Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1969, p. 11

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17. ~~TT Co NuuI)Cu ~ ses picture frei Europe By Ms lin Hamilton Cf'q Stepe' Aeg=lican N*m.sbn meeting at the homte 0ksAzthfr PluetoNov. 11. MgA liai Plant, president, tene he ladies to the monetl whlch wai opeaed wlth Il. Galsd Prayo. The roli CRlI osas ansoned by aine Inembors and, oas visite,. The minutes of th. lait meeting on. renad hy sse y Ms. SBh Coocso ad br>ies Arthur Plat.t Tsansol Bakb 'Sae oas cagoced as il "a eosbet fnW a mîltabîs loctojle ilI9 ta Itod it, The Galld ladis oill ca%0 t0he Agricutural Soriety Seaet ohich bl h heMd on Iefrdy, Nov. 29. Christas do tioas oIEl ho sent oat ta the Cbgdeern'a Aid Society of tialton 0aonty, ta 1h. Warrenale a Thtstoand te Beu, Bobt Rama for the lebm hldren at the Onitario Mléin Paue on 25 HlgIsOay at Ugny. A paiemns 00re made for 1erannsuel social eveehsgaet the OrneHall. An invieation %vas oxteaded 10 th. Anglica Wamen's Associatin. The Chsristmnas meeting oill ho held at the home 0f Me. and Mea. Gefry Dreo'Brook. The 1 =oton l rid Oas eoaducted Siue a veiy iterest i 0k. The MeeIn cloied with prayyn and o dae oai lunch oas ssrned hy th. hostess olo oas ssisted! by Mn.' île PliaIt. The North Trafalgar Comoîaelty Cluh held thele N eb me tin ut1h. home of lite. Alfred McCracken oith 25 meenhoeri anaoering the roll call. The meeting oas opened wlth 1he Cluh Ode. Duig the hasiness houe ie tras deie hat donatins bu seul t0 the folleong The Mental Health Aax iior 1y, te Oaknitle Christes.. Bureau and the T. B. Christms Scoa. Pions oee mode for a Eucho. Party t0 bc bal d in the Telaity Anglican Clturch Hall, Streetsille, i Januaey. Pollooing the hbuires a Tory interestieg _programmne wia presentod by MEs. Jack Rico oho shooed picture takmn ou ho I recent trip tu Europe. A note of tlsanki oas extended to Mes. Rire for hor intoresting relit aid t pictures. The Christmas meeting olil he held et the hume of Mes. wilfbc inhe charge f Mr s Douglas DaWgeislt aid MES. Allen t Ros. A delicioui lunch oast eerved hy the hostnna aid oa social houtecnjoyed. Me. aid Meî. Frank Peacuck o and Me. and Mes. Fred Worhmnai retarned hume on Satarday from o three week nacation in( Plueida.g Me, and Mes. Jack Marchaient T and Me. aid Mes. Frank Hall left on Satartley for Florida ohere e they olIl ipend s dm eeeok vacation. Preeids le thin district oee sombn 0 of 1h.n Roisoddend iee 0f Gtoe Tsen Liohat dind s Tveuey Nover t, aoI tI te rntoa eerl aspo. 6tob on H osi the beeoed .ai ad Bos rBhursPland dear fahntof anes MeSanitui llve oau gh. Tosina ae Sles Avsau pâ elebra lumoiag Mes. Clreeens of R.. R.phn AnglBcapn pet he aoecula oM, sovd Mes, Artsu a nd Cookan, .Ci oc n Aanlverssi Hueetinpe are edtncieg 10s e.aid Mn, Prcd nv Frd2B. nng ov 1 Mre ber 0fd nog uSt Sthen'sd ltorthe Nort, h Taalgad Rcrodatn Contr te evnng eoa polanaed by Ms. BobMr CPetern, Mes. Cure Ry. n Mes Cllffn Hatr suhre paid d an oki noye. Follooedg aithe art h Trafalunhgar ereato Cetr 10 hon Pete lniit Th rl oto the erntnnf of tewe pty ere arsed roldabkae.Poig They etetainasent lonc oa Pt Plipste aid M t e lo bagit Paeteni Suae ored 1 tfontna o i C Edoe nte Uned preset. oth s okce. Haokes, M.A., B.D. le chare. The Neo Testament Sceipture ai glnen by Wlho Moe aid the sermonowas ven by Pal May and Jerk Frics, Sineoce sysepsthy is eateaded ta the Hanter faanily le 1h. suadden death of their beother, houec Huater, wo died suddeiily Novemer lB, taI honte- oot elr'BfuB'7sf"r lfÉin5 brother of loba of Georgetown, htahot (Mes, L 'Wbaley) of ttreetsnile aid Cliffurd of RL.R. 2, Georgetown. Inteemeit oas len he St. Steptsen's Anglican Chuech Cemetery, Haenby. Biethdoy greetings are extended te the following oho re eebrating thcir birthdayi, t dargaret Hall on Nov. 29, Lyndat Chamberlain and Besace Bussellt un Non. 30, Mea. Leonsed Kacnaig on Dec. 1, Arthuar Plant b tn Dec. 2. t The North Teafalear llaeuep iab betd ttseir oeekly eaehree. erty Non. 22, ai the Norths rafalgir Becreation Centre. 'here oere savon tablcs of uchre in play oith the peime RAPID-RELIABLE-REASONABLE DURNAN T.V. il APPLIANCES 223 MARY ST. 878-444b VYOIR R.CA. DEALER- HOPE for Canada's quarter of a Milion suffereru Rheumaoîd srthritis a et a When It strts, thora sa paln, kittor disoono. It tu a crippltng fear of deformtty - aed ottenl dînease. It crippies the pay deapair. But today there fi choque and 1h. pichet hooki. Il trop and hope throogb Th» cripplon the ahiity to cnm- Canadien Arthrtin md Rbe. munlcote; it cripples ipporti- matism Society. HoIp thmough nittos to hecome educated. tl lis continuing progroa of cripples home 1lite, ïuigious patient rare. Hope thrnagli LU lite, and cultural attoinmenis. deiermined reneierele. Sopo "th. mIuntwork nf, STIHE CANOBIAN ORTORITIS NÉ IHIBBMATISM BOUII rIVItIN OFFICES: VANCOUVER, CALGARY, REGINA, WINNIPEG. TORONTO. MomNTaI., STOHN, HAurFAX IfILTON CAMPAIGN STARTE DEC. 2 SPONSORED EV ETUDENT COUNCIL OF MILTON DISTRICT HION BCHOOL tein 1 thse folloolng oinners, s. Alex Ingeun, eMes. Frankc Peaeoek, Mes Garnet Hamilton, Rlh Peatheeston, Chorlie Beoopn and Atex lngram. Thse teck draos ore wion by Mes. Oto Marchesent and Walter Barnard. CIMO Commt sp.akcs By Mes. Cecil Patterson fIse YoungPopte's Society of Omagh Preibyterian churcir gethered in the Charch Hall on Sunday. The gueit speaker for the occasion oas Mes. Peggy Palmer and hor ta1k oas on Ahuout 20 teenagers (boys and gis) atlened aid asked many questions of their gueit oho oas salàsted by Ban. S. Smith. Mes. Pl'amer is Commansty Coasiltantfor Hatton County for 1he Addiction Reeearch Poandation of Toronto. This = roeth been active in Haloi aiy for the puet Iwo mu)niba. Gea inter.,î . os hoon' un Ieaeing of the efferis, hourds and penalties of thone osing drugs. Omogls Y.P.S. ucceptrd an invitation 10 St. Pauls United Chareh, Milton for Non. 30 at 7.30 p.m. deciding t0 go as a groap. Thc speciat' service of masie and song conducted by rthe "Chanceliers of Central Untited Charch, Weeton, aider the direction of Ren. l'ait B. Field. The groap inctudes 60 yaang mon aid women aid an Il place orchestra. A social get tngether oilt follow the service. Parente are alan innited te attend. The Omagh groap aise discasacd futIre meetings wîtha possible chaace of haning a day i Toronto at the Museum, Rescareh Centre or Planetarinm. MU sl, fan aed refeestanents sne eajayed before thse meeting adjouamed. Congestlations ta Omoagh Preshyterin Church W.A. on o naît aiccessual haruar and iftemoon tee held at Boyne Centre on Salurday Non. 22. Friends from ail or attended and enjoyed a pleasant social ime. There oas un ahundunce oft ihomcesb , aitn iroo, huec atmles ba itt hiiie goods if picture platcs and candy. These îooths oere kept husy. Thaiki o aDU oho hetprd make the seoject a succeas. Mes. Nettie Brown and ber son Lyle of Toronto ocre Sunduy Man addr.sses U.C.W. rofutes By Mes. Cecil Patteeson Mes. Percy Meery oaa hosteen to the membues of Bethet U.C.W. for the Novemher meeting. Peesident Mrs. Solly Haire opened the meeting reoding "rai Conandments of Humai R ela ti o nsh ip."- aid Scripture redn bor y Mrs. Joba MicbtJnor Leslie Weotheeheod discusecd ototements made hy Gordon Sinclair idea Sinclair cttncrening the goodness of God. Samming il op, Mr. Weatherheod said, "I tice Mr. Sinctaiets spirit and his honesi mind, 1 hope he ohl foraine me if I say he iikea to show mil opporentty defeating God and lciging moi's faith In hum." Toatyr auswred rotl cati word "hope". Thouh yoo lettrs ocre reod from John Aiderson and Miss Audry Lawrence. A doation as received from M aid Mes. G. Rohinson aa their fifietîl wrddiug nniersary gift to the church. Tist moeey will he used t0 puechour somrthing for the church. Mes. R. Feathrrstou gave apiendid reporta of the recrut hazuar and serai hanquets. A banquet diuier is hrmng piorîrd for the orar future. The memhers are coiiecîing ued cloting for Toronto relief departmenl. These arr tu he irft et chorch Nov. 30 or Dec. i. The ladies plan te tir four qults for hale, nd hune finisheil o haidsume quit for au Oubville tady. Neut meeing is Dec. 3 ut 12 o'ciock noon ai the hume if Mes. R. Fruihersion. Tihis ojill bc the Christmas meeting. Memheru re cordiuily invitrd to attend. Mes. Peter Vuider Dusaru and Mes. John Fiokett Se. and hostras Mes. Mrrry srnei unch * Congratulations tu Miss Pam Shaw now oiteudîu Eioui LUiversity, Miss Louise Picketi, ui McMunter in Hamilton aid Miss Cheryi Bradley, aSU orre reompieniu of special awurds et visitais oith ber sisier Mes. George Peaoock and famiiy. Me. and Mes. George Robertson and Misa Suan Stipe of Dundas or Suuday nisilors oiih Mes. T. Snoo and famiiy. Congratulations to Siophen Dolby on receining a specii ouead ut White Oaks Commencement Nov. 21. Robert Cole of the boter base line oho in acenra mai with the C.Il.C. rerirned tis oeeinnd front a trip tu Kenora ohere ho attended o tour of the Trans. Coi. Construction, who re trymng to hrlp ihose oi the iooer income group with their hoasing probiem. Achievemeut Day for Haltun 4-H Homemalciig clubs will bu held on Sat. Non. 29 in Si. Faul's Education Centre Miton. (Girls regt et 19.30 a.m. mothers aid friands are innited for ufieruion programa t 1.-15 Sorey tu report that Margaret Kuhinec suffered a hadly sprained anlcle and is travelling on ceutches, aid her mother Mes. P. Kuhinec ls ander doduers core oith an uhscrus ou ber face. Birthday greetings and guod oishos go to: Mes. Donald Green, Paal Wilkcinson, Edoard Ford, Mns. T. F. Leslie, Eleanor Smith, Judy Srephaeu, David J. L Curuleo , OPTOMETRIST BURLINOTON MALL TUEPI4ONE 632-77» mu uu u s.e .u m Pro, Brindu Laurence and Anna t5eacock. Congratulations and good oishes ou ceiehraig oedding onninersories, Mr. and Mes. Medforih Proirrus and Mr. aid Mes. Art Peacock. wneER1StP-rYig shot pur AR et ystemtiswvieee lifl(iLoEt E se dealer do Gtbwnr YeeTht.whstl CornerMain Ontarjo g StB. ' 87846 ~~BEV SLESSOR BRUCEJER GET ACQUAINTED SALE THE BEST WAY TO MAKE FRIENOS 15 TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THESE LATE MODEL USED CAR BARGAINS.- MEET ONE TODAY 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 1969 BUICK RIVIERA Company Domoostratoue On 400 Miles. Lic. No. One Ownar Deiven only Smatt Mitoge. Lic. 3610913 152250WA WAS »4S NOW $3284 -0*11 NOW $4995 1969MERCRY CUGAR 1968 CHEVROLET WAGON 1969 ERCUY CO GAR V-B Aatomatîc, Power Steemeg, Power Brahes, Radio. 2 Dair Haedtup. Avuther Loi Milage Cor. Lic. No. Lie. X88414 8826.WA WAS O $19 ~-NOW $2995 NW$19 1967DODG CORNET 1967 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE 1967 ODGECORONT auly Eqaippod wîeb Aie Ceeditnng. Lic. 86347J 2 Door Ha il Top. Bucket n h Console. Lic. No. WAS K287 A NOW $1895 -$w- NOW $3795 1965 PONTIAC HARDTOP 1966 VALIANT 2 DOOR 2 Oor. 2 e Chaise Prom. Lic. 710336 or 242100. Had Top. A RealBeauty. Lic. 191367 WAS WA NOW $1695 -NOW $1395 1964 CHEVROLET IMPA-LA 1964 ACADIAN 2 Dor Hardtop, V8 Wtt Powr, Lic. K20292 6 Aaeomatio. Idal Second Car. Lic. K1903 WS NOW $1195 W NOW $895 1969 FORD PICKUP MANY MORE MODELE ON DISPL&y AT OUR Le Than 14,000 Mite&, Lic. B93602 LOT GET ACOUAINI BD TODAY. M ILTON MOTOR SALES 388 MAIN ST. MILTON msuoeeo [ID. SMBU-1 nity consultant about drugs CHARLES FAY Your Support in mny re-election as COUNCILLOR Town of Milton wiII be appreciated CharloeFÀAY POR TRANSPORTATION CALL 878-9585 JERRY ARPA 1 The Canadien Champion, Wedneody. Nov. 26, 1969 il White Oaka Secondary achool Milton oas best oeight loinr of conanenceolent Nov. 21. the oeek. Mn. Cooper of the Gel OU lishes te Fraonk Walter Thorntoos Scheel will be Le"li oho bas been a patient in a guest at a meeting in Oacvile Hospital for the put December. 100 oraks. North Trafalgar Stimettes held Bust wishes for a happy Ilseir osuai weehly meeting at birthdoy te Morgeret Hall, Boyne Centre on- Nov. 17. Lurie Mouel Mes. aes Reportn on Iheir dance em Rippon, Gib=a Aiheet, Tino given, Mes. Pst Claylon was in Bernodini, Donna Colhoun, charge of recretion and Lynda Chambertain and t0 sil exeecises. Mrs. Hester Graham of those honing n specinl dsy. VOTE HARRIS FOR REEVE e------------------ NOTICE WEARPLEASED W ANNOUNCE THE OPENINGO0F TOWN and COUNTRY ABATTOIR MUAT PRODUCTS i (FORMERLY VILLA ABATTOIR) UNDER NVEW ANAGEMENT 24 HOUR SERVICE CUSTOM KILLED: Beut Veal, Pos>, Lamb, Shsep & Goats Cal ceid wrepped ai youe spenificatians I - WE PICK UP FOR BUTCHER ING - MEAT PROCESSIN Si SMIOKING AVAILABLEI GOVERNMENT INSPECTION FiAST DELIVERY OPIEN 7 DA YS A WEEK 126 STEELES AVE. (UPPER BASE LINEI 878-3923 HORNBY NEAR MILTON

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