie blore oponhig Hureis Stalionery 16 ymars ign. He saldt the slore ta B. A. Buni in 1966 and now, seml-retied, fils hr lus tht loilo netdtd ta derole t0 counacil and county counicil wok. Married, and tht father of five children, hoe strved as stcelry-treamurr of Millun Citambor of Commerce for sereral years, chtired the Chambai's etait commitit and civic affahrs group for severai ynari, and is a poit presideil of that orpmninin. Ht oui 0ne of lte foandais of Milton District Hospital and served on the itospilol hoard tighl yeors hetoan 1953 and 1961. Ht servedi sevon ynars on Mitton Plic gich Board and r hold various conunittet pois unt 1967 when he ous mnied chairman of lte huard. Since joiniug Milton Councit 100 ynart ago ho bas been committre and a member oflte planning huard, plus the bowns liaison oit lte parking uuthocily and a delegale to Milton Industriel Commnillet. On Cnunly Couneil te lu sord an agriculture, E.MO. and plaanig nansmillet; proporly conuniilee l child welfsre cummiliseý' regional developsuent cammiltet; and vaeious siab.eonusitlets. He ha a member of Hallon Museum Board and sacceslolly hmaded up efforts t0 faim a muscum auxiliary lhiî yesr. His ilterrît in young people led bn tam l spna a minci hockty ttamo sn offer a $50 point fan lthe top Grade 10 commercial itudent aI Miton DistrictlïHgls lchuol for tht paît ie yicirs. Several ynars ugo ho oui titrumenlal i orpuniirig square dancing groups and ite lrsintd tht Btll's School dancers, the Looville dancori and a Junior Fariner stl who apptared on TV and nI tht Royal Winler Fi. COLIN SMILIE Aller sic years of service os a Milton Hydro commimsioner, Me. Sinùili ous rlectd as a Milton counicitoir 100 years aga. Ht ous bain in Milton and basîsprnt al his life bort. Ht oks as a centa office 'serviceman wilh lthe BrS Telepitone Co. Ht and luis oife and 100 sons lite aI 199 Quero St. Ht sorved overseas oiit the R.C.A.F. dueicg lte our. Ht is a membtr of Geace Anglican Clturcit and SI. Clair Mamonic Lodge. In 100 yes ns a counicifor, ho bas served as chairman of the strerîs undt outi committet and bas bren a member of Milton Aimna Board. Thte caondidates for deputy-rreve are: PERCY BARR A fivr-yar counicilteat Me. Brrr oui foro in Fronteoac County and oporaled tas owu busiss fan 14 ynars in Ca eleton Place beforo coming t0 Miltoo ymars ai Gas fir and his live at Ht it Unitedt pasi p Eastern Clair C Curling Two experienced members of ~r Milton Counacil are seeking your vote for the position of Mayor of Mitton for 1970 and 1971 in next Monday's civic election. Il contest i the past docad, The pisscrnt mayor is Brion Boit and the challenger is Austan Ledoitit, Reeve of Mitton for the poil four years. Kensotit Marshall BRIAN BEST Born in England ini 1928, Mr. Bsi as educaird ai lte South Dorait Teclinica1 Coliege and jo in Bournemnouth Munsicipal Collage. lo in e qualifier! ai an engîneer in 1952. He worked for Vickerî Aarctnft priai to emligraig t0 Canada i 1954 and he tîved in Weston befote coming to Miton y i September 1955. Ne Oas qualified ai a piofeisional engineri for Ontario i 1954. Me. BesI oorked ai Avro Aircrafi Co. Ltd., Malon from 19541t0 1959 and ohen il closed go t0 maniage lte Pyrofax he founded Boit Realty and non the Base Line. Ho Iniarance ai 310 Main St., oife and titrai chltdren Mitton. Au a reallor. he itas 256 Heslop Rd. aîsisled iu Iocaling variout a aleaciter ai St. Panlus conmmercial and industrial foirn Church Sunday ichool, in and aeound Milton i lte pasi ilion of lte Order of 10 years. Star, a membr of St. Ho servved as a member of hapler and the Milton Milton Public Sohoot Board in Club. For the past fiv 1958 and 1959. He waî Planning Board as a couniti irpresontutive. Ht oui citaieman of the finoance committrr and a member of admioistration and fie, tigbt and potice commilleri ihis paît too ymars. Mr. Barr mas alan an ppointre t0 lte lown's induitrial commnission. KENNETH MARSHALL Born on lte fumfly fatim on the Third Lire, Mr. Marshall oui educaled in Miltoo public and higit ichools. Ho oui atlending Ontario Ageicuttumal Codage aI Guelpit ohm lte second our beoke ouI and ite enliseditn lte Air Force ohere ite became a fighlrr pilt. Afler lte our ho returned home t0 farm and cootinurd faeming until thiî your oiteo it sold bis farm. Hr oui a member of lthe Quatre Brai scitool section board of trusteesonine yers befor ht secre tory uf lte Advisory Chancit for fouir yearsCu fGae. Actie in the Milton Citamber of Commerce, he waî prerident in 1963 and in 1964 chaired lthe DId Faîitionrd Dayî progeam. Mr. Brut iî a direclor of lthe Brampton Real Eitate Board and it currely taiting a univerilY In 1963 ite aaîtrctrd t0 Milton Councit and servrd five yeari ai a counicila before iucceiifully uoseatiog Mayor Sidney Citidi n lte rteclîon 100 ymars ago. Ai Mayor in 1968-69 itc iteadrd up lthe bowni finat campaign t0 compote titeannexaion of Brion Boit the victoey crlebration 1101 fottoord receipi of 0MB appeovul tloannen the tand, and iteadtd up a loon-oîde effort t0 accommodat tht 3,000 Boy Scouts witen lter Jambore ai Ketto oui floodeit out in the ionuner of t968. Mayor and Mes. Brut and lhitr three sons lisr on Applrby Lre. H-e owsin live propoeiieî mn Milton, otacit qualifies itim to hold lthe poition on couicil. AUSTAN LEDWIT4 Mr. Ledwitb, a Main St. buainrssman for tre poil 17 yrarî, recently rrtieed fîom lte grocery business and is currently itrkmng a oro position. Brn in Englund, ho movrd lu Canada in the eaîly 1930's and Iived with his family in Dundai befoîr moringta1 Mitton in 1952 lu manage Lodoithis store on Main St. aI James St. Hr ous lthe vicr.prrîîdrvl of Lodwîtb'u Food Marktets Ltd. He and bis oife tive ai 321 Mary St., Milton. Mr. Ledoiih oui Sit electr t toon counici in 1953 ai counicillor. For lthe orut 100 ynars itr iervtd ai deputy-reevr and then he oui Aaustan Ladwleh elecird ireve for 100 successive two-yea enism. Beoides ho mcmmittee ok on Mitton Counicit. he iî bosy oit county work. Ht is pirsidrot of Hatton Children'a Aid Society and membr of tht Haltin Buard of Hnati, the Manor Committete of Management, lthe properly and prsonnel committars of Coanly Councit. On Mitton Coanicil lo lias bren citairman of lthe adninistration committet and a member of the propeety commnitier for lthe put tw0 Fmi s. Heiiaa mnier of lthe Lorne Sicols Mililaey Band aid ihgu i Geace Anglican Churcit choir. Four experienced, three newcomers Seven want six seats on counicil dissolution. In 1969 bc oau rlecttd t0 Euquruing Township Counicil as a councitor, for a 100 ytar terni. Mr. Maruhall says if ite oios thi drputy.evesiiti in Milton tr odli resigo troin tht townshuip council. I ragent yet he ias luro an eider ai Knaox Pretitytrrian Chancit in Milton and active in minor hockey as a cuacht, manager and execulive memiter. Ht it a former mrmber of lthe Mlton Rotury Club. Hi unit is famity continue t0 livr oo titi famity fermo. Titry havi six ctaldrrn, four of tem in public and higit scitools, plut onr grunitchitit. Vital information on Monday election ONLY ACCLAMATIONS in Miltons municipal nominations Ibis peur ment lu incumbent Milon Nydro Commissionr Charlts Thomson ami WNilliam Rowney. They are ibowe sigviog thtir papirs of candidary witb depaty clort Audrey Bruit avnd clir-administrator Jact McGeaibie. -(Staff Photat The ballots are prînîrdl und counîrd, lte rîrcln bootits arr reudy t0 be sel op, a staff of over 20 drputy rrit ing officers andt poil clirits is rolling up srevri, andt MitIon's 1969 municipal rîrciion is luit about to gei ander oay. For the information cf tolers, titi fotlooîng witt lu of assistance. Polît are open fromt 10a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Dec. t. Noitit Word is dîvîdrd solo titrr subsistions' att of ohîcit voIr ai titi Martin St. Scitoot. Dipotyniltuniog officers are Mns. habit Manit, Mns. Notait Armstrong anit Mrs. Mary Tufford. Mns. Brtty Dîtacoît, Mns Vira Dîtaoourr andt Mis. Mary Bronrîdgî arr acting us potl oerki. Southt Ward alto hcs titrîr di isins ,and bootitiarerbig st up or Miltron District Higit Scitool (a change from thitrr for mii location ai thei Agritulicral Hall on Robirt St.). DRO's cri Kînnîlth McDougati, Mis. Doris Smittîr and Mît, May Bootht. Poti oints care Mrs. Mîtdrîd D anci. Miss Ena Citîlct and Mis. Hîlda Rigo. I-ast Ward lias ot une division, osith Mrt. Brssie Cottuon as DRO and Mis. Gludyn Byrman poil dient. Att East Word tolers oilt voIr ut titi Unitedt Sîrrloorkr Union Nall on Pir St. in addition, ut racit potlîng station a separate stuff of clîrks ol hasitti the itallots for titi tiquor voIr. Aitout 4,000 cent rroiîi btallots on titi lîquor voIr,' 3,400 of thorm or ther mnunicipal etection. Staffrs for titi liquor ptiitisoitr arr Mis. Vers Timnbîrs andt Mît. G. G. Hamilton on titi Northt Wýard, Atro Watson and Mru. Faticiau Guno il titi Southt Wurd, and Min, terni Tonîlli and Mis. Marg Kîlto in titi Lot Warit. Clerk-tadminirator Jackt MoG'achiei s ciif riiotoral offcr for Mooday'i nichton and plebiscîtr. Officiait prîdict nctîng wdt iti ai its iteanîrît aroutit supperimr ta closing loi atit ouggrit you noierle in theiday if poibile,iccnvid lîorups. Tîreis ito advanoi poil 1ti bitrld. For titi municipal rîrcti' four ballots, only prcprty owesand trnantsof propry assîssedl ai $400 ci mocii vote. Roomrstoho reolcacctr on o prinair htomer nOOt rtîgîblî. Titi liquor qurstions cri cpen t0 any rîtidiot 21 or onîr oho has linrd in Milton tro montits ci longer Juil ont of lthe candidates oili be refI off thr tit ai iovrn conleodors tank lte six open scats on Milton Counicil in lthe Mooday, Dec. 1 municipal eleclioo. Titere ure f our roperiencrit mon (three of thrm preseotîy councillori) and titrer veocomer attemting t10 i lthe sic scats. Incumbentsin îlthe race are Sidney Clds, Chartes Fay and Gordon Kraniz. Former councittor Chtarlrs Johoson is bock in lthe race again, and foust timr cotirdr are Frank Milter, Art Metooton andt Wilim Woods* Here arr tumitouil sketches oo racit candidate: Liquor questions Tmo quesins un liquon wili fae teetora wbo bead t0 the polling bantha i neml Moeday's maniripal elortion. They are: "Art pu inlavoir of the sale ut liqo under o dinieg loange licence for consoimptin mutb meals on licensei promises"; "Are OU i sCanne ut the sale uf tiquai oedte a louege licerse for rnsumpiioo n liceneoi premites.", An titimatet 4,000 locaI notais oint 21 or ovrare eligible ta cst ballnts. The bellots Wittl lu bardod tia earb ai the thier pollino oubdiisions in 10100. by seporate ciorba thon thuse bondling the ballots lui couiil offices. A simple "ves" or "nu" ase sail that is reqaired. Eseb questin neetis a B60t note in faune tu be caeeied. Me. Chaldu oui boin in Englnd itut came to Canada wiih lus porents ai thr age of 100. Ht kit speot att but savon yrari of lau life on Milton. Ht and iî oîfr Mror tire ut 135 Ontario St. N. Educoted in Miltoo, Mi. Childi orini 12 ynars at P. L. Robertson Manufacturing Co. Ltd.'s plating deportmneoi, then roft 10 attrend a tradr scitoot in Torooto 10 laite a mactiniti Following lte course ie spont 100 yeurî ai Westinghtouse in Hanilton doing oui oork in aorcraft gions, thro oporairda servicrîtation ut Kelvin foer Delhti) for four yeri belote rrturning lu Milton. For tht past 21 yrarîitrkiashrrnitackatF. L. Roiterisoos os a macist i the macinai itop, giviog ham a total of 33 yrarî ut thse sinme plant. Mr. Citildu itrcamneîntrrted on municipal potitici 18 yuaru ugo undt oas rtrctid t0 to termu ai couiciltot, 100 ai deputy-rrrvr, 100 as rerve, andt thton rigit oni-year termes ut moyor. bn 1965 tir iuoceiifutty itrld lus scat againut chalrengrr Gerry Addison and oui rrîurnrd ta tite off ici for a o-yerri. He toit the posiion of Mayor 100 yrr ago on on etection won ity Stian Best. But hi Oas re-appoinird tooouoicil as a couvostilor rarlier ibis yrar ohen Counciltor William Frrguîon reigord due lu Il irallth. In las capacity ai Mayor itc itai sorvet 10 yrars on Milton Pubio Library Stand and Mittoo Hydro Commission, plat noverat yrors os a couicil appointir t0 thc planing board and.irna hoard. He rocs ato acolive in titi Milton Crvtroio Comîttrr. Hei s a mrmbrr of ther Miltoo Curling Clubt. Hei s a pasi matn of Si. Clair Matonjo Lodgi and attrndls Gîac Anglican Oruroit. CHARLES FAY A naiver cf ilston, bit. Fay itas licd lere ail iî tIde. Hei s a master plomber and a part oonrr of S. A. Fay and Sons, ohere ite tas woeked for lthe poil 27 ymars. Marrird oith thre citideen, hi attends St. Paul's United Chancit au is a member of St. Claie Ma sonic Ladgte. Ht joined councit six yuars ugo and afite a stint ai proporty citairmmn of council, upeot the pasi four yers 'as chàtiman of lthe outer committet.,Ilt Pays lite ai 81 Mary St. He Oas citaieman of lthe Milton Aiea Fiee Comrmtteo for the paît two ycorî. CHARLES JOHNSON One of lthe vteront of bown counicîl, Mi. Johtnson served 14 ymarî astacounicitor unti he was unseaird to yrars ugo in on 11t-mari race for lthe six counacit irais. Hr alto seivtd part ofome yiar ai deputy-reeve. He sertrit saton ynaes ou lthe Milton Aieua Board and for eiojii yrarî he citaieed councit's fire-ighl'potice coniile. Nus hobbies arr honting and fîitmig. Brin Milton, he itas operaîrd a garage business for over 40 yers. He, lois oife and 100 c hilde lite ut 385, Woodoard St. GORDON KRANTZ Mr. Kntz itas spent itis lifrtimr in Milton and district. Born ut Mitton Heigitu, ite oas educaird in tis ara and for lthe paît 16 yiarkiaslivd in Milo. Ho is mairird, itastw10 ciddrrn, and lites aI 163 Main St. For the pasi four peurs he itas oorked ai a Miton councitor, alto as c councit appomîree t0 titi planning huard unit lthe porta huard of managemnot. Ht is choîrmaîl cf council's fore-iighi'poioe comottre and titi wrlfarr.park'pubic relations coninttter. Hi opîratri las oon fuel and gasolîîîr business. For 10 yeaes hi itas servid on Mitton Pire Departmrot. He in a pasi prîsîdîni of titi Mitton Faithali Leugur andt a member of the Lreioo, Groce Anglican Churcit, (Cotvued an pour COI cbaelmsjaoSe Caordon KRa AtMlaus Wlae od FOR UP-TO-THIE-MINIJTE MILTON ELECTION RETURNS ON MONDAY NIGHlT CALL 878»2341 BETWEEN 8.30 P.M. AND MIDNIGHT for The CHWAMION'S Electieni Service PROVIDED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE DY THE CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Art Melasson Williun WOO&

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