r -t!s m i shions t2 Tise Canada cisampion, Wednaadapn Non, 26, 169 aWine, cheese, fashion show'J Yes" commnittee is bs er 3 l were exoadnor campaign against liquor a _j NOT APPROPRIATE for evey oucein mcvbe, bot ie sue mena ltt OS Sun. Sun Cnmelv iloeu p on stagn ut tise Scaish Martin 0,0.DE. Sasision sheow witis vuiinw baibeuns placent isigis and low. Se mss a ov stoekarg teeutis ail tise sallons. -(Saff Pisoto) Student Council can) for Arthritis, Rheuma explaied tiso Cumpaîge Cisairman ais ta giverrery citizarofu Milton on oppootunief ta jan tise tigie ugainst tis batttang dasease. le ns nu respectar ut prnons, aeyare as nonceptaisir, orrn cisildrrn. Thrr arr e eaneaaris in Whiststomge nemier isn as sottoofred its effes to tao grrater or leuser degrer." "Eveeyare brnews soneone Watis arthritis", Maso Hooti DooirbeUs ati uvr Milonu mUt be rmnging omst Toosday nigise Dec. 2 nebeeroloner canranuers tram tise Stodent Counicil ut Milton District Hfigs Scisool cati door-to-duor ta raine monny for tise Canadsun Artitos andl Rhoaneatio Snciety's tund-rassing campasse. Nanay Hood uf the Soudent Cnunicil wili bie generat campoign mnagser. wita Art Cheamberlan tan chaarge ufthUe conmnercial campaign and Zandra Millr os chsarge ut cootacting sndustries fom donations. Houe ta bouse campaigning as erpeced ta ie cauerout 00 etweeor 5.30 and 7.30 on Tuesday evening, neiile tise indnstrial-commeocaal campaign migist bost tise esatire The Canadian Arttaritis and Riseomatism Society, 00w an its 2lst year, spearteado a nation-Wido attaca an artseseso inctuding researchs ant Prot eossional educataun; obeumusia diseuse unets; patels intormation and direct patirnt "sýTise atm ut tis neigsbo-to-negsbor appeal,' Strong gas odor brings complaints A stoong gos odor crepe ato hsomes in Milton equspped neett a stores or turnaces Friday afteonoon, and about 100 womried masdones tetepbaned Union Gas Company offices su complain. A compaey spobosmar rnportedl an encess amoone ut odorant isad ucctdeotally brsen added ta the gos linos ut tise Milton reserroir rase t oftun. Castomneos more assured ere was nu danger, and the ados ssemed ta dinappoar by early in tise eveneng. The odorant as added su gos loins cor bc detected. Labor gives $25 to help one candidate Ont candidate in Mlton's municpal election isasrocesred a $5dntion tumard canepasgn apns.plus tise teactaag ut tise Oonle and District Labor Coanci. Fra" Miler, a candidate tue cuncil, is a member ut Local 1067 UAW ut Ontario Siteel Produces. Labor Council president G . G. Hryne sauot tise grup supportsan sniyons nemnes os etrction ýapaiOgs and bus alto assstrd tuas Bnoingoncourecil candidates. mnrld ut fenitns faslsins Satacdsp aigot ut a csow pue on tep Laenp and Curule Stewart ut Capelilpruprieton ufthUe MVailunL Sao f Milton and bynene tephe Saruis Mrtin Ciape u ODS. Liada Capuot, Benda Burel, Carmin ,Tyrr, Jnnp erguson, Paut ackson and Sumun Cupley neodnlld te luen styles. Mmi Cupelp, doue up in a body ectai adpilne balonns donnMciuctains trone te ceoned. A dance and mine and ciseese paref foilomed tae tusiion tsaow. Tse ent mas field ut Trufalgar Golf und Countrys Club. Tu drink ne nul toi drink, tat is tise quesion. On un toast tt mii tee one ut te questions fncing Mtun vutea mises tep go O te puils Mondap, Doc. t tu niait a unew couriil and decide neietiser ur nue lise lnn neiisme O bave liceused dniing romot and cocktail boages. Wisile ministers and te Miniaceri Asaociation in tome are agonse muse outiets they bave orgoniand nu campaign agoit it. On tise otiser baud tise "Vote Yos Cueneitten' ie organiaing a cunepaigs andl doing nebat tisey caog ta enncuge roters 10 case Ledwith Liberal candidate? claims report is "premature" Questioneil about a poblitheil te told et and became a roat report claiming he neoulil seek ettate sotesman. the Liberai nomination for ttte Mr. Ledneith bas beld varioos nt provincial election, Min pots on tise comnmunity, it active Ledwtth ut Milton said Monday in the Ilton East Liserai tee niised tri reoerve Association oend wsoionord os commeot'. Ho expiained the Milton's citizeo of tise year in other publication mas premueure 1964. io suggesting he eontid ron. Mr. Ledwjtb contesteil but lost tise nomination ta Roil Wltiting in tise 1968 Frderat V T Election. Wbiting went on to defnat Contervatire Peter * 5Y McWiltins and Mr. Ledwits continued wark ai bis C UCLO topnrmakee until recentty mise -Make a nase of tbe tsew Ia5tLVERTISLMENT bouts for Monday's etection ins Milton. Poie are open tram ta0 Burning Rectal ltch a..tol 8.m. Relieved In Minutes -Tisere's a skiff ut ce un tise Esoeluere alinag Substanes pond ibis mene. Relltrsa Pain . et tetla. Hmorrtsnidn. Aetr ed Piresearnceos Jiue ~a ssin g rsssodrrrhnretets eoussd a unique liourig robstancge "'0' stpssttf retars'es tie, bceoing i tta sud pOs-na tanli"s etairta tis mf beasreheide Th osiu e ansc tie ente ut taijln. te sa.kias contenord, "and by contributing p eo penisns pprsa ta tis catoipoigo they miti tee neoIon. duing sometising ta iselp a 1.prurenseot" rotmsasatosi, triend, reigisior or perisapo sssssssoentrsotas oasstic -ssd somono in the tamity. tatis itlsprasrsot ss mi n.oigtaiand Approximatoty are inrernry 20 ove n tsetiod ut jiostir! Canadians nettors tramn sumo Thaitnsa s stce be e tormit frieomatia alosease. reie ,ik) naoelp- in tIs -. Newe tirdingo in diagesss ansd ZI.adsinitg,,l renarate are teetpirg patients t sr. Non Bisa-D5a- s, ofered in bteter car. We are un tise usstrarrt and sosîa-.sroOa eO ltrd Perpnrosiosstt Ansk for it isesioid ufthUe boss taritis e à[ drs~ etesatf o t or surot prorane os tise weotd." m..ey refaudet. nonce i ni r of tisa qestion. note, tae bates chsancs ther ni Thap nned 60 par cane t oftae ofpasinbth quastions. note toi carry il. Tishe combatue malt ba Nica Cisucoacs nid tisa nffaring car rides toi te polis for cosoniitte mais postng poutaca lsc sol abîslu toget thsons ubout luma. flsop are cincbing tunscetnas. Ray. R. W. Poser, tise noiera' tise casfSalYn Csairseses cf tse Ministeriaî anticipung isun vuotnt Wig go Assuciation sakd te gronp and miii ecourage tuse vitro ntid anc camnpalg but leua it bans une voted! tc gel nul anti do t te peutu "vnte as ti su. He taris te more peuple nbae o csrnerý dcaes.". 3153 BSEorINr nil., MILTON, ONT. -M I EEHOE8841 CnoLopsIoN nygut teE AIl CONDITiONING NADAIN ELECTRIC Company Limited INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING noarvATIONS AND MOTOn ReAInt - UNDERGROUND WIRING POLE uINE CONSTRUCTION A AnIAi. rLOODcIGliTsNG CUTOMa CONInOL PANELS 24 IfOUR MAINTEN4ANCE 55VICE LOU1 NADAUN Ialn bju.d as carlits poloe cnnu atrisacr lof, tisa madl so bteaseltt tpiro en ClIfford BlUMln R. R. 4. Mlîmn, mas driving along tce ]IItwo yant TMus wonmt 1970 SNOWMQ0BILES Lnudsng tise neaf-agasa, an 1971 BOA»SKIUoffers 24noe tnetue paoked mudlt le 3 genlsees .. MARK , MARKlIl ante excling COSRA. Tse différeonce...- POWER IN ACTIONI Sa for tumiiy fun or rueing thist, do youeseif a favaur-dtna the winnnr BOA-SKI-tsyouthein DU Yfa. BOA-SKI Snowmoeile aeonincorod and monufactures:! i Canad and include te exc[usirr GOLODSTAR WASp,0sian - yourassrance of total dependae iy. ON STAGE NOW AT BOYNE SERVICE STATION HWY. 25 AT BAITANNIA - PIONE 7312 ' Basc Limae Rod sooS gr lIn mtlp geen= l A» ofn $1.200 dauc macII de the tdeldofu loi =ac~s il -Enocin postera bam banc postail un tranes, buldsoga, ally = dsoewindows for tsa twMl bc a dog I ~ Redi. EXCELLENT OUALITY BRAND NAME#*,i QUIT TOP L SIE MATTRESS OR MATCHING BXSON HAROWOOD CONTINENTAL LEGS 50e eaCh NEWCHROM KITCHEN CHAIRS a> '<lU Cd FUANITURE EXCHANGE 160oMAINnST. NO PrONE ORDEnS 2w e think dlean. lm ." "CGE bas suce s wnnderfaî shoine en antemaiti diswcslssrtn Fnr 1969 ru mntnan cos tecutifai new CGE aarnmcsic iietemuher frei Thee diatEse lveis anti Ten differient nentinis Wheics one is bto SuyouS fou hae n oaPactmnt ne a tnne tiSe-up rcrts nr a teantisame f=gg fine washing cyes anti twn spents mite limitent captenard spacs Select LLa6Jindg mo ini s lilua inotaIing CGE5s enciasine nitiser c Tnp Lading mtiel iis sbeines. gante types gins yeu Mini-Wain. CGE disemashsesa .ecisioe CGE Ibuoegro n salton iecture exclusive VC Cuseson anti Sanitiasti Deving. If voté nwn Gasoti intericir aed an aIl .;;;quiet Ynac ome isome, have a CGE orYsnemt OnPeoteet feue Siene chine autemanir dinshmante boit-le as anti rvota. CGE dissnes ce Pore oSfna boritoter deor. desiged ta matois voue oter nnwe Puns btte corois olfor u toa pupiiacesainseviine ard robe., BUY NOW ON EASY gUDGET TERMS ... OR USE VOUR CHARGEX ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AI: R ICIIARDSON'S 201 MAIN 744 'j' r 'lu elcti ecifi peurila mgint mincs arint would peuple activit million ettecti n 1 ai ta, about attend good s tse ta too . Board neunici Thei Onceirsi, te calculai tse org witb ai1 ta poind: Yen, wits n Science creutior Canadia touiota The, orine a otters i tsene p ewntai Dire o nd eret Canada' Iront 2, ttoi meneks a Ue trip Be sure plan or if pou niei. il amay a Tiser latelelîd eisey dei brr t enug, Entai gaut friction grurief Newton' Por tsha inseanely Ueey-jui Then mot-pro modrts plastic- cylandrs gys issby,: poer t tape mec on a TV berd He vaine an second? Science j And, monacal- sourdsa Prancois creator o do four i piano of inetrunet libe a iso one ut fa ta, more Aiea ondor mine-up Hll ut 1 and a la isiau5 t and Chae discorne. trnteon Tse ni ruitroad's baui' mtuntg Montaini tse 'conf Wetice mi 320-mile evolutior smrin,